Re: [新聞] 台大、劍橋合作研究/多種樹可減颱風威力

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※ 引述《balanceCIH (無心)》之銘言: : : 台大、劍橋合作研究/多種樹可減颱風威力 : 自由時報 2008/10/23 : 記者胡清暉/台北報導 : : 台大、劍橋大學合作的研究團隊證實,植物吸收二氧化碳的成效很大,因此,多種樹可降 : 低空氣中的二氧化碳含量,同時進一步推論,如果多種樹達到減碳效果,可讓颱風的頻率 : 變少、威力減弱。這項研究成果獲得國際重視,已刊登在本周出版的國際知名「自然」地 : 球科學期刊(Nature-geoscience)。 : 台大地質科學系近年來與劍橋大學的喜樂頓博士(Dr. R. Hilton)合作,於二○○四年 : 敏督利颱風期間,在台灣東部立霧溪下游,以微量元素分析儀器化驗河水中的沉積物成分 : ,並量化在河水中有機碳的比例。 : : 負責研究的台大地質科學系教授陳宏宇指出,有機碳主要來自於大氣中的二氧化碳,可分 : 為植生性(植被、樹木)、化石性(石頭、土壤),根據調查,立霧溪溪流中的有機碳比 : 例,在颱風前植生性、化石性約為十%比九十%,但在颱風之後,植生性有機碳升高為四 : 十三%,化石性則降為五十七%。 : 陳宏宇分析,颱風過後,立霧溪中上游的部分植被及樹木被沖刷到河流,以及雨水浸潤過 : 植物根莖後流入河中,導致河流的植生性有機碳比例大幅攀升,因此,數據證明植物吸收 : 二氧化碳的成效很大。他建議政府在河流中上游多種樹,並減少過度開發。 : : 另一方面,陳宏宇指出,已有氣象學研究發現,大氣中二氧化碳含量越高,颱風強度越強 : 、頻率越高,因此,他推論,如果植物吸收更多二氧化碳,將可讓颱風強度變弱、次數減 : 少。 : 此外,陳宏宇認為,颱風的頻率及強度會影響陸地上有機碳被帶至海洋中的速率,颱風期 : 間,大量雨水會將高濃度的沉積物直接帶到深海,在台灣島四周的海洋,便會形成長期碳 : 掩埋的機制,也可降低碳含量,減緩地球暖化的威脅,這也就是目前科學界最熱門探討的 : 「碳封存」議題。 Nature Geoscience Published online: 19 October 2008 | doi:10.1038/ngeo333 Tropical-cyclone-driven erosion of the terrestrial biosphere from mountains Robert G. Hilton1, Albert Galy1, Niels Hovius1, Meng-Chiang Chen2, Ming-Jame Horng3 & Hongey Chen4 Top of page The transfer of organic carbon from the terrestrial biosphere to the oceans via erosion and riverine transport constitutes an important component of the global carbon cycle1, 2, 3, 4. More than one third of this organic carbon flux comes from sediment-laden rivers that drain the mountains in the western Pacific region3, 5. This region is prone to tropical cyclones, but their role in sourcing and transferring vegetation and soil is not well constrained. Here we measure particulate organic carbon load and composition in the LiWu River, Taiwan, during cyclone-triggered floods. We correct for fossil particulate organic carbon using radiocarbon, and find that the concentration of particulate organic carbon from vegetation and soils is positively correlated with water discharge. Floods have been shown to carry large amounts of clastic sediment6. Non-fossil particulate organic carbon transported at the same time may be buried offshore under high rates of sediment accumulation7, 8, 9. We estimate that on decadal timescales, 77–92% of non-fossil particulate organic carbon eroded from the LiWu catchment is transported during large, cyclone-induced floods. We suggest that tropical cyclones, which affect many forested mountains within the Intertropical Convergence Zone10, may provide optimum conditions for the delivery and burial of non-fossil particulate organic carbon in the ocean. This carbon transfer is moderated by the frequency, intensity and duration of tropical cyclones. Top of page 1. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EQ, UK 2. Taroko National Park Headquarters, Fu-Su Village, Hualien, 972, Taiwan 3. Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Hsin-Yi Road, Taipei, 10651, Taiwan 4. Department of Geoscience, National Taiwan University, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617, Taiwan Correspondence to: Robert G. Hilton1 e-mail: PS: BBS語法和熱鍵我還不懂 -- Wetterkurzschlüssel _ WKS -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/28 09:48, , 1F
10/28 09:48, 1F
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