[分享] SK2 David 口說一二題如何審題+發展例子(終)

看板TOEFL_iBT作者 (大衛)時間8年前 (2016/03/01 16:42), 8年前編輯推噓7(706)
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大家好,我是SK2 的David ~ 許久前寫過一篇「口說一二題如何發展例子:WORD BANK」 , 受到許多自修同學的好評,也得到不少來信,問了很多審題相關的問題, 一年多下來,我整理出了更系統的審題+發展例子方法, 不藏私,直接和各位分享! 本篇建議對托福口說還沒什麼頭緒的同學,依照文章裡的建議,實際開口 練習,請先準備好計時器、紙筆,以實際感受托福口說! 先說結論: 「發展和解釋」是托福口說一、二題考的一個重要能力。所以,在我們的答 案中,需要做到兩件事「告訴聽者要解釋什麼」,以及「展現解釋的能力」。 開始解釋之前,我們丟一題,請各位按照自己的方式試著回答看看: 請各位準備一張紙和筆,可以簡單記一點筆記,釐清思路,也提醒自己等一 下要說什麼。 準備時間:15秒 回答時間:45秒 Question: “Which would you prefer, to cook by yourself, or visit restaurants and have people cook for you?” 請真的說一次,不要直接往下看! 好了,覺得自己回答得如何?這次,沒有要求各位錄音,因為我們需要先讓 各位發現自己「思考問題、架構答案」時,有沒有遇到問題。 接下來,請各位回想一下,我們於前面文章提到邏輯時,建議各位怎麼架構 答案? 「直接提出答案,接著提出理由,再來解釋理由和你的答案之間的關聯」。 我的答案會長這樣: Well, I would prefer to cook by myself. Because, I don’t have a lot of money, and if I cook by myself, I can save some money. For example, I can go to the supermarket, and look for things that are on sale, or things that are about to expiration date. On the other hand, if I go to restaurants, the price of meals are usually very expensive. Also, there is often a 10% service fee, which is quite a big amount sometimes. 各位不妨思考一下自己的答案,和我的答案的架構方式。哪一個比較有「解釋」 到? 如果你的比較清楚,不用往下看了~~ 我來拆解一下我的答案,告訴各位這兩件事,分別出現在什麼地方: Well, I would prefer to cook by myself. 這句話是答案。 Because, I don’t have a lot of money, and if I cook by myself, I can save some money. 這句話做了三件事: 1. ”I don’t have a lot of money” 告訴了聽者,我的個人特質。 2. ”I can save money” 告訴了聽者,依據我的特質,我想要的是什麼。 3. “If I cook by myself, I can save some money”. 最後,告訴聽者,我的答案,和我想要的東西之間,是有關聯的。 這三件事情,合而為一,就是我的理由。 For example, I can go to the supermarket, and look for things that are on sale. Or, I can try to find things that are about to expiration date, and they’re usually cheaper. 具體解釋了”If I cook by myself” 我可以如何”save money”. On the other hand, if I go to restaurants, the price of meals are usually very expensive. Also, there is often a 10% service fee, which is quite a big amount sometimes. 又舉了一個反例,具體解釋如果我不”cook by myself”,我就不會 ”save money”. 所以,這個答案中,就「告訴聽者要解釋什麼」,以及具體「展現解釋 的能力」。 ================================================================== 這樣的一個答案,是怎麼建構出來的?或者問,「為什麼要直接提出答案, 接著提出理由,再來解釋理由和你的答案之間的關聯?」 請各位想像你和我在說話,接著,你問了我這樣一個問題: “Which would you prefer, to cook by yourself, or visit restaurants and have people cook for you?” 然後,我開始回答你的問題。 “Well, I would prefer to cook by myself.” 說到這邊,我停住了。你會接著問我什麼? ”Why?” 沒錯吧?於是,我就會告訴你我的理由: “Because, I don’t have a lot of money, and if I cook by myself, I can save some money.“ 接著,你眉頭一皺,表示不解。這時,你會問我什麼?請想一下! 大概是:”How can you save money, if you cook by yourself?” 或是”What can you do to save money?” 吧? 所以,接著我就得回答”how” & “what”,詳細解釋”cook by myself” 和”save money” 之間的關聯。 “For example, I can go to the supermarket, and look for things that are on sale, or things that are about to expiration date.“ 如果意猶未盡,再舉一個反例給你聽。 “On the other hand, if I go to restaurants, the price of meals are usually very expensive. Also, there is often a 10% service fee, which is quite a big amount sometimes.“ 至此,答案結束。 所以,不妨這樣說,最有邏輯的答案架構,其實就是「試圖想像彼此在對話中, 試圖直接回答對方心中所想的問題」,自然形成的。 因此,「預測對方接著要問什麼問題,而先行加以回答」,就是我們建構任 何答案的基準。因為,「口說是為了被聽到而存在」。最理想的「決定下一 句話要講什麼的方式」,自然就是「先猜到對方想要聽到什麼」。 我的口說每一題的答題架構,都是這樣「未聽先猜」,設計出來的,也建議 各位去思考你的架構,能不能做到同樣的引導效果。 ================================= 我們讓各位再練習一題,如果你已經OK了,可以直接跳到下個分隔線。 準備時間:15秒 回答時間:45秒 Question: “What suggestion would you give to a friend, who wants to improve his scores on the school exams?” 請思考如何利用我們剛剛提過的方式:提出答案、提出理由、解釋關聯, 來架構你的答案。 說完了嗎? 我們來看一下我這一題的答案: Well, I will suggest my friend to cheat.Because my friend is really stupid, to cheat would seem the easiest and most effective way for him.For example, all he has to do is to look over his shoulder, observe the answer from someone else, and copy whatever he sees. Or, he can simply pay a person, and ask that person to finish the test for him. On the other hand, if he doesn’t cheat, he will need to study really really hard. But, maybe it is not going to pay off. All his efforts might just end in vain. 架構是一樣的吧? 我們很快的來看一下,這個答案怎麼拆解。一樣,讓我們想像一下,一個對 話正在發生: A. - “What suggestion would you give to a friend, who wants to improve his scores on the school exams?” B. - “Well, I will suggest my friend to cheat.” A. - “Why would you suggest that?” B. - “Because my friend is really stupid, to cheat would seem the easiest and most effective way for him.” A. - “How is “cheating” the most effective?” B. - “For example, all he has to do is to look over his shoulder, observe the answer from someone else, and copy whatever he sees. Or, he can simply pay a person, and ask that person to finish the test for him. These will save him a lot of time.“ A. - “Huh. What happens if he doesn’t cheat, you know?” B. - “On the other hand, if he doesn’t cheat, he will need to study really really hard. But, maybe it is not going to pay off. All his efforts might just end in vain. It will be a waste of time.” A. - “I see!!!” 把A.的部分拿掉,一個自然、有邏輯的托福口說答案就誕生了! 這樣,各位有更明白一些嗎? ======================================= 下面,我們將更具體的告訴各位,如果在「看到題目的一瞬間,思考並建立 好架構。」 讓我們一起看一下這兩題。 “Which would you prefer, to cook by yourself, or visit restaurants and have people cook for you?” “What suggestion would you give to a friend, who wants to improve his scores on the school exams?” 兩個題目中,都有的「元素」是什麼? ——都要求一個具體的回答(”which”, “what suggestion”), ——指定了一個對象(”you”, “a friend”)。 既然要「一瞬間思考並建立好架構」,那勢必不能「一整句話一起思考」。 事實上,要建立好架構,思考這兩件事情就夠了。 並且,思考的順序上,需要先思考「指定的對象」,再決定「具體的回 答」。 請聽我分析。第一題中,指定的對象是”you” ,要求的回答是”prefer to cook by yourself, or visit restaurants and have people cook for you”. 我們可以把題目更廣泛的理解成:”What kind of things do you prefer?”, 而回答了這個問題,下一個問題勢必就是: “Why do you prefer these things?” 讓我們最追問下去,下一個問題就是千古大哉問: “Who are you?”這個問題,就是我們要問的最後一個問題。 「你是誰?」、「你有哪些特質?」、「你在意什麼?」、「你想要什麼?」 這些是「你」做任何決定的根本原因。只要回答了這些問題,我們就可以回 答一切關於”you” 的問題。不妨來嘗試一下: - “What’s special about you?” - “Well, I’m usually really busy.” 好,假設這是我的回答,各位覺得我會”prefer to cook by myself”, 還是“go to a restaurant and have people cook for me?” 我想大部份的各位都會很快地選”go to a restaurant and have people cook for me” 吧! 那麼,可以給理由嗎? 讓我們馬上來試試: “Because I’m usually really busy, and if I have people cook for me, I can save a lot of time and do something else.” 能更詳盡的解釋嗎?可以: “For example, if I have people cook for me, I can just order the food, and then start to work with my cell phone. I can reply a lot of e-mails, make phone calls to my clients, or deal with some paperwork before my food arrives. On the other hand, if I cook buy myself, I will have to spend time to go to the supermarket to buy the ingredients, then come back, start a fire, and cook for a long time. After I finish my meals, I need to wash the dishes myself, which will take a lot of my precious time.” 為什麼我們能夠做到? 因為我們掌握了”you” 的關鍵資訊:”really busy”,自然就能快速判 斷「選哪一個答案比較適合」,也能馬上知道,要解釋的,就是「為什麼這 個答案可以適合”really busy” 的人」。 我們馬上再試另外一題: “What do you usually do on the weekends?” 讓我們用一樣的方式快速架構答案: 指定的對象是誰?”you”馬上想到”you” 的關鍵資訊。發現了嗎?可以 使用同一個”really busy”。 接著,馬上想答案。問自己: ”I’m really busy, what do I usually do on the weekends?” 答案就出來了:”work”.然後,一個完整的答案,就誕生了: “Well, I usually work on the weekends. Because, I’m really busy, and if I work on the weekends, I can do more work.For example, I can deal with the extra paperwork I brought home, so before the week starts, I would have everything ready. Also, I can use the time to make phone calls, reply e- mails, and get things done, so I will have time to do other tasks when I go into my office on Monday.” 我使用了「同一個關於”you” 的關鍵資訊」:”really busy”,因為” really busy” 就是我對”you” 的定義。而關鍵特質一旦定義出來,是不 需要改變的! ======================================= 各位讀者發現了嗎?雖然「萬用例子」不能使用了,但「萬用理由」還是可 能存在的! 請各位馬上找一張紙,寫下幾個「屬於你自己的關鍵資訊」,例如: “I’m really busy” “I’m very lazy” “I’m rich” “I have no money” “I’m very outgoing” 接著在紙上,寫下根據每個特質,「你想要的結果」是什麼,例如: “I’m really busy” -> “I want to save time” or “I want to be able to do more things” “I’m very lazy” -> “I don’t want to move” or “I want to change and be more hardworking” “I have no money” -> “I need to save money” or “I want to earn more money” “I’m very outgoing” -> “I want to make friends“ “I love to eat” - >“I want try a lot of good food” 這幾個「個人特質」和「你想要的結果」,就是之後,題目指定的對象是 ”you” 的時候,你的「理由」。 而事前準備好的「理由」,就是我們看到題目時,決定答案的「基準點」! 好了,請各位花一點時間,來試試看下面幾題。一題一題來。 先不要限制自己準備和回答時間。練習用你準備好的幾個「理由」,來想出 答案,並且試試看能不能發展出解釋! - “What type of music do you enjoy the most? Why?” - “How would you deal with homesickness?” - “Which would you prefer, to attend courses that are related to a specific career, or to attend a variety of courses?” 如何,是不是對「架構答案」變得比較得心應手了? 如果是,那我們接著來看一下剛剛的第二題: Question: “What suggestion would you give to a friend, who wants to improve his scores on the school exams?” 這題的指定對象是誰?是”you” 還是”a friend”? 讓我們打個比方,今天各位來問我,「David ,我要準備托福口說,你能不 能給我什麼建議?」 如果我說,「哈哈哈!我覺得托福口說超簡單的啊,不用準備啦!」各位想 必會覺得很XX吧! 上述的比方,就是我考慮「我的個人特質」的結果。要給各位建議,就應該 要考慮「各位的個人特質」。所以,我應該要說,「你認為你口說的問題在 哪一方面呢?是發音、語調不好,還是不知道怎麼架構答案?」接著,再根 據你的回答,給出建議。 各位看出來了嗎?這題的指定對象,應該是”a friend”。因為要給建議, 需要考慮的是「對方的情況」,才能對症下藥。 “A friend” 的「個人特質」是什麼?「想要什麼」?想好了這兩點, 「答案」就很容易浮現出來。 一個小提示:建議各位可以真的想一個你的朋友,想想他是什麼樣的人?有 什麼特質?想要什麼? 以後,每次出現指定對象是”your friend” 的時候,就馬上想到這位朋 友,如此會快非常多! 接著,各位不妨再參考一次我的答案。知道了架構的原理之後,讀起來可能 會有不一樣的感覺。 Well, I will suggest my friend to cheat.Because my friend is really stupid, to cheat would seem the easiest and most effective way for him.For example, all he has to do is to look over his shoulder, observe the answer from someone else, and copy whatever he sees. Or, he can simply pay a person, and ask that person to finish the test for him. On the other hand, if he doesn’t cheat, he will need to study really really hard. But, maybe it is not going to pay off. All his efforts might just end in vain. ======================================= 事實上,在口說一、二題中,每一題一定都會有一個「指定的對象」,和要 求一個「具體的回答」。 有時候,題目還會額外加註,「請提供詳細的例子或提出細節」。然而,即 使題目沒有提,我們也應該主動把例子和細節加到我們的答案裡。 因為,我們知道,「解釋和發展」就是口說一、二題要測試的能力。 最後, 本篇為托福口說系列分享完結篇(我感覺都寫完了。。), 一直以來感謝大家的觀看(謝幕)! 之前的文章,請小a 搜尋作者earnest ,你會找到將近五十篇我之前寫過的 口說分享文, 有其他問題的,爬文後無解,歡迎在板上提出,我會盡量回覆! 再會! ~SK2 David -- SK2 David. iBT 118, R29/L29/S30/W30 SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group. http://SK2toefl.blogspot.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1456821725.A.B24.html ※ 編輯: earnest (, 03/01/2016 16:42:35

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是這句我的理解;可說that are about to expiration date
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和things that are in sale語意直接不同是否該加上support
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文章代碼(AID): #1MrLNTia (TOEFL_iBT)