Re: [分享] 1/18 J2 TOEFL 獨立寫作擬答 [文法部分]

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※ 引述《xiezl (xzl)》之銘言: 在回這篇文章的此時此刻敝人真的是戰戰兢兢深怕一不小心就被圍攻 但在看到下面那兩段範文又不得不咬著牙還是跳出來po文 深怕雖然這是托福板但也有程度很好的高中生, 會因為下面兩段文字所出現的狀況,進而在學測與指考作文上面失分。 敝人雖然不敢說英文很好,但是中高級作文僥倖獲得作文獎 高級英檢作文4級,雅思寫作也在考官仁慈下拿到8.5分。 由於上面各位大德討論的托福小的只是初窺門徑不便多說 僅針對下面文字作學術上的討論。 又敝人認識許多大考學測指考英文閱卷的老師, 系上教授也都多是在批改作文的, 可說在最低層面上略知一般教授對於下面這樣超程度的寫法的看法, 也許不見得能讓高中生們在考試上得到青睞,甚至可能因此低分。 因此小的單純是以此前提,將會十分冒犯的拿 老師的文章當對象, 說明英文寫作的用字與語句結構,以及某些style上面的歧異。 這樣的內容如果引起當事人的不愉快,小的先在此處致上誠摯歉意。 <原文前文恕刪> : 在一番自我腦力激盪之後,我們已經對於題目要求回答的問題有了清 : 楚的脈絡,可以開始著手寫作的進行了。 : After three years' study, high-school students will graduate : into university or workplace. Not until they attend the "After three years' study, high-school students will graduate into university or workplace." 似乎沒有graduate into university 或者是 graduate into workplace的說法 與graduate常見的介系詞是to,意指 "從輕微/低程度到嚴重/高程度" (to move from one level to another usually higher level" 比方說: The word has graduated from slang to accepted use. The former child actor has finally graduated to more serious roles.) There are patterns of behavior that predict which children treat delinquency as a passing phase and which graduate to more serious crimes as adolescents and adults. (From the New York Times) 所以相信以學測、指考水平而言,這樣的用法易引起閱卷教授誤解。 此外,workplace為可數名詞,指的是the office, factory, etc., where people work,常見用法為the workplace或workplaces, 即使「工作場所」(workplace) 使用在抽象的泛指, 一般也是使用the workplace或者workplaces。 (引自牛津高階字典:) The government will legislate against discrimination in the workplace. The problem of ageism in the workplace often goes unrecognized. These safety standards apply to all workplaces. : graduation ceremony do they leave the school actually. "Not until they attend the graduation ceremony do they leave the school actually." 本句句意與倒裝用意不明@@,雖然英文常有把前句話再換句話的習慣, 但以學測、指考這麼短的篇幅或顯多餘。此外,倒裝多為強調用途。 此用法(倒裝)與分裂句 (it was only at that moment that I realized ______) 都是其中幾個在大考上被頻繁濫用的句型, 多半已經喪失寫作者本身想達成的目的 此外,雖然學測、指考不比托福、GRE, 在文體上並不過度強調formality,而是鼓勵學生溝通、文字平順, 但是像是"something" "stuff" "it was like____" "actually" "kind of" 之類過度口語的用字,在考試時還是需要高中考生們盡力避免的! 且actually一字擺放位置似乎有誤,宜挪至前方,更正為 " they actually leave the school." 或許 " they official leave the school" 或更符合文意 (但僅為可能的建議) : Graduation ceremony, or commencement, means a lot to those : youngsters who have spent their glamorous time for three : years with bosom friends and inspired teachers. From one of Ceremony與commencement在指涉一場「典禮」或「儀式」時,為可數名詞。 因此應為A graduation ceremony 與 a commencement。 又此詞(a graduation ceremony)意思明確, 不必多使用"or a commencement"多作補充。 另外,通常「,」作同位語補充的時機都是前面名詞較難,作者為了怕讀者不熟悉, 而在後面補上一組相近的同位詞釐清字意,但此處很明顯a graduation ceremony 比(a) commencement常見,這種較難字詞補充在逗號裡的style使用著實令讀者困惑 意義不明。 means a lot過於口語 "who have spent time for three years with friends" 疑似中式英文 或許改為who have spent the entire three years with their friends 較為自然 此外大考閱卷時常遇到的問題是用字陳舊,由於高中生們不像母語人士, 所以這個問題較難察覺,但是高中學生常犯的一個錯誤就是將不常用的搭配詞 或是已經過時的詞組使用寫在作文裡,bosom friends便是其中一例。 且援引國外網站2010~2011年母語人士的說法 (英國人) In Britain bosom friends is the correct form (we don't use the word "buddies" in England - except in a sarcastic sense). In the UK we can also say "bosom pals" I haven't heard the phrase recently so I don't know if it is still used other than in newspapers. (紐西蘭人) 'Bosom friend' sounds very old-fashioned to me (which is not to say that it is old-fashioned to everyone). I have heard 'bosom buddy', but I probably wouldn't say it myself, at least not in a neutral sense. I can imagine using in a sort of sarcastic or joking way. (澳洲人) I've only ever encountered 'bosom buddies' over here. I doubt very much it's popular use today. : the meanings of commencement—beginning—derive special : meanings of ceremony to me. For a start, commencement "From one of the meanings of commencement—beginning—derive special meanings of ceremony to me." 此句倒裝用意不明,破折號補充夾註之意與前詞(commencement)雷同, beginning亦即commencement基本之核心意義,使用破折號並不能達成 任何釐清的補充說明,夾註意義不明。 meanings一字過度重複與單句中,以style而言宜避免 (因會阻礙閱讀的flow) : brings us a higher level of sense of duty, a more : deliberate thinking, and a deeper empathy. All this "For a start, commencement brings us a higher level of sense of duty, a more deliberate thinking, and a deeper empathy." 首先, For a start 指的類似 For starters 或者 First(ly), for a start與for starters皆為口語/演講用字, 此處與前處極端口語之用詞,皆與之後過於正式、 拗口之形容詞文體(style)不合,易引起讀者閱讀困難 brings us a higher level of sense of duty疑似中式英文 且同句兩個介系詞of,過度抽象化句子,以高中生程度來說 易造成文意不明與閱讀困難 同時,此句使用現在簡單式似乎會有「畢業典禮總是能立即將高中畢業生的 責任感拉昇」,邏輯不明。 a higher sense of duty可能較為自然 此外,可能critical thinking會比deliberate thinking來得符合文意 "deliberate thinking" 似非英語常用用法,出處與實際使用仍有待商榷 : reflects the physiological and psychological maturity : accompanying the graduation. Besides, graduation signifies "All this reflects the physiological and psychological maturity accompanying the graduation." 本句文法正確但疑似中式英文,其中physiological maturity 疑過於直譯 但小的才疏學淺只能提供一個更動極小的改法供參考 All this reflects/displays a physical and psychological maturity that these students have reached. : that we will have an extended social network: high-school : pals and mentors, new chums and professors. No matter what "Besides, graduation signifies that we will have an extended social network: high-school pals and mentors, new chums and professors." Besides 一字多用於表達afterthought,此外,此字也同屬於口語用字 宜避免。可能可用類似副詞替換 (如Furthermore) 關於此字類似問題 GEPT(全民英檢)在98年的優秀作文得獎選集(上)中特別說明; 「台灣學生常用誤用besides的情形。其實,besides帶有「何況」的意味, 用以補充說明理由,是較口語的用法。」 (p. 31) "have an extended social network" 或可更換動詞 (have → develop) 使文意更精確。 又,與前文類似的狀況為cliche的用字 "chum" (=a friend) 其一,此字為informal用法, 宜在正式寫作(學測/指考/GEPT/IELTS/TOEFL/GRE/GMAT)避免。 其二,此字為陳舊用法 (Merriam Webster與牛津高階皆將此字定位為informal + old-fashioned) 另可見討論串編號13的英國人對此次的看法 此外,冒號通常表示舉例或者對前文進行總結,但此處排比的兩組名詞 (high-school pals and mentors, new chums and professors) 彼此關係極度不明,不知所云,Professors 是一種新的網羅嗎? : impacts they gave or will give us, we will surely be elevated : to a new height. More importantly, we must make a plan for : the future, choosing the next step in life—to go to : university or find a job. Our future—uncertain or crystal- "No matter what impacts they gave or will give us, we will surely be elevated to a new height." 此句疑似中式英文 宜將A gives B impacts改為A has impacts on B 破折號後"to go to university or to find a job" 可能將to補回去會使平行更漂亮 : clear, adventurous or halcyon—is waiting there for us to : explore. "Our future—uncertain or crystal-clear, adventurous or halcyon— is waiting there for us to explore." 此句口語與文學之書面用語揉雜,易使閱讀的flow變得零亂 (flow指的是文章的流暢度,在雅思的Coherence and Cohesion評分項裡 被考官當作是默認的一項重要的潛規則) Our future is waiting there for us to explore 十分的口語 ("waiting there") 但是中間夾註的halcyon一字卻又過於書面文雅。 此外,與halcyon常用字詞是halcyon days/years, 根據Merriam Webster's Advanced Learner's字典, 該字永遠放在名詞之前,此處夾在後面作修飾,或許用法有待商榷 : (在三年的學習之後,高中生將會畢業進入大學或是進入職場。不過 : 要在參加畢業典禮之後,才算是真正踏出校門。畢業典禮對於跟好友 : 以及明師度過三年燦爛時光的年輕人來說,具有相當多的意義。而畢 : 業典禮這個字所代表的另一層含意──人生新階段的開始──則賦予 : 了畢業典禮對我而言的意義。首先,畢業典禮帶給我們更高的責任感 : 、更周密的思慮、和更多的同理心。這些都反映了伴隨著畢業而來的 : 生理與心理成熟。另外,畢業代表我們的社交網路將更為擴大:以前 : 的高中好友和師長,以及將來的密友與教授。不論他們過去或將來帶 : 給我們什麼樣的影響,我們一定是會有所精進。最重要的是,我們要 : 去規劃自己的前途,選擇人生接下來的道路──要念大學還是要求職 : 就業。不論我們的前途曖昧不明還是清楚透徹,不論是充滿險阻還是 : 一片祥和,都在前面等著我們去探索。) 餘下文章恕敝人簡略帶過 (體力不支了.....) : To organize a commencement that can embody the meanings of : the graduaction, I would integrate several elements into graduation : the ceremony. Parents will be invited to attend the ritual 題目希望考生說明如果是讓考生舉辦該典禮,典禮會如何進行, 因此可能會需要用到與事實相反的假設語氣 但本段首句的 "To organize a commencement ________" 似乎由 "In order to organize a commencement"簡化而來,似與題意不符 或許可改為Were I to organize a... / If I were to organize a ... : and, in the ritual, graduates should make a firm commitment : to taking on more family obligations, which would convey a : figurative meaning of graduation. In addition, the : brilliant moments of the high-school days should be 此字"ritual" 似乎不符本文context,用不知所云的宗教含義單字將 典禮比喻宗教儀式,卻又無上下文解釋該字的譬喻用法 brilliant moments一詞似乎稍微口語 "which would convey"似乎為假設語氣,用意不明 "which would convey figurative meaning of graduation."疑中式英文 但恕小的才疏學淺想不到更正。 : reviewed in this special moment via the help of multimedia : devices. For sure, this kind of vivid memory will be engraved "For sure" 一詞似過度口語 : in our minds for future retrieval. Finally, I would like to "engraved in our minds for future retrieval" 疑為中式英文 engrave本身用法多為 ______ (something) is engraved in people's memory/mind/heart 原句似乎為中式英文過度直譯且詞意重複 ("memory will be engraved in our minds") 此外,"retrieval" 多意為 "取回" , 且多指material goods (實體物品、資料) 片語beyond retrieval 或可能擴指病人無法被挽救 但能否說memories are engraved in our minds for retrieval 似有待商榷。 : have a marching band playing fanfares to inspire us to summon : up our courage to shape the promising future. All in all, : graduation ceremony, with its meanings of both the end and : the beginning, has profound meanings for us and requires : thorough planning. "Finally, I would like to have a marching band playing fanfares to inspire us to summon up our courage..." 用字I would like to have過於口語 "to shape the promising future" → 應為 a promising future,此錯誤較為進階, 也是學測與指考閱卷時較少著墨的地方, 但是因為「前景看好的未來」並無限定,不宜使用 "the",宜更換為 a 另外,此亦為標準的中式思考,用一個很general (廣泛) 的概括性用字, 粗略含糊地總括一個陳腔濫調的moral lesson,看不出考生獨立思考的作文能力 "summon up our courage" 一詞疑過於書面文雅,與本篇文體(style)不符 且summon up our courage像是在鼓勵打仗軍人,不適合用於此處鼓勵高中生 但 "All in all" 這個總結性片語又過於口語 (Merriam Webster Advanced標記為informal), 前後兩句文體混淆易造成閱讀困擾 (關於母語人士對於"all in all"一詞看法可參見下面網址) (美國人) It [=all in all] is synonymous with "all things considered" or "on the whole," and as Bien suggests, one of these [="all things considered" or "on the whole"] would be preferable in formal writing. "All in all, graduation ceremony, with its meanings of both the end and the beginning, has profound meanings for us and requires thorough planning." ceremony在指涉一場「典禮」或「儀式」時,為可數名詞。 因此此處仍應為a graduation ceremony meaning再次重複用字,屬於較低階的style寫法,宜盡力避免, 因為此種寫法不能算是repetition of the key words (重複關鍵字), 而profound這個字本身太vague (含糊不明),亦即該使用方法造成文意重複, 且profound的程度沒有在後句作任何延伸、發展,屬於中式思考的造句。 * * 以本文段落長度而言,第一段遠遠超過一般正常段落允許的字數 150 字約為上限,174 字遠遠過長,但第二段 又僅有 138 字,頭重腳輕, 不免給閱卷老師有虎頭蛇尾,時間運用不及之感。 最最後,給可能文章太長直接按end的捧友們~~ 小的本篇完全是是以學術分析為前提,為避免某些原文某些部分造成高中生的混淆 才十分冒犯的拿 老師的文章當對象, 說明英文寫作的用字與語句結構,以及某些style上面的歧異。 這樣的內容如果引起當事人或其他人的不愉快,小的再次致上誠摯歉意。 如果各位大德有其他寶貴意見,也歡迎大家回文理性討論~互相激盪 :P (睡覺補眠去~~~ orz) : (為了安排一個能夠具體表現這麼多意義的畢業典禮,我會把好幾個 : 元素結合到這典禮中。首先家長一定要應邀出席,而畢業生在儀式中 : 要承諾對家庭負擔更大責任,如此在象徵意義上,表示我們長大了。 : 除此之外,過去的高中生活美好時光要在這特殊時刻透過多媒體設備 : ,回顧一次。如此一來,這些鮮活的回憶應該能夠深刻烙印在腦海當 : 中,準備將來隨時能夠取回重溫。最後,我會安排軍樂隊演奏雄壯的 : 進行曲,透過音樂來激勵我們鼓起勇氣掌握將來的前途。總而言之, : 畢業典禮一方面代表過去的結束,另一方面代表將來的開始,對我們 : 而言具有很深的意義,需要我們詳盡的規劃。) : 最後要提醒的是,單字能力因人而異。如果同學不知道上面文章中某 : 些單字的話,當然可以換成自己會用的字,比方說把 chum 換成 : friend。只要能夠清楚表達意思,讓閱卷老師看得懂,就能夠取得高 : 分。 -- ※ 編輯: fleuve 來自: (01/24 12:30)

01/24 14:57, , 1F
推一位文法高手 獲益良多~
01/24 14:57, 1F

01/24 15:25, , 2F
01/24 15:25, 2F

01/24 18:13, , 3F
01/24 18:13, 3F

01/25 17:06, , 4F
01/25 17:06, 4F
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