[分享] 1/12機經口說一二題想點、錄音檔分享

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再接再厲,繼獨立寫作篇再來分享口說一二題的擬答~(文末附聲音檔連結) 以下針對J2 TOEFL 機經 2014/1/12 版口說Task 1、Task 2 的各前三題做分析 和擬答, 按照David 一貫的邏輯答題原則,首先審題,接著想理由,再給出細節/例子: Task 1 前三題 1. Your friend wants to improve his/her scores on studies, what suggestions would you give him/her? 20120310CN 審題: 「誰」:Your friend 「那件事情」:Improve his/her scores on studies 為了發展答案,同學的理由,應該從「誰」出發,定義根本的原因, 再解釋自己的思路,為什麼你的答案可以做到「那件事情」, 以這題為例, 先定義"Your friend" 是什麼樣的人,再解釋為什麼你的"suggestions",可 以"improve his/her scores on studies", 英文邏輯才是正確的,聽者才會聽到清楚、有發展的答案。 這件事是需要大量練習的,希望同學自己多練習審題~ 以下提供擬答: 第一句話直接破題,說你的suggestion是什麼, (本題要求"suggestions",本擬答舉一個suggestion說明) I would suggest my friend to make a study plan. 馬上提出第一個理由,定義「誰」:解釋"Your friend" 是什麼樣的人 Because first, my friend is a lazy guy. 接著給出細節,解釋為什麼你的"suggestion" 可以讓"a lazy guy", "improve his/her scores on studies"(題目要求的事情): That is, a study plan can help him study more efficiently. For example, he will have to get up early, then go to the library for 4 hours. Instead of taking a long nap in the afternoon, he will have to discuss with his classmates. As a result, he will study longer, and his scores can improve. 第二個建議/理由,可以是組讀書會/因為我朋友很笨,而例子可以是一個 人唸書很多事情搞不懂,就可以問讀書會的其他成員。 2. Which challenge in the list do you think is the most difficult for the university students? Being far away from families, finding time to relax, making new friends. 20120617CN 審題: 「誰」:University students 「那件事情」:The most difficult: Being far away from families, finding time to relax, making new friends 同樣,理由從「誰」出發,告訴我們"University students" 有哪些特質, 再解釋自己的思路,為什麼你選的選項會是"the most difficult", 例如University students 的特質,可能是需要唸書考試,要準備進入職場 (找工作),所以哪一項會是"the most difficult" 以下提供擬答: 第一句話破題: I think the most difficult for the university students, is finding time to relax. 馬上提出第一個理由,定義「誰」:"University students" 有哪些特質, Because first, university students are usually too busy with school work. 接著給出細節, Take myself for example, when I was a student, I often spent most of my after school hours studying, because I had too many reports to prepare for and assignments to finish. Therefore, it was difficult for me to find time to relax. 第二個理由,可以是前面提過的「準備進入職場」,而例子可以是忙著實習 、寫履歷,等等,導致沒有時間休息。 3. Describe a special experience that has changed you in life. Explain how it changed you. 20110212CN= 20091010NA 審題: 「誰」:You 「那件事情」:Special experience that has CHANGED you 理由從"You" 出發,告訴我們關於你的特質, 再解釋自己為什麼你選的"special experience" "CHANGED you", 這題特別注意"change"這個字。你需要清楚地告訴我們,什麼「你的特質」 改變了。 例如你的特質,可能是懶惰,和視野狹小, 你便需要告訴我們因為這個experience,你變得勤奮,和開了眼界。 以下提供擬答(以考托福為例——好用,建議大家試試): 第一句話破題: A special experience that has changed me in life was that I attended TOEFL classes and prepared for TOEFL. 馬上提出第一個理由,定義「誰」:"You" 有哪些特質, Because first, I was a lazy person, but the experience changed me and made me hard-working. 接著給出細節, For example, since TOEFL was difficult, I decided to go to intensive classes for it. So, I had to wake up everyday at 8am, and study for 10 hours straight for the test. Therefore, I had to quit my lazy habits, such as sleeping in, and taking a nap in the afternoon. As a result, I got used to working hard, and became a diligent person. 第二個理由,可以是前面提的開了眼界。例子可以是因為你托福考了高分, 去了美國,在美國你看見了各國的人是怎麼生活的,像法國人每天吃起司, 巴西人整天跳舞,俄羅斯人整天喝伏特加,這些都讓你看見不一樣的可能性。 Task 2 前三題 1. Some people play games for fun. Others play games in order to win. Which do you prefer? 20120310CN 審題: 「誰」:You 「那件事情」:Play games for fun / in order to win 理由從"You" 出發,告訴我們關於你的特質, 再解釋自己為什麼你選的選項"for fun" 或"in order to win" 符合你的特 質, 以下提供擬答: 第一句話破題: I prefer to play games in order to win. 馬上提出第一個理由,定義「誰」:"You" 有哪些特質, Because first, I like competition. 接著給出細節, For example, I usually ask my friends to compete with me when playing games. Then, we will all think really hard and do our best, because all of us enjoy this process and none of us like losing. When I win, it is especially satisfactory. 第二個理由,可以是我喜歡認真對待每件事情,因為可以學到東西。例子可 以是我每次和朋友下西洋棋,為了獲勝,都會仔細檢視每一步,並且思考怎 樣可以做得更好。如果我隨便玩的話,亂下就好,可我就不會學到東西了。 2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to be successful, a person should study in the university. 20120617CN 審題: 「誰」:A person TO BE SUCCESSFUL 「那件事情」:Study in the university 這題較為複雜,比較像寫作題,請各位特別注意"in order to be successful", 這是最根本的問題,需要最先定義。 也就是說,理由最好從"in order to be successful" 出發,提出需要的東西, 例如"professional knowledge", "connection" 再解釋為什麼"a person should study in the university" , 以下提供擬答: 第一句話破題: I agree that in order to be successful, a person should study in the university. 馬上提出第一個理由:定義"in order to be successful" 需要什麼, Because first, a person needs professional knowledge in order to be successful in the future. 接著給出細節, For example, if a person wants to become a successful doctor in 20 years, he is going to need knowledge in related fields, such as what the human body is like, how to perform a surgery, and learn about the medicines. Without a doubt, the university is necessary for him in order to acquire these knowledge, and become successful. 第二個理由,可以是人要成功,需要有許多關係。例如將來如果一個人要成 功創業,他需要及早認識各式各樣的人,像是政治人物,黑道,和其他企業 家,以讓創業更順利。大學能提供教授、學生等等人賣,因此是想要成功的 人需要去的地方。 3. Do you prefer to do assignments and tasks early or wait until the deadline comes near? Why? Please include specific details in your explanation. 審題: 「誰」:You 「那件事情」:Do assignments and tasks early / wait until the deadline comes near 理由從"You" 出發,定義你的特質, 再解釋為什麼你的選項"Do assignments and tasks early" 或是"wait until the deadline comes near",符合你的特質, 以下提供擬答: 第一句話破題: I prefer to wait until the deadline comes near. 馬上提出第一個理由,定義「誰」:"You" 有哪些特質, 我們可以再用前面提出來的"lazy", 而抓「誰」的好處就是這個——只要「誰」不變,理由就可以不變, Because first, I am a lazy person. 接著給出細節, That is, if I wait until the deadline comes near, I can have more time to relax. For example, I can sleep in everyday, take a nap in the afternoon, or get busy with trivial things, such as cleaning my room and taking care of my flowers. 第二個理由,可以是我緊張的時候表現特別好。例如每次我在交報告的幾小 時前,知道如果交不出來,就會被當掉,就很緊張,然後我就會以一般人十 倍的專注力,有條不紊地把報告寫完。通常,我也都會拿到全班第一名~ 擬答到此結束。 這篇主要審題,幫助大家抓出題目的重點,並給予邏輯發展回答的建議: 答案、其次理由、其次例子。 也請同學注意,只有好的內容是不夠的!請同學把自己的答案錄下來—— 聽一遍就好, 聽聽自己的語速是否過快(或者句子中間是否沒有停頓,導致聽者覺得過快?), 語調是否清楚(一句話中有沒有強調的資訊?還是速度全部一樣、也沒有音 調特別拉高的字?) 附上David 根據本篇擬答英文部分錄的檔案,供同學參考, (內容包含Task 1、Task 2前三題,從開頭到理由一結束的回答) 清楚的表達(delivery),至少要是這樣子的~ 下載連結:http://ppt.cc/Aza2 最後就口說內容和表達兩方面,提醒明天要考試的同學, 內容部分: 1) 可以用簡單的字、簡短的句子講,重點是清楚表達自己的想法! 各位看我的擬答可以發現,沒有難的字,也沒有複雜的文法, 請同學不要拘泥用字、文法,用簡單的字並清楚發出每個字, 保有流暢度,更為重要! 2) 不要背擬答! 別人給你一段擬答,沒有分析題目,只讓你背他,有害無益!為什麼? 如果背的太順,沒有強調的點,評分官一聽就知道是用「念」的,分數只會低, 如果背的不順,反而卡住,更是把自己思考的可能性、解釋的語調完全丟失了,更是不值。 重要的是理解題目的重點,瞭解如何從一兩個字,發展自己的答案! 解題的邏輯是固定的,理由和例子卻只有自己想過一次,才是你的! 表達部分: 1) 放慢速度,務求清楚! 先前我們不斷地和同學提到,一快就糟了,什麼錯都可能犯,還會一直重複 不必要的資訊。 放慢的話,內容可能比較少,發音和語調卻一定更清楚,也更能流暢地表達, 而清楚的表達——才是我們要的! 請隨時提醒自己要慢下來! (聽說有人為了可以慢慢的、清楚地講,在中場休息的時候,很有興致的喝 了一點小酒~) 2) 語調也要清楚! 如前所述,注意一句話中你要強調的是什麼字? 強調的時候,字有沒有拉長,音調有沒有提高? 花了一點時間才寫完,因為晚了沒看到的同學不好意思啦~ David 祝明天考試的同學考試順利! ~SK2 David -- SK2 David. iBT 118, R29/L29/S30/W30 SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group. http://SK2toefl.blogspot.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: earnest 來自: (01/11 20:02)

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推 好緊張唷
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thx david!
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