看板TOEFL_iBT作者 (蠟筆)時間14年前 (2010/08/30 14:59), 編輯推噓0(002)
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It seems likely that Teotihuacán’s natural resources─ along with the city elite’s ability to recognize their potential─gave the city a competitive edge over its neighbors. 很有可能是Teotihuacan的資源與當地仕紳有重建的能力, 讓這個城市可以與其他城市相抗衡 The valley, like many other places in Mexican and Guatemalan highlands, was rich in obsidian. The hard volcanic stone was a resource that had been in great demand formany years,at least since the rise of the Olmecs(a people who flourished between 1200 and 400 B.C.) and it apparently had a secure market. 講述資源有多豐富blablala,然後有很多的obsidian資源 Moreover, recent research on obsidian tools found at Olmecs sites has shown that some of the obsidian obtained by the Olmecs originated near Teotihuacn. 還有發現有些東西是從Teotihuacn來的 Teotihuacán obsidian must have been recognized as a valuable commodity for many centuries before the great city arose. 在這座偉大的城市崛起之前,特奧蒂瓦坎的黑曜岩工具一定已經作為極有價值的商品聞名 數世紀了 9. Which of the following allowed Teotihuacán to have “a competitive edge over its neighbors”? : ○ A well-exploited and readily available commodity : ○ The presence of a highly stable elite class : ○ Knowledge derived directly from the Olmecs about the art of tool making : ○ Scarce natural resources in nearby areas such as those located : in what are now the Guatemalan and Mexican highlands : 此題小弟選的是B 答案是A(雖然B選中highly stable elite class文中提到的是elite's : ability to recognize their potential;但文末提到obsidiany tool已經被視為有價值 : 的商品很久了<-這樣就能說他是competitive edge?? ) : 看不出選A的脈絡在於哪裡? 希望高手解答 感謝 ^^ !! ->這裡選的應該是資源豐富,所以我會選A -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/30 21:34, , 1F
謝謝你的分享 !!y
08/30 21:34, 1F

09/03 01:47, , 2F
事實是包不住的 TOEFL版懶人包
09/03 01:47, 2F
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