Re: apc

看板TFSHS58th322作者 ( )時間22年前 (2002/10/15 18:29), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《yensun (Ya......)》之銘言: : 我今天收到一封奇怪的信,內容如下: : Hi Mr. Shen, : My name is Aaron. I am just wondering are : you the programmer who developed funding management program : with your partners. If you are, please give me a feedback. : I and some of my friends live in Bay Area of : CA read your story from US newspaper. : We are professional in the financial field and : are very interested in your program. : We would like to have a discuss with you about the concept. : If you are one of the member, : please let me know, or give me your phone number, : so we can have initial conversation. Thanks a lot. : Best Regards, : Aaron Huang 真是太厲害了 連外國的都知道了... 真是揚名海外了呢..... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #zg-u6UK (TFSHS58th322)
討論串 (同標題文章)
22年前, 10/15
完整討論串 (本文為第 8 之 15 篇):
22年前, 07/25
22年前, 07/27
22年前, 07/29
22年前, 07/29
22年前, 10/15
22年前, 10/15
22年前, 10/15
文章代碼(AID): #zg-u6UK (TFSHS58th322)