[相關] EW週刊 '09四月十日的報導(含季末雷)

看板Supernatural作者 (kuo)時間15年前 (2009/04/04 03:21), 編輯推噓12(13112)
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Entertainment Weekly週刊 作者:Alynda Wheat 攝影:Joan Teasdale 圖檔掃描:http://maichan808.livejournal.com/18142.html 下方有色字體為我的註解,有錯歡迎指正,感謝!本稿經過米媽校對 後會放在她的部落格,供習慣網頁閱讀的人另一選擇。另外,此篇報 導有418以後的季末輕微劇透,注意避雷。:) 編:April 5,'09 修改第五段的錯誤 性感、恐怖,超自然 Sexy. Scary. Suernatural 從天堂到地獄,還有狂熱影迷,這些元素是CW聯播網一部本季收 視狂飆、非主流品味的影集都包含在內的,為什麼劇組裡的演員和 創始者都想砍了它呢? Demons, deities, and delirious fans: The Cw's rapidly growing cult fave have them all. So why do the stars and creator want to vanish after on more spooky season? 在一個充滿張力的《超自然檔案》——二個溫家兄弟邊公路旅行 邊斬妖除魔的電視影集——的影迷國度裡分門二派,有Sam控與Dean 控。這些網站詳細記載故事內容(包含他們的愛車,67年的雪佛蘭Impala ),部落客們想盡辦法從選角導演的網站中找到片場資訊好放上網路 (他們甚至搞到一整集的劇透和劇本)。還有一些引人發麻的特殊同 人群組專門討論關於Sam(Jared Padalecki飾演)和Dean(Jensen Ackles飾演)倆兄弟的愛情,這有個更專精的特有名詞:「Wincest」 ==結合他們的姓Winchester和亂倫incest==。某個強大的影迷曾經穿 著橘色背心扮成製片助理混到片場裡,她待了一整天直到終於有人發 現。Ackles回憶說:「他們還給她無線對講機!」顯然如今他們增加 一條新規定,意思是說現在兩個主要演員在片場配有保鑣了, Padalecki說:「我想是電視高層或是製作部門吧,他們像是說:『 我們只有兩個演員,應該好好保護他們。』」==J2過去就有一個叫 Cliff的保鑣,客串過監獄那集的Tiny,之前可能是片場外才有配。== In the intense universe of fandom surrounding Supernatural- the CW series that follows the chisel-jawed Winchester brothers as the drive around the country snuffing out demons--there are "Sam girls" and "Dean girls." Websites chronicle every scrap of minutiae(including the fellas' sweet ride, a 67' Chevy Impala), and bloggers dig around casting directors' site looking for snippets of scenes to post online(they've even managed to spoil entire scripts). There's also unique and very creepy subset of romantic fan fiction dedicated to sibling Sam(Jared Padalecki) and Dean(Jensen Ackles)called"Winest"--the less said about it the better. One creative fan actually showed up on set in a orange vest, pretending to be a production assistant. "They gave her a walkie-talkie!" recalls Ackles. "She worked the entire day there until somebody finally figured it out. Obviously now they've stepped up the protocol." Meaning, the stars have a bodyguard when they're working. Says Padalecki, "I guess the network or the studio said, 'We [only] have two guys on the show. We'd better protect them.'" 現在的確是必須加強保全項目的時機,畢竟《超自然檔案》的狂 熱群眾可是日漸壯大,也許這部影集並不在排名前十,或者甚至是前 80名。如創始者兼監製Eric Kripke所說:「你聚餐時有人問你最近 在忙哪部劇,然後你說《超自然檔案》,別人可能連聽都沒聽過,然 後他們又問:『哪個聯播網的?』你回答CW,他們還是沒聽過這家電 視台。」不過最近這部影集可是有愈來愈多的收視觀眾了。第四季劇 情集中在溫家兄弟對抗天使和過去的尋常敵人:惡魔,本季比去年成 長了百分之13的收視率,最新幾集平均都有330萬的觀眾,再加上每 週都面臨《實習醫生》和《CSI:犯罪現場》等勁敵。這些新進的觀 眾可能會怪相逢太晚,一來劇組演員和工作人員的精神領袖——Kim Manners在今年一月去世了﹔二來26歲的Padalecki和31歲的Ackles已 身心耗竭;再三Kripke又始終聲稱會五季完結——只剩下一季,然後 他們的工作便結束了。正如本季的籌備之初,Kripke告訴編劇們的: 「來玩大的。挖出故事的核心,別害怕或為了保住明天而在週邊跳踢 躂舞,因為我們連有沒有明天都不曉得咧。」 It might be time to beef up the security detail even more, because the Supernatural cult is swelling. Sure, the show may not crack the top 10, or even to top 80--"You got to a dinner party and someone asks you what show you work on and you say 'Supernatural,' and they've never heard of it," says creator/ exec producer Eric Kripke. "Then they say, 'What network is it on?' and you say'The CW,' and they've never heard of it"-- but lately it's been making almost otherworldly gains in view- ship. Season 4,which has centered on the brothers battling angels as well as their usual demon enemies, is up an impressive 13 percent over last year; with new episodes averaging 3.3 million viewers a week--and that's against Thursday-night stalwarts Grey's Anatomy and CSI. All those new Supernatural acolytes, however; may find themselves wishing they'd showed up sooner: The cast and crew's "godfather," executive producer and director Kim Manners(The X-Files), passed away in January; Padalecki,26 and Ackels,31, are exhausted; and Kripke has long maintained that he wants the series to last only five seasons-- that's one more, then they're done. As Kripke told his writers at the beginning of the season, "Let's be bold.Let's delve into the stories headlong. Let's not tap-dance around them because we're scared, or because we have to save something for tomorrow, Because we don't know if there will be a tomorrow." 溫哥華寒冷的二月,《超自然檔案》劇組正在拍攝四月二日放送 的內容,場景是本劇的招牌之一——破爛骯髒的旅館房間。Dean正躺 在床上閱讀一本他剛發現的系列小說——等等,書名是《超自然檔案 》?或更可以說是一本日誌,內容詳細記載溫家兄弟,Sam和Dean的抓 鬼故事。Dean接著看他小老弟(Padalecki)傳給他的筆電,上頭是小 說的書迷網站,Dean說:「你看,書迷雖然不多,但是……哇,他們 真會抱怨。」這點Ackles倒是有點同意,他說:「我也是它的影迷, 我被傳染了。『Kripke在搞什麼鬼,怎麼回事?有天使還有惡魔?拜 託!』……之後我又看了新一集的劇本,又變成像:『噢,其實不賴 。』這一季的故事從Dean被抓出地獄開始,後面會導致兄弟倆彼此有 善惡二元論的對決局面。」他們冒著相當大的風險向影迷挑戰,噢, 甚至有世界末日的故事線。「這將是破釜沈舟、無可避免的一季」 Kripke這麼說,或許可以解釋本季天使們的出現。這部影集的原型是 結合Hardy Boys==一對年輕兄弟的偵探型系列小說==與《X檔案》的懸 念主線,搭配上每週一集四處流浪的單元型打鬼任務。但本季首集打 破慣例讓一位名叫Castiel的天使降臨,此角由Misha Collins擔綱, 他金光閃閃地出現在Dean這個平日以獵殺惡魔爪牙為樂的男人眼前。 這可嚇壞了許多影迷;過去編劇們都信奉著避免提及來自天上的力量 ,但Kripke卻打破了它,因為他有個關於惡魔的難題,他解釋:「總 是只有那些耍屌的惡魔們在人間活跳跳地用邪惡的嘴臉想吃嬰兒。」 所以他走到編劇室宣告說:「好吧,各位,這季要講的是天使!他們 都是混蛋。」如今嶄新的一季直到下一季的高潮將會迴繞在天使與兄 弟倆;Lucifer;附帶決定全世界的命運。 On a cold February day in Vancouver, Supernatural is shooting its April 2 episode in the kind of scuzzy motel-room set that is the show's signature motif. Dean(Ackles) is lying on a bed reading a novel from a pulpy book series he just discovered called--huh?--Supernatural. It might as well be a diary, since it's full of intimate details about two demon-hunting brothers named Sam and Dean Winchester. Dean joins his little brother( Padalecki) at a laptop to look at websites devoted to the fictional book series."Check it out, there's fans," Dean says. "Not many, but still... Though for fans, they sure do complain a lot." It's a winking moment Ackles can relate to. "I'm a fan of the show, and I get gripey," the actor says later in his trailer:"'Where is [Kripke] going with this? What is happening? Angels and demons? Come on man!'...Then I'll read the next script and it's like,'Oh, I kind like that.'" This season's story lines began with Dean clawing his way out of hell, and will end with a classic good-versus-evil clash between the brothers. In Between, It has had plenty of risky, high-concept episodes like this meta nod to the show's fan base. Oh, and it's all building toward the end of days. As Kripke puts it, "There is the smoke-'em if you got-'em season." Which might explain the angels. The show started as a Hardy Boys-meets-X-files mystery series, with the itinerant ghost buster brothers driving around the country, doing their small part to take out a few demons a week. But in this season's premiere, things took a celestial turn when the angel Castiel, played by Misha Collins, appeared before Dean in a blinding revelation meant to scare a guy who slaughters the devil's minions for a living. The move was shocking to fans; the writers previously worked under a no-halo rule(too Highway to Heaven), but Kripke broke it because he had a demon problem. "There's only so many snarky demons that can pop in with their snarky cruel attitudes and references to eating babies," he explains. So he came into the writers' room and proclaimed,"Okay, guys, this season: angels! But they're dicks." Now the reinvigorated series is storming toward next season's climactic struggle between the angels and their brothers;Lucifer;for no less than the fate of the world. Kripke堅持那將是最後一戰,根據他的說法:「不管聯播網或製 作群要不要,我想拍的故事不會超過五季。」這位監製跟演員相同, 都只剩下二年的契約。如果高層們想繼續拍,他們必須另尋高明。他 說:「我會保證還有足夠的英雄跟反派角色讓他們來延伸劇情,至於 我拍完該該說的就會走人。不可能留下來拍第六季。」因龐大的工作 量加上Manners的逝去,即使Ackles及Padalecki強調他們對本劇的愛 ,他們還是渴望往下一步邁進。Ackles說:「我們不住在家裡,沒睡 自己的床,家人跟朋友都不在這,女朋友也不在這。繼續工作下一個 五年,我不知道我否承受的了。」為此,Padalecki附合說:「我喜歡 在這工作,但還有什麼意義呢?我只想繼續拍拍照然後再拍戲嗎?繼 續拍照跟拍戲然後讓自己更紅,藉此讓自己可以拍更多宣傳照、拍戲 ,接著飛到其他地方作些宣傳?……我都受不了這樣介紹我自己了。」 And that, insists Kripke, will be the final battle. For him, anyway."Despite what the network and studio may or may not want, I don't have more than five seasons of story," says the producer; whose contract--along with his stars'--expires at the end of season 5. If the powers that be want the show to continue, he says, they'll have to do it without him. "I certainly would be willing to make sure there are enough villains and heroes around to continue a new story line, and I would be around to answer a few questions--that' it. I'm outta here. There's no way I'm doing season 6." With the weight of their workload and Manners' death casting a pall on the set, Ackles and Padalecki are also eager to move on, even as they affirm their love for the show. "We don't live at home. We don't sleep in our beds. Our families aren't here. Our friends aren't here. Our girlfriends aren't here," says Ackeles. "To do it for another five years, or whatever, I don't know if I could handle it." Padalecki concurs:"I enjoy working, but what's the point? Do I want to just keep on doing photo shoots and work so I can get more famous so I can do even more photo shoots and work and fly to more places to do more press?...I get sick of talking about myself." 但CW聯播網可不這麼容易就讓這部影集走人,聯播網的總裁Dawn Ostroff說:「如果這部劇情況不錯,我們確信會讓它繼續,現在結束 為之過早。」她並強調聯播網將竭盡所能挽留Kripke。無論如何, Ostroff可得及早準備第六季的談判條件,因為根據Kripke的說法,「 他們可能要趕快自己備份那些裝備。」 That doesn't mean The CW will just let their growing cult his go. "If the show's doing well, we would go on, I'm sure," says CW entertainment president Dawn Ostroff, who declines to elaborate on whether the network would try to woo Kripke to stay. "It's premature for us to even address that." Either way, Ostroff should be prepared to open her checkbook at those season 6 negotiations: According to Ackles, "They'd have to back up a Brinks truck." Kripke的舉動的確符合那些只剩一季可活的製作人行為。在未來 的幾集中,Castiel附身的本人將告訴溫家兄弟他要回復原來的凡人生 活,而在四月23日放送的內容將介紹第三個溫家兄弟出場:Adam(Jake Abel飾演)。這位演員可能代表部份同人影迷的極致夢想——他的外 表仿若Padalecki和Ackles二人的男男奇蹟結晶。Kripke說:「當集的 標題是〈跳海找死〉(Jump the Shark),因為那正是我們被警告的 。」而他明顯很滿意這個點子。此外,Sam控和Dean控可有得吵了,因 為兄弟倆將在季末反目成仇,Kripke不是玩家族內鬨,而是更形而上 的、天堂與地獄等級的無間道。聽起來似乎是個不錯的出口,即使可 能與影迷們的期望背道而馳。「我不想看起來美美的,然後變成五十 多歲的老頭Sam和Dean一起坐在車前座,載著他們的孫子們。我想我傾 向讓他們==指觀眾==不滿足更勝過給他們一切然後被噓下台。」 Padalecki如是說。的確,根據這批狂熱影迷的脾氣,怎麼做都有人嫌 ,左右為難。(完) Kripke certainly acts with the abandon of someone whose show have only a year to live. In upcoming episodes, Castiel's human vessel will tell the Winchesters he's going to return to a normal life, and on April 23 the show will introduce a third Winchester brother;Adam(Jake Abel). The actor playing the new sibling is a Wincest buff's dream--he looks so much like Padalecki and Ackles he could be their Magical gay offspring. "The title of the episode is 'Jump the Shark,' because we know that's what we'll be accused of," says Kripke, clearly delighting in the idea. Meanwhile, Sam girls and Dean girls might have to throw down when, in the season final, the brothers battle each other: Kripke won't reveal what set off the family squabble, only that it presages next year's metaphysical death math between heaven and hell. That certainly sounds like a good way to go out, even if the word end is heresy to devoted fans."I don't want to be cheesy and here's Sam and Dean at age 50 sitting in wheel-chairs with grandchildren," says Padalecki. "I think I'd rather leave them wanting more than get to the point where they boo you off stage." Of course, with this show's fiery fan base, it may be a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't. --- 感想: 1.我便是愛看又愛罵的影迷之一,so what? 2.留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒,不過請等到電影版再燒。XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/04 03:53, , 1F
oh my~原來SPN跟GA還有CSI同時段 這未免也太競爭了吧!!!
04/04 03:53, 1F

04/04 03:54, , 2F
04/04 03:54, 2F

04/04 03:54, , 3F
酬勞否則不太可能吧 雖然很捨不得SPN 但完美的結束總比歹
04/04 03:54, 3F

04/04 03:55, , 4F
戲拖棚要好的多 不僅演員承受不了也沒時間接拍其他的戲
04/04 03:55, 4F

04/04 03:55, , 5F
04/04 03:55, 5F

04/04 11:20, , 6F
第三個兄弟囧 這樣會有什麼鬼發展呀
04/04 11:20, 6F

04/04 11:20, , 7F
04/04 11:20, 7F

04/04 12:37, , 8F
見好就收真的很重要! 電影版啊~我想S5季末就留伏筆,以
04/04 12:37, 8F

04/04 12:37, , 9F
04/04 12:37, 9F

04/04 12:38, , 10F
CW總裁有那麼重視SPN嗎? 我還真感覺不到...= =
04/04 12:38, 10F

04/04 12:59, , 11F
感覺不到+1 啊如果有電影那我的一生就圓滿了
04/04 12:59, 11F

04/04 18:47, , 12F
J2的男男結晶 = =;
04/04 18:47, 12F

04/04 20:14, , 13F
04/04 20:14, 13F

04/04 20:15, , 14F
04/04 20:15, 14F

04/04 20:23, , 15F
樓上~那句話是Kripke說的 這樣來個紅字 會不會對辛苦
04/04 20:23, 15F

04/04 20:24, , 16F
04/04 20:24, 16F

04/04 21:31, , 17F
04/04 21:31, 17F

04/04 21:49, , 18F
04/04 21:49, 18F

04/04 21:56, , 19F
04/04 21:56, 19F

04/04 21:57, , 20F
04/04 21:57, 20F

04/04 23:33, , 21F
嗯 文章裡面的確是沒提到smallville和Heroes
04/04 23:33, 21F

04/04 23:36, , 22F
04/04 23:36, 22F

04/05 03:11, , 23F
04/05 03:11, 23F

04/05 03:11, , 24F
04/05 03:11, 24F
※ 編輯: kuoHF 來自: (04/05 06:45)

04/05 20:12, , 25F
04/05 20:12, 25F

04/07 00:17, , 26F
內地的大雷http://0rz.tw/htj42 慎入!!
04/07 00:17, 26F
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