[精進] [台北] 英文口說讀書會

看板StudyGroup作者 (unknown philosopher)時間10年前 (2014/02/26 10:23), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串7/18 (看更多)
1. 自介:(1)女,72年次,國際關係研究所畢業,現任專職筆譯,      (2)想製造說英文的機會,精進口說能力。 (3)之前運作了幾個口說讀書會,分別持續了半年多,成效不錯,      但因為團員的人生目標改變而解散,有的甚至成為永遠的朋友。 2. 對象:(1)女生,也想提升口說能力,不隨便缺席或遲到的人。 (2)希望是學生,或跟我一樣是自由業,時間彈性。 3. 目標:能精確使用英文字,口說流利 4. 原因:想為自己多營造一些全英語思考與對話的情境。 5. 地點:新北投或北投捷運站周邊,可再討論; 熟了之後,可約在我家,離捷運站不遠。 6. 時間:一週兩次or一次,每次1.5小時。 7. 方式: (1)輪流當host。 (2)host事先擬好討論的問題,前一天寄給對方(問題格式可參考本文最後)。 (3)讀書會時,先由host介紹這次的題目,再帶領討論。 8. 範圍:一週兩次,一次討論電影,一次討論新聞。 9. 人數限制:2人(一對一的效果比較好) 10.解散條件:缺席情況嚴重。 11.運作規則:千萬別遲到,若不能出席,盡量幾天前就說好。 ------------------電影討論的問題格式------------------ 這是我上一個讀書會的討論問題,那一次剛好是討論電影 "惡魔教室" 1.If you were the teacher, would you teach the topic ‘autocracy’ in the same way? Do you think the teacher designs this project merely for his students or himself(eg. As his wife says, he himself enjoys the feeling of being adored)? 2.Why does this project become out of control? If you were the teacher, how would you stop the project? 3.If you were the students, would you join the group? If not, would you take the same action as Karo does? 4.Do you think a distatorship couldn’t be established in modern society(eg. Taiwan)? How can the masses be manipulated? Do you think teenagers are more easily to be manipulated? -------------------新聞討論的問題格式-------------------------- 新聞出處:http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/23/technology/23share.html?th&emc=th   1. What’s your first impression of Blippy? What are its potentialities and risks? What kind of opposition will it face? Do you consider visiting such websites and even joining them? 2. People also publicize their little pieces of information about themselves on Facebook. Can you explain why? What kind of personal information would you like to share on Facebook? 3. There are more and more ways to promote products(eg. junk mails, ads in public space such as schools, buses, and MRT stations). Can you give some more examples? Do you think it’s annoying? Are you afraid that once our personal information is easily collected on Internet, ads will intrude every aspects of your life? 4. People also post articles about what they ate, what movie they saw, and what they bought on Ptt. Have you shared such experiences on PTT? What makes you want to share these with strangers? Do you think these articles are more persuasive than commercial ads? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/26 12:34, , 1F
02/26 12:34, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1J3L0CId (StudyGroup)
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