[新聞] 美國悄悄地開放俄羅斯肥料交易

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原文標題:US Quietly Urges Russia Fertilizer Deals to Unlock Grain Trade 原文連結:https://tinyurl.com/49h76exn 發布時間:2022年6月14日 上午12:18 [GMT+8] 記者署名:Elizabeth Elkin, Daniel Flatley, and Jennifer Jacobs 原文內容:(翻譯為個人濃縮簡化而來,與原意會有些許差異,僅供參考) The US government is quietly encouraging agricultural and shipping companies to buy and carry more Russian fertilizer, according to people familiar with the efforts, as sanctions fears have led to a sharp drop in supplies, fueling spiraling global food costs. 根據知情人士消息,因為對俄羅斯的經濟制裁所引發的恐慌導致全球糧食供給急遽下降, 進而推升全球糧食價格,美國政府正悄悄地鼓勵務農公司購買更多俄羅斯肥料,並請航運 業者運送更多俄羅斯肥料。 The effort is part of complex and difficult negotiations underway involving the United Nations to boost deliveries of fertilizer, grain and other farm products from Russia and Ukraine that have been disrupted by President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of his southern neighbor. 烏俄戰爭影響烏俄兩國肥料及農產品的運輸,為了解決這個問題,聯合國進行一連串複雜 又困難的協商,才達到這項成果。 US and European officials have accused the Kremlin of using food as a weapon, preventing Ukraine from exporting. Russia denies that even as it has attacked key ports, blaming the shipment disruptions on sanctions imposed by the US and its allies over the invasion. 美國及歐洲官員指控克里姆林宮阻擋烏克蘭糧食出口,以糧食危機做為威脅手段。俄羅斯 否認,並指出美國與其盟友對俄羅斯的制裁造成糧食運輸受到干擾。 The EU and the US have built exemptions into their restrictions on doing business with Russia to allow trade in fertilizer, of which Moscow is a key global supplier. But many shippers, banks and insurers have been staying away from the trade out of fear they could inadvertently fall afoul of the rules. Russian fertilizer exports are down 24% this year. US officials, surprised by the extent of the caution, are in the seemingly paradoxical position of looking for ways to boost them. 莫斯科為全球重要的肥料供應地。即使歐盟及美國已經免除與俄羅斯的肥料交易限制, 許多航運業者、銀行及保險公司深怕不經意受到經濟制裁的牽連,仍避免與俄羅斯購買 肥料。俄羅斯肥料出口今年下滑24%,對此感到意外的美國官員正在找尋解決方案,設法 促進立場尷尬的業者們與俄羅斯進行肥料交易。 The US push underlines the challenge facing Washington and its allies as they seek to increase pressure on Putin over his invasion but also limit the collateral damage to a global economy which is heavily dependent on commodity supplies from Russia ranging from natural gas and oil to fertilizer and grains. Prices for all of those have spiked further since the war started in February, a point Putin regularly makes in his public efforts to undermine support for sanctions. 美國與其盟友目前正面臨一項挑戰,一方面要向普丁的侵略行為施加更多壓力,另一方面 也希望減少施壓對全球經濟造成連帶的損害。凡舉天然氣及石油,到肥料與糧食,全球對 這些來自俄羅斯物資具高度依賴性,這些物資自2月烏俄戰爭爆發後價格不斷攀升,普丁 也時常拿攀升的物價呼籲各國降低對經濟制裁的支持。 Washington sent a representative to UN-led talks in Moscow earlier this month on the supply issues, according to people familiar with the situation who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss matters that aren’t public. Inadequate fertilizer deliveries this year could also affect next year’s crops. 根據匿名人士提供的非公開消息,華府在本月(6月)稍早派員到莫斯科參加聯合國主辦有關 供應議題的說明會,今年肥料運送不利可能影響今年甚至明年的糧食收成。 The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. 白宮仍未對此作出回應。 The Kremlin has called on the US provide assurances to buyers and shippers of its fertilizer and grain that they aren’t subject to sanctions, suggesting it ’s a condition of any steps to unblock shipments of Ukrainian farm products now. 克里姆林宮向美國喊話,希望美國保證向俄羅斯購買肥料及糧食的買家及運送人不會受 到制裁,並建議現在應該盡一切手段開放烏克蘭農產品的運輸。 “For Russia, it’s really important that U.S. authorities send a clear signal that these deals are permitted and in the interest of global food security and they shouldn’t refuse to carry them out,” said Ivan Timofeev, spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss matters that aren’t public. Inadequate fertilizer deliveries this year could also affect next year’s crops. 根據匿名人士提供的非公開消息,華府在本月(6月)稍早派員到莫斯科參加聯合國主辦有關 供應議題的說明會,今年肥料運送不利可能影響今年甚至明年的糧食收成。 The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. 白宮仍未對此作出回應。 The Kremlin has called on the US provide assurances to buyers and shippers of its fertilizer and grain that they aren’t subject to sanctions, suggesting it ’s a condition of any steps to unblock shipments of Ukrainian farm products now. 克里姆林宮向美國喊話,希望美國保證向俄羅斯購買肥料及糧食的買家及運送人不會受 到制裁,並建議現在應該盡一切手段開放烏克蘭農產品的運輸。 “For Russia, it’s really important that U.S. authorities send a clear signal that these deals are permitted and in the interest of global food security and they shouldn’t refuse to carry them out,” said Ivan Timofeev, a sanctions specialist at the Kremlin-founded Russian International Affairs Council. 克里姆林宮的俄羅斯國際事務委員會其中一位制裁專家Ivan Timofeev指出,「對俄羅斯 來說,美國當局是否釋出一個明確的訊號非常重要,這類物資的交易應准許進行,並對全球 糧食安全有 利,且不應拒絕運送這類物資。」 While Russia claims that sanctions fears are also holding back its grain exports, total shipments this season are down only 14%, and wheat exports doubled in May, according to the country’s Grain Union. 俄羅斯主張對制裁的捆劇也使得俄羅斯糧食出口漸少,根據俄羅斯糧食公會資料,本季糧 食總運量僅降14%,小麥出口在五月翻倍。 By contrast, more than 25 million tons of grain, sunflower oil and other commodities are stuck in Ukraine because of security fears in the Black Sea ports and shipping lanes traditionally used to carry them to global markets. Officials warn the situation will become more dire with the new harvest beginning. 此外,因為黑海的安全性疑慮加上黑海的港口與航線自古以來就是運送烏克蘭物資到全 球市場的重要管道,超過2千5百噸的糧食、葵花油及其他商品仍卡在烏克蘭。官員警告 這樣的狀況可能會因為開始新一波收成季而更加惡化。 Talks on releasing those shipments have gone slowly, with Putin seeking to pin the blame on Ukraine for not wanting to remove mines from ports placed to defend them from possible attacks by Russian forces. Kyiv has said it’s not convinced by Moscow’s assurances that it won’t strike, noting that Russia also insisted before the war that it wouldn’t invade. 普丁指責烏克蘭不願意移除港口的水雷,舒解烏克蘭物資運輸的相關討論持續進行緩慢。 基輔當局指出,它們無法相信莫斯科提出不會攻打港口的保證,因為俄羅斯在開戰前也宣 稱絕對不會入侵烏克蘭。 De-Mining Ukraine’s Ports May Take Months, UN Agency Says 聯合國官員指出,烏克蘭港口除雷要花上好幾個月。 Russia won the support of Turkey in its calls for sanctions relief last week, but Ankara’s efforts to mediate a solution to restart shipments so far haven ’t yielded results. 俄羅斯呼籲停止制裁在上週獲得土耳其的支持,但土耳其付出的努力尚未調解出重啟運輸 的成果。 Shipping companies remain extremely wary of the Black Sea given sanctions and security fears, and industry officials say a more concerted international push will be needed to reassure them. Efforts to ship Ukrainian produce by rail to Europe have yield limited results amid differing track gauges and other logistical issues. 在制裁及安全疑慮下,航運公司仍對於黑海保持極度憂心,業者指出目前仍需要更具體的 跨國支持讓他們放心。透過鐵路將烏克蘭的產品送往歐洲僅能帶來有限的效果,且有鐵道 規格不同及其他物流問題。 “We’re working together with our partners to get about half of what Ukraine exports out each month,” but that will take some time, James O’Brien, head of the Office of Sanctions Coordination at the State Department, told an online briefing June 9. “So we’re looking at a substantial shortfall.” 美國政府的制裁協調辦公室主任James O’Brien在6月9日指出「我們正與合作夥伴努力協 助取得烏克蘭每月出口半數商品,但這仍需要一些時間,因此我們目前還在找尋短期替代 方案。」 心得/評論: 美國為了通膨焦頭爛額, 失智老人一點用都沒有, 到頭來還是要想辦法解決烏俄問題或者開放俄羅斯便宜產品。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1655198510.A.61C.html

06/14 17:22, 1年前 , 1F
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06/14 17:23, 1年前 , 2F
麻煩歐洲及其盟友繼續禁止 謝謝
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06/14 17:23, 1年前 , 4F
可憐啊 失智登 美國開始下跪了
06/14 17:23, 4F

06/14 17:23, 1年前 , 5F
美能你不能 笑死
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06/14 17:24, 1年前 , 8F
笑死 垃圾老頭... 想請航運運貨還放三小話 可憐智
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06/14 17:24, 1年前 , 11F
美國買了有民主價值 只好加價賣給歐洲
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06/14 17:24, 1年前 , 12F
障老頭 早點跟普丁和航商下跪才是正途
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06/14 17:25, 1年前 , 15F
制裁俄羅斯 但可以跟他買肥料喔
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06/14 17:29, 1年前 , 25F
拜登什麼時候跟中國跪 也不用太意外了
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06/14 17:30, 1年前 , 28F
最大贏家 則倫斯基^ ^ 其他人都是輸家
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06/14 17:32, 1年前 , 29F
解決通膨vs幫烏克蘭 沒多久就能看到資本家的嘴臉
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06/14 17:33, 1年前 , 33F
美國佬空有大 但是很軟
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06/14 17:41, 1年前 , 38F
蔣介內戰開頭打的不錯 不就是被美國干預之後一路gg
06/14 17:41, 38F

06/14 17:41, 1年前 , 39F
歐豬不准買 只准賣我
06/14 17:41, 39F
還有 82 則推文
還有 1 段內文
06/14 19:56, 1年前 , 122F
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06/14 20:48, 1年前 , 131F
烏克蘭好悲情 美國趁機撈錢
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06/14 20:58, 1年前 , 136F
越打美國送越多錢 布丁發現了財富密碼
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06/14 21:27, 1年前 , 139F
有便宜的買 美國真的最大贏家
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06/14 22:12, 1年前 , 142F
抗俄是工作 吃飯是生活XD
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06/15 00:39, 1年前 , 151F
沒辦法美國除了出口民主之外 就沒有別的了
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06/15 09:05, 1年前 , 158F
制裁到自己 當初不要叫囂好好談還不會這麼慘
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