Fw: [新聞] 美國貿易逆差縮小但與中國的逆差仍在擴大

看板Stock作者 (青山)時間4年前 (2019/09/11 09:13), 4年前編輯推噓-14(92323)
留言55則, 26人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1TTn9gbZ ] 作者: czqs2000 (青山) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 美國貿易逆差縮小但與中國的逆差仍在擴大 時間: Tue Sep 10 11:03:03 2019 1.媒體來源: 路透社 2.記者署名 Lucia Mutikani 3.完整新聞標題: U.S. trade deficit shrinks, gap with China remains elevated 美國貿易逆差縮小,與中國的貿易逆差仍在擴大 4.完整新聞內文: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. trade deficit narrowed slightly in July, but the gap with China, a focus of the Trump administration’s “America First” agenda, surged to a six-month high. 路透華盛頓---美國7月貿易逆差小幅收窄,但與中國的差距飆升至6個月高位,而中國是 川普政府“美國優先”議程的重點。 The report from the Commerce Department on Wednesday came against the backdr op of an escalation in the trade war between the United States and China. Th e two economic giants slapped fresh tariffs on each other on Sunday, fanning fears of a global recession. President Donald Trump on Tuesday warned he wo uld be “tougher” on Beijing in a second term if trade talks dragged on. 美國商務部周三(9月4日)的這份報告是在中美貿易戰升級的背景下發布的。兩大經濟 巨頭周日互加新關稅,引發了對全球經濟衰退的擔憂。美國總統川普周二警告稱,如果 貿易談判拖延下去,他將在第二任期內對北京采取“更強硬”的態度。 “Investors and the markets are unlikely to see any reprieve in the trade sa nctions and tariffs and the Trump administration may even redouble their eff orts to tame the massive red ink,” said Chris Rupkey, chief economist at MU FG in New York. “It doesn’t look like America is winning the trade war.” 三菱日聯金融集團(MUFG)駐紐約首席經濟學家克里斯魯普基(Chris Rupkey)表示:“ 投資者和市場不太可能看到貿易制裁和關稅的任何緩期執行,川普政府將付出更多努力 ,試圖去平抑這一巨大的赤字。”“看起來美國并沒有贏得貿易戰。” The trade deficit dropped 2.7% to $54.0 billion as exports rebounded and imp orts fell. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast the trade gap narrowing to $53.5 billion in July. The monthly trade gap has swelled from $46.4 bill ion at the start of 2017, when Trump took over from former president Barack Obama. 貿易逆差下降2.7%,至540億美元,出口反彈,進口下降。路透社經濟學家曾預測7月份 貿易逆差將縮小至535億美元。自2017年初川普接替前總統歐巴馬時的464億美元,月度 貿易逆差已經擴大。 The politically sensitive goods trade deficit with China increased 9.4% to $ 32.8 billion on an unadjusted basis, the highest since January, with imports jumping 6.4%. Exports to China fell 3.3% in July. Smoothing out seasonal fl- uctuations, the shortfall with China dropped 1.7% in July as both imports an d exports dropped. 對中國政治敏感的貨物貿易逆差未經調整增加9.4%,至328億美元,為1月份以來的最高 水平,進口躍升6.4%。7月份對中國的出口下降了3.3%。為了消除季節性波動,對中國7 月份的貿易逆差下降了1.7%,因為進出口都下降了。 U.S. exports to China have declined 18.2% in the first seven months of this year and imports are down 12.3%, pointing to a restriction of trade flows be tween the two nations. 今年前7個月,美國對中國的出口下降了18.2%,進口下降了12.3%,表明中美貿易往來受 到抑制。 The trade deficit with the European Union raced to a record high in July, wi th the shortfall with Germany the largest since August 2015. This could draw more criticism from Trump, who last week complained “the euro is dropping against the dollar ‘like crazy,’ giving them a big export and manufacturin g advantage.” 7月份,(美國)與歐盟的貿易逆差創下歷史新高,與德國的貿易逆差為2015年8月以來 最大。這可能會招致川普更多批評,他上周抱怨“歐元兌美元匯率正在瘋狂下跌”,給 了他們很大的出口和制造業優勢。” Washington on Sunday imposed 15% tariffs on more than $125 billion in Chines e imports, including smart speakers, Bluetooth headphones and clothing. In r etaliation, China slapped additional duties on some of the U.S. goods on a $ 75 billion target list, including a 5% tariff on crude oil. Additional tarif fs are due in December. 華盛頓周日對1250多億美元的中國進口產品征收15%的關稅,其中包括智能揚聲器、藍牙 耳機和服裝。作為報復,中國對750億美元目標清單上的部分美國商品征收額外關稅,其 中包括對原油征收5%的關稅。附加關稅將于12月開始征收。 The trade tensions have rattled financial markets and triggered a global man ufacturing recession. The trade-driven downturn in manufacturing is threaten ing the longest U.S. economic expansion in history. 貿易緊張局勢令金融市場不安,并引發全球制造業衰退。貿易推動的制造業衰退正威脅 著美國歷史上最長的經濟擴張。 A separate report from the Federal Reserve on Wednesday described the econom y as having expanded at a “modest” pace through the end of August amid con cerns over tariffs and trade policy uncertainty. 美聯儲周三發布的另一份報告稱,由于擔心關稅和貿易政策的不確定性,美國經濟在8月 底之前一直以“溫和”的速度增長。 The dollar fell against a basket of currencies, while U.S. Treasury prices r ose. Stocks on Wall Street were trading higher after upbeat data from China’ s services sector. 美元兌一籃子貨幣下跌,而美國國債價格上漲。中國服務業公布樂觀數據后,華爾街股 市上漲。 EXPORTS REBOUND 出口反彈 In July, goods exports increased 0.9% to $138.2 billion. But with China impo sing additional tariffs on U.S. soybeans, beef and pork, exports are likely to decline in the months ahead. China’s commerce ministry said in early Aug ust that Chinese companies had stopped buying U.S. farm products. 7月份,(美國)貨物出口增加0.9%,達到1382億美元。但隨著中國對美國大豆、牛肉和 豬肉征收額外關稅,未來幾個月出口可能會下降。中國商務部8月初表示,中國企業已停 止購買美國農產品。 A survey of manufacturers on Tuesday showed a measure of export orders recei ved by factories plummeted in August to the lowest level since April 2009. 周二對制造商的調查顯示,8月份工廠收到的出口訂單數量驟降至2009年4月以來的最低 水平。 In July, exports were boosted by consumer goods, which increased $1.5 billio n. Capital goods exports rose $0.8 billion. There were also increases in exp orts of motor vehicles. Exports of industrial supplies and materials, howeve r, decreased $1.7 billion, with shipments of crude oil falling $0.5 billion. 7月份,消費品增加了15億美元,促進了出口。資本品出口增加8億美元。汽車出口也有 所增加。然而,工業用品和材料出口減少了17億美元,原油運輸量減少了5億美元。 “A soft export and capital spending environment, in large part resulting fr om trade policy turmoil, are likely important factors contributing to the we akness in manufacturing,” said John Ryding, chief economist at RDQ Economic s in New York. “疲軟的出口和資本支出環境,在很大程度上是由貿易政策動蕩造成的,可能是制造業 走弱的重要因素,”RDQ Economics首席經濟學家John Ryding表示。 Goods imports dropped 0.2% to $211.8 billion. Economists believe imports reb ounded in August as businesses probably stocked up on Chinese goods followin g the announcement of further tariffs. 貨物進口下降0.2%,至2118億美元。經濟學家認為,8月份進口額出現反彈,因為在宣布 進一步征收關稅后,企業可能會囤積中國商品。 The U.S.-China trade tensions have caused wild swings in the trade deficit, with exporters and importers trying to stay ahead of the tariff fight betwee n the two economic giants. 美中貿易緊張局勢導致貿易逆差劇烈波動,進出口商試圖在兩大經濟巨頭之間的關稅戰 中保持領先地位。 The import bill was pulled down by a $1.5 billion decline in capital goods i mports, to the lowest level since October 2017. The drop in capital goods im ports suggests business investment could remain weak in the third quarter af ter contracting in the April-June period for the first time in three years. 進口額下降15億美元,降至2017年10月以來的最低水平。資本品進口下降表明,企業投 資在4-6月出現三年來首次萎縮后,第三季度可能仍將疲弱。 But imports of industrial supplies and materials rose $0.9 billion, with pet roleum products imports increasing $1.0 billion. Imports from the European U nion were the highest on record in July. 但工業用品和材料進口增加9億美元,石油產品進口增加10億美元。7月份從歐盟的進口 創下歷史最高紀錄。 When adjusted for inflation, the goods trade deficit fell $0.7 billion to $8 5.5 billion in July. The so-called real trade deficit is slightly above the second-quarter average, suggesting trade could again weigh on gross domestic product this quarter. 經通脹因素調整后,7月份貨物貿易逆差下降7億美元,至855億 美元。所謂的實際貿易逆差略高于第二季度平均水平,表明貿易可能再次對本季度GDP構 成壓力。 Trade subtracted 0.72 percentage point from GDP in the second quarter. The e conomy grew at a 2.0% annualized rate in the last quarter, slowing from the first quarter’s brisk 3.1% rate. The Atlanta Federal Reserve is forecasting the economy growing at a 1.5% pace in the third quarter. 第二季度貿易占GDP的比重下降了0.72個百分點。上一季度美國經濟折合成年率增長2.0 %,低于一季度3.1%的強勁增速。亞特蘭大聯邦儲備銀行(Atlanta Federal Reserve)預 計第三季度美國經濟將增長1.5%。 “The weakening in export orders in the manufacturing ISM report for August raises the likelihood that the data for the quarter as a whole will be weake r,” said Jim O’Sullivan, chief U.S. economist at High Frequency Economics in White Plains, New York. “8月份制造業ISM報告中出口訂單的減弱增加了整個季度數據走弱的可能性,”High F requency Economics首席美國經濟學家Jim O'Sullivan表示。 In July, the services surplus decreased $0.1 billion to $19.7 billion, the l owest level since February 2016, as imports of services hit a record high. 7月份,服務業順差減少1億美元,至197億美元,為2016年2月以來的最低水平,原因是 服務業進口創歷史新高。 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://tinyurl.com/yy547dbs 6.備註: 貿易戰越打對華貿易逆差越高,這好像和本版認為中國已經被打得跪地求饒的認知不太一 樣啊? 覺青們從去年剛打貿易戰起說中國馬上就要跪了,暫時的逆差升高是美國廠商在囤貨,怎 麼屯了快一年半了還在屯啊? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (中國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1568084586.A.963.html

09/10 11:03, 4年前 , 1F
09/10 11:03, 1F

09/10 11:05, 4年前 , 2F
吃死豬也沒差 是要怎麼打
09/10 11:05, 2F

09/10 11:09, 4年前 , 3F
09/10 11:09, 3F

09/10 11:10, 4年前 , 4F
翻牆的意思嗎? 是有牌翻還是無牌翻?
09/10 11:10, 4F
※ 編輯: czqs2000 ( 中國), 09/10/2019 11:13:15

09/10 11:15, 4年前 , 5F
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※ 編輯: czqs2000 ( 中國), 09/10/2019 11:18:01

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09/10 11:19, 4年前 , 12F
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09/10 11:42, 4年前 , 13F
覺青從央文上來就說支那要倒 倒到現在
09/10 11:42, 13F

09/10 11:42, 4年前 , 14F
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09/10 12:19, 4年前 , 18F
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09/10 18:42, 4年前 , 19F
推備註 XD 蠢蛋覺青
09/10 18:42, 19F

09/10 20:34, 4年前 , 20F
暴政必亡~ 民主不能當飯吃~ BY郭董
09/10 20:34, 20F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: czqs2000 ( 中國), 09/11/2019 09:13:43

09/11 09:15, 4年前 , 21F
税前拉貨而已 過幾個月就知道了
09/11 09:15, 21F
你這句話一年前就有人說了,現在已經過了12個月了。 ※ 編輯: czqs2000 ( 中國), 09/11/2019 09:16:58

09/11 09:17, 4年前 , 22F
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09/11 09:17, 4年前 , 24F
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09/11 09:18, 4年前 , 25F
09/11 09:18, 25F
關稅都征了一年多了,結果逆差一再擴大。你就信你的新關稅吧。 ※ 編輯: czqs2000 ( 中國), 09/11/2019 09:20:49

09/11 09:21, 4年前 , 26F
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09/11 09:28, 4年前 , 31F
09/11 09:28, 31F
睜眼看看數據吧,有夢最美。 ※ 編輯: czqs2000 ( 中國), 09/11/2019 09:32:10

09/11 09:33, 4年前 , 32F
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09/11 09:35, 4年前 , 34F
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09/11 09:35, 4年前 , 35F
09/11 09:35, 35F
因為被罵支那賤畜習慣了啊,說覺青很輕了吧? ※ 編輯: czqs2000 ( 中國), 09/11/2019 09:43:46

09/11 09:42, 4年前 , 36F
09/11 09:42, 36F
三菱日聯金融集團(MUFG)駐紐約首席經濟學家克里斯魯普基(Chris Rupkey)表示:“ 投資者和市場不太可能看到貿易制裁和關稅的任何緩期執行,川普政府將付出更多努力 ,試圖去平抑這一巨大的赤字。”“看起來美國并沒有贏得貿易戰。” 別問我,問MUFG的Chris Rupkey去。 ※ 編輯: czqs2000 ( 中國), 09/11/2019 09:45:01

09/11 09:44, 4年前 , 37F
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09/11 09:44, 4年前 , 39F
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09/11 09:44, 4年前 , 40F
https://imgur.com/a/iF566EB 我給你多畫了一段,你自己好好看看,就在你畫的那段下面。

09/11 09:48, 4年前 , 41F
09/11 09:48, 41F
是的,中國人都在啃樹皮,都要餓死了。 ※ 編輯: czqs2000 ( 中國), 09/11/2019 10:01:02

09/11 10:14, 4年前 , 42F
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09/11 10:31, 4年前 , 49F
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09/11 10:47, 4年前 , 50F
乖 回家吃豬肉
09/11 10:47, 50F

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09/11 11:36, 4年前 , 61F
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09/11 11:37, 4年前 , 62F
我們接著看九月跟十月的數據吧 照我估計 中美之間
09/11 11:37, 62F

09/11 11:37, 4年前 , 63F
的貿易規模必定在下降 中國順差必定也繼續減少!
09/11 11:37, 63F

09/11 11:41, 4年前 , 64F
09/11 11:41, 64F

09/11 11:52, 4年前 , 65F
川就鎧之巨人啊 剛看以為很厲害 結果只會坐下
09/11 11:52, 65F

09/11 11:59, 4年前 , 66F
就算順差減少 那也還是順差阿 美國有能力逆轉把逆差
09/11 11:59, 66F

09/11 12:00, 4年前 , 67F
變順差才是真打贏貿易戰阿 不行的話 乾脆完全停止
09/11 12:00, 67F

09/11 12:01, 4年前 , 68F
100%中美互相都斷絕交易 這樣雙方順差逆差都一樣是0
09/11 12:01, 68F

09/11 13:39, 4年前 , 69F
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10/06 17:19, 4年前 , 75F
10/06 17:19, 75F
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