Re: [新聞] 《外資》蘋果A9單,台積電席捲7成

看板Stock作者 (維吉爾)時間9年前 (2015/03/17 11:32), 9年前編輯推噓18(19119)
留言39則, 20人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《ShawnInHK (卍龘龘龘卍)》之銘言: : 新聞連結過長請善用 縮網址。按ctrl+y可刪除本行。 : 1.原文連結(必須檢附): : 消息人人都會放, 所以這邊給個不一樣的消息, 內容有興趣的自己看.重點就是這一張圖. 這張圖有2個重點 2015年 Samsung A9 14nm FinFET, TSMC A9X 16nm FinFET++ 2016年 Samsung A10X 10nm FinFET, TSMC A10 16nm FinFET 對應到今年二月三星在ISSCC展示其10nm製程技術就可以知道, 三星在10nm製程的進展不是開玩笑的. -------------------------- Take a look at the figure below and tell me this information did not come from inside Apple. I can assure you it did. The question is: Was it voluntary or involuntary? Inquiring minds want to know! There are some minor surprises which I will get to in a minute but the actual source information is spot on to what I have heard the past few quarters. This spicy little piece of information comes from the SemiWiki Semiconductor Process Technology Forum by the way. SemiWiki has always been about crowdsourcing and you will not find a better semiconductor crowd than on, absolutely. In the fabless semiconductor industry there is always a lively debate on who will supply chips to whom. For Apple at 20nm it was TSMC versus Samsung. The Taiwan Press said TSMC and the Korean Press said Samsung. Even after it was clear that TSMC had won the A8 business the Korean press still said Samsung was supplying 20-30% of the chips. The Apple A9 has been all over the map. My prediction was that Samsung would get the A9 since their 14nm LP was ahead of TSMC by 3-6 months and TSMC would get the A9x which jibes with the figure above. I also believe that TSMC has the A10. Samsung having the A10x with 10nm is news to me. It was my understanding that Apple was still evaluating 10nm processes. The 10nm PDKs just came out so I would not bet on this one yet. The other surprises for me are with the specific process nodes. The A9x should not be using TSMC 16nm, it should be TSMC 16FF+, and the A10 should not be 16nm FF+, it should be a new and improved Apple “tuned” version of 16nm. One interesting note, GlobalFoundries is mentioned as a second source for 14nm but not 10nm and obviously Intel Custom Foundry is nowhere to be seen but more on that later. Notice that the figure says iPad & MAC for the A9x and A10x? Not really a surprise. In fact, I say it's about time! Sign me up for six of those as long as they are iOS compatible. I really, really, really am sick of Microsoft Windows! For the Apple iWatch I agree completely. The S1 is a scaled down version of the A7 which is Samsung 28nm. Given that, it is easy to assume the S2 is a scaled down version of the A8 which is TSMC 20nm. The baseband processors for the next two versions of the iPhones (iPhone 6s and iPhone 7?) are a bit of a surprise as well. Not the vendors so much (QCOMM and Intel) but the fact that Apple does not have them integrated into the A9 and A10 SoCs. To me this is a total technology fail on their part. And it is not only cost but also power and packaging. As THE leading SoC design company Apple should be publicly shamed for this unless I’m missing something here. Why would Apple not integrate the baseband processor like Qualcomn, MediaTek, and other SoC companies already have? The takeaway I have from this figure is that Apple is intentionally splitting orders amongst the foundries, not necessarily based on technology, but for business reasons. Clearly Apple wants multiple wafer sources and they will do whatever it takes to make that happen. -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: VirgilAeneid (, 03/17/2015 11:34:15

03/17 11:34, , 1F
Jojo G翁 !
03/17 11:34, 1F

03/17 11:46, , 2F
A10X看起來也是作者自己臆測 放消息無誤
03/17 11:46, 2F
Nope. 圖不是作者作的. 作者自己臆測的,是對這張圖表解讀的部分.而且他是說 Samsung having the A10x with 10nm is news to me. It was my understanding that Apple was still evaluating 10nm processes. The 10nm PDKs just came out so I would not bet on this one yet. 這段說法,跟你的放話說"作者在臆測放消息"是明顯不一樣的.

03/17 11:50, , 3F
03/17 11:50, 3F

03/17 11:50, , 4F
03/17 11:50, 4F
是有這樣的傾向沒錯.但是最近的 Samsung S6 Exynos 7420 (fabed by Samsung) vs HTC M9/LG Flex 2 Snapdragon S810 (fabed by TSMC) 反而證明了S810是半殘...沾到的手機廠都倒楣了.

03/17 11:55, , 5F
03/17 11:55, 5F

03/17 11:59, , 6F
03/17 11:59, 6F

03/17 11:59, , 7F
03/17 11:59, 7F

03/17 12:00, , 8F
03/17 12:00, 8F
你如果有好好看那張圖,怎麼會去去放空台積電? 說雖然Apple A7 獨鍾Samsung, A8 獨鍾TSMC, 那張圖的重點是A9以後都是分散交叉投單的.

03/17 12:03, , 9F
03/17 12:03, 9F
??? 你哪裡看到這樣子的說法?

03/17 12:04, , 10F
03/17 12:04, 10F

03/17 12:05, , 11F
03/17 12:05, 11F
因為作者對圖表上A10X的10nm這個說法是先不予置評, 因為對他來說是"新資訊",跟他的認知是有衝突的. 怎麼會說他放消息呢?

03/17 12:07, , 12F
03/17 12:07, 12F

03/17 12:08, , 13F
03/17 12:08, 13F
業界大家都知道. OK? 但是研發跟量產你必須要分開看. ※ 編輯: VirgilAeneid (, 03/17/2015 12:10:58

03/17 12:09, , 14F
你不是說消息人人會放? 好消息是消息 壞消息消息
03/17 12:09, 14F

03/17 12:10, , 15F
不與置評也是消息 都是消息不是?
03/17 12:10, 15F

03/17 12:14, , 16F
03/17 12:14, 16F

03/17 12:15, , 17F
03/17 12:15, 17F

03/17 12:28, , 18F
03/17 12:28, 18F

03/17 12:31, , 19F
03/17 12:31, 19F

03/17 12:31, , 20F
03/17 12:31, 20F

03/17 12:32, , 21F
03/17 12:32, 21F

03/17 12:32, , 22F
03/17 12:32, 22F

03/17 12:34, , 23F
03/17 12:34, 23F

03/17 12:36, , 24F
03/17 12:36, 24F

03/17 12:38, , 25F
03/17 12:38, 25F

03/17 12:42, , 26F
三星良率那可能跟GG比 聽morris講的就好
03/17 12:42, 26F

03/17 12:54, , 27F
03/17 12:54, 27F

03/17 13:02, , 28F
03/17 13:02, 28F

03/17 13:14, , 29F
圖的來源就是凱基啊XD 他也是半猜測吧
03/17 13:14, 29F

03/17 13:37, , 30F
KGI報告可信度參考參考 當初還預測說會有彩色愛瘋
03/17 13:37, 30F

03/17 13:50, , 31F
Exynos vs S810會得出S810是半殘的結論?
03/17 13:50, 31F

03/17 13:50, , 32F
該不會是過熱降速的三爽謠言吧 lol
03/17 13:50, 32F

03/17 13:56, , 33F
03/17 13:56, 33F

03/17 13:57, , 34F
三星連良率都可以拿自己家產品去tune 看了就想笑
03/17 13:57, 34F

03/17 15:06, , 35F
台積電兩年都是16nm ? 三星 14nm -> 10nm ? 南韓果
03/17 15:06, 35F

03/17 15:06, , 36F
03/17 15:06, 36F

03/17 19:12, , 37F
KGI誰估的 備份起來
03/17 19:12, 37F

03/17 19:14, , 38F
估錯 兩年後準備自盡以謝國人吧
03/17 19:14, 38F

03/17 22:05, , 39F
我覺得這roadmap 很詭異 感覺是假的~~
03/17 22:05, 39F
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