[新聞] 中國經濟逐漸好轉?已回收

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1.原文連結:http://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-official-services-pmi-hits-011645478.html 2.內容: 不負責任翻譯: BEIJING (Reuters) - China's factory and services sectors had their best showings in months in May as demand rebounded, surveys showed, fuelling optimism that its economy may be steadying after a weak start to the year. 北京(路透社):隨著需求反彈、證據顯示,中國的工業和服務業在五月是今年以來最好的 表現,對走出今年以來的衰弱開始增添樂觀。 "Exports are picking up and the impact of the 'mini stimulus' is gradually being felt," said Tao Wang, an economist at UBS, referring to recent government measures to revive growth. "We expect this to last in the second and third quarters." 根據UBS的經濟學家王逃,對於政府最近復甦成長的措施的評論: “出口正在增加,小型刺激措施帶來的改變逐漸的生效。我們期待這可以持續到第三季以 及第四季”。 The final HSBC/Markit purchasing managers' index (PMI) rose to 49.4 in May, a four-month high and compared to April's 48.1. 最新HSBC公布的五月PMI指數來到49.4,這是四個月的新高。 Though the final reading was still under the 50-point level that separates growth in activity from contraction, the improvement nonetheless stirred hopes that the economy is working its way through its prolonged soft patch. 雖然最新的指數報告仍低於50分的程度(用來畫分經濟成長或萎縮的標準),但是改變仍就 代表著經濟通過緩慢的步調趨好。 The buoyancy was mirrored by a similar acceleration in growth in the services sector, where a government-released PMI climbed to a six-month high of 55.5, from April's 54.8. 景氣的回復對照服務業的小型成長,政府所公佈的PMI指數來到了六個月的高點55.5 The survey results augur well for China's monthly economic data that will be released from June 8, and gave a fillip to Asian stock markets. China's economy has had a bumpy ride this year as an under whelming run of data showed an extensive cooldown in investment, retail sales and factory output, feeding concerns that growth could fall further from an 18-month low seen between January and March. 這份報告樂觀的預測,六月公布的經濟資料將給予亞洲股市反彈契機。 中國經濟今年以來走的跌跌撞撞,所公佈的經濟數據無論是投資、零售、工業生產都是18 個月來的新低。 Worried that a broadening downturn would cause unemployment to spike and threaten China's social stability, the government is trying to bolster growth by pump-priming the economy. 擔心衰特會造成非就業人口引起社會不安,政府嘗試藉由刺激性的經濟政策 提升經濟成長。 Authorities have hastened infrastructure investment, accelerated state spending, and twice lowered the reserve requirements for some banks -- with its most recent reduction made on Friday. The measures appear to be working. 政府加速公共建設的投資和大幅縮減某些銀行的保留資產。 "Improving conditions in developed markets and further targeted loosening measures announced last week should continue to support the manufacturing sector," said Julian Evans Pritchard from Capital Economics. "This should give policymakers more leeway to allow a greater cooling of the property sector." “改變發展市場和上周公布的進一步的寬鬆措施會繼續支撐製造業,這會給執政者更多空 間去思考逐漸冷卻的房地產市場的下一步” NEAR THE BOTTOM? 景氣要從底部反轉了嗎? A breakdown of Tuesday's PMIs showed domestic and foreign demand is looking up for China. The services PMI, a barometer for the health of the economy, showed new orders jumped to an eight-month high of 52.7 in May, compared to April's 50.8. 周二的PMI指數徹底的顯示國內和外國需求正好轉。 服務業PMI指數,是經濟是否健康的氣壓計,顯現五月是八個月來最好的表現。 Companies also retained their confidence, with business expectations holding ground at a solid 60.7, compared to April's 61.5. In the HSBC PMI poll, a turnaround in an export indicator was even more dramatic. The new export orders sub-index leapt to a four-year high of 53.2 in May from April's 48.9. 公司也回復自信,商業預測也堅強的落在60.7。 在HSBC的PMI調查顯示,出口更有大幅度的轉變,最新的出口次級指標大幅躍進到四年來 的高點53.2。 "The economy is stabilising, but it is too early to say that it has bottomed out, particularly in light of a weaker property sector," said Qu Hongbin, chief economist for China at HSBC. “經濟正逐漸轉好,但是現在說已經谷底反彈仍太早,特別是脆弱的房地產市場仍在亮起 紅燈”根據郭宏冰,HSBC中國的首席經濟學家所稱。 Up against slowing sales and less generous funding for property developers, China's real estate market has softened this year after last year's stellar performance, causing price growth to drop an 11-month low in April. 面臨到房地產的銷售和建蓋萎縮,中國的房地產市場對比去年的閃亮表現,地產價格來到 了這11個月來的低點。 As the sector accounts for over 15 percent of China's annual economic output and affects production in over 40 industries, many analysts view the property downturn as one of the biggest risks to the Chinese growth engine this year. 專家們認為,中國的房產市場的衰退,是影響中國今年經濟成長最大的潛在危險。 3.心得/評論(必需填寫): 大陸和台灣房地產誰崩的會比較快? -- 妹:哥,你覺得我今天要用甚麼髮型比較好? 我:雙馬尾雙馬尾! http://news.gamme.com.tw/550018 全國雙馬尾圖鑑 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1401807562.A.DAA.html

06/03 23:05, , 1F
06/03 23:05, 1F

06/03 23:07, , 2F
單馬尾比較好 雙馬尾綁得好看的太太太少
06/03 23:07, 2F

06/04 00:19, , 3F
06/04 00:19, 3F

06/04 02:04, , 4F
06/04 02:04, 4F

06/04 02:24, , 5F
06/04 02:24, 5F

06/04 07:31, , 6F
中國一定會裂解成七塊內戰 台灣搶單的機會就來了
06/04 07:31, 6F

06/04 09:23, , 7F
看人民幣值就知 如果續貶就代表要GG了
06/04 09:23, 7F

06/04 09:26, , 8F
06/04 09:26, 8F
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