[閒聊] Borderlands 2 任務武器哪些好用已刪文

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或許應該要發在Old-Games版XD 參考VinylicPumaGaming的排名,其實排名不是很重要,順手最重要 主線任務好用武器 Rubi 吸血手槍Rakkaholics Anonymous任務交還Moxxi必得 Lady Fist #8 暴擊手槍,任務Uncle Teddy寄給Una Baha必得 Fibber #4 反彈手槍,任務A Real Boy: Human必得 有另外兩種形式,散彈槍和暴擊弧形槍 Heart Breaker #10 火焰散彈槍,任務Safe and Sound歸還照片給Moxxi必得 Morningstar #1 狙擊槍, Hyperion Contract 873任務必得 Hail #2 灑水槍,Bandit Slaughter: Round 5打完必得 Flame of the Firehawk #6 新星盾,Cult Following: The Enkindling任務必得 Love Thumper #5 近戰爆炸盾,Best Mother's Day Ever任務必得 DLC任務好用武器 Grog Nozzle #6 吸血手槍,Tiny Tina DLC不完成任務The Beard Makes the Man可持續持有 SWORDSPLOSION!!! #7 飛劍散彈槍,Tiny Tina DLC任務The Sword in The Stoner必得 Jolly Roger #5 火焰散彈槍Captain Scarlett DLC中Just Desserts For Desert Deserters任務必得 Sand Hawk #1 最強SMG,Captain Scarlett DLC中Whoops任務必得 Pimpernel #4 分裂狙擊槍,Captain Scarlett DLC中Don't Copy That Floppy任務必得 Rapier #4 近戰突擊槍,Captain Scarlett DLC中Message In A Bottle (Hayter's Folly)任務 必得 Kitten #5 吸血突擊槍,Tongue DLC中完成Everybody Wants to be Wanted任務必得 完整清單 Pistol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBGG_DDO6k0
Infinity #10無限子彈,打Doc Mercy有機會掉 Lady Fist #8 暴擊手槍,任務Uncle Teddy寄給Una Baha必得 Grog Nozzle #6 吸血手槍,Tiny Tina DLC不完成任務The Beard Makes the Man可持續持有 Shooterang #5 迴旋鏢手槍,隨機掉落 Fibber #4 反彈手槍,任務A Real Boy: Human必得 有另外兩種形式,散彈槍和暴擊弧形槍 DPUH(Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold) #2 BL2最強手槍,打Savage Lee或在Tongue DLC vending machine可買 Shotgun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32iR6gD3BZU
Heart Breaker #10 火焰散彈槍,任務Safe and Sound歸還照片給Moxxi必得 Slow hand #9 吸血散彈槍,打Tongue DLC中的Piston有機會掉 Flakker #8 打The Warrior有機會掉 SWORDSPLOSION!!! #7 飛劍散彈槍,Tiny Tina DLC任務The Sword in The Stoner必得 Butcher #6 The Raid on Digistruct Peak. OP5以上打OMGWTH有機會掉 Jolly Roger #5 火焰散彈槍Captain Scarlett DLC中Just Desserts For Desert Deserters任務必得 Omen #4 Tiny Tina DLC中打Ancient Dragons of Destruction有機會掉 Twister #3 電擊散彈槍Big Game Hunt DLC打Omnd-Omnd-Ohk有機會掉 Conference Call #2打The Warrior有機會掉 Interfacer #1 Big Game Hunt DLC打Voracidous the Invincible, Dexiduous the Invincible Omnd-Omnd-Ohk有機會掉 SMG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7avlbJBPaDw
Slagga #10 上渣SMG,打Tector & Jimbo Hodunk有機會掉 Baby Maker #6Reload手榴彈SMG,打Madame Von Bartlesby有機會掉 HellFire #5 火焰SMG,打Scorch有機會掉 Bitch #4 最穩SMG,打BNK-3R有機會掉 Tattler #3 打Hyperius the Invincible有機會掉 Avenger #2 Reload手榴彈SMG, The Raid on Digistruct Peak.打OMGWTH有機會掉 Sand Hawk #1 Captain Scarlett DLC中Whoops任務必得 Sniper Rifles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhbgK401fnA
Godfinger #10 打Tubby有機會掉 Volcano #9 火焰狙擊槍,打the warrior有機會掉 Pitchfork #8 V型子彈,打Terramorphous the Invincible有機會掉 Pimpernel #4 分裂狙擊槍,Captain Scarlett DLC中Don't Copy That Floppy任務必得 Lyuda #3 分裂狙擊槍,打Gettle可得 The Machine #2 隨機掉落 Morningstar #1 Hyperion Contract 873任務必得 Rocket Launcher https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK7fcpaCrZA
Hive #9 酸液分裂火箭筒,打Saturn有機會掉 Mongol #7 分裂火箭筒,打Dukino mom有機會掉 Nukem #6 打The Black Queen有機會掉 Topneaa #4 隨機掉落 Badaboom #3打King Mong有機會掉 Norfleet #1打Vermivorous the Invincible有機會掉 Shield https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfMpw1J2ZwA
Blockade #10 抗性盾,Tiny Tina DLC中打Ancient Dragons of Destruction有機會掉 Big Boom Blaster #9 回復手榴彈和火箭筒,打Pete the Invincible有機會掉 The Rough Rider #8 加血加抗,打Big Game Hunt中的Bulwark有機會掉 Fabled Tortoise #7 龜盾,打Blue可掉 Flame of the Firehawk #6 新星盾,Cult Following: The Enkindling任務必得 Love Thumper #5 近戰爆炸盾,Best Mother's Day Ever任務必得 Hide of Terramorphous #4打Terramorphous the Invincible可掉 The Sham #3 吸彈盾,打BNK-3R可掉 The Bee #2 增傷盾,打Hunter Hellquist和Treants in the Forest可掉 Antagonist #1反彈盾,在Tiny Tina DLC中的 Seraph Vendor可買 Grenades https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cIGUFQazzQ
Magic missile #4 追蹤上渣手榴彈,打Tiny Tina DLC中的 Wizard有機會掉 Meteor Shower #3 分裂手榴彈,Tongue DLC 的Seraph Vendor 可買 #2 Storm Front 範圍閃電手榴彈 打Bloodshot Stronghold的Lee,Mike,Dan或Ralph有機會掉 #1 Fastball 巨大傷害直擊手榴彈,打Boll有機會掉 Assault Rifles,據說是Bekah和其他 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7qmtABTrOQ
Veruc #8打Mobley有機會掉 Ogre #6 打Murderlin's Temple的Warlord Slog有機會掉 Kitten #5吸血突擊槍Tongue DLC中完成Everybody Wants to be Wanted任務必得 Rapier #4 近戰突擊槍,Captain Scarlett DLC中Message In A Bottle (Hayter's Folly)任務 必得 Hail #2 灑水槍,Bandit Slaughter: Round 5打完必得 Bekah #1 打Tubby有機會掉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1558109061.A.A6F.html ※ 編輯: alanjiang (, 05/18/2019 00:04:37

05/18 00:14, 5年前 , 1F
推!最近在等三代 所以又開始回鍋了
05/18 00:14, 1F

05/18 00:56, 5年前 , 2F
記得當初都是用各屬性sand hawk + bee
05/18 00:56, 2F

05/18 01:07, 5年前 , 3F
Grog nozzle 配firehawk到處散步就行了XD
05/18 01:07, 3F

05/18 03:50, 5年前 , 4F
05/18 03:50, 4F

05/18 05:12, 5年前 , 5F
樓上正解 就像beehawk給狂人是垃圾 所謂的神裝都是看情況
05/18 05:12, 5F
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