[閒聊] 有趣的Steam商店評論(4)消失

看板Steam作者時間7年前 (2016/10/25 13:49), 7年前編輯推噓77(77056)
留言133則, 63人參與, 最新討論串1/1
-- Farming Simulator 15 90% 極度好評 http://store.steampowered.com/app/313160/ -- Dizzy - 好評 One of the fastest ways to become really unpopular on your Steam Friendslist. 這遊戲能快速地讓你在你的Steam朋友圈裏面變得不受歡迎。 -- SEADOG - 好評 (121.6紀錄時數) My friends judge me, I judge me, But I don't care... Just leave me alone so I can spend an hour putting logs in a woodchipper. 我的朋友瞧不起我, 我也瞧不起我自己, 但我不在乎… 別來煩我,讓我繼續把時間花在把木頭擺到削木機上面。 -- ClassicsniperOO - 好評(63.7紀錄時數) I....I don't wanna talk about it....my friend bought this game for me. I thought it was a joke and then I didn't stop playing for 16 hours straight. I went to work the next day without having slept the day before. I just...lost track of space and time. All I did was harvest my wheat and plant Canola and 2 hours just went by like that. I don't understand...I may have had an epiphany and found my calling in life?!? 20/10 我…我真的很不想討論這件事…我的朋友送我這款遊戲。我原以為這是在開玩笑,直到我 連續玩16個小時停不下來。我整夜沒睡隔天直接去上班。我完全…失去了時間感。我不停 的收割我的小麥跟播種芥菜然後兩個小時就莫名其妙的過去了。我沒辦法理解這一切…是 否神蹟已顯現而我找到我生命真正的意義?! 20/10 -- AngryJelly - 好評 Biggest challenge in the game: Finding friends new to farming simulator to play this game with. "Farming simulator?♥♥♥♥ off" "Are you joking or what?I can't tell." Seriously how tf do you explain this game to your friends without them already laughing at the title. 10/10 would try to convince friends to play this game again though 這款遊戲最大的挑戰:找一個願意加入農場模擬器的朋友一起玩。 「農場模擬器?滾辣」 「你是在開我玩笑嗎?農場模擬器?」 說真的當你的朋友看到標題就狂笑時你要怎麼跟他們解釋這款遊戲多好玩? 10/10 願意再次試著推坑 -- Mortal Kombat X 61% 褒貶不一 http://store.steampowered.com/app/307780/ -- ianosity [TWITCH] - 好評 Crashes after the main menu, best Fatality I have ever seen. 在選單就當機,這是我看過最棒的Fatality。 -- Dickins - 負評 Game is too hard, I can't progress past the menu boss. 遊戲難度太誇張,我連選單都過不了。 -- ♥RemilliaLove♥ - 好評 Best Menu Simulator 2015 - IGN 10/10 最棒的選單模擬器2015 - IGN 10/10 -- diesmiley - 好評 Came for the fighting and the gore ridden violence, but the serenity and stillness of the winter in that opening screen made me realize the error of my ways. I've come to realize that this is a strategic move on their part to help us understand that we must accept ourselves and our flaws so we may achieve the simplistic purity of the snow, stuck to the tree as we are with our own baser urges. This meditative 2 hour screen stare and the resultant permanent eye damage has allowed me to see more clearly than ever before. My mind's eye has awakened! 10/10 我為了格鬥和血肉橫飛而買這款遊戲,但在開頭選單的寧靜祥和的冬日動畫讓我知道我錯 了。我了解到遊戲藉此讓我們接受我們的真我和缺憾,並變得有如白雪一般純淨,和樹一 樣的堅強。盯著螢幕冥想兩小時之後我的眼睛永久的受損了,而這讓我比以往看得更加清 楚,我的心靈之眼已經開啟。 -- Bwian - 好評 Downloaded only the main menu best menu i have seen in years right up there with goat simulator is this main menu worth full price? yes 11/10 只下載到選單 這真的是我看過最棒的選單 只有山羊模擬器能跟他比 這選單值得不打折就購買嗎?當然 11/10 -- folyqa -iwnl- - 好評 My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, "If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately." Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- "Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because this console port gave me cancer anyways. 我的祖父一輩子都在抽菸。當我十歲我媽跟他說:「如果你想要活著看你的孫子畢業,你 必須現在就戒菸。」當他了解到他因為抽菸而失去多少時,眼淚自祖父的臉上落下。他立 刻停止抽菸。三年之後他死於肺癌,使我震驚不捨。我母親告訴我:「永遠不要抽菸。不 要讓你的家人經歷到你祖父讓他家人經歷到的痛苦。」我同意這點。活了28年,我從沒碰 過一支菸。但我現在必須說我感到有點後悔沒那麼做,因為這遊戲的電腦版反正爛到讓我 得了癌症了。 -- SUPERHOT 84% 極度好評 http://store.steampowered.com/app/322500/ -- Nekro - 好評 Some red guy shot at me but I needed to pee so I went to the toilet, peed for a bit, washed my hands, went to the fridge, got a carton of milk, poured myself a glass of milk, went back to my room, dodged the bullet and then shot him in the head. It's the most innovative shooter I've played in years. 某個紅色人對我開槍,但我需要上個廁所,所以我起身去洗手間,尿尿,洗個手,去廚房 ,拿瓶牛奶,倒了杯牛奶,回到我房間,閃過子彈然後爆了紅色人的頭。 這是我近幾年玩過最有創意的射擊遊戲了。 -- Sturmgewehrz - 負評 more like supershort 超級熱?超級短才對吧。 -- Kerbal Space Program 97% 壓倒性好評 http://store.steampowered.com/app/220200/ -- Spaceboy720 - 好評 (2014.5紀錄時數) Day 1: This game looks pretty good, ill get it! Day 2: This is hard to learn but ill stick to it! Day 10: So THAT's how you land. Day 50: These spaceplanes are hard to build... Day 200: YES! MY 1:1 SCALE MODEL OF THE DEATH STAR IS DONE!!!!!!!! Day 500: Havent seen the sun in weeks... so... hungry... Day ????: Jeb is love... jeb is life... 第一天: 這款遊戲看起來很棒,買下來! 第二天: 玩起來很困難,但我會繼續! 第十天: 所以降落要這樣子做啊… 第五十天: 這些太空飛機真的很難製造… 第兩百天: 太棒了!我的一比一死星模型終於製造成功!!!! 第五百天: 好像幾個禮拜沒看到太陽了…好餓… 第????天: Jeb是生命…Jeb是愛… -- Joshatron - 好評 Parachutes do not work on the moon. Many Kerbals died to bring us this information. 11/10 降落傘在月球是沒有用的。很多Kerbal人犧牲了生命來告訴我們這點。 11/10 -- MexicanStandOff - 好評 Sent a mission to the Mun Landed Got science Started taking off Looked at fuel Empty Got my kerbal out of the ship Forced him to throw himself at the ship repeatedly Made it back home 11/10 Would Throw Kerbals at Ship to deorbit again 朝月亮發射太空船 降落 取得樣本 準備起飛 檢查燃料 沒有燃料了 叫我的Kerbal人出船 強迫他拼命不停的用自己的身體撞船 太空船成功返航 11/10 願意再次叫Kerbal人用自已的肉體讓太空船脫離軌道 -- Kaengeki - 好評 (1268.9紀錄時數) I think I may have a problem. 我覺得我中毒了… -- codexus - 好評 (439.3紀錄時數) I've done more engineering in 3 months playing KSP than in 20 years of career as an engineer. 玩這個遊戲的三個月我做的工程學比我當了二十年的工程師還多。 -- FloW - 好評 (939.6紀錄時數) 1st hour playing: WHAT DO I DO WHY IS IT BLOWING UP 400th hour playing: If my calculations serve me right with this T/W ratio It will take me 1 minute 43 seconds to burn at my periapsis to reach duna insertion at which point I will get into an eliptical equatoral orbit and perform an aerobrake at 16km to get into a steady circular orbit and then I will descend with one of my 4 spaceplanes I took to go to the north pole at which I will set up base at my already existing rover while getting TAC resources to monitor life support and make sure my colony of 212 kerbals can live. 11/10 遊戲時間第1小時:搞什麼鬼他媽的為什麼我的船一直爆炸 遊戲時間第400小時:如果我的計算無誤,在目前的T/W比率下我的太空船需要推進一分四 十三秒自拱點抵達Duna星的切入點,而之後我會進入赤道軌道並在高度16公里時進行大氣 制動以進入穩定的運行軌道,之後我將降下我帶來的四架中的其中一架太空飛機以前進至 北極點,而在北極點我會原本就有的流動站設置基地並且同時獲得TAC資源來運行生命維 持裝置並且確保我殖民地裡的212個Kerbal人能夠生存。 11/10 (譯註:以上這一段對我來說非常難翻,如果我有錯誤請跟我說) -- Indie - 好評 (4406.1紀錄時數) meh. 普普通通。 -- mr 305 mr worldwide - 好評 An Incredibly realistic depiction of North Korea's space program. 這遊戲是對北韓的太空計畫完美的描述。 -- Squash Meier's Civilization VI - 好評 Got to the moon with 2 kerbals, half way back to kerbin I realized I left Bill on the Mun. 10/10 控制兩個Kerbal人上月球,回來的半途上發現我把比爾忘在月球上了。 10/10 -- Cranius - 好評 (2047.6紀錄時數) Not sure if I'm into this game... Need to play a bit more to confirm... 我不確定我喜不喜歡這款遊戲…還要再玩一下才知道… -- Carnivorous Walnut - 好評 (592.4紀錄時數) Actually helped me get my degree. 10/10 這遊戲真的幫助我拿到學位。 10/10 -- Airport Simulator 2014 13% 壓倒性負評 http://store.steampowered.com/app/267600/?snr=1_7_15__13 -- AndreasX12 - 好評 Thanks for making the exit button work. 10/10 would delete game from my inventory again 感謝你們至少讓離開按鈕是可以用的。 10/10 願意再次把遊戲從我的遊戲庫刪除 -- Balc0ra - 好評 The goal of the game makes this a brilliant game. Why? Well is's simple. You start out as the only worker on the airport. So things takes time. Then the more you work, the more credits you earn. Credits have only one use. To hire workers to do the different jobs for you faster so you don't have to. So in the end, you can have the AI do all the work for you so you don't have to play the game anymore at all. So the game plays itself in the end. So you can do more productive stuff like watching paint dry. And the best part is. When you save the game, the game crashes since Direct X got a tumor watching it play. 10/10 would uninstall again. 這款遊戲的目標使其成為一款佳作。何以見得?很簡單。最一開始的時候你是機場唯一的 員工。所以什麼事情都要較久的時間去完成。而當你工作的越多,你賺的錢越多。錢只有 一個用途,那就是雇用員工來讓你做事情更快。而最後,你可以讓AI幫你做所有事情所以 你就再也不用去玩這款遊戲了。這款遊戲終結了它自己。你可以把時間拿去做更有意義的 事情例如說看著牆壁上的油漆變乾。 而且最棒的是,當你存檔的時候遊戲就當機了因為Direct X光是看著這款遊戲運作就得了 癌症。 10/10 願意再次解除安裝。 -- GilbyGilbyGilby - 好評 This game changed my life. Ive always wondered what it was like to be autistic and own an airport. This game beatifully demonstrates that. 這款遊戲改變了我的人生。我一直想知道同時擁有自閉症跟一個機場的感覺是怎樣。這款 遊戲完美的闡述之。 -- Toxic - 負評 Masturbating with sandpaper is more fun then this game 用砂紙打手槍還比較有趣一點。 -- 如果想特別看哪款遊戲的評論的話歡迎告知 -- 我的部落格:理性小說人 http://rationalnovelguy.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1477374576.A.7AD.html

10/25 13:58, , 1F
10/25 13:58, 1F

10/25 14:00, , 2F
10/25 14:00, 2F

10/25 14:03, , 3F
10/25 14:03, 3F

10/25 14:05, , 4F
癌症打一整篇就只是為了算選單XDDDD 然後我想看undertale
10/25 14:05, 4F

10/25 14:05, , 5F
10/25 14:05, 5F

10/25 14:08, , 6F
10/25 14:08, 6F

10/25 14:09, , 7F
10/25 14:09, 7F

10/25 14:18, , 8F
Airport Simulator 2014 第二個評論有個小錯誤
10/25 14:18, 8F

10/25 14:18, , 9F
10/25 14:18, 9F
已經修改 感謝 ※ 編輯: pride829 (, 10/25/2016 14:19:32

10/25 14:23, , 10F
10/25 14:23, 10F

10/25 14:31, , 11F
10/25 14:31, 11F

10/25 14:31, , 12F
10/25 14:31, 12F

10/25 14:41, , 13F
"Meh." (4406HR) XDDDDDDD
10/25 14:41, 13F

10/25 14:56, , 14F
Kerbal Space Program是啥遊戲 看起來好恐怖 時數都好誇張
10/25 14:56, 14F

10/25 14:57, , 15F
10/25 14:57, 15F

10/25 15:01, , 16F
Mortal Kombat選單問題被酸成這樣還都是好評喔XD
10/25 15:01, 16F

10/25 15:10, , 17F
10/25 15:10, 17F

10/25 15:16, , 18F
10/25 15:16, 18F

10/25 15:27, , 19F
10/25 15:27, 19F

10/25 15:41, , 20F
Kerbal 的翻譯沒像以往那麼翻出神髓
10/25 15:41, 20F

10/25 15:42, , 21F
I think I may have a problem. 是阿波羅13梗
10/25 15:42, 21F

10/25 15:42, , 22F
"Huston We got a problem"
10/25 15:42, 22F
我覺得應該不是,因為之前看到其他人對某件事成癮時也會說"I think I have a problem" 我想這裡應該單純的是表達他無法自拔

10/25 15:44, , 23F
10/25 15:44, 23F

10/25 15:57, , 24F
10/25 15:57, 24F

10/25 16:00, , 25F
10/25 16:00, 25F

10/25 16:01, , 26F
10/25 16:01, 26F

10/25 16:09, , 27F
console port是指家機移植到PC的遊戲,通常都是用來
10/25 16:09, 27F

10/25 16:10, , 28F
10/25 16:10, 28F

10/25 16:37, , 29F
10/25 16:37, 29F

10/25 16:46, , 30F
10/25 16:46, 30F

10/25 16:47, , 31F
Mortal Kombat到底有多爛啊 有版友玩過嗎XD
10/25 16:47, 31F

10/25 16:52, , 32F
10/25 16:52, 32F

10/25 16:55, , 33F
原來農場模擬器評價這麼高喔XD 之前以為推的人是反串
10/25 16:55, 33F

10/25 17:00, , 34F
10/25 17:00, 34F

10/25 17:02, , 35F
10/25 17:02, 35F

10/25 17:06, , 36F
癌症哏真是萬用欸XDDDD 什麼都可以套
10/25 17:06, 36F
還有 60 則推文
還有 7 段內文
10/26 00:51, , 97F
10/26 00:51, 97F

10/26 00:51, , 98F
10/26 00:51, 98F

10/26 00:52, , 99F
10/26 00:52, 99F

10/26 00:52, , 100F
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10/26 00:53, , 101F
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10/26 00:56, , 102F
10/26 00:56, 102F

10/26 00:58, , 103F
10/26 00:58, 103F

10/26 00:58, , 104F
10/26 00:58, 104F
我搞懂了,因為教學關卡裡面叫我把radial decoupler裝在船旁邊,當我按下空白鍵時它們 就噴出去造成爆炸,改用stack decoupler之後成功讓指揮倉脫離燃料倉了 ※ 編輯: pride829 (, 10/26/2016 01:06:22

10/26 01:11, , 105F
10/26 01:11, 105F

10/26 01:12, , 106F
10/26 01:12, 106F

10/26 01:13, , 107F
助推火箭全部升空,然後自己留在原地 XD
10/26 01:13, 107F

10/26 01:14, , 108F
10/26 01:14, 108F

10/26 01:18, , 109F
10/26 01:18, 109F

10/26 01:21, , 110F
10/26 01:21, 110F

10/26 01:21, , 111F
10/26 01:21, 111F

10/26 01:22, , 112F
10/26 01:22, 112F
※ 編輯: pride829 (, 10/26/2016 01:22:46

10/26 01:37, , 113F
10/26 01:37, 113F

10/26 02:11, , 114F
10/26 02:11, 114F

10/26 02:16, , 115F
10/26 02:16, 115F

10/26 03:07, , 116F
10/26 03:07, 116F

10/26 08:07, , 117F
10/26 08:07, 117F

10/26 09:14, , 118F
ksp有耐心玩下去 會覺得nasa是神
10/26 09:14, 118F

10/26 09:18, , 119F
升空就爆炸 初期應該滿會發生 設計越複雜越難除錯 因為
10/26 09:18, 119F

10/26 09:18, , 120F
是3d 支撐結構有時候你以為有連 但轉個角度會發現其實
10/26 09:18, 120F

10/26 09:18, , 121F
沒連上 不然就是受力超過上限斷掉
10/26 09:18, 121F

10/26 09:19, , 122F
有時候是碰撞判定鬼畜 除非更新修正 不然要想辦法用其
10/26 09:19, 122F

10/26 09:19, , 123F
10/26 09:19, 123F

10/26 10:34, , 124F
10/26 10:34, 124F

10/26 10:34, , 125F
10/26 10:34, 125F

10/26 23:44, , 126F
感謝翻譯 超愛這系列
10/26 23:44, 126F

10/27 13:36, , 127F
10/27 13:36, 127F

10/27 20:34, , 128F
10/27 20:34, 128F

10/27 23:18, , 129F
10/27 23:18, 129F

10/28 00:55, , 130F
10/28 00:55, 130F

10/28 08:55, , 131F
10/28 08:55, 131F

10/28 14:32, , 132F
癌症最好笑 農場模擬器有興趣
10/28 14:32, 132F

10/29 01:28, , 133F
10/29 01:28, 133F
文章代碼(AID): #1O3l9mUj (Steam)