[遊戲] The long dark(漫漫長夜) 本日更新

看板Steam作者 (SkyLine)時間8年前 (2015/12/16 04:01), 編輯推噓19(1905)
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The Long Dark — December Update (v.298), “Timberwolf Mountain”12.15.15 We’ve just updated The Long Dark’s Sandbox mode to v.298, which we’re calling “Timberwolf Mountain.” This is the last Sandbox update of 2015, and we’re thrilled to be able to share this with you. 加入了一張名為"Timberwolf Mountain"的地圖 (推測是一個多山的地圖) TIMBERWOLF MOUNTAIN(狼山) We’ve added a whole new region to the game, called Timberwolf Mountain. It’ s the purest wilderness environment in the game to date, a mountainous expanse with almost no “man-made” shelters present. It’s the perfect environment to test the new Rope Climbing gameplay. "Timberwolf Mountain"這張地圖幾乎沒有人造庇護所 是一個適合"ROPE CLIMBING"的區域 (各位倖存者準備好的你熊皮睡袋了嗎?) ROPE CLIMBING(攀繩) Timberwolf Mountain is full of steep cliffs and ravines, and the only routes to the summit require you climb ropes to get to the top. Balance your Fatigue and Stamina, and hope you can make it to the top before you begin to slip. Falling may result in injuries you never recover from. Getting to the top may lead to life-saving resources, but do you have the stamina to get there? Choose wisely. 此地圖充滿了懸崖和峭壁,只有透過攀爬繩索才能到達此地圖的山頂,攀爬繩子的過程中 會消耗體力,倖存者必須在速度與體力之間取得平衡,否則會從繩索上滑落山谷。 一旦從繩索上滑落,會造成健康度的減少甚至死亡。 但是攀爬到山頂後,可以獲得一些生存道具以及資源。 (沒賭到就GG了...還不能讀檔) DISTRESS PISTOL(遇險手槍?) Not much in this game can deter a Bear that’s…bearing down on you. But the new Distress Pistol will do exactly that. It’s pretty effective at scaring off hostile wildlife, in general, but it’s the only surefire way to keep a bear at bay. Unfortunately, it’s very rare — unique, in fact. Finding it may take its toll. (大意:一個有效嚇阻黑熊的手槍,此道具非常稀有) STATS SCREEN(統計視窗) We now display detailed stats for your current in-progress Sandbox games. Days Survived, Average Calories Per Day, Distance Travelled, % World Explored, and Can Openers Found are just a sample of the nearly 50+ gameplay statistics we’re currently tracking. 可以統計沙盒模式的存活天數、每日平均消耗卡路里、探所距離、探索區域...等。 (很遺憾的沒有加入地圖功能...) SURVIVAL LOG(生存記錄) The Survival Log now keeps track of your Daily Activity, places you visit, afflictions or injuries you suffer from, your overall Condition, etc. You can also leave notes for yourself—about each day, or in general. A handy tool, for everything from remembering where you left that stash of supplies, to recounting a daily history of your current Sandbox game. We hope to make these Log entries shareable in the future! 記錄日常生活,例如探訪區域、受傷因素...等,與身體有關的各項記錄。 RIFLE CLEANING KIT & SHARPENING STONE(清槍包、磨刀石) It’s never made a lot of sense that you could maintain a Knife, Hatchet, or Rifle indefinitely by repairing it using Scrap Metal and Wood, so we’ve introduced a new method of maintaining your Tools: Rifle Cleaning Kit, and Sharpening Stone. They can both be used to keep their respective tools in good repair, but at some point you’ll still need to turn to hand-made alternatives. 清槍包:修復步槍的工具 磨刀石:修復斧頭、獵刀的工具 RIFLE AIMING, SWAY, and JAMMING(步槍瞄準) We’ve improved Rifle aiming by adding a small aim circle to the iron-sights, to help you zero in on targets. Fatigue now has an impact on your accuracy, by introducing a subtle sway that increases as you become more tired. Low Rifle Condition introduces the chance of the Rifle jamming after a shot. 在步槍上增加一個圓形瞄準器,讓倖存者更容易瞄準獵物。 步槍準心不在是固定位置,準心會隨著體力值或者步槍耐久度的下降而搖晃更大。 (意思狼更難打了?!) UPDATED WIND SYSTEM(風向) Trees, branches, grass, and reeds are now all affected by wind speed and direction. 樹木、草地、蘆葦會隨著風向搖曳,更容易判斷目前風向以及風速。 (在晴天終於可以看風向了,不然常常被狼追殺) BOW IMPROVEMENTS & TARGET(生存弓的改進) We put the aim dot back on the Bow to offer a bit of aiming help, though the dot still disappears when you go into Aim mode. We’ve also added some archery targets to the world, giving you the opportunity to practice with the Survival Bow, so you can be ready when it really counts. 增加弓的準心以及箭靶。 (終於不用亂箭打狼了...) UPDATED STAG MODEL & ANIMATIONS(新增動作和動物) Stag The Stag has a new model and an entirely new animation set. An updated Bear will be coming soon. 新增雄鹿,會有新的行為模式。 CONDITION HUD INDICATORS(HUD指示改進) We’ve updated the Condition indicators to only appear on the HUD when you really need to see them. This reduces overall visual noise, upholds our minimalist UI philosophy, but ensures that when you see these indicators in the HUD, you know you need to act on them. 為了簡化遊戲畫面,在HUD上只會當前所需要的指示。 NEW SANDBOX MENU(新版沙盒目錄) We’ve improved the Sandbox menu, to make it easier for players to manage their Sandbox games. 改善沙盒模式目錄,使玩家更容易管理沙盒模式的記錄。 ALL REGIONS UNLOCKED(全區域解鎖) For a long time now, you’ve only been able to access regions outside of Mystery Lake (the starting region) after you’d found them through regular gameplay. But gameplay stats informed us that up to 75% of you never get out of Mystery Lake, and so you miss most of the world we’ve made for you! To fix this, we’re unlocking all regions directly from the Sandbox menu, so you can pick any as a starting location for a new Sandbox game. We’ll be tracking things post-update to see how this change affects gameplay behaviours, but we believe this will be a positive change! 有75%的新手不曾走出神秘湖,為了讓新手玩家有更多體驗,在新遊戲可以直接出生在 各區域,不用先經過探索的步驟。 (沒出過神秘谷+1...一開始選歡樂谷感覺超讚的阿) —– THE LONG DARK SANDBOX UPDATED TO v.298 CHANGELIST FEATURES & ADDITIONS * Added new region: Timberwolf Mountain. * Added Rope Climbing gameplay. * Added Distress Pistol tool/weapon. * Added Stats Screen that tracks current and historical Sandbox game data. * Added Player Log that tracks locations explored, general status, and allows for players to write/edit Journal entries. * Added Rifle Cleaning Kit tool, and Rifle maintenance gameplay. * Added Sharpening Stone tool, and bladed tool maintenance gameplay. * Added Sharpening Stones and Rifle Cleaning Kits to all Sandbox regions. Added spawning logic to ensure they spawn in old save games. * Added Rifle Jamming. * Added Fatigue-driven Rifle sway. * Added pre-Aim reticle back to Bow. 以上不再重複 * Added on-screen indicators for all types of damage. (可以在螢幕上看到各種損傷指示) * Added variant of Ice Fishing Hut that has flimsy door to provide shelter from wind. (冰釣小屋新增一扇破門) * Updated Caves directly connected to the world so their interior temperature is modified by the exterior temperature, vs. a static temperature trigger. (洞穴與外部世界相連,溫度會隨著洞口距離而改變) * Added new Death, Near Neath, and Region music. (在歡樂谷增加往新地圖的指示) * Added some new landmarks in Pleasant Valley to help with the navigation to Timberwolf Mountain. * Updated Wind system to affect trees, branches, grass, and reeds. * Updated Stag model and animations, including carcasses. * Updated Condition HUD indicators, to only appear when sub-conditions are critical. * Updated the Stamina Bar to more clearly indicate when the player cannot sprint due to injuries, exhaustion, etc. (耐力欄可以指示目前玩家無法進行什麼動作) * Updated Location text labels. * Updated the names of some of the “transition” regions, to give them a unique identity. (在地圖的過渡區域有了的獨特名稱) * Updated the Sandbox menu for improved usability. * Updated Low Health screen effects to better communicate critical health status. * Unlocked all playable Regions from the Sandbox menu. The player may now select any of the available regions without needing to find those locations through gameplay. BUG FIXES Rendering / Effects * Fixed issue with mountains being rendered in front of chain-link fence in Pleasant Valley. * Fixed issue where barrel smoke would be visible after re-equipping a holstered Rifle. * [PC/Xbox] Fixed potential clipping of sun/moon above the line of the horizon. Input * Fixed issue where mouse could occasionally exit the active game window. * Fixed issue where gamepad input was being received when game not in focus. * Fixed issue with excessive GPU usage when game not in focus. Gameplay * Fixed issue where players would be able to accidentally set fires under themselves (leading to injury or death). * Fixed issue where player could respawn inside rocks after falling through ice. * Fixed issue where one of each relevant raw material item would remain after crafting an item. * Fixed issue where 0-calorie food items could be returned to inventory. * Fixed issue with Coal sometimes spawning in air. * Fixed issue where the Rifle could be reloaded while in Aim mode. * Fixed issue where Rifle could be fired after reloaded Aim was never released. * Fixed issue where Rifle aiming was out of alignment with the iron sights. * Fixed issue with not being able to break down respawned Hardwood and Softwood Limbs * Fixed issue with breakable objects respawning after being broken down outdoors. * Fixed rare black screen crash when harvesting a carcass with near zero meat * Fixed issue with getting kicked out of vehicle when trying to place objects. * Fixed issue with snare being put into trap mode when unset snare moved around. * Fixed issue where branches/sticks/limbs would sometimes not spawn in areas they should. * Fixed issue where animal corpses outdoors would thaw if the player was inside a sheltered location. * Fixed issue where the Improvised Knife, Improvised Hatchet, Hammer, and Prybar, could not be used to clear Ice Fishing holes. * Fixed issue where Arrows would become very large when hitting certain surfaces. Save/Load * Fixed rare crash in old games when saved during certain Moon phases. * Fixed issue where if the survivor had a sprained wrist, a where a weapon would be re-equipped after loading the game. * [Xbox Only] Fixed issue where players could play without being signed in to an Xbox profile, which would result in losing game progress when the console was turned off. Achievements * Fixed issue where players required an extra night to get the Night Walker achievement. * Fixed issue where creating Reishi and Rosehip tea invalidated the Living Off The Land achievement. User Interface (UI) * Fixed issue where the game could crash when opening cans in the Cooking UI. * Fixed issue where it was not possible to Cancel Cooking or Opening Cans actions. * Fixed issue where Crafting buttons were visible while Crafting action was underway. * Fixed issue where a burned out Torch could still be used to start a fire. * Fixed issue with LMB+RMB causing placed objects to blur and be placed in the air. * Fixed issue where the Inventory action label for Matches displayed “Equip” instead of “Strike”, as they must be used from first-person view. * Fixed issue where the Main Menu would occasionally fade out when on a secondary menu layer. Audio * Fixed issues where audio could become distorted or muted when using Alt-Tab. * Fixed issue where wind audio could sometimes disappear in Desolation Point. * Removed error noises when triggering boil water/melt snow. * Fixed issue with torch audio continuing to loop after harvesting a lit torch. * Fixed issue where Mouse adjustment sliders in the Options Menu would not trigger a sound. * [Xbox Only] Fixed issue where audio could occasionally stutter for streaming sounds. 另外,作者在近期會加入故事模式,目前預計有兩個主角。 地圖不會與沙盒模式完全相同。 以下開放聖誕推坑潮 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1450209675.A.61A.html

12/16 04:24, , 1F
推 這遊戲真的好
12/16 04:24, 1F

12/16 04:34, , 2F
12/16 04:34, 2F

12/16 04:55, , 3F
這遊戲不好上手 但是內容有在持續更新 蠻有潛力
12/16 04:55, 3F

12/16 05:55, , 4F
推 當初玩狂死在水壩那 看別人玩才知道怎樣過
12/16 05:55, 4F

12/16 06:12, , 5F
12/16 06:12, 5F

12/16 07:51, , 6F
發電廠就是拿來陰你的 ...
12/16 07:51, 6F

12/16 07:52, , 7F
12/16 07:52, 7F

12/16 09:23, , 8F
一切都是運氣 我也有翻過一遍地圖連根火柴都沒有
12/16 09:23, 8F

12/16 09:33, , 9F
我昨天重新開始狼山 找到小房子睡一天就被凍死qq
12/16 09:33, 9F

12/16 09:33, , 10F
應該說是今天兩點的時候 ㄎㄎ 這遊戲好玩 可以買
12/16 09:33, 10F

12/16 09:34, , 11F
12/16 09:34, 11F

12/16 09:36, , 12F
12/16 09:36, 12F

12/16 10:00, , 13F
12/16 10:00, 13F

12/16 10:37, , 14F
12/16 10:37, 14F

12/16 13:17, , 15F
12/16 13:17, 15F

12/16 13:28, , 16F
這款超讚! 超期待極光的更新
12/16 13:28, 16F

12/16 14:45, , 17F
12/16 14:45, 17F

12/16 16:56, , 18F
12/16 16:56, 18F

12/16 18:31, , 19F
這遊戲不錯啊 難易度適中很耐玩 自己玩就能玩很久
12/16 18:31, 19F

12/16 19:15, , 20F
12/16 19:15, 20F

12/17 01:07, , 21F
希望能有農夫模式 種點蔬菜自給自足
12/17 01:07, 21F

12/17 09:50, , 22F
12/17 09:50, 22F

12/17 12:14, , 23F
前陣子特價入手,雖然目前只有沙盒但很耐玩XD 期待故事!
12/17 12:14, 23F

04/28 22:29, , 24F
發電廠XD 幸好我還是活下來惹
04/28 22:29, 24F
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