[外絮] Harstem訪談

看板StarCraft作者 (人˙非)時間7年前 (2016/07/23 21:40), 編輯推噓19(1903)
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來源 TL: http://goo.gl/o20oOi I hadn’t originally planned to do any interviews at the SC2 Community Summit. But after a dinner where Harstem responded to casual questions with very insightful answers, I thought it would be great to share his thoughts with the rest of the community. We met again the next day on the Blizzard campus to talk about region locking, the best WCS system, and the dilemmas of being a "foreigner" in professional StarCraft 2. *Interview has been edited for clarity. 我一開始並沒有計畫要在SC2的社群高峰會上做任何採訪,但在一次晚餐後,Harstem用 非常具有洞見的答案回答我的隨性的問題,我認為把他的想法分享給社群裡的其他人是 很棒的事。我跟Harstem隔天在Blizzard園區談了有關鎖區、最好的WCS系統,還有非韓 選手在職業化SC2的困境。 為了(讓訪談)清楚起見,這個訪談有編輯過。 Waxangel: You recently won HomeStory Cup. How do you feel about that? Waxangel:你剛獲得宅男杯(HSC)冠軍,感覺如何? Harstem: Hmm, pretty good. I’ve never done well at a HomeStory Cup, so winning it was a pretty big surprise for me—I didn’t expect it at all. Normally I always go out in the first group stage, so I was pretty happy. I think I beat some decent players, and I think my StarCraft there was pretty high level. I think it was the best that I played this year so far. Harstem:恩,非常好。我在HSC表現都不出色,所以這次奪冠對我來說是個很大的驚喜, 我根本沒有期待過我會拿冠軍。通常我在第一階段的小組賽就會被淘汰,所以我真的很 開心。我想我打敗了一些很厲害的選手,我在賽場上所表現的SC2水準相當高。我認為 這是我今年到目前為止打得最好的比賽。 You previously mentioned that you weren’t confident before the tournament started. W:你之前提到你在比賽開始前並沒有自信。 (譯註:原文用粗體/一般區分作者/Harstem,以下我用W代表作者,用H代表Harstem) I think everytime that I do well at a tournament—I won twice now—both times I felt pretty bad at the start, but only in one match-up. Like, for the GPL that I won, my PvT was really, really bad—my worst match-up by far. And I just didn’t hit any Terrans. At HomeStory my PvP was really, really bad, and I should have lost on the first day to GungFuBanda. But, once I got past him, I didn’t get any more PvPs and I won. So I guess the secret to winning tournaments is just having two good match-ups and praying that your bracket is lucky. H:我贏過兩次大賽,兩次比賽我一開始都覺得很糟,但就是一場比賽,頭過身就過, 以我奪冠的GPL來說,我的PvT非常非常不好,是我那時最糟的對抗。但我剛好沒碰 到T。 (譯註:GPL賽程:http://goo.gl/Iq6jZo Harstem只有在小組賽碰到中國T) 在HSC,我的PvP非常非常不好,我應該第一天就要輸給GungFuBanda,但當我贏了他,我 就再也沒有碰到P然後就奪冠了。所以我猜奪冠的秘密大概是就打個兩場好比賽,祈禱你 有個好籤運。 (譯註:HSC賽程:http://goo.gl/iZiE1a) Do you think you perform better because the pressure isn’t on you? Like, when you think you’re good, you start feeling like “I gotta show this on stage” and so forth. W:你認為你表現得比較好是因為沒有壓力?就像當你覺得你很有實力,你會開始感覺"我 應該要把我的狀態表現在舞台上"諸如此類的。 I feel like… ...If you win everything in practice, you feel really dumb for even losing a game. Because you feel like you’re not playing well, and it’s kind of like a circle that keeps going down. At the tournament you’re like “ Oh my god I’m getting worse,” and then it’s “why is my build not working anymore.” It can really mess with you, at least it can with me. Maybe my mindset isn’t the best, then. I feel like whenever there’s no real pressure on me, whenever I don’t feel good, when I don’t feel that I really need to perform, yeah—it kinda flows well. H:我感覺...如果在練習時都贏,在比賽時輸了會非常低落,因為你會覺得是你沒有打好, 然後就會陷入一個向下沉淪的迴圈。在比賽中你會有"我的天 我越來越糟了"這樣的想法 接下來會有"為什麼我的建物都沒在運作"的情形,這會讓人感到很混亂,至少對我來說 是這樣。也許我的心態不是最好的,我感覺每當我沒有壓力時,當我覺得不順時,當我 不認為我一定要好好的表現時,反而會收到好的效果。 So, a big part of why you won—well I guess Koreans declined HSC—but a big part of why foreigners like you are winning this year is because it’s the first season of the region lock. How do you feel about it? It’s been treating you well, right? W:另外一個你在HSC奪冠的很重要的理由,我想是韓國選手沒有來參加。第一次鎖區是讓 像你這樣的非韓選手今年可以奪冠的很大的理由。對此你感覺如何?對你來說這樣不錯 吧? (譯註:其實去年就有鎖區 但沒有像今年這樣 所有WCS積分的比賽都限制韓國選手 原則 不得參加) I think… ...money wise, yes. Skill wise, I guess it’s very similar to 2015, where we basically have the same players. The only difference is that I never really get to test my skills against the top Koreans that play in Korea, which is a bit frustrating sometimes. H:我想...就金錢來說是的。就技術來說,我想這跟2015年很像,基本上選手名單都一 樣。唯一的區別是,我沒有機會跟在韓國比賽的一流韓國選手對抗來測試我的技術, 這讓我有點失望。 You told me yesterday that you like the system from WCS 2014 the best, why’s that? W:你昨天告訴我說你最喜歡2014年的WCS系統,為什麼? I felt like we were actually improving when the players lived in Europe, because of ladder and practice and even custom games. Like, throughout the year they started playing more custom games with us. But even the ladder was already a lot stronger when people like MMA, MC, HyuN, YoDa were playing... H:我感覺當韓國選手住在歐洲時,我們確實有在進步,因為天梯、練習甚至是自訂遊 戲,整年下來,他們(韓國選手)會跟我們玩更多自訂遊戲。當時就算是天梯上也有 很多好手,像是MMA,MC,Hyun,YoDa等人。 You had an example yesterday, where MMA played you how many times? W:你昨天有提到個例子,你跟MMA比了多少次? I played him like 200, 300 times maybe? Like maybe more at times? YoDa I played a LOT with, especially for the last season. I played with ForGG a lot as well during 2014, but he already was here since before, so he doesn’t count as a part of that particular system. H:也許我跟他打了2、300次,也許更多,我跟YoDa也打了很多場,特別是最後一季時。 我跟ForGG在2014年也打了很多場,但他之前就已在歐洲了,所以他不算在內(來歐洲 住的韓國選手)。 I felt like the skill in Europe definitely increased. The problem was with America, I felt. The Koreans could play from their initial Challenger match from Korea because the ping wasn’t too bad, and the Americans weren’t strong enough to beat them even with a little bit of ping advantage. So they just basically… ...it felt like they were robbing the NA scene. So the system wasn’t perfect for NA, but I think for EU, it was the best we’ve ever been, skill wise. 我感覺歐洲SC2的技能確實有在進步,問題出在美洲。因為PING不會太高,韓國選手可 以在韓國比一開始的比賽,美洲區的選手不夠強,就算有一點點PING值的優勢,還是打 不過韓國人,所以他們可能覺得他們美洲區的場子被搶了。所以這個(WCS)系統可能對 美洲區並不好,但我覺得對歐洲區,就技術層面來說,是我們經歷過最好的。 (譯註1: 2014 WCS 各區會先進行Challenger League的比賽 勝者進Premier League 跟上 一季的種子進行分組賽 ) (譯註2: 我特別查了一下 美洲區3季只有嘎姊跟HuK有進過8強各1次 歐洲區3季總共有7 人次進8強 兩區每季四強都是韓國選手) Money wise… ...I guess we weren’t making a lot of money, so I’m not sure how good it would have been for the foreigner economy in a way. But if you didn’t have new players coming in every year, I think that problem would have gone away. 從錢的角度來說,我猜我們沒辦法賺很多錢,所以我不確定非韓選手在這樣的情形下 經濟上怎麼過。但假如並不是每年都有新選手進入這一行,我想這個問題也會消失。 And what I mean with that is, MMA, HyuN, MC, First, YoDa, and like four more were in Europe almost permanently, and only went back at the end of the year to practice in Korea to up their skill level, and then brought it back to Europe. I think, if this happened for like two, three years straight, we would have been fine. But, if the first year it’s MC, HyuN, First, YoDa and the boys, and the next year Zest and Maru come over, and then next year new Koreans come over… ...I think it would have been very difficult. But if we had the same players that only gain a lot of skill in Korea in the three months during their holiday or whatever, I think it would have been the best system for me. 我的意思是,MMA, HyuN, MC, First, YoDa,還有其他大概四個,這些幾乎長期住在 歐洲,只有年底才回韓國練習的韓國人,他們會把他們提升的技術帶回歐洲。我認為如 果這樣持續兩三年,我們會很棒。但如果第一年是MC, HyuN, First, YoDa,第二年換 成Zest跟Maru來,下一年又換其他的韓國選手來...我認為這會很難打。但是如果我們 面對的是同樣的選手,他們只在韓國時的3個月休息時間獲得很多技術,我認為這是對 我而言最棒的系統。 So personally, your peak as a player isn’t this year, even though you’re winning tournaments. W:所以就算你今年贏了不只一個冠軍,但作為選手的高峰並不是今年。 2014, I think I was the best as a player. Even though my performance wasn’t that good, I felt in practice—skill wise—I think I was the best I’ve ever been back then. H:我想我在2014年是作為選手最好的時期,雖然我的表現不是那麼好,但在練習中,在 技術方面來說,我再也回不去了。 But you’re richer now. W:但你現在有錢的多。 I am a lot richer now. A LOT. H:我現在是有錢的多。多的勒。 I need to you to say that exact quote. What did you say yesterday? W:我需要你再說一次你昨天說的精準一點的那句話。 “I make more money, but I’m worse.” H:我賺了更多錢,但我(打得)更爛了。 (譯註: Harstem近三年收入:10839鎂、15337、30894) That’s the dilemma, right? W:這是個困境,對吧? It is, it is. I also mentioned yesterday that right now, I don’t mind. I don ’t really care much what system they use. I think I would actually prefer playing against Koreans, but I think in ten years I’ll be glad it was like this. When I look at my bank account, maybe. StarCraft is quite a big investment of time. Like I’m not studying right now, and if I don’t make any money or don’t save any money, it won’t be a waste because it’s a lot of life experience, but it didn’t really prepare me for the rest of my life like money could. H:的確是,的確是。我昨天也提到,現在我不是那麼在乎他們的系統到底是怎樣,我更希 望跟韓國人交手,但十年後也許當我看著我的銀行戶頭時,我會很高興是現在這樣。SC2 在時間上是一個很大的投資,像我現在沒在讀書,假如我沒在賺錢或沒存錢,這也不能 算是損失,因為這就是個人生經歷,但這個(SC2技能)不像錢一樣,可以讓我過下半輩 子。 (譯註: Harstem1994年生) Maybe it’s an age thing? Maybe when you’re younger you’re free to pursue becoming good for it’s own sake, this ideal thing. But now, you’ve gotta worry about money—you know it’s okay if you’re not being the best you can be, that it’s okay to be kinda good and make money. W:也許這跟年紀有關?當你還年輕的時候,你可以自由地去追求單純就是變強這樣的理 想,但現在你需要擔心錢,你知道就算你做不到最好,這沒有關係,因為你已經不錯 了,而且賺到錢了。 Yeah, I think that’s a realization that’s come over me the past few years. I think otherwise I would have… ...I was really debating going to Korea next year. But it’s just such a big financial loss. The opportunity cost is sooooo huge. It could be the difference of 30, 40k in a year, maybe even more depending on how well you do. And in Korea, the only thing you really gain is respect from fans, community, maybe from your fellow players. H:是,我想這是我最近幾年的體悟。我想否則我也許...我曾經認真思考明年要去韓國。 但這是一個財務上很大的損失。這個機會成本太太太太太高了。這可能是一年3,4萬 鎂甚至更多的差別,取決於你的成績有多好。而且在韓國,你真正能獲得的就只是粉 絲、社群、也許是同儕的尊重。 And skill. W:還有技術。 You gain skill, but… ...it’s very difficult to justify it for yourself if you’re not really making any money with it. And I think it’s difficult to stay motivated, especially in an environment where there’s very little English speaking, and you don’t have as many friends as I have at home. I think it would be very, very tough on me, H:你會獲得技術,但...如果你無法靠這個賺到一毛錢的話,你很難說服自己。而且我想 會很難保持動力,特別是在一個很少人說英文的環境,你不會有像在家鄉那樣多的朋 友。我想對我而言,這會非常非常艱苦。 You could say that this current system, it’s not about making foreigners better, it’s about keeping the foreigners alive. W:你可以說現在這個系統不是讓非韓選手更好,而是讓他們生活的下去。 Hmmmm… Yeah? I think that’s fair. I’m not sure… Like I think the 2014 system would work for Europe, but it would never work for NA. It’s very difficult for me to think about exactly what would be the best system. I think a mistake that Blizzard has made over the years is that they’ ve been very inconsistent, they’ve changed like what, every year? And they never really gave a system a chance. So 2017… Well I guess we can’t talk about that yet. H:是吧?我想那是公允的(說法)。我不確定...就像我認為2014年的WCS系統可以在歐洲運 作,但在美洲不行。 對我來說,很難分辨什麼系統是最好的。我想暴雪這幾年犯的一個錯誤是,他讓WCS系 統非常的不穩定,他們似乎每年都在變?他們從不真的給系統一個機會,所以2017... 我猜我們還沒辦法討論。 I think we do get a little better, but I think… ...that might just be LotV though, where we closed the gap a little. But it’s so difficult to judge where our skill is compared to Koreans because we haven’t played against Koreans in 6 months. The only time we did was in China, and those were not ideal conditions because two of our players got in through a Chinese fan vote, both of whom were Chinese; we had Toodming and iasonu. I won the day before, so I wasn’t in optimal shape—we had a little party the day before. I probably should have taken it a bit more seriously, but how many times had I won before? 我想我們是有在進步,但我認為...我們縮短了一點鴻溝,這可能是換成虛空之遺版本的 關係,但因為我們跟韓國選手有6個月沒有對戰了,很難判斷我們的技術跟他們的,到底 差距到什麼程度。惟一的一次是在中國,但那不是個理想的情況,因為有兩個參賽的中 國選手-Toodming跟iasonu-是由中國的觀眾票選的。我在前一天奪冠了,我們昨天有個 小趴踢,所以我不在最佳狀態。也許我該以更認真的態度來面對,但我之前根本沒拿幾 次冠軍? (譯註: GPL的邀請賽 http://goo.gl/kElojG) So it’s very difficult behind those games, we weren't like the best lineup. And everything else has been online, so there’s a ping advantage for any player, so it’s difficult for me to say. So 2014 would have been the best for skill. 我們的陣容並不是最好的,所以很難說那些比賽代表什麼。其他的比賽都是線上賽, 所以有些選手會有PING值的優勢,因此對我而言這也很難說。就技術而言,2014年應 該是最好的一年。 We can’t talk about the summit in detail, but what are your general feelings? Positive? Negative? W:我們沒辦法在峰會上討論太細節的東西,總體而言你的感覺是正面的還是負面的? I think I’m positive. The thing that probably shouldn’t have surprised me, but that surprised me anyway, was with how in touch Blizzard is with concerns that are in the community on certain topics. H:我想我還是正面(看待)的。或許那不該讓我感到驚訝,但無論如何,讓我最驚訝的 事,是暴雪對社群裡的特定議題還是很關心的。 Yeah, the issue isn’t that they don’t know what the problems are, it’s more about “will they have the manpower and money to solve them?” W:是的,我想問題不是他們不知道難題有哪些,而是"他們有人力跟金錢來解決"嗎? Okay, do you want to wrap up with a good, Korean-style outro? W:好的,你想要用韓國式的結尾來作總結嗎? Thank you to the fans, please cheer for me. I appreciate your support. Follow me on Twitter (@InvasionHarstem). Shoutout to the ROOT house! And thanks to Waxangel. H:粉絲們,謝謝你,請為我加油,我會很感激你們的支持。請跟隨我的Twitter帳號, 嗨翻ROOT的房子吧。謝謝Waxangel。 __________________________________________ 這是我第一次在板上翻譯這麼長的文章,但我當初看得時候,就想把Harstem有意思的, 也許有矛盾不成熟的,但是敞開內心的想法分享給大家,特別是板上比較少關心歐美, 總是戰哪族IMBA。可以的話,希望下次有機會再分享TL上的文章在板上。如果這篇有哪 裡翻的不好的,還請多多包涵,並請告訴我讓我有修改的機會,謝謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StarCraft/M.1469281224.A.56E.html

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不算是嘲諷吧, 其實整篇下來他講的東西蠻有意思的
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Harstem運氣不錯 這次HSC很多選手不能打..
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