[情報] Thoughts on Resourcing in Void

看板StarCraft作者 (MoMoTea)時間9年前 (2015/04/23 01:38), 9年前編輯推噓13(13025)
留言38則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
原文:http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/17085919227 We just wanted to provide our thoughts on this topic. First, we'd like to say that the suggestion seems solid, and we really respect how everything is laid out and handled in a constructive way. This post is a good example of a really well thought out post that stays on topic with strong reasoning backing up the suggestion, rather than only emotions backing it up. Seeing posts like these is very impressive, because we understand that this type of analysis is very difficult to do when compared to just saying something unconstructive or emotion based only. With that said, one of our main design philosophies, not just on Starcraft 2 but for Blizzard design as a whole, is to iterate and polish. Everything we put into our games goes well beyond just theorycrafting and has a heavy emphasis on figuring out exactly how something turns out in reality. We then gauge the two together over a long period of time before making a final decision on that specific mechanic. We also hear the concerns that the current resourcing model places a lot of pressure on the player to expand. Our current thinking is that some degree of increased pressure is good for the game. We like the increased risk of mining out when committing to early aggressive strategies. With that said, the time it takes to mine out could be too fast. Like with most areas, we started extreme so that we could get a good feel for the impact of these changes, but we might need to scale back as we move forward. This is one of the areas we'll be iterating on as we continue to test this system. There are two clear, opposing ways we can go in terms of iteration. More advantage towards teching vs. more advantage towards expanding. The community suggestion takes it heavily towards the expanding advantage, whereas closer we go towards the HotS model takes it back to teching advantage. What we mean by this is let's take the case of a player who is teching on 2 bases going up against a player who isn't teching and has 4 bases: - In the HotS resourcing model, the 2nd player has almost no econ advantage (due to it being difficult to fully saturate every base + how the mining works per base) - In the community suggestion model the 2nd player will have near double the econ advantage (due to it being pretty easy to fully saturate every base) - In the Void model, we have something in between the above It's difficult to say for certain due to not a lot of playtesting time yet, but we believe the next step in tuning the resource model is to go a bit more towards having slightly less advantage for the expanding player, because we feel we went a bit too far in the other direction already. We're thinking of maybe trying 100% and 60% up from 100% and 50% for minerals. To aid us in testing this model, the next wave of beta invites will include roughly top 20% of players from Season 1. We look forward to seeing more games and hearing more feedback. And just to restate once more, we're not saying the proposed suggestion isn't worth further consideration. We just plan to spend more time evaluating the current system. At this point it's unclear how well either option will work out in the end. We want to keep all options open, but for now we'd like to finish pursuing the current direction that is showing lots of strong potential first before making conclusions on this topic. Edited by Zoevia on 4/21/2015 12:03 PM PDT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- s.163翻譯 http://ppt.cc/CCq~ 我們希望告知大家我們對資源系統的相關想法。首先,我們要說建議是值得肯定的,我們也尊重建設性反饋與意見。這個帖子是一個擁有嚴謹邏輯性建議的範例,而不是意氣用事的泛泛之談。看到這樣的帖子是十分讓人印象深刻的,因為我們理解寫出這樣一個帖子比起非建設性的抱怨帖需要更多的時間與精力: 我們說過,不僅僅是星海爭霸2,而是暴雪設計哲學的其中之一,就是迭代與打磨。我們對遊戲中的內容不僅僅在理論上做出分析也對實際效果做出觀察。然後把兩者結合,對特定機製做出最終的決定。 我們知道目前的資源模型對玩家而言產生了過度的壓力逼迫他們去不停開礦。我們當前的想法是一定程度的壓力對遊戲而言是好的。玩家如果選擇了速攻戰術,那麼承擔一定的主礦采干的風險是好的。雖然這麼說,但目前遊戲中資源采干的速度有些過快。和在某些領域一樣,我們會先從極端情況開始測試,來觀察某改動對遊戲的具體影響,但我們也會在設計推進之後打磨具體數值。這就是我們目前在測試資源系統過程中需要進行迭代設計的領域之一。 現在有兩種明確但大相逕庭的方法來做出迭代設計。速科技的優勢與速經濟的優勢對抗中,論壇社區的意見主流為開礦帶來的收益更高。而在《蟲群之心》中的資源模型則對速科技打法更為友好。讓我們舉個例子, 如果有一個兩礦玩家爬了科技對抗一個四礦無科技的玩家時: -在蟲群之心的資源模型下,後者幾乎沒有經濟上的優勢(因為難以保持各基地的滿采,難以分配工人單位) -在社區建議中的資源模型下,後者擁有幾乎雙倍於前者的經濟優勢(因為確保滿采十分容易) -在虛空之遺中,我們採用了折中的方法。 因為目前的測試樣本容量所限,我們很難做出最終結論。但我們相信下一步就是稍微削弱開礦的收益,使其更接近於蟲群之心一些。因為我們認為我們目前的模型有些極端。我們認為大概會去嘗試100%和60%的晶礦儲量,從目前的100%和50%提高。 為了協助我們測試這個模型,下一批的Beta邀請將包括了第一賽季約前20%水平的玩家。我們希望可以看到更多的測試,聽到更多的反饋。 再次強調,我們並不是說大家提出的建議不會納入我們未來的考量。我們只是計劃花更多的精力來評價目前的系統。目前我們還不能清除的做出最終的界定。我們可能會採用任何的選項,雖然目前的設計方向顯示出強大的潛力,但是現在的計劃是在做出對於資源系統的最終結論前止步於目前的設計。 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 簡單說,就是還會慢慢修改,改到大維京成為史上最令人痛恨的平衡師(!?) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StarCraft/M.1429724311.A.E21.html ※ 編輯: MoMovincent (, 04/23/2015 01:51:04

04/23 01:53, , 1F
砍了你一隻手 還給你一隻腳的暴雪式平衡
04/23 01:53, 1F

04/23 02:31, , 2F
04/23 02:31, 2F

04/23 02:44, , 3F
為了20% 要開始爬天梯了嗎? 可是好不想打機械化....
04/23 02:44, 3F

04/23 02:51, , 4F
04/23 02:51, 4F

04/23 02:55, , 5F
04/23 02:55, 5F

04/23 02:58, , 6F
04/23 02:58, 6F

04/23 03:12, , 7F
http://goo.gl/sUyIaj TL上有回應
04/23 03:12, 7F

04/23 04:06, , 8F
DH10把HOTS開礦的甜頭從18%增加到34% (48農)
04/23 04:06, 8F

04/23 04:07, , 9F
錢比lotv慢乾 但不是沒有壞處
04/23 04:07, 9F

04/23 08:49, , 10F
04/23 08:49, 10F

04/23 08:49, , 11F
一開始是TL那邊提出了DH採礦系統 然後開始分析SC2的採礦
04/23 08:49, 11F

04/23 08:50, , 12F
發現:開四礦的比三礦滿只多18% 群起激憤
04/23 08:50, 12F

04/23 08:50, , 13F
戰阿戰的 DK就踹共了(LotV他踹共不少次)
04/23 08:50, 13F

04/23 08:51, , 14F
結果貼了這篇 馬上業力引爆被TL戰回去:你在說三小
04/23 08:51, 14F

04/23 09:04, , 15F
04/23 09:04, 15F

04/23 09:08, , 16F
04/23 09:08, 16F

04/23 09:12, , 17F
http://waa.ai/vagq 開戰的源頭
04/23 09:12, 17F

04/23 09:13, , 18F
04/23 09:13, 18F

04/23 09:14, , 19F
04/23 09:14, 19F

04/23 09:15, , 20F
不過怎樣都比戰IMBA的有營養 顆顆
04/23 09:15, 20F

04/23 13:16, , 21F
04/23 13:16, 21F

04/23 13:17, , 22F
04/23 13:17, 22F

04/23 13:23, , 23F
04/23 13:23, 23F

04/23 13:25, , 24F
04/23 13:25, 24F

04/23 13:26, , 25F
04/23 13:26, 25F

04/23 13:26, , 26F
經濟 這也是目前很多戰術困局的根本
04/23 13:26, 26F

04/23 13:26, , 27F
04/23 13:26, 27F

04/23 13:26, , 28F
如果DK不去修改這部分 那最後只剩下一步可以創造不同
04/23 13:26, 28F

04/23 13:26, , 29F
04/23 13:26, 29F

04/23 13:27, , 30F
04/23 13:27, 30F

04/23 13:28, , 31F
PTT大概就是我IMBA Weak你IMBA等級而已
04/23 13:28, 31F

04/23 14:11, , 32F
04/23 14:11, 32F

04/23 14:11, , 33F
TL文章不少阿 翻了又沒人在意只會戰IMBA
04/23 14:11, 33F

04/23 14:14, , 34F
04/23 14:14, 34F

04/23 19:54, , 35F
04/23 19:54, 35F

04/24 12:34, , 36F
04/24 12:34, 36F

04/24 13:44, , 37F
1.不容易看懂 2.這樣會讓Z起飛速度非常快
04/24 13:44, 37F

04/24 13:47, , 38F
04/24 13:47, 38F
文章代碼(AID): #1LDzoNuX (StarCraft)