[外絮] LotV 多人遊戲更新 2015/2/12 by DK

看板StarCraft作者 (1 2 3 4 疾風炭)時間9年前 (2015/02/13 10:15), 9年前編輯推噓50(56688)
留言150則, 54人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/blog/17944912/legacy-of-the-void-multiplayer -development-update-february-12-2015-2-12-2015 http://waa.ai/4ACa 廢話我就通通拿掉 只看改了什麼 General Gameplay Changes Resource changes 資源更改 We’re feeling more confident about the proposed resource changes from our last update. This change lowers half of the minerals to 50% of their Heart of the Swarm value while leaving the other half at their current HotS value of 1500. Internally, we’re seeing that this change not only encourages expansion across the map, but each base location remains a high point of contention. Assuming internal testing continues this way, it’s looking like we’ll go to beta with this change where we can see testing on a much larger scale with a wider variety of skill levels. 八個晶礦 一半1500 一半750 看來就是要這樣實裝了 內部測試的效果不錯 不只是鼓勵擴張而且還確保了每個礦都有農 BETA應該就是這樣上了 Experimenting with slowing down the pacing of combat in SC2 減緩戰鬥的步調 This is a topic we got a lot of community feedback on, so we did some heavy exploration in this area. The biggest thing we tried here was reducing the attack speed of each unit in the game by 40% and altering some damage values to compensate. Even though a change like this would seemingly have a huge implication on balance, we realized the gain wasn’t as big as we expected. Games feel different from before, but the main question has to be “Is this a positive change that makes games better?” We’re just not sure of this yet. For example, we’re seeing that slower engagements seem to reduce the skill component in combat. Additionally, games feel more dragged out than before. But we’ve only had limited testing at this point, so we’ll continue to explore this area in more detail before making a final call. 簡單的講:提速提過頭 所以現在要慢一點下來 目前最激進的改法是砍掉所有單位40%的攻速 然後提高了部分單位的輸出 不過還沒定案 因為這個影響太大 (譯按:成真的話,生化已死) Scan range experimentation 掃瞄範圍 We've also seen some community feedback about changes that can be made to the scan range to increase the responsiveness of units in combat. We’ve made some adjustments internally and we’re initially liking how it plays out. This is something we’re planning on testing further in the beta. 掃描範圍修改實驗中 Here are a few changes and areas we’re looking at: Terran Changes 人族變動 HERC The HERC has been removed. The HERC redesign isn’t going as smoothly as we had hoped, and in our most recent build the HERC has been removed from the game. We’ve instead switched our focus from trying to make the HERC work to just going back to the drawing board to see what other new unit idea Terran can benefit from. The latest design we’ve tested for this unit slot is a combat construction type of unit that travels with your army and constructs useful things mid-field to support your bio army. This among many other changes we’ve tried with the HERC hasn’t turn out well for us, but this is not surprising as it really takes a lot of time and effort when it comes to new unit design iteration. We’ll continue to pursue potential new units that fit into the Terran army and we’d love to hear your feedback on this topic. 一句話: Herc (2014/11/8~2015/2/12) Thor The Thor self-repair ability has been removed. The Thor self-repair ability isn’t really working. As we’ve pointed out before, we don’t like that fact that there’s no strategic decision outside of combat. If a Thor is damaged, players will always use the self-repair ability if they’re not in combat. Our current plans are to remove this ability for the start of beta and see how the Thor works without the added complexity of a different mode or an active ability. 雷神自動修復砍掉 廢物技能 Protoss Changes 神族變動 New Protoss Unit 新的單位 As you may know, one of our main focus points since the last update has been working on the design of a new Protoss unit. Although not final yet, we have a unit and are very happy with how it is currently playing out. While we don’ t yet have a name, we wanted to provide you with some details on this new unit: It is a core gateway unit with a ground-only ranged attack and normal movement speed. The unit has an ability that sends out a Shade of itself, and after a fixed duration, the unit teleports to the location of the Shade. The Shade can independently move around, but cannot attack or be attacked, and does not impede upon the actions of the main unit. We intend to offer a more in-depth look at this new unit in the near future. 依然設計中 對地BG兵 移動速度普通 分身傳送能力 分身不可攻擊or被攻擊 Immortal 不朽者 Barrier is no longer an upgrade Damage absorbed has been reduced to 100 down from 200. Immortal Barrier ability being an upgrade isn’t working out well for us, so we went back to no upgrade and reduced the damage absorbed. It was too buried in tech, and in order to use Immortals with max efficiency, you had to have the additional building. So we’re trying to just balance the unit without the ability being an upgrade. 護盾技能不需要研發 傷害吸收200->100 Tempest 暴風 We’re considering changes that make the role more similar to the Heart of the Swarm Tempest. We’re thinking the current changes may be too big of a redesign in terms of unit role. We’re leaning towards going back to the Heart of the Swarm Tempest with a couple of changes. Since we still don’t want Tempests to hard counter units like Brood Lords, Carriers, or Battlecruisers we’re looking to remove the +massive damage component and then add Disintegration. 改過頭了 可能會修回來變成HotS式樣 去除對巨型單位加成 依然有"解離"法術 Zerg Changes 蟲族變動 Infestor 感染蟲 The Infestor ability vs. mass air units has been moved to the Viper. We want to explore something else with the Infestor that is cool to have instead of Neural Parasite, while also giving a bit more of a core role to the Viper. We also thought that having this ability alongside Fungal Growth wasn’t right because of how well the two abilities synergize, so we wanted to explore moving this ability to a different unit. This way, depending on unit composition, we can see different scenarios where the abilities might be used separately or in combination. 對空技能改到飛蟒身上 會有新技能取代神經寄生 Roach 蟑螂 Roach burrow move now works when Burrow is researched and no longer requires an upgrade. This ability allows for some cool micro that we’d like to see more of in Void, so we made it a bit more accessible for now. We’re also considering increasing the movement speed of Roaches while burrowed. 遁地移動不需要研發 有遁地就可以跑來跑去了 而且還在考慮提高遁地移動速度 (譯按:你認真的嗎.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StarCraft/M.1423793725.A.E18.html

02/13 10:19, , 1F
02/13 10:19, 1F

02/13 10:20, , 2F
02/13 10:20, 2F

02/13 10:20, , 3F
02/13 10:20, 3F

02/13 10:26, , 4F
Herc連測試都撐不到 不意外
02/13 10:26, 4F

02/13 10:26, , 5F
02/13 10:26, 5F

02/13 10:28, , 6F
02/13 10:28, 6F

02/13 10:35, , 7F
很好 7分鐘就有遁地蟑螂在你家鬧了
02/13 10:35, 7F

02/13 10:35, , 8F
02/13 10:35, 8F

02/13 10:36, , 9F
遁地獸對現在沒自殺蟲 沒蟲霧的異型來說 好難搭
02/13 10:36, 9F

02/13 10:37, , 10F
02/13 10:37, 10F

02/13 10:38, , 11F
02/13 10:38, 11F

02/13 10:40, , 12F
02/13 10:40, 12F

02/13 10:41, , 13F
02/13 10:41, 13F

02/13 10:43, , 14F
02/13 10:43, 14F

02/13 10:43, , 15F
02/13 10:43, 15F

02/13 10:47, , 16F
02/13 10:47, 16F

02/13 10:49, , 17F
幹 我想到了 之前不是才說要加速擴張速度才把晶礦砍少
02/13 10:49, 17F

02/13 10:49, , 18F
02/13 10:49, 18F

02/13 10:49, , 19F
結果你又跟我講戰鬥步調過快 所以要擴張很快然後打很慢?
02/13 10:49, 19F

02/13 10:50, , 20F
呵呵 改完又是一款新遊戲了
02/13 10:50, 20F

02/13 10:58, , 21F
02/13 10:58, 21F

02/13 10:59, , 22F
@ake 他的意思是 戰鬥的時候部隊損失速度變慢 不是打慢
02/13 10:59, 22F

02/13 11:00, , 23F
降低攻擊速度會導致戰鬥時間的拉長 部隊損失速度也會降低
02/13 11:00, 23F

02/13 11:00, , 24F
02/13 11:00, 24F

02/13 11:02, , 25F
02/13 11:02, 25F

02/13 11:02, , 26F
02/13 11:02, 26F

02/13 11:03, , 27F
戰鬥時間跟遊戲步調不一樣啊 是單位死太快了 各種秒殺
02/13 11:03, 27F

02/13 11:04, , 28F
02/13 11:04, 28F

02/13 11:05, , 29F
02/13 11:05, 29F

02/13 11:05, , 30F
02/13 11:05, 30F

02/13 11:07, , 31F
戰鬥時間慢 就分不出頂尖跟業餘差異了
02/13 11:07, 31F

02/13 11:08, , 32F
02/13 11:08, 32F

02/13 11:08, , 33F
02/13 11:08, 33F

02/13 11:08, , 34F
02/13 11:08, 34F

02/13 11:08, , 35F
這個Team一開始也是這樣想:戰鬥步調拉快 才能分別高手
02/13 11:08, 35F

02/13 11:09, , 36F
02/13 11:09, 36F

02/13 11:09, , 37F
02/13 11:09, 37F

02/13 11:09, , 38F
02/13 11:09, 38F

02/13 11:10, , 39F
02/13 11:10, 39F
還有 71 則推文
還有 1 段內文
02/13 13:43, , 111F
02/13 13:43, 111F

02/13 13:45, , 112F
可能想看到像MOBA GAME那種跳恰恰的感覺吧= =
02/13 13:45, 112F

02/13 13:46, , 113F
02/13 13:46, 113F

02/13 13:51, , 114F
02/13 13:51, 114F

02/13 13:58, , 115F
把碰撞體積變大, 減少AOE的影響應該可以減少imba的部分問題
02/13 13:58, 115F

02/13 14:01, , 116F
02/13 14:01, 116F

02/13 14:02, , 117F
02/13 14:02, 117F

02/13 14:02, , 118F
02/13 14:02, 118F

02/13 14:18, , 119F
02/13 14:18, 119F

02/13 14:18, , 120F
對 所以相對應的一定也要給一點小buff...
02/13 14:18, 120F

02/13 14:28, , 121F
02/13 14:28, 121F

02/13 14:32, , 122F
應該同時削弱AOE單位 因為AOE就是為了解決這些高密度輸出
02/13 14:32, 122F

02/13 14:32, , 123F
除非他們真的從碰撞體積下手 不然AOE都太強
02/13 14:32, 123F

02/13 14:33, , 124F
看誰拉 閃電大概不會被nerf 坦克我認為還會被buff
02/13 14:33, 124F

02/13 14:34, , 125F
主要是毒爆比較可能被動刀 真菌也是
02/13 14:34, 125F

02/13 14:35, , 126F
02/13 14:35, 126F

02/13 14:36, , 127F
不一定是nerf就是 應該會有變動是真的 直接不給操作太兇
02/13 14:36, 127F

02/13 14:39, , 128F
到最後還是往BW節奏邁進嗎... ?
02/13 14:39, 128F

02/13 14:40, , 129F
02/13 14:40, 129F

02/13 14:41, , 130F
02/13 14:41, 130F

02/13 14:42, , 131F
02/13 14:42, 131F

02/13 14:43, , 132F
而且他不是狗 狗還要看接觸面積
02/13 14:43, 132F

02/13 14:44, , 133F
02/13 14:44, 133F

02/13 14:50, , 134F
02/13 14:50, 134F

02/13 14:50, , 135F
02/13 14:50, 135F

02/13 14:58, , 136F
02/13 14:58, 136F

02/13 15:52, , 137F
02/13 15:52, 137F

02/13 15:53, , 138F
02/13 15:53, 138F

02/13 15:54, , 139F
02/13 15:54, 139F

02/13 16:04, , 140F
02/13 16:04, 140F

02/13 16:05, , 141F
02/13 16:05, 141F

02/13 16:32, , 142F
無感 只打戰役
02/13 16:32, 142F

02/13 22:26, , 143F
極度贊成降低攻速 能加強會戰可看性
02/13 22:26, 143F

02/14 01:42, , 144F
02/14 01:42, 144F

02/14 02:43, , 145F
很好啊 會戰可以有很多操作空間是好事 剩下的平衡再修就
02/14 02:43, 145F

02/14 02:43, , 146F
好了吧 觀賞性的增加才能拯救這款遊戲
02/14 02:43, 146F

02/14 03:44, , 147F
看推文可以看出誰玩哪一族 真是有趣
02/14 03:44, 147F

02/15 15:59, , 148F
02/15 15:59, 148F

02/15 16:00, , 149F
02/15 16:00, 149F

02/15 16:01, , 150F
02/15 16:01, 150F
文章代碼(AID): #1KtLuzuO (StarCraft)