[藍帖] 蟲族之心平衡報告:醫療艇可能削弱

看板StarCraft作者 (不懈)時間11年前 (2013/03/05 09:27), 編輯推噓96(100474)
留言178則, 69人參與, 最新討論串1/1
來源:http://ppt.cc/SHLK 翻譯:PS論壇 orlandostar The Heart of the Swarm beta has come to an end and we’d like to thank you for making a huge difference and helping us address numerous issues. We’re very pleased with the level of participation and enthusiasm you brought to the beta test, and we appreciate all of the detailed feedback you’ve provided. We hope to continue hearing from you long after the game goes live. In this update, we’ d like to share our thoughts on the current state of balance for Heart of the Swarm. 蟲群之心的測試已經結束,大家的努力幫助我們解決了不可勝數的問題,我們對此深表感 謝。我們也很感謝大家在參與測試中展示出來的極大熱情,已經大家提供的詳盡反饋。我們 希望可以在資料片正式上線後繼續聽取大家的建議,現在我們想分享一下我們對目前蟲族之 心平衡性的觀點。 To begin with, we’re not seeing any glaring issues right now for any matchup from Bronze through Master leagues, and our adjusted ratings for each league are actually showing that balance has steadily approached 50% over the course of the beta. Additionally, the top 30 for GM league is currently made up of 7 Zerg, 13 Terran, and 10 Protoss players, and the win/loss ratios for Heart of the Swarm tournament matches thus far have been solid for each race. 首先,我們在從青銅組到大師組的分析中並沒有看到什麼突出的問題,我們通過數據分析後 基本可以看出在不同組別不同種族的勝率基本都在50%上下。另外,在宗師組的前三十名玩 家是由7個蟲族, 13個人族和10個神族組成,同時就目前來看,蟲族之心的職業比賽中所展 示出的勝負關係對於每個種族而言也相對公平。 We feel the game’s balance is in a good place as we head into release, but that doesn’t mean we think it’s absolutely perfect. We’re always on the lookout for changes in how the game is played, and we track the community’s concerns as they come up so that we can adjust our views accordingly. We realize that just like with Wings of Liberty, not every player is going to take the game seriously until it goes live, and we’ll have to continue to tune Heart of the Swarm after release. While we’ll be keeping a close eye on concerns that some of you have with units such as the Hydralisk and Oracle, we don’t want to rush potentially drastic changes before we’ve had a chance to see how the game develops. We feel that players still need time to really master HotS, and we need more high-level tournaments to take place in order to gauge these concerns as accurately as possible. 我們覺得遊戲的平衡性在發布前已經調整得不錯了,但是這不等同於我們認為遊戲完美無瑕 無懈可擊。我們總是在看遊戲的發展和改動,同樣我們也在關注論壇社區的反饋從而可以有 根據地調整我們的觀點。我們意識到因為自由之翼還是正式發布的遊戲,所以並非每個玩家 都認真對待測試中的每場對抗直到資料片正式發布,我們也將繼續在資料片發布後關注遊戲 的平衡度。在我們仔細觀察大家所提到的一些問題單位例如刺蛇和先知時,我們不想在沒看 到遊戲潛力被完全發掘前就做出過於匆忙的搞懂。我們覺得玩家們依舊需要時間來掌握資料 片,我們也需要更多的高水平比賽來盡可能地準確了解問題。 With that said, we'd like to address a couple of strategies that seem to frequently inspire debate among the community: 現在,我們希望評論一些論壇社區中經常被提及的討論: Medivacs with Ignite Afterburners are too strong. 帶有後燃推進器的醫療運輸機過分強大了。 When we first introduced this change, we mentioned how we think certain strategies are really awesome to see as a viewer, and this is a perfect example. Back in Wings, Medivac drops were all we were seeing at the pro level, but their use has greatly diminished over time as players learned to react and deal with them better. Our general thinking on new units and abilities is that using them will always be learned faster than defending against them for obvious reasons. Because we’ re already seeing some players defend against the new Medivacs extremely well, we definitely want to wait on this feedback to really make sure that it is in fact overpowered before making a change. 在我們首次加入這個改動的時候,我們提到了一些策略會給觀眾帶來很多精彩鏡頭,醫療運 輸機的改動就是個很好的例子。在自由之翼中,我們可以看到醫療船空投隨著對手經驗的豐 富變得越來越少人會去使用。 我們對於新單位和技能大體的觀點是,學會使用一個新單位 或者技能的速度要比學會防守它明顯要快許多。因為我們已經看到一些玩家已經可以完美地 對抗新版的醫療船,我們想再等待下玩家的反饋以確保它確實過強,才能給醫療船貼上太強 的標籤並且削弱它。 The strength of Protoss air, especially against Zerg. 宇宙天空流的神族,尤其是在對抗蟲族。 We do somewhat agree that Protoss air, in combination with splash damage units, might be difficult for Zerg to deal with during no-rush 15 minute games in which both sides take an equal number of bases. However, we are not seeing signs of this in pro games. We do see Protoss players attempting this strategy often, but the success rate doesn’t seem high enough for us to deem it overpowered. 我們大體上同意神族的空軍搭配一些AOE傷害單位,在一個雙方經濟相同對憋15分鐘的場次 中,這個兵種組合對於蟲族而言是難以招架的。但是我們沒看到這個技巧在職業比賽中得以 大規模應用。確實有些神族選手會經常嘗試轉型宇宙天空流,但是他們的勝率還沒高到我們 認定這個戰術過強。 The main reason why we feel this way is that it’s difficult for Protoss to keep up in economy while executing this strategy. In pro level tournament games, we’ve seen this army composition countered in many different ways, and we’re pretty sure that even pros haven’t quite developed an optimal counter-strategy for dealing with Protoss air compositions. We will definitely be keeping a close eye on where this strategy ends up, but right now our stance on air Protoss is that it’s really powerful, but we’re not seeing signs of it being broken to the point that Zerg has no chance against it. 支持我們這個觀點的主要原因是在執行這個戰術時神族很難發展經濟。在職業水平的對抗 中,我們看到了宇宙天空流的兵種組合被許多不同的方法擊破,我們也很確定目前沒有職業 玩家完美破解宇宙天空流。我們肯定會仔細觀察這個戰術,但是現在我們的觀點是雖然神族 宇宙天空流十分強大,但蟲族還不是無計可施。 Please remember that none of this is final, and we are still willing to make changes going forward. We’re constantly playing the game with all three races, watching as many tournaments and high-level streams as possible, analyzing community and pro feedback, and meeting on a daily basis just to discuss what we ’re seeing. The game is changing rapidly at the moment because players are generally still in the learning phase for Heart of the Swarm, and our thoughts on a particular topic might change completely depending on how the game evolves. Please take everything we’ve said with that in mind, and we hope to continue working with our community to make StarCraft II as awesome as possible. 請記住這些東西並非最終的決定,我們依舊希望把遊戲改得更好。我們對於三個種族的測試 從未中斷,也在不停地觀看盡可能多的職業比賽和高水平直播,分析論壇和職業玩家的反饋 ,每天開會討論我們的所見所想。遊戲的戰術在不停地發展因為玩家依舊在對於資料片的學 習和理解階段,我們如果要修改遊戲,也要基於遊戲的發展。請記住我們所言,我們希望和 我們的論壇社區一道,繼續把SC2做成一個很棒的遊戲。 Thank you once again for all of the engaging discussions and constructive feedback during the beta. Your help has been, and continues to be, invaluable to us. We hope to see all of you on the Heart of the Swarm ladder come March 12. 再次感謝大家的討論和在測試中提出的建設性意見。你們的建議曾經是,現在是,將來也是 我們的無價之寶。大家在3月12號資料片發布後活躍在天梯的身影就是我們最大的期待。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/05 09:29, , 1F
03/05 09:29, 1F

03/05 09:29, , 2F
P imba weak buff P
03/05 09:29, 2F

03/05 09:32, , 3F
03/05 09:32, 3F

03/05 09:33, , 4F
拜託都不要nerf WoL Zimba夠久了
03/05 09:33, 4F

03/05 09:39, , 5F
03/05 09:39, 5F

03/05 09:41, , 6F
03/05 09:41, 6F

03/05 09:44, , 7F
03/05 09:44, 7F

03/05 09:46, , 8F
03/05 09:46, 8F

03/05 09:47, , 9F
skytoss很難發展經濟? lol
03/05 09:47, 9F

03/05 09:50, , 10F
wol的Z imba時間其實不算太長 T的一半都不到
03/05 09:50, 10F

03/05 09:50, , 11F
03/05 09:50, 11F

03/05 09:50, , 12F
03/05 09:50, 12F

03/05 09:57, , 13F
03/05 09:57, 13F

03/05 09:57, , 14F
03/05 09:57, 14F

03/05 09:57, , 15F
03/05 09:57, 15F

03/05 10:02, , 16F
03/05 10:02, 16F

03/05 10:12, , 17F
03/05 10:12, 17F

03/05 10:13, , 18F
醫療艇活存率太高 T瓦斯省很大全拿去憋坦克 Z壓力很大
03/05 10:13, 18F

03/05 10:15, , 19F
加速功能的CD值應該是可以稍微延長 不然就是加速時間變短
03/05 10:15, 19F

03/05 10:15, , 20F
果然是Beta OP 正式板削弱的節奏
03/05 10:15, 20F

03/05 10:17, , 21F
現在P打Z出虛空就對了 腐飛一下子就融化了 XDD
03/05 10:17, 21F

03/05 10:21, , 22F
03/05 10:21, 22F

03/05 10:30, , 23F
加速耗MANA CD時間加長都是很好的nerf方法
03/05 10:30, 23F

03/05 10:31, , 24F
03/05 10:31, 24F

03/05 10:33, , 25F
03/05 10:33, 25F

03/05 10:33, , 26F
03/05 10:33, 26F

03/05 10:39, , 27F
削弱妹子 人族還有什麼可以期待?
03/05 10:39, 27F

03/05 10:43, , 28F
03/05 10:43, 28F

03/05 10:43, , 29F
之前的藍光妹子也被砍了 人族還打什麼後期
03/05 10:43, 29F

03/05 10:46, , 30F
03/05 10:46, 30F

03/05 10:47, , 31F
03/05 10:47, 31F

03/05 10:48, , 32F
空投下來就變成地面部隊,醫療艇失去醫療能力 XD
03/05 10:48, 32F

03/05 10:49, , 33F
03/05 10:49, 33F

03/05 10:56, , 34F
03/05 10:56, 34F

03/05 10:57, , 35F
z對空爛不是一天兩天了 叫z怎麼打神族空軍.....
03/05 10:57, 35F

03/05 11:00, , 36F
誰叫人族這麼高調 宗師前幾的勝率太扯
03/05 11:00, 36F

03/05 11:00, , 37F
都給PZ打就好了阿 T就在旁邊等者GG
03/05 11:00, 37F

03/05 11:00, , 38F
韓T 第四族....
03/05 11:00, 38F

03/05 11:00, , 39F
p imba
03/05 11:00, 39F
還有 99 則推文
03/05 16:05, , 139F
調成1勒 連我自己Z都覺得imba了 XDDDD
03/05 16:05, 139F

03/05 16:07, , 140F
蛇蛇1人口的話 麻煩讓坦克一砲五蛇蛇 巨像一串燒10蛇蛇...
03/05 16:07, 140F

03/05 16:12, , 141F
蛇蛇一人口 我就場場100農爆刺蛇..光想都爽XDD
03/05 16:12, 141F

03/05 16:13, , 142F
03/05 16:13, 142F

03/05 16:15, , 143F
那就弄個蟲族最終科技吧 所有單位人口減一半
03/05 16:15, 143F

03/05 16:15, , 144F
03/05 16:15, 144F

03/05 16:16, , 145F
03/05 16:16, 145F

03/05 16:25, , 146F
03/05 16:25, 146F

03/05 16:46, , 147F
你1人口可以出4條狗 商城買的嗎?
03/05 16:46, 147F

03/05 16:56, , 148F
某aCCQ的建議阿 所有單位人口減一半還得了
03/05 16:56, 148F

03/05 17:02, , 149F
03/05 17:02, 149F

03/05 17:03, , 150F
高端Z黑 aCCQ.....
03/05 17:03, 150F

03/05 17:05, , 151F
另外宏觀機制的關係 Z想要改單位人口 除非大砍噴卵
03/05 17:05, 151F

03/05 17:07, , 152F
03/05 17:07, 152F

03/05 17:08, , 153F
03/05 17:08, 153F

03/05 17:10, , 154F
莽夫11分半會比原本多出約20人口的蟑狗 13分左右還是滿
03/05 17:10, 154F

03/05 17:10, , 155F
03/05 17:10, 155F

03/05 17:12, , 156F
03/05 17:12, 156F

03/05 17:13, , 157F
所有單位人口減一半太強那就加個限制吧 需要集滿50隻王蟲在三
03/05 17:13, 157F

03/05 17:14, , 158F
本附近 升級時所有王蟲被三本吸進去變成大大王蟲 而且要200
03/05 17:14, 158F

03/05 17:14, , 159F
03/05 17:14, 159F

03/05 17:15, , 160F
03/05 17:15, 160F

03/05 17:15, , 161F
ZVP天空流 完全是卡在少了WOL的感染 可是BZ不會打自己臉
03/05 17:15, 161F

03/05 17:16, , 162F
03/05 17:16, 162F

03/05 17:16, , 163F
03/05 17:16, 163F

03/05 17:17, , 164F
03/05 17:17, 164F

03/05 17:18, , 165F
BG兵1人口 狂戰衝到死 T哭給你看
03/05 17:18, 165F

03/05 17:18, , 166F
03/05 17:18, 166F

03/05 17:19, , 167F
03/05 17:19, 167F

03/05 17:27, , 168F
我有個想法是 感染100/100 能量科技移除 不然瓦斯都不夠
03/05 17:27, 168F

03/05 17:28, , 169F
03/05 17:28, 169F

03/05 17:29, , 170F
03/05 17:29, 170F

03/05 17:44, , 171F
03/05 17:44, 171F

03/05 18:01, , 172F
請問有沒有P空軍流的示範影片呢@@? 許久沒完想看看^^
03/05 18:01, 172F

03/05 19:45, , 173F
電競的平衡跟一般天梯的平衡是不一樣的 請分清楚 謝謝!
03/05 19:45, 173F

03/05 20:34, , 174F
我淡定,我只想在T IMBA的時後好好嘴其他兩族
03/05 20:34, 174F

03/05 21:29, , 175F
03/05 21:29, 175F

03/06 02:03, , 176F
03/06 02:03, 176F

03/06 02:05, , 177F
03/06 02:05, 177F

03/06 16:09, , 178F
03/06 16:09, 178F
文章代碼(AID): #1HDKeULZ (StarCraft)