[閒聊] 經典預告:可愛‧波特與死亡季後賽

看板Spurs作者 (404 not found)時間8年前 (2016/05/02 20:57), 8年前編輯推噓43(4303)
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國外論壇的創作文,重點是PS圖非常強大, 只發圖不發文沒什麼誠意 所以參考台灣對於哈利波特人名的翻譯 重新把陸聞的筆法/人名潤飾過一遍 ============================================================================= http://goo.gl/K9RHQF Epic Preview: Kawhry Potter and the Deathly Playoffs 經典預告:可愛‧波特與死亡季後賽 http://i.imgur.com/Fj3tjDQ.jpg
The young Kawhry Potter never knew he was special; all he knew was that he didn't fit the definition of "normal". He didn't understand his purpose in the world (and why he had such huge hands), until the lovable half-giant, Timgrid, burst down his door and introduced him to the world of basketball magic. 年幼的可愛‧波特從來都不知道自己是特別的,他只知道自己並不普通。 他不明白自己來到這個世界的意義(還有為什麼自己會有雙那麼大的手), 直到可愛的混血巨人提姆‧海格敲開了他的家門並帶領他認識了神奇的籃球魔法界。 http://i.imgur.com/riQGivG.jpg
During this most unexpected visit, Timgrid presented Kawhry with a personal invitation to attend the Spurwarts School of Basketball Wizardry. Kawhry, having never experienced any basketball love and not fully understanding his potential, was surprised at being greeted warmly by the professors, the technically minded Professor Minerva McHammond and the stern, but grandfatherly, headmaster Dumblepop. He was less certain about the motives of the severe professor of the basketball arts, Ettore Snape. 在這趟不期而遇中,提姆‧海格把一封馬刺華茲籃球魔法學校的入學邀請交給了可愛。 從未熱愛過籃球並且對自己的潛力不甚瞭解的可愛,對有著技術頭腦的麥哈蒙教授 和嚴厲但慈祥的校長鄧不利多‧波波的熱情歡迎感到受寵若驚, 但他不太確定嚴肅的籃球魔法教授穆西納‧石內卜的動機。 http://i.imgur.com/tETTJLN.jpg
Elsewhere, the Dark Lord Voldurant was growing in power, most recently having brought his wayward follower, Dirko Malfoy, to heel via a vicious, one-sided battle. The powerfully offensive wizard turned his eye towards destroying Kawhry, devising an evil plan to infiltrate Spurwarts and turn the basketball wizardry world on its head. 在別處,黑魔王佛地魔杜蘭特的力量正在逐漸增強。 他剛在一場一邊倒的戰鬥中教訓了自己不聽話的屬下德佬‧馬份。 這位強大的進攻巫師轉向他的目光,打算摧毀可愛, 圖謀一個滲透入馬刺華茲並徹底顛覆籃球魔法界邪惡計畫。 http://i.imgur.com/a0JbVaZ.jpg
He sent the horrible Umbrook, who posed as the new professor of Defense against the Offensive Arts. Despite the title, Professor Umbrook was not interested in Defense, but in dunking her version of basketball down the throats of the very instution she pretended to support. 他派出了恐怖的桃樂斯‧溪河‧恩不里居去學校擔任進攻魔法防禦術的教授。 但桃樂斯‧溪河‧恩不里居教授對防守毫無興趣, 她只是假惺惺的灌輸給學生們那一套她自己的籃球理論。 http://i.imgur.com/2yxVXxL.jpg
偷酸忍者龜只進攻不防守,而且愛灌籃... Kawhry, with the help of his best friends LaRoncus and Slo-mione, secretly formed "Dumblepop’s Army," where Kawhry taught his classmates the defensive skills they would need for the war ahead. They were joined by the nutty, but extremely talented, Loris Lovegood and Danny Greenbottom, whose defensive talent is offset by his varying aim. 可愛在好友榮恩‧阿基師和妙麗‧安德森的幫助下悄悄地成立了“鄧不利多波波軍”, 在那裡可愛教給同學們一些之後戰鬥所需的防守技能。 瘋狂但天賦異稟的迪奧‧羅古德, 還有防守才能被他那準心不準的問題而掩蓋的丹尼‧綠巴頓也加入了進來。 http://imgur.com/t2VRo5q
外國版友取名字也偷用Slow-mo的梗喔 Kawhry discovered he has a connection to Voldurant’s mind; this connection allowed Kawhry to locate a mystical prophecy at the heart of the Ministry of Basketball. Voldurant had plotted to use this prophecy about the "chosen one" as the ultimate weapon to take over the Ministry. Instead, Dumblepop's Army fought off Voldurant’s forces with the help of Luparker and Ginoblack. These old guard members of the Order of the Coyote had battled tirelessly through the years against those who would look to warp the magic of basketball away from its roots 可愛發現他能夠讀取佛地魔杜蘭特的心思,這使他在找到了一個在籃球部中心的神秘預言 佛地魔杜蘭特正謀畫利用這個“被選中之人”的預言當作最終的武器來佔領籃球部。 但鄧不利多波波軍及時趕到, 在路平‧跑車和天狼星‧吉諾布萊克的幫助下擊退了佛地魔杜蘭特的勢力。 這兩位野狼會密令的老後衛成員多年來一直致力於打擊扭曲籃球魔法的巫師。 http://i.imgur.com/y0DR1Kf.jpg
the Order of the Phoenix 鳳凰會(的密令) the Order of the Coyote 取用馬刺的吉祥物郊狼/野狼 Though weakened, Voldurant then made it his mission to destroy Kawhry once and for all. He sent his best Snatchers, Scibaka and the terrifying werewolf, Greydams, after the newly anointed "chosen one". The physical duo were to stop at nothing to incapacitate the young Potter, before he could realize the sheer amount of talent he possessed that could turn the tide of basketball wizardry back towards the Defensive Arts. 即使力量被削弱了,佛地魔杜蘭特仍決定要一勞永逸地摧毀可愛。 他派出了他最好的搜捕隊員貝拉‧尾巴卡和恐怖的狼人灰背‧鴨蛋 去追捕這位新的“被選中之人”。 這強壯的二人組在年輕的可愛‧波特還沒有意識到 自己擁有扭轉籃球魔法界回到防守技藝的時候便把他抓了起來。 http://i.imgur.com/I0smvEr.jpg
But Kawhry and the Order of the Coyote have friends of their own. Just in the nick of time, the elf Dotty and the monstrously large (but quite kind-hearted) giant Bobawp joined the fray. Dotty, waving a sock like a helicopter blade, fired spells from deep range, while Bobawp destroyed everything in his path. The pair distracted the Snatchers, allowing Kawhry and his friends to escape. 但可愛和野狼會有朋友們幫忙。在千鈞一髮之際,家庭小精靈多米和 身材奇大(但心地善良)的巨人波本加入了戰鬥。 多米像直升機螺旋槳一樣揮舞著襪子,在遠處對敵人施展魔法, 巨人波本則摧毀了所過之處的一切。兩人分心了搜捕者們,使可愛和朋友們得以逃脫。 http://i.imgur.com/UlHvYpD.jpg
台灣翻譯成多比(Dobby),原文叫做Dotty, (Patty Mills) 翻譯成多米應該有感受到譯者的用心吧 XD Voldurant continued to marshall his forces for a final battle at Spurwarts. There was only one way to defeat him: Kawhry must destroy the basketballs Voldurant has enchanted, because they were pieces of Voldurant’s very soul. It was now a race against time. 佛地魔杜蘭特持續集結大軍,準備在馬刺華茲的最後決戰。 只有一種方式可以打敗他: 可愛必須要找到那些被佛地魔杜蘭特施了魔法的分靈體籃球, 因為裡面藏有佛地魔杜蘭特的部分靈魂。他們現在需要與時間賽跑。 http://i.imgur.com/z9mTkUV.jpg
(最右邊那個Kyle Anderson完全沒有違和感) After returning to Spurwarts through a secret entrance, nearly all of the remaining students (except those ne’er-do-wells in the treacherous Thunderin house) agreed to help Kawhry however they can. Danny Greenbottom, Loris Lovegood, and longtime benchwarmers Kevus Martigan and Dean Simmons readied their wands to attack. 透過秘密入口回到馬刺華茲後,剩下的學生裡幾乎所有人都同意幫助可愛 (除了雷霆特林的某些人,即便他們可以)。 丹尼‧綠巴頓,迪奧‧羅古德,還有冷板凳成員莫‧提幹(KM)和丁‧西門子都準備好 揮舞他們手中的魔仗戰鬥。 http://i.imgur.com/Si8QCG9.jpg
Dean Simmons 可以翻成狄恩/迪恩 但西門子的姓叫做 Jonathan ,翻譯成丁‧西門子 不但兼顧原文的音譯也有另一番趣味 Night had fallen when Voldurant and his followers made their offensive assault. Inside Spurwarts, each professor cast every defensive spell in their arsenal. Professor Drewick chose to lull the opposition to sleep, Mad-Eye West aggressively ran out to meet Voldurant's forces on his own terms, and Professor TreBonny looked to her crystal ball to see when she should enter the fray. 夜暮低垂,佛地魔杜蘭特和他的追隨者們開始了猛烈的進攻。 在馬刺華茲內部,每位教授都使出了防守魔法來保護學校。 德烈維教授(A米)選擇催眠敵人, 瘋眼大衛西自作主張地跑去和佛地魔杜蘭特的勢力正面交鋒, 而三分兔教授則通過觀察水晶球來決定她是否應該出戰。 http://i.imgur.com/k4vJR6c.jpg
(由左至右分別是 A米/大衛西/紅曼巴) Drewick : Drewick取Andre的音dre TreBonny Tre(tri):有三,三個的意涵,意指三分技能 Bonny:有兔子的意思,意指Bonner 外國版友十分強大 The ensuing battle was titanic. Around every corner, forces of offense and defense squared off in a meeting of basketball wizardry unlike any ever before. The momentum shifted back and forth, and it was only the craftiness and might of the legendary Dumblepop that kept the battle from falling into outright chaos. The Order regrouped to continue its pursuit of Voldurant's basketballs. 接下來的戰鬥是史詩級的。 每一個角落都充滿了籃球魔法界前所未有的進攻與防守間的碰撞。 雙方的士氣彼此來回地消長, 而正是狡猾以及偉大的鄧不利波波避免了這場戰鬥進入混亂狀態。 野狼會的成員重新集結,繼續尋找佛地魔杜蘭特的分靈體籃球。 http://i.imgur.com/lkdWf9v.jpg
But in the end it came down to one matchup: Voldurant vs. Kawhry, in single combat. By now, all of Voldurant’s basketballs had been destroyed by Kawhry and his friends, and the Dark Lord’s fury was beyond measure. Voldurant refused to embrace the defense required by Kawhry's counterattack, instead choosing to unveil the entirety of his offensive arsenal against our young hero. 來到最後的是佛地魔杜蘭特與可愛的一對一對決。 現在可愛和他的朋友們已經摧毀了佛地魔杜蘭特所有的分靈體籃球, 這位黑魔王現在很火。 佛地魔杜蘭特拒絕用防守來回應可愛的反擊, 而是選擇用他解放最強的進攻火力來迎戰我們年輕的英雄。 http://imgur.com/JDYH9MH
In a final confrontation to go down in basketball history… neither can live while the other survives. 籃球歷史上的最終戰役… 不可能兩個人都活著 只有一個能生,而另一個就非得死。 http://i.imgur.com/Fj3tjDQ.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Spurs/M.1462193856.A.EB0.html ※ 編輯: pagenotfound (, 05/02/2016 21:03:02

05/02 20:58, , 1F
05/02 20:58, 1F

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05/02 22:11, , 11F
好有梗 圖超精緻 感謝翻譯
05/02 22:11, 11F

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05/02 22:29, , 19F
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05/02 22:36, , 20F
波波 KA dirk 西河 鬼禿 k mart完全無違和 老西那個
05/02 22:36, 20F

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05/02 22:36, , 22F
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05/02 22:44, , 23F
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05/02 22:45, , 24F
太好笑了 超強的原著
05/02 22:45, 24F

05/02 23:03, , 25F
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05/02 23:21, , 26F
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05/02 23:56, , 27F
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05/02 23:58, , 28F
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05/03 00:04, , 29F
太猛啦!! 推翻譯
05/03 00:04, 29F

05/03 00:06, , 30F
05/03 00:06, 30F

05/03 00:10, , 31F
我看到西河那段真的快笑死了 又搭配那張圖XD
05/03 00:10, 31F

05/03 00:37, , 32F
05/03 00:37, 32F

05/03 00:44, , 33F
05/03 00:44, 33F

05/03 00:51, , 34F
TD海格 popo鄧不利多 完全無違和XDD
05/03 00:51, 34F

05/03 00:53, , 35F
05/03 00:53, 35F

05/03 00:53, , 36F
05/03 00:53, 36F

05/03 01:08, , 37F
覺得West像Fury +1
05/03 01:08, 37F

05/03 01:39, , 38F
原po有打算翻前一輪跟灰熊star trek那一篇嗎? XD
05/03 01:39, 38F

05/03 02:58, , 39F
05/03 02:58, 39F

05/03 05:56, , 40F
05/03 05:56, 40F

05/03 06:39, , 41F
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05/03 09:39, , 42F
05/03 09:39, 42F

05/03 09:41, , 43F
05/03 09:41, 43F

05/04 02:07, , 44F
05/04 02:07, 44F

05/04 12:27, , 45F
05/04 12:27, 45F

05/04 15:43, , 46F
05/04 15:43, 46F
pagenotfound:轉錄至看板 NBA 08/02 17:25 pagenotfound:轉錄至看板 NBA 08/27 14:54
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