[情報] 馬刺的暑假作業 Part2

看板Spurs作者 (帥氣帕克風!!!)時間11年前 (2013/07/01 10:36), 編輯推噓11(1106)
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Summer outlook: An all-you-need-to-know guide to the Spurs’ offseason by Matthew Tynan 外電網址: http://ppt.cc/r4H2 Who wants to get them some more Gary Neal action? 誰會願意給Gary Neal更多機會呢? One of the most enigmatic Spurs in recent memory has reached restricted free agency after three years with the team, but exactly what the demand is for Gary Neal remains to be seen. The inconsistent San Antonio bench scorer has had his ups and downs, which were more Everest-like peaks and trench-like valleys than crests and troughs of a wave. And his Finals performance was indicative of these sort of tendencies. On one hand, he was essentially nonexistent during off nights, only serving as a backup body that must be accounted for. And yet, the reason the defense couldn’t afford to lose him was because of what he did in Game 3. 馬刺隊近年最高深莫測的球員也在陣中待了3年後成為受限制自由球員了,但對於Neal的 需求仍有待觀察。身為馬刺板凳上的不穩定得分手,他的表現是起起伏伏的,好的時候像 珠穆朗瑪峰的山峰,差的時候像海溝般的河谷。他在冠軍賽的表現更是明顯。某方面來說 ,他季後賽基本上是不存在的,僅僅只是個替補球員而已。然而他在冠軍賽G3的表現又讓 你不想因為他的防守放掉他。 Neal had a down year in comparison to his first three seasons in the league, drawing the ire of many Spurs fans along the way. But in one great game, on a night in which he hit six 3-pointers on his way to 24 points, Neal might have earned himself a payday San Antonio may not be willing to match. Neal今年的表現是這三年來最差的,激起了很多刺迷的憤怒。但他在冠軍賽G3射進了6記 三分球得到24分,證明了他的身價是高過馬刺願意付給他的。 But before we get ahead of ourselves in that regard, we must note that Neal has definitely been a bargain over the length of his contract. Even his cap hold — just more than $1.1 million if the Spurs decide to make a qualifying offer — is totally manageable for now. The question becomes: How much are teams willing to pay a 28-year-old fresh off his worst season as a professional (despite his one great Finals game)? 但在此之前,我們我們必須注意到,Neal肯定會對他的合同長度討價還價。儘管馬刺給他 的QO只有1.116M。現在問題變成這樣:球隊願意支付一個28歲且合約年的表現是生涯最差 的球員多少錢(儘管他總冠軍賽有一場好表現)? I’d say, in the interest of continuity and depth, so long as the price is reasonable the Spurs should pay to bring him back. Now, what’s reasonable? Considering that Danny Green’s contract has him right around $3.5 million, I don’t think you pay Neal more than a salary within the $2-3 million range. Many would likely argue even that’s too much, but when he’s right, Neal can be a major factor. His skill set is replicable to an extent, but there’s a certain I-don’t-give-a-crap mentality that can be invaluable at times. It can also be detrimental, but he’s certainly not afraid of the big stage. That ’s not something that can necessarily be taught. If you can get him on the cheap, he’s worth having around. 我想說,要維持連續性和板凳深度,只要價格是合理的馬刺隊要把他簽回來。現在來看, 多少是合理的呢?Danny Green的合同約350萬元,因此我不認為你會付Neal超過2M~3M的 範圍。甚至還會有許多人認為這樣也太多,但Neal只要使用得當,他是很有用的。他的能 力在一定程度上是可被取代的,但他果決出手的心態有時是無價的。也可能造成球隊傷害 ,但他肯定不怕大場面。這不見得是教的會的東西。 如果你能便宜的得到他,那一定值得。 Matt Bonner and Boris Diaw: Complements or casualties? Bonner和Diaw的存在是補強還是湊人數呢? Matt Bonner and Boris Diaw both have statuses currently up in the air, though they’re each operating under different circumstances. Diaw has a player option worth north of $4.7 million while Bonner is under contract for nearly $4 million himself, but his salary is not guaranteed for next season. The Spurs can decline their team option on the 33-year-old sharpshooter if they please, and Bonner also remains one of the only amnesty options left on San Antonio’s roster. (If they decline his option, they’ll still owe him $1 million next year, but if they use the amnesty provision, his contract won’t count against the cap at all. He’ll still get paid, but his salary will be off the books.) Bonner和Diaw目前都還沒下定案(Diaw已確定續留),雖然他們的情況不同。Diaw擁有470 萬的球員選項(PO),而Bonner的合同還有將近400萬,但他下個賽季的薪水就是非保障的 。馬刺可以看他們心情拒絕33歲神射手的球隊選項(TO),且Bonner也是馬刺可能會使用特 赦條款的對象。(如果他們拒絕他的TO,他們明年會欠他1百萬美元,但如果他們使用特 赦條款,他還是會得到錢,只是他的合同將不會算在薪資空間內)。 Both of these bigs offer very unique skill sets for their position. Diaw is essentially a point guard in the frontcourt and is one of the most creative players you’ll ever see, and Bonner is an elite shooter from the 3-point line at the four position. So both have value if they are to return at their current rates. But there were certainly times this season and during the playoffs when one of these guys hardly saw the floor from game to game. Their presence offers the Spurs the chance to match up differently with specific opponents depending on individual matchups, but $4-5 million is still quite a bit of money to be paying a player that spends long stretches on the bench. 這些大個子在自己的定位都提供了非常獨特的技能。Diaw本質上是一個中前場的控球後衛 ,是一個最有創造力的球員,Bonner在3分線的四個位置是神射手。因此以現在的價值來看 他們都值得留下。但本季例行賽和季後賽也有一定的時間沒辦法場場見到他們。他們的存 在提供了機會,以對付特定的對手,但馬刺要付4-5百萬美元給大部分時間都在守開特力 的球員也是個負擔。 Diaw has yet to make a decision on his player option, and while it’s a decent amount of change, at this point in his career he could be more interested in looking for a little less money right away if it means a longer contract (think Richard Jefferson). Who knows? But let’s say he does exercise his option and return to San Antonio for one more year. The Spurs are in no danger at this point of crossing the luxury-tax line (which is predicted to be set at just more than $71 million), and if they are interested in keeping a nearly title-winning roster intact, Diaw’s contract won’t do any damage to their bottom line. (Patty Mills was the other Spur with a player option going into the postseason, and he exercised it quicker than you could swing a towel at.) 因為Diaw和Mills都已行使球員選項(PO)留在馬刺隊,所以這段就略過了。 But let’s just say for a moment that the Spurs aren’t interested in another conservative approach. What if they don’t think they can win title No. 5 with this team that got oh so close to doing it? The Big 3′s window is shrinking by the year, and it’s difficult to expect another All-NBA First Team Duncan and Second-Team Parker. And what if Manu’s wheels have finally come off? If that’s the case, this team is going to need some help against the rest of the rising NBA stars. So… 但是,讓我們談談,馬刺對另一種保守的做法不感興趣。如果他們不認為他們現在的陣容 能夠贏得第5座總冠軍?三巨頭的舞台正準備謝幕,很難期待會有下一個入選NBA最佳陣容 第一隊的Duncan和第二隊的Parker。如果Manu也跑不動了呢?如果是這樣的話,這支球隊 會需要一些幫助以對抗NBA蓬勃發展的新星們。 所以… to be continued..... -- ◢███◣ ◥◥◥ 我們不是搖擺不定 我們只是還在找尋平衡點 ╭╮ ◣ ▽ ╯╰天秤 ψQSWEET  ̄ ̄ ▂▂         Libra <天秤版> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/01 10:44, , 1F
07/01 10:44, 1F
※ 編輯: ParkerWind 來自: (07/01 10:48)

07/01 10:50, , 2F
翻的真好啊.....Bonner可以拿去換Scola 或 Dudley
07/01 10:50, 2F

07/01 10:52, , 3F
人家怎麼可能這麼容易放Scola XD
07/01 10:52, 3F

07/01 10:56, , 4F
07/01 10:56, 4F

07/01 11:01, , 5F
重建啊 Scola還有兩年約 任務只是讓戰績能有個交代
07/01 11:01, 5F

07/01 11:02, , 6F
Scola兩年約 Dudley三年約 應該會想丟
07/01 11:02, 6F

07/01 11:19, , 7F
推一個 更缺的是manu的洞 換強的大個來還是不如MG
07/01 11:19, 7F

07/01 11:21, , 8F
07/01 11:21, 8F

07/01 11:21, , 9F
07/01 11:21, 9F

07/01 11:27, , 10F
07/01 11:27, 10F

07/01 12:06, , 11F
他不回來有diaw可以頂 而且他上場機會應該要增加
07/01 12:06, 11F

07/01 13:13, , 12F
07/01 13:13, 12F

07/01 13:38, , 13F
07/01 13:38, 13F

07/01 17:39, , 14F
07/01 17:39, 14F

07/01 20:06, , 15F
Coach B 今年季後賽有進步 但還是跟季中有落差 小小失望~
07/01 20:06, 15F

07/01 20:16, , 16F
07/01 20:16, 16F

07/01 20:16, , 17F
07/01 20:16, 17F
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