[情報] You can do better(8) Matt Bonner

看板Spurs作者 (帕克瘋~)時間11年前 (2012/10/20 16:37), 編輯推噓20(20023)
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You Can Do Better, Matt Bonner By J. Gomez (Edg5) on Oct 15, 8:17a 外電網址: http://ppt.cc/mZXN Bonner helps the team tremendously during the regular season; this has never been in question. His performance in the playoffs, however, has disappointed Spurs fans time and time again. Can Bonner turn it around this season? Bonner在例行賽對球隊的貢獻是無庸置疑的,但在季後賽已經一次又一次讓球迷失望了, 這一季,Bonner能夠扭轉乾坤嗎? Ah, Winter Shoes, it is finally your turn. Bonner is an amazing contributor for the Spurs during the regular season. In the role of back up big playing 20 minutes a game, Bonner is probably one of the best in the entire league. He spreads the floor well thanks to his fantastic three-point stroke, rarely makes mistakes and defends better than he gets credit for. Most lineups including Matty do great, and his individual numbers are exactly what you want from a three-point shooting big. And then the postseason starts. 唉~Coach B~終於還是輪到你了。Bonner在例行賽為馬刺貢獻很多,在平均上場20分鐘的 替補球員中他也許是最好的幾個。他可以散佈的範圍很廣,因為他有三分投射能力,並很 少犯錯。當Bonner在場上時,通常球隊都表現得不錯,而他的個人數據也符合一個大個子 射手。然後呢…季後賽開始囉… It seems like year after year Bonner fails to make a positive impact in the playoffs. As an example, take last postseason; he took 1.7 less three-pointers per 36 minutes in the playoffs than in the regular season and his efficacy (i.e. the reason he plays in the league) decreased 7%, from a stellar 42% to a pedestrian 35%. Last season, Pop cut his minutes almost in half, partly because of his mediocre performance and partly because other coaches made adjustments that rendered Bonner, for lack of a better word, useless. So, is Matt Bonner too inefficient and easy to game plan for that he will never help a team when it counts the most? History would suggest "yes", but with some small adjustments, Bonner could become a viable, if not deadly, weapon off the bench. So what are these adjustments you ask? Bonner在季後賽的正面影響貌似一年比一年少,拿上季季後賽來說,他平均每36分鐘的三 分球出手數比例行賽少了1.7次,命中率也從優異的42%下滑到不起眼的35%。上一季POPO 把Bonner的上場時間砍了幾乎一半,原因是他的表現平平,以及其他教練調整戰術限制了 Bonner,換句話說他變得沒用了。所以,Bonner的表現太沒效率以及太容易被限制以至於 他不能幫助球隊嗎?過去的經驗告訴我們”是”,但只要做些調整,Bonner絕對是有用的 ,不至於成為致命的射手,但至少是板凳上的武器。所以這些調整是什麼呢? Shoot the midrange jumper Bonner's release is not necessarily too slow, but his form is strange and he needs room to be effective. Unsurprisingly, he faces a different kind of defensive pressure in the playoffs when it comes to close outs. When he is chased off the three-point line, Bonner lacks the resourcefulness to make something happen, which leads to resetting plays with less time in the shot-clock. Expecting Matty to improve his handles and learn how to finish at the rim or dish it to the open man seem like wishful thinking, considering we are discussing an athletically-challenged (in the context of the league), 31-year-old veteran that has never displayed those skills. However, what he might be able to do is remain a threat, even when he can't take 3-pointers, by shooting more from midrange. 投中距離 Bonner表現不好不見得是因為他太慢,而是他的投籃姿勢很怪而且需要空間出手。不意外 地,他在季後賽面臨各式各樣的防守壓力就被守死了。當Bonner被迫離開三分線,他就不 能幹麻了,他應該要能夠在進攻時間到達前重新設定出手。期待Bonner能夠處理球、在籃 框附近放球、甩開防守者都是做夢;這位31歲的老將可從來沒展現過這些東西。他能做的 就是維持自己的威脅性,就算不能投三分球時,也仍有中距離投射能力。 During the regular season, Bonner takes more shots from behind the arc than from any other spot in the floor combined. But even with a small sample size, he has always been average to above-average on long jumpers. If Bonner could master a one dribble pull up going to his right after a pump fake, he might be able to be useful in a playoff setting. Even if he developed that weapon, teams would still chase him off the 3 point line, but Matt would have something to fall back on to counter the opponent's defensive game plan. No one is going to leave his man to close out if Matty is not behind the arc, but Bonner could make that fact work for him by pulling up, basically unguarded. If he starts hitting that 18-footer consistently, eventually the defense would have to adjust. This is not ideal, but it might be the only somewhat realistic way Bonner can transform his game and help the offense in the postseason. 例行賽期間,Bonner在三分線外的出手比率是他的總出手中最高的。儘管樣本數不是很多 ,但他的長射命中率總是高於平均值。要是Bonner可以練出做完假動作後立刻運球往右側 ,這招在季後賽應該是能派上用場的。就算是Bonner練就了這個武器,對方還是會迫使他 離開三分線,但至少Bonner有能夠回應的能力了,這下子對方絕對不敢放掉他。如果他能 持續投進18呎的投籃,防守者勢必得為此作調整。這雖然不是非常理想,但已經是Bonner 能夠做到且能夠在季後賽幫助球隊的作為了。 Defend without fouling and draw charges Bonner does an amazing job of bothering shots without fouling in the regular season, as his 1.8 fouls per 36 minutes is only bested by Tony Parker's 1.4. He accomplishes that by standing his ground and getting his arms up, instead of futilely trying to block the shot. Matt keeps his hands off face-up forwards trying to penetrate and when helping on guards. That is textbook containment defense. 防守不要犯規,且製造對方進攻犯規 Bonner在例行賽時干擾對方投籃時其實是很少犯規的(平均36分鐘1.8次),全隊只有 Parker比他更理想(1.4次)。他怎麼做到的呢? 他站在原地高舉雙手,而不是試著封阻。 Unfortunately, the playoffs are called differently. Role players like Bonner don't get the benefit of the doubt by officials, which has led to a lot more fouls being called on Matt. In the postseason, his personal fouls per 36 minutes climb to a team leading 5.2. The only way Bonner can turn that around is by being smarter and wilier, instead of trying to match his opponent's physicality. Front guys on the low post, without being overly aggressive and wait for help if you are physically over-matched, instead of pushing. When guarding face up threats, be a pest off the ball and try to deny them access to their preferred spots, but keep your hands off them once they get the rock. As for help defense, Bonner is a smart system defender who knows when to give a hard foul if it's needed (don't laugh). What he cannot do is block shots or get steals. Yet there is one area in which Bonner could reasonably improve, which coincidentally would help offset his ridiculously high foul rate: draw charges. 不幸地,季後賽的吹判尺度不同。像Bonner這種角色球員不能享有公平的吹判,因此他會 被多吹很多次犯規(每36分鐘高達5.2次犯規),要改善的話他必須更聰明、更狡猾才行。 面對低位單打時不要防守的太侵略性,若體能條件不如對手就等待補防而不是一味的推擠 。面對切入時不要去碰球,而是阻擋對手的切入路徑。協防時,Bonner對於判斷該不該故 意犯規是很聰明的(不要笑),他做不到的是抄截和阻攻。Bonner還有一個地方如果能改進 的話將可以抵銷他高的可笑的犯規率:製造對手衝撞。 As previously mentioned, last postseason Bonner fouled 5.2 times per 36 minutes while going to the line 1.1 times himself. That -4.1 individual foul differential is the worst of all Spurs bigs, by far. The team has similar numbers in terms of total fouls committed with Matt on and off the court, but not thanks to Bonner. What Matt can do to help bridge that gap is to improve in something he does adequately: drawing charges. During the regular season Matt ranked 26th among power forwards in charges drawn with 0.22 per game - nothing to write home about, but decent. During the playoffs, however, he didn't take a single charge. His minutes were reduced, but Bonner failed to make an impact in the one area of help defense he is above average. This upcoming postseason, Bonner will probably see limited minutes yet again. He needs to adapt his game to be effective in shorts spurts; coming off the bench and taking a charge or two would go a long way towards reaching that goal. 如之前所提,上季季後賽Bonner每36分鐘有5.2次犯規,而自己站上罰球線上只有1.1次。 這表示他個人造成的犯規數為-4.1次,是馬刺的大個子中最差的。Bonner可以彌補這個大 洞的方法就是適當的製造對手衝撞。例行賽期間,Bonner平均每場比賽可製造0.22次衝撞 ,這在全聯盟大前鋒中排名第26,算是很不錯。但在季後賽中,竟然1次也沒發生,儘管 他上場時間減少了,但他在區域聯防中卻沒辦法有正面的影響。下季季後賽,Bonner的可 能時間可能又會更少了,他必須適應比賽讓自己在短時間內可以正常發揮功用;從板凳出 發並製造一兩次衝撞會是讓他達到目標的方向。 In reality, what Bonner needs to do in the playoffs is hit three-pointers. There is no use in having a three-point specialist that cannot hit the shot when it really counts. Now, there is a case to be made for giving Bonner minutes even if he is not hitting, simply because of the way his mere presence spaces the floor and forces other teams to adjust. Some might say that Pop shares the blame for some of Bonner's failures by the way he uses him and in which lineups, but these posts are about what the player can do. I believe that with some small adjustments, Bonner could become a solid 10-15 minutes a game playoff contributor. He just needs to diversify his offense a little and foul as little as possible, while ideally drawing a charge here and there. With his contract being only partially guaranteed next season, this very well might be Bonner's last chance to prove he can contribute in the playoffs. I, and I'm guessing every other Spurs fan, hope he makes the most of it. 現實中,Bonner在季後賽需要做的事就是投進三分球。當他投不進時他簡直是沒用。現在 有個情況是就算Bonner投不進三分,但他還是可以待在場上,因為他進攻時站在外線,對 手還是需要調整防守。有些人會說Bonner表現不好,POPO必須負部分責任,因為把他用在 錯誤的陣容或是錯誤的使用他。我相信只要做些小調整,Bonner可以變成一個在季後賽穩 定上場10~15分鐘並穩定貢獻的球員。他只是需要讓進攻方式更多樣,並盡可能減少犯規 ,然後理想地製造對手衝撞。他下季的合約是部分保證,因此這可能是Bonner證明自己能 在季後賽貢獻的最後機會了。我猜每位馬刺迷都很希望他真的能更進步吧! -- ◢███◣ ◥◥◥ 我們不是搖擺不定 我們只是還在找尋平衡點 ╭╮ ◣ ▽ ╯╰天秤 ψQSWEET  ̄ ̄ ▂▂         Libra <天秤版> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ParkerWind 來自: (10/20 16:42)

10/20 17:21, , 1F
10/20 17:21, 1F

10/20 17:37, , 2F
10/20 17:37, 2F

10/20 20:03, , 3F
Bonner最可怕的是季後賽軟手吧 要他進步應該也不容易
10/20 20:03, 3F

10/20 20:04, , 4F
個人認為內線真的要想辦法找長人來頂 馬刺外圍越來越擠
10/20 20:04, 4F

10/20 20:53, , 5F
10/20 20:53, 5F

10/20 22:13, , 6F
嗯~還有CJ、Mills跟Diaw的 我猜應該不會有TD吧
10/20 22:13, 6F

10/20 22:18, , 7F
10/20 22:18, 7F

10/20 22:32, , 8F
版主不要催稿嘛 我本來想拖到下禮拜翻的XD
10/20 22:32, 8F

10/20 22:33, , 9F
哈哈哈哈我不知道你在放假XD 想說這系列好有趣
10/20 22:33, 9F

10/20 22:36, , 10F
會不會有You can do better, POPO XDD
10/20 22:36, 10F

10/21 01:01, , 11F
10/21 01:01, 11F

10/21 01:02, , 12F
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10/21 01:06, , 19F
10/21 01:06, 19F

10/21 01:10, , 20F
10/21 01:10, 20F

10/21 01:11, , 21F
這季薪資3.63M,下季是3.94M 僅保障1M,也算打得中規中矩
10/21 01:11, 21F

10/21 01:14, , 22F
10/21 01:14, 22F

10/21 01:29, , 23F
10/21 01:29, 23F

10/21 02:31, , 24F
波妞在馬刺多久了阿?感覺有在進步啦 只是幅度不大
10/21 02:31, 24F

10/21 03:04, , 25F
10/21 03:04, 25F

10/21 03:05, , 26F
10/21 03:05, 26F

10/21 03:07, , 27F
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10/21 03:13, , 28F
10/21 03:13, 28F

10/21 04:21, , 29F
10/21 04:21, 29F

10/21 04:22, , 30F
之妙啊. 真正的問題是TD老了,所以舊模式不管用了
10/21 04:22, 30F

10/21 08:36, , 31F
10/21 08:36, 31F

10/21 08:50, , 32F
Bonner是06年用大N換來的 之前是在暴龍
10/21 08:50, 32F

10/21 08:50, , 33F
10/21 08:50, 33F

10/21 08:58, , 34F
Bonner也可以出一篇啊 XD 根本沒可能do better啊 XD
10/21 08:58, 34F

10/21 10:01, , 35F
10/21 10:01, 35F

10/21 18:26, , 36F
10/21 18:26, 36F

10/21 22:46, , 37F
Diaw Lorbek 二擇一 薪資上和Bonner無關 考慮到投射能力
10/21 22:46, 37F

10/21 22:47, , 38F
的話 就無法說完全無關 沒Bonner或許會增加一些簽Lorbek
10/21 22:47, 38F

10/21 22:48, , 39F
的可能性 但也只是或許 無從證實了
10/21 22:48, 39F

10/22 00:51, , 40F
10/22 00:51, 40F

10/22 12:10, , 41F
10/22 12:10, 41F

10/22 17:28, , 42F
10/22 17:28, 42F

10/23 11:32, , 43F
10/23 11:32, 43F
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