Re: [情報] 馬刺試訓Dominique jones、Ryan Thompson

看板Spurs作者 (冬夜之息)時間14年前 (2010/05/12 16:36), 編輯推噓19(19010)
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: Dominique Jones:身高6-4 得分後衛 South Florida大學 : 場均數據:21.4分 6.1籃板 3.6助攻 1.7抄截 45%的投籃命中率 重點翻譯一下Dominique Jones的簡介,他目前被DX預估是二輪初的人選。 Finding a Niche for Dominique Jones by: Jonathan Givony - President April 27, 2010,uV With the NBA becoming far more of a perimeter game these days, shot creators coming at a huge premium and multiple ball handlers in every lineup becoming the norm, it’s only natural that talent evaluators would look to the college ranks to find offensive firepower. Enter South Florida’s Dominique Jones. Ranked top 10 in scoring and top 5 in free throw attempts per game, Jones is a physically imposing 6-4 combo guard with an NBA-ready frame, an excellent wingspan and the aggressive mentality to take advantage of it. Jones是6呎4的雙能衛,在平均得分聯盟排行前十,每場平均罰球數排行前五。 他有NBA球員的體格,優異的翼展和有侵略性的個性。 Jones stands out first and foremost because of the ease with which he can create his own shot, showing a powerful first step, long strides, a low center of gravity and terrific body control as he weaves his way around defenders en route to the basket. Jones能夠自己切入籃下創造得分機會,他有具爆發力的第一步、很大的步伐、低重心加上 優異的身體控制能力。 He has a great knack for getting to the rim thanks to the purpose with which he attacks his defender. He knows how to lower his shoulder to get past his man, often just overpowering his matchup on his way to the basket,just beingtoo strong and relentless for most Big East defenders to keep out of the lane. 他懂得運用自己的肩膀,靠著體格硬吃防守者。 (RJ:汝也懂用肩膀? Jones:略懂) Jones is constantly in attack mode, doing a notable job in particular pushing the ball up the court and creating easy looks for himself in transition. He’ s also a capable weapon in the half-court, especially in isolation and pick-and-roll situations. 他總是進攻模式全開,無論是快攻、檔切抑或拉開單打都不成問題。 Once in the paint, Jones can finish through contact -- thanks to his excellent frame -- and really understands how to draw fouls. He ranks first in free throw attempts per minute among all point guards and shooting guards in this draft, and in the NCAA period. He also has a nice floater in his arsenal. 一旦他切入籃下,他很容易獲得小帳加一的機會,因為他優異的體格讓他能在碰撞下出手 ,而且他知道要怎要賴到犯規。他在這次選秀中的所有後衛中平均每分鐘獲得的罰球數排 行第一,而且他也略懂一點小拋射。 (譯者註:聽起來好像國王的Evans...XD) What makes Jones intriguing in today’s NBA is that he can spend time at either backcourt position. He’s clearly a good enough ball handler to bring the ball up the court and get a team into its offense, and he shows pretty good court vision on top of that, with his ability to play the pick-and-roll and find teammates off the dribble in drive and dish situations. Jones的特點是他能夠勝任控衛和得衛兩種位置。他的運球能力讓他能夠獨自帶球過半場, 擁有不錯的傳球視野,而且他能夠檔切,能夠切入後外傳。 (譯者註:這段又讓我想到Parker...) In the film we studied, it was a bit surprising to see the amount of possessions in which Jones was obviously looking to make the extra pass, but ended up forcing a difficult shot as the clock ran down due to the inability of his teammates to create open looks. He's clearly not a selfish player. While no one will confuse him with a pure point guard, he’s enough of a lead guard to see minutes as his team’s primary ball handler coming off the bench. 我們看影片的時候,發現Jones時常想要傳球助攻,但是每每都因為隊友能力不足,無法跑 出空檔,拖至進攻時間到而自己硬上出手。他顯然不是個自私的球員,雖然他不是純種控 衛,但是在球隊首席控衛休息時,讓他控球不是問題。 (譯者註:我們好像也有個愛傳球的SG......) The other place that Jones stands out is on the defensive end, where he can come up with some incredibly impressive possessions. Jones appears capable of guarding either backcourt position in the NBA. He is especially effective on the ball, where his terrific size, strength and length shines through. Jones另外出色的地方就是防守方面。他能夠防守NBA的PG和SG。他的對球防守尤其出色, 這要歸功於他的身高、力量和翼展。 Jones moves his feet well and is an extremely physical player. He gets right up in his matchup’s chest and uses his length effectively to contest shots and force tough looks. His intensity level is pretty impressive when you consider he plays 37 minutes per game and is the absolute catalyst for his team offensively. He even takes charges once in a while. 他在移動腳步方面也有一套,且不害怕肢體碰撞。他會緊跟在他的目標身前,然後利用身 高干擾目標出手。他幾乎場場都保持這種強度打37分鐘,並且擔任球隊的催化劑。他有時 候甚至能作進攻者的進攻犯規。 Jones’ competitiveness comes into play in the box score as well. He comes up with a fair amount of blocks and steals, and is one of the better rebounding guards you’ll find in this draft class, averaging nearly 7 per 40 minutes, pace adjusted. 他分數盒的成績一樣出色,有火鍋、抄截和籃板,如果依照球隊節奏調整過後的數據,他 平均40分鐘能搶7個籃板。 Despite the seemingly lofty praise, things aren’t all that rosy when it comes to the rest of Jones’ game. It’s clear there are some adjustments he’ ll need to make to reach his full potential as an NBA player. 講了一堆優點,要開始講缺點了。 The most notable adjustment would be in his jump shot, which is not a consistent weapon for him in catch-and-shoot or off-the-dribble situations. Jones sports a slow release and flat-footed mechanics on his jumper. He doesn ’t create any separation whatsoever from his defender. This is likely to be a bigger issue for him in the NBA, as he may not be able to get his shot off as effectively. Expanding his range out to the NBA 3-point line -- and becoming more consistent with his jumper in general -- should be a big priority for him moving forward. 跳投不穩,沒有三分球投射能力。 (譯者註:沒關係,我們有Chip Engelland。Parker、Blair用過都說讚。) While Jones displays nice touch and seems to have a good feel for putting the ball in the basket in general, he gets into trouble at times because of poor shot selection and questionable all-around decision making skills. He attempts more shots off the dribble than he does in catch-and-shoot situations, hitting a similar percentage on both: around 33%. Part of this is due to how heavily his team relied on him to create scoring opportunities , but he tends to overestimate his ability at times and can shoot his team out of games. 出手選擇不佳,比較常運球後出手,不過命中率和接球後出手相似,33%左右。 Jones also can stand to improve his left hand. He heavily favors driving right and will more often than not opt to pull up for a jumper if forced to operate with his off hand. Even when driving right, he lacks a degree of explosiveness when finishing around the basket. This isn’t much of an issue at the college level, particularly with his ability to get to the free throw line, but it may be something to keep an eye on in terms of the way he projects to the NBA. 左手要加強,太常往右邊切,寧願拔起來跳投也不願使用左手出手。在籃底下的爆發力不 足。 Jones relies heavily on his strength and his first step to get to the basket, and would be well served to diversify his arsenal of ball-handling skills and hesitation moves to further improve his slashing ability. 太倚重打體能球。控球能力要加強,最好學一些hesitation moves,投射能力要加強。 (譯者註:唔......好像在聽RJ的缺點。) Playing for a South Florida team that wasn’t particularly good the past three years in the Big East didn’t help matters much. All things considered, it’s not difficult to see why Jones was in such a rush to leave as soon as the season ended. He turns 22 later this year and has already logged nearly 3,500 minutes at the college level. While he could definitely stand to improve his jump shot, Jones already appears to have made the decision to stay in the draft, according to what we can gather. It’s highly unlikely that he’ll return to USF at this point. While Jones isn’t getting much hype at this stage of the draft process, he’ s the type of player who could surprise NBA teams in workouts and slowly see his stock rise as they get to see his impressive physical attributes and shot-creating abilities in person. Matching him up with the likes of fellow combo guards Avery Bradley and Eric Bledsoe could be an eye opening experience. 雖然他現在沒什麼名氣,但是隨著他參加Workout,球隊會對他另眼相看,在選秀的排名也 漸漸上升。 (譯者註:嗯哼......當初的Hill好像也是這樣吼) With virtually every team in the second half of the first round needing an aggressive minded ball-handler who is ready to come off the bench immediately and see minutes in today's NBA, he could become a popular figure over the next two months. 他接下來這陣子會愈來愈熱門。 At the moment, he appears to be one of the many early entrants firmly on the first round bubble. It’s still early in the draft process, though, and teams are still forming opinions about the various prospects. If Jones checks out well in the intangibles department and performs as expected in private workouts, his chances of going in the first round will improve significantly. 如果他接下來表現好的話,極有可能在第一輪被選走。 -- 好長......Orz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: buyao531 來自: (05/12 16:36)

05/12 16:40, , 1F
05/12 16:40, 1F

05/12 16:40, , 2F
( ̄﹁ ̄)聽起來不錯,但我們需要再高大一點的防守員
05/12 16:40, 2F

05/12 16:44, , 3F
他讓我想起去年的Marcus Thornton 去年我對Thornton頗有
05/12 16:44, 3F

05/12 16:45, , 4F
不錯耶 三分不好我們有Chip 也不怕肢體碰撞 切入也棒
05/12 16:45, 4F

05/12 16:45, , 5F
也不是個自私的球員 天生馬刺人?
05/12 16:45, 5F

05/12 16:45, , 6F
興趣的 不過既然Blair掉下來了那也很好 如果要選就是打SG
05/12 16:45, 6F

05/12 16:46, , 7F
千萬不要再搞選SG轉PG這招 已經試到怕了 ~"~
05/12 16:46, 7F

05/12 16:47, , 8F
不過用20選太浪費了 看他會不會不小心掉到49再說吧
05/12 16:47, 8F

05/12 17:15, , 9F
05/12 17:15, 9F

05/12 17:21, , 10F
沒三分 也沒特別提防守 Out!! 以目前馬刺需求跟有限金錢
05/12 17:21, 10F

05/12 17:28, , 11F
05/12 17:28, 11F

05/12 17:32, , 12F
好像不錯? ( ̄﹁ ̄)
05/12 17:32, 12F

05/12 17:33, , 13F
05/12 17:33, 13F

05/12 17:34, , 14F
三分不好我們有Chip 但是我們這季的三分......
05/12 17:34, 14F

05/12 17:56, , 15F
我們有甚麼順位啊 除了首輪20順位外還有嗎?
05/12 17:56, 15F

05/12 18:52, , 16F
05/12 18:52, 16F

05/12 18:53, , 17F
05/12 18:53, 17F

05/12 18:55, , 18F
05/12 18:55, 18F

05/12 19:32, , 19F
05/12 19:32, 19F

05/12 20:24, , 20F
今年第一輪20順位 第二輪49順位 就這兩個
05/12 20:24, 20F

05/12 21:59, , 21F
05/12 21:59, 21F

05/12 22:01, , 22F
05/12 22:01, 22F

05/12 23:26, , 23F
05/12 23:26, 23F

05/12 23:32, , 24F
換得到籃網的GM就是腦殘了 XD
05/12 23:32, 24F

05/12 23:55, , 25F
6'4" PG很高,SG偏矮,20順位選他有點浪費。
05/12 23:55, 25F

05/13 00:21, , 26F
有類似的Hill了 似乎不太需要囤積這樣的球員
05/13 00:21, 26F

05/13 00:23, , 27F
05/13 00:23, 27F

05/13 13:04, , 28F
Jones在NBA最少是報到6"5 他不會矮
05/13 13:04, 28F

05/13 16:59, , 29F
都有Hill了 選個外線準的吧!!
05/13 16:59, 29F
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