Re: 西班牙的吃飯時間

看板Spain作者 (..)時間19年前 (2005/07/31 15:16), 編輯推噓6(600)
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我那時待在西班牙南部渡假聖地Alicante整整一個暑假, 因為我太喜歡西班牙食物了,所以竟然在自己的筆記型電腦上備註了每一天的 三餐紀錄. [ps: Andres! don't tell Luis nothing, this is so embarrassing...:p ] 那時因為大家都在渡假,所以每天的生活就跟"啟滴"(taiwanese pronunciation) 沒有兩樣.依稀記得.............................................. 9:34am wake up from a sweet dream 9:36am roll and turn around for another 15 minnutes 9:51am finally get out of the bed 10:00am brush off, switch to bikini, heading for the swimming pool!! 10:05am don't forget the sandwich. eating breakfast by the pool ★不過大部分時候是安分地坐在飯廳裡好好享受美味可口的早餐.我最愛的是 烤焦吐司淋上橄欖油,灑點鹽巴,配soya(像台灣的的豆漿),或是比基尼三明治 配咖啡,還有最道地的炸甜甜圈棒沾巧克力醬(請原諒我漸漸遺忘的西班牙單字) 11:00am get out of the pool and play with the dogs. 11:15am get back to the pool, or do some reading under trees. 12:00 go to supermarket downtowm, buying tons of of foods 1:35pm stop by 'gelato' stand, give the watering mouth some cool-down 2:00pm head home 2:37pm chatting with grandpa about 'the da vinci code' 2:57pm sneak in to kitchen, try the special sauce made by grandma 3:00pm everbody! lunch time! ★非常豐盛.因為常去作客,幾乎該吃的都吃過了. 總之,飯前總會來幾盤開胃的橄欖,主食會有pasta, paella, 麵包, 肉類,配飲料(啤酒,水,午餐還不至於喝重一點的酒) 4:09pm anyone want some DULCE? (甜點) 4:47pm clean up and Siesta (午睡) 6:XXpm afternoon drag in the garden. swimming time again 7:30pm friends, relatives drop by visit 8:00pm after chatting, play tennis. 'mujers' sitting and gossiping. 10:00pm after activities in the city or elsewhere, it's time to prepare for the dinner 10:35pm depends on what we have in mind. sometimes casual, sometimes we cook a lot, even sometimes we dine out in cheesy American/ Mexico steak/happy house. and we love it! ★sometimes we have party on the balcony. then it's showtime for blending some SANGRIA! ★有時是先在clubbing前和一大群人聚餐,通常會去吃pizza或TAPAS. 佐餐酒則是sangria or cidar, vino tindo. 0:00 kids hit the sack. others stay awake aiming at the next flick on TV. or continue to the patio. girls go clubbing in town!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 07/31, , 1F
你實在太妙了,推一下! 07/31, 1F 07/31, , 2F
哇 好愜意的生活喔 真好! 07/31, 2F 07/31, , 3F
這種文章要是在半夜12點到早上8點間po出那會水桶 07/31, 3F 07/31, , 4F
在其他時間PO出會讓人邊含著淚邊按M鍵...... 07/31, 4F 08/02, , 5F
推含淚M鍵~ 08/02, 5F 08/05, , 6F
哈~~推樓上的 08/05, 6F
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