[外電] 我們終於有長人了,然後呢? (2)

看板Sixers作者 (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間11年前 (2012/10/02 22:43), 編輯推噓8(8019)
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WebPTT 好讀板:http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Sixers/M.1349189003.A.35C.html Andrew Bynum And The "So, You Have A Big Man" Series, Vol. 2 神Drew降臨與"所以我們有巨人了,下一步呢?"系列之二 By Rich Hofmann / LibertyBallers.com , a FB Nation blog ON OCT 1, 11:45A http://tinyurl.com/98rddvx  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Well, we know Los Angeles had a solid post player last year. 老實說,我們都知道洛杉磯去年有個強悍的中鋒。 When I was scanning teams to highlight for the 2nd Installment of the "So, You Have A Big Man" series (and of course, the title made me think of "That Don't Impress Me Much" by Shania Twain), plenty came to mind, but one stuck out: the Los Angeles Lakers. It’s pretty simple logic, after all. The Sixers are excited to finally have a big man to build around, and since Andrew Bynum had to come from somewhere (even though some Lakers fans would suggest "day care"), let’s see how the Lakers used him. 當我們在尋找這個系列可以偷師的球隊時,我們看了很多球隊的高光影 片,腦海中浮現很多的想法,但是其中一個球隊浮現在我們的眼中:LA Lakers。事後看來,這是一個很簡單的邏輯。七六人很高興可以擁有一 個核心級別的中鋒球員,而凡事總是要飲水思源(即便天使城球迷可能 還嫌得厲害),我們總該看看他的前東家怎麼使用他。 There is specifically one aspect of Los Angeles' attack that can be easily transferable to the Sixers, the "big to big" passing. One thing the Sixers will have in common with Bynum's Laker teams is a seven footer who can pass the ball to Bynum. 而在湖人的進攻陣式當中,其中最特別也最能讓七六人輕易複製的,大 概就非中鋒連線末署了。七六人的陣容當中,有個跟他去年在洛杉磯的 隊友當中相似的傢伙:能夠傳球給他的七呎中鋒。 Now in no way is this meant to compare Spencer Hawes to Pau Gasol as a complete player, because obviously they aren’t even close. In fact, I personally don’t think very highly of Hawes as a player at all because of his major defensive deficiencies. But if Spencer can do one thing well, it’s pass the basketball. And as the great Kelly Dwyer points out, Hawes ’ assist ratio was better than Gasol’s last year. 當然這不代表我們已經可以把耗子拿來跟Pau Gasol相提並論,因為他 們的等級顯然上下有別。講真的,我個人從來沒有給過耗子哥高度評價, 因為他的防守端的弱點實在難以忽略。但是如果你要挑他最出眾的能力 所在,那毫無疑問是他華麗與實用兼具的傳球。就如同偉大的專欄作家 Kelly Dwyer所指出的,去年耗子的助攻率(ast%)還比Gasol還高。 The difficult but necessary exercise of comparing the players’ situations seems to come out to a wash as well. On one hand, with the Sixers having the worst shot selection in the league, Hawes’s passing skills weren’t utilized to their maximum ability. Then again, he played alongside jumping jacks- Andre Iguodala, Thaddeus Young, and to a lesser extent Lou Williams and Jrue Holiday- who possessed the type of athleticism that the Lakers really didn’t have. This season Hawes will have Bynum, the type of strong post player with excellent instincts at and around the rim that meshes perfectly with his passing ability. That is, if they can play together. 雖然比較周遭隊形與隊友不一樣的兩個人實在很困難,但是這似乎是一 種必經之路。從一方面來說,七六人有著聯盟中效率最差,紀律最糟糕 的出手選擇,這使得耗子在傳球上的能力與創意一直都沒有辦法被完全 利用。另外,他旁邊的隊友盡是一些跳投咖,像是Iggy/Thad;此外還 有一些可以透過自己的運動能力切入取分的後衛,如Lou/Jrue之流,這 是湖人所沒有的。這個球季耗子身邊將有了Bynum,一個在低位技巧熟 練、且在籃框附近具備柔軟手感的天賦,這將會大幅度解放Hawes在傳 球上的能力。只要他們能找到方法合作,這一點都不困難。 With the arrival of Bynum, Hawes should have the ability to garner much more high quality assists, from either hitting Bynum down low or pitching out to three-point shooters whose defenders help on Bynum. Let’s look at a few ways they can accomplish this: 在Drew加入的當下,耗子將會有能力去送出更高品質的助攻,無論是送 到Drew手上,還是送到外圍的三分射手手上。就讓我們來看看其中幾個 可行的方案。  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 1. The High-Low: I forget where I heard this (maybe Ric Bucher?) but someone once nicely described the advantage the Lakers had playing the high-low game when they not only had Gasol and Bynum, but also 6’11 Lamar Odom: "It’s as if they are playing on the 12th floor when everyone else is on the 10th." And that is the basic philosophy of the high-low offense, utilizing one big man who can see and throw over the top of the defense to another big man to create a decent shot at the rim. From what I saw of Pau’s assists, the Lakers didn ’t use the basic set a ton last year. But with Hawes’ penchant to trail the play (alright, he’s simply not very fast), the Sixers could use this set a lot when they are in the game together. ◆ 高低中鋒配合 我忘記是誰提的,但是曾經有文章很精準的描述有關湖人如何透過高低 中鋒配合來最大化陣中擁有Gasol/Bynum/Odom的優勢,他是這樣描述: 「這就像是他們在十二樓高打籃球,但是他們的對手不過在十樓高。」 而高度所成就的立體感就是高低中鋒的基本哲學,讓高位中鋒能夠傳出 橫跨整個防線的高球,讓在內線擁有絕佳破壞力與手感的低位中鋒去解 決一切。在我親自看過有關Gasol的助攻後,發現湖人並沒有單單憑靠 基本定義來行事。不過在耗子擁有住在內心的小控衛魂的當下,七六人 可以在他們兩個同時在場時,憑靠湖人的相關經驗。 http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/1452433/Pau_Hi-Lo_1.png
In this example, Kobe Bryant brings the ball up and Bynum is fronted by Mozgov. Kobe wants to go to Bynum on the block, but he is fronted while Gallinari provides weak-side help, all but dismissing Ron Artest in the weak-side corner. 在這個例子當中,Kobe站在餵球位置,而Mozgov站前擋住了傳球線。當 然Kobe還有另外一個選擇是無視Mozgov高吊禁區,不過不要忘記,Drew 的身旁還有著Gallo,隨時準備在弱邊將球拿走,幾乎等於忽略弱邊角 落等球的Artest。 http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/1452449/Pau_Hi-Lo_2.png
So Bryant does the smart thing, swinging the ball quickly to a trailing Pau Gasol. Basketball is a game of angles, and with this pass Bryant does two things: 1. He changes the passing angle to Bynum from non-existent to excellent. 2. He forces Gallo into a decision. Does he stay to help on Bynum or does he drift back towards Artest? Because now, Gasol can easily make the skip pass for a corner three if Gallinari stays with Bynum. 所以Kobe很聰明的將球很快的傳給了高位的Pau。籃球是個跟角度有著 高度相關的運動,而在傳球時,Kobe同時做了兩件事情:1)當他傳球的 時候,他將傳球的角度從不可能存在的傳球線,換成了一個絕佳的傳球 線;2)他逼迫Gallo做出決定,到底要留下來幫忙防守Drew,還是要回 頭去照顧在弱邊的慈世平?因為現在,Pau可以很輕鬆的傳出一個穿越 球給弱邊底角的阿平,只要他不回去的話。 http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/1452475/Pau_Hi-Lo_3.png
Gallo tries to play both and drifts over little towards Artest, which makes Gasol’s read an easy one. He lobs the ball to Bynum, who has used Mosgov’s momentum from trying to fight over top against him and given a little nudge (won’t be called) to create plenty of space. Gallo的決定三心二意,他只移動了一點點去照顧Artest(譯按:感謝 阿平糟糕的Spot Up%!),不過就這一點點空間,就讓Pau能夠輕易解 讀該如何進行下一步驟。他將球毫不猶豫的高吊給Drew,他還利用北極 熊飛過來時難以收勢的衝勁試圖製造犯規(但是裁判不賞臉),總之創 造了絕佳的空間把球放了進去。 http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/1452491/Pau_Hi-Lo_4.png
Even with a bad pass by Gasol, who would normally throw the ball right at the rim for an alley-oop, Bynum still has the ball right under the basket. He is going to score more often than not in this position. 即便這個傳球的品質不高,照理講這應該直接送到籃框附近讓Drew抓起 來扣,但是Drew仍然成功的在籃下拿到球,他在這個區域的命中率顯然 高過其他位置,所以有拿到就是好球。 That is the basic play, but here is video of a few other times the Lakers ran it: 這是比較簡單的一次,但是這影片還有很多遭遇其他狀況,湖人使用高 低中鋒的例子。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpBhS_QLois
The video shows how many different ways the Sixers can potentially get into a high-low with Hawes/Bynum. The options, in the order of the video (the play above is first), are: 這影片的價值在於表達出七六人也可以使用這麼多不同的方式來製造耗 子跟Drew高低配合的機會。當中的選項我一一說明,除了第一個play已 經解釋過外,從第二個開始依序是: 2. High-low can be run out of "Horns," with the ball-handler using a quick screen from Bynum, who dives diagonally to the basket, and swinging the ball to Gasol (Hawes). 2) 高低中鋒可以從Horns陣型變換出,持球者只要利用Drew製造的高位 小小掩護,並馬上抽離往禁區空手切,持球者將球回傳給高位的耗子時 就會有絕佳的空間執行高低中鋒的陣型。 3. It also can be run against a 2-3 zone, with Gasol catching the ball at the foul line in the defense’s soft spot and Bynum fighting for position underneath. 3) 當遭遇對手使用2-3聯防時,只要Pau在罰球線附近的尷尬地帶拿到 球,而Drew成功在內線卡開作業空間時,就能夠正常執行。 4. You can even clear out a whole side for Bynum and have the luxury of a 7-footer to throw the ball over the top to him at what would be an awkward angle for smaller players. 4) 當後場球員遭遇較為高大的防守者時,擁有一個七呎長人幫低位中 鋒餵球,就可以選擇一般後場球員難以使用的角度,並帶給對手防守上 的困擾。  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 2. The Pick and Roll to free the passing big: Bynum is absolutely devastating on the weak-side of a play for one simple reason: His defender can’t really leave him. If Bynum is left for even half a second, which is how long even good rotations take, all the offense has to do is throw the ball high and he’ll get it. ◆ 以檔切為起點替餵球中鋒製造空間 Drew在弱邊仍然可以製造防守方很大的麻煩,原因很簡單:他的防守球 員沒有辦法真正的離開他。只要你離開他的身邊,就算只有半秒,不管 你的系統輪轉如何的成熟與積極,進攻方只要作一件事情就能讓你作白 工:往上一扔,讓他去撿。 One way the Lakers found a way to force rotation was having Gasol set a ball screen and slipping it quickly. Let’s take a look at one example of how the Lakers ran a play to perfection against Bynum’s current teammates: 湖人製造防守方球員輪換的方式中,其中一種有效的方式就是Pau去為 後場球員作假檔,並快速抽離他的位置。我們來看一下其中一個案例中, 湖人如何在這方面完美執行,並造成去年的七六人困擾。 http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/1452619/Pau_PR_Oop_1.png
In the first two shots, the Lakers initiate the offense by having Derek Fisher hit Bryant with a post-up. Fisher then proceeds to clear out to the weak-side corner. Gasol sets Bryant a quick ball screen, one where he makes good contact with Andre Iguodala. 在前面兩張截圖可以看到,湖人這波進攻的起點是Fisher把球餵給Kobe, 讓他在mid-post執行背框單打。Fisher在給球後很明快的就閃去了弱邊 底角。Gasol在此時前來幫Kobe作掩護,這次掩護很確實的將Iguodala 排除在Kobe的視線之外。 http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/1452643/Pau_PR_Oop_3.png
Gasol’s effective screen sets everything in motion for L.A., forcing Hawes to pick up Bryant while Iguodala recovers. Gasol slips towards the basket and Kobe hits him with a nifty pass, which forces help from Lavoy Allen, Bynum’s defender. Pau成功的單檔逼迫對手出現LA希望看到的輪轉,讓耗子被迫一對一對 上Kobe,而Iguodala不得不過來補防。而Gasol再執行完掩護後往籃框 的位置空手切,Kobe此時用一個花式傳球將球交給了Pau,這讓原本必 須盯防Drew的防守者天普王被迫釘上Gasol。 http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/1452659/Pau_PR_Oop_4.png
At this point, Gasol knows what he’s going to do: Throw the ball to the rim, and fast. Because Allen has to help, nobody big (or at all in this example) is there to rotate onto Bynum. It’s an easy two points. 在這個當下,態勢很明顯,Gasol知道他必須做的事情就是:把球快速 的往籃框附近一拋,因為只要天普王離開了Drew的視線,Drew附近就沒 有任何長人(在這個例子是沒有任何人來得及)補上Drew那個位置的空 缺。簡單的兩分。 http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/1453043/Pau_PR_Oop_5.png
A couple of things need to happen for the Sixers to free Bynum like this as often as the Lakers did. The most important is a complete overhaul in Hawes’ screening philosophy, or lack thereof. First, Hawes needs to start rolling towards the basket instead of his patented flare to the corner. While he is not as fluid as Gasol is with the ball in his hands, Hawes shot a respectable 45 percent from 3-9 feet last year, so he’ s a threat to score from there. Oh, and it wouldn’t hurt if Hawes started making some consistent contact on his screens either. 這些事情,七六人必須確實作到,才能幫助Drew爭取必要的空間,就如 同湖人所幫他做的一樣。最重要的檢討與調整在於耗子的掩護哲學。首 先,耗子必須調整他檔人之後空切的路線,他必須往籃框前進,而非往 底角前進。雖然不像Gasol持球時的進攻一般流暢,耗子至少在3'-9'的 範圍當中,有著令人尊敬的45%命中率,所以當他進入那個區塊,他將 讓對手無法無視。還有,耗子必須學習面對在檔人時面對堅實的碰撞, 沒有這麼痛,真的。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7bK9I7mcRc
Here is video of a bunch of different times the Lakers ran this play. Now the one thing that sticks out in most of these videos is how much attention Kobe garners off the screen, which won't be the case in Philly. This is where the two guys I would want as the pick and roll ball handlers, Jrue Holiday and Evan Turner, have to step up. Both Jrue and Turner really need to attack the defensive big men so Hawes can get a free run the basket. And if the defense goes under the screen (which they should initially), Jrue (like Chauncey Billups from three) and Turner (like Kobe here in the mid-post) need to make them pay by taking and making open shots. 這個影片有很多不一樣的狀況下,湖人如何透過檔幫Pau製造空間的案 例。現在還有一個很重要的關鍵,在於通常Kobe能夠在通過掩護時吸引 強大的注意力,而費城的後場球員目前似乎還找不到這個人。這邊有個 外圍持球進行檔切的後場球員名單:Jrue跟Turner必須負起責任站出來。 他們兩個必須增加他們通過掩護後的破壞力,以協助耗子爭取殺往籃下 的空間。而如果Jrue跟Turner的防守者選擇繞過掩護,而非穿過掩護跟 上,那Jrue的三分,Turner的mid-post單打將會讓他們付出應有的代價, 並讓他們掌握空檔。  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 3. Bynum Screens and Dives: ◆ Drew 檔人後的空手切 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4MgEZfoL3o
Here is a video of something mentioned in the general high-low section that the Lakers went to the well with a few other times. The same principles as the last play apply, except Bynum is on the strong side and sets a ball screen. He rolls all the way to the rim and Pau walks up to the foul line from the opposite block to receive a pass. The result is a high-low action, which produces defensive confusion in the paint. 這是湖人在另外一個狀況下,做得很不錯得高低衛配合模式,就跟之前 那個play的原則一致,不過這次Drew是在強邊作為掩體。他在掩護完畢 之後就往一溜煙往禁區空切,而Pau就到了弱邊罰球線接球傳進去。這 也是一個正統的高低衛配合,並成功造成了防守方的混亂。  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 4. Three Pointers: ◆ 為隊友製造三分空檔 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1v4Tg53N2Hc
This read is the final step in the play’s evolution, getting the shooters involved. When both defensive wings sag in, three point shooters (and not Fisher’s awful foot-on-the-line jumper) should be on the wings waiting for Hawes’ pass. 高低中鋒的配合除了小組配合外,最終型態是將射手們給納入系統。當 兩翼的防守球員潰縮並幫忙防守時,正統的三分射手(而不是影片當中 老漁踩在線上的錯誤示範)將讓在側翼得利於耗子的傳球。  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Can It Be Done? I realize that this proposal is a leap of faith, considering Hawes hasn’t played a minute at power forward in a Sixers uniform. This became a fairly large rallying cry for front-office detractors and puzzled fans alike when Doug Collins announced his intentions to start Hawes at the 4 in July. So what has changed since? Oh yeah, the Sixers upgraded from Kwame Brown to Andrew Bynum. That’s what. ◆ 七六人真的能夠作到嗎? 我知道這樣的計畫其實有一點過於樂觀,尤其是考慮到耗子從來沒有在 七六人的四號位置上證明過自己。當Doug與制服組在七月宣佈將會把耗 子移到四號位並視其為重要拼圖時,球迷對制服組與教練團的批評與質 疑聲浪不絕於耳。所以現在事情跟七月有不一樣嗎?當然,因為七六人 的先發中鋒從Kwame Brwon升級成為Andrew Bynum,這就是故事的經過。 Defensively is where the major problems would occur with a Hawes-Bynum frontcourt. Hawes, simply put, is not a good individual defender, struggling with both speed and strength, which is not a great combination. It would be a matter of mixing and matching with the right lineups, and remembering what Kevin Garnett did to Hawes in the playoffs last year, ones devoid of much quickness or outside shooting. (for example, the pairing would most likely be a disaster against any competent stretch 4s). Looking through the conference, you could give a Hawes-Bynum frontcourt a chance against the Nets, Bobcats, Cavaliers, Magic, and Wizards starting frontcourts (so yeah, mostly bad teams). But obviously as teams dip into their benches, more opportunities could arise. 防守端將是這個前場組合的最大考驗。簡單來說,耗子不是一個好的一 對一防守者,在速度跟對抗性上都沒有特別出眾的他,這個條件對於防 守來說絕對不是一個好的配置。這組合在防守端的可依賴性取決於對手 的先發陣容長什麼樣子,而且千萬不要忘記ECSF耗子如何被KG以機動力 與外圍手感吃乾抹淨。(舉例來說,這個組合面對擁有機動性與外圍威 脅的的非典型大前鋒將會非常頭大。)環顧整個東區,你似乎只能在面 對像是籃網、山貓、騎士、魔術、巫師這些球隊,才能真正確保在防守 端不會遭受重擊(阿,大部分都不是強隊)。但是當大部分的球隊換成 替補陣容的時候,迎頭痛擊的機會就會來臨。 As much as the idea of Hawes potentially being in Philadelphia for another two years doesn’t excite you, Bynum is the perfect fit to play with him offensively. The fact that Hawes doesn’t have much interest in playing inside can finally be used as a positive, because now that is Bynum’s real estate. Playing the frontcourt pairing alongside a ball-handler (Holiday, Turner) and two shooters (Richardson, Holiday, Wright, Young), the Sixers might be able to give teams a different look for 10 minutes a game. 如果耗子在費城多待兩年完全沒有讓你有任何興奮與激情,那從進攻端 來說,Drew是耗子不可多得的搭檔。事實上,耗子不太打裡面的特色第 一次可以被正面看待,因為現在籃框周遭可以視為Drew的絕對管區。當 七六人讓一個持球者跟兩個射手,搭上耗子跟Drew的時候,一場比賽至 少能夠有十分鐘讓球隊的進攻看起來很不一樣。 It’s all about finding the right defensive matchup for Hawes, which luckily for the Sixers, is something their coach is quite capable of. 重點在於如何尋找一個正確的機會將耗子的防守缺陷隱藏起來,不過幸 運的是,防守系統的建立以及防守缺陷的掩蔽似乎就是七六人教練團的 強項。  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 不知道會不會有第三集lol -- Definitely one of the all-time under-rated sixers. Glad to see him finally getting some league wide recognition the last few years (All-star, All-NBA defense, Team USA). As much as he's been bashed on these boards over the years I'm sure he'll be missed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV0ubjT6eDk
76ers' ACE of Spades in the past Decade, Andre Iguodala #9 forever. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/02 22:51, , 1F
76人的雙塔應該是聯盟最高的 再配合3分射手 真的很期
10/02 22:51, 1F

10/02 22:51, , 2F
待 進攻
10/02 22:51, 2F
※ 編輯: willyt 來自: (10/02 23:24)

10/02 23:26, , 3F
不過高大的禁區 也有移動力不好的缺陷 需要靠兩翼
10/02 23:26, 3F

10/02 23:26, , 4F
10/02 23:26, 4F

10/02 23:33, , 5F
10/02 23:33, 5F

10/02 23:34, , 6F
10/02 23:34, 6F

10/02 23:34, , 7F
這也是為什麼Michael Curry去年在教練圈評價高的原因
10/02 23:34, 7F

10/02 23:35, , 8F
沒有shot block,且經驗偏淺的陣容能夠修補出聯盟頂尖的
10/02 23:35, 8F

10/02 23:35, , 9F
防守系統,Michael Curry功不可沒
10/02 23:35, 9F

10/02 23:49, , 10F
10/02 23:49, 10F

10/02 23:49, , 11F
10/02 23:49, 11F

10/02 23:50, , 12F
10/02 23:50, 12F

10/02 23:50, , 13F
嗎XD? 我想說的就這麼多了。
10/02 23:50, 13F

10/03 00:02, , 14F
Bynum 移動力在 6'11以上的長人算很好的吧 XD
10/03 00:02, 14F

10/03 00:06, , 15F
10/03 00:06, 15F

10/03 00:34, , 16F
76人外圍的活動力也不是湖人的老弱殘阿 雙塔慢又如何XD
10/03 00:34, 16F

10/03 09:25, , 17F
10/03 09:25, 17F

10/03 11:22, , 18F
雖然我知道BYNUM在湖人似乎過的很委屈 但總覺得沒必要在這
10/03 11:22, 18F

10/03 11:22, , 19F
酸湖人 希望BYNUM來到費城是個全新的開始 他還有很多地方
10/03 11:22, 19F

10/03 11:23, , 20F
需要去證明 不管是球技 健康 領導 還是品行等各方面~
10/03 11:23, 20F

10/03 11:26, , 21F
卸下了紫金聖衣 不在被那麼關注的BYNUM 真的很令人期待
10/03 11:26, 21F

10/03 12:06, , 22F
也不是酸 就像老魚湖人的雙塔慢幫不了他 但是雷霆就可以
10/03 12:06, 22F

10/03 12:06, , 23F
而現在76人的雙塔 放在湖人會累死 但在76人就會好很多
10/03 12:06, 23F

10/03 14:33, , 24F
10/03 14:33, 24F

10/03 14:33, , 25F
不要特地來酸就好lol 有內容的針鋒相對比毫無意義的口水強
10/03 14:33, 25F

10/03 14:34, , 26F
n倍,不要像是某人沒有內容還硬要死撐著酸兩句 lol
10/03 14:34, 26F

10/03 14:34, , 27F
學不乖 ╮(﹀_﹀")╭
10/03 14:34, 27F
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