[外電] Doug Collins希望前場更加全面

看板Sixers作者 (洛城浪子)時間11年前 (2012/09/23 18:30), 編輯推噓8(807)
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Inside the Sixers: Sixers Doug Collins wants frontcourt versatility Inside the Sixers: 七六人的 Doug Collins希望前場更加全面 By John N. Mitchell Inquirer Staff Writer http://0rz.tw/0Hn9F When the Sixers gather for the opening of training camp in nine days, coach Doug Collins will face the daunting task of making the pieces - there are far more here than at any other time in the previous two seasons - work together. 七六人在九天之內就會聚集在一起參加他們開季前的訓練營, 而教練Doug Collins將面臨役常艱鉅的任務 - 恐怕比他過去兩年所面對的任何困境都還要艱鉅 - 團隊合作。 Despite all the brand-new pieces that everyone is so excited about, the new faces in new roles - and some old ones in some new roles as well - will have to work hard to make necessary adjustments. 雖然這個團隊中所有嶄新的拼圖都是令人非常興奮的戰力, 新面孔將得適應新角色 - 而老同學們可能也得試著擔起新責任 - 這使得大夥必須非常努力以順利進行必要的調整。 This is especially true of the frontcourt, particularly at power forward, where playing time will be contested fiercely. 而在前場更是如此,特別是在大前鋒的位置,上場時間的競爭將更加白熱化。 Collins has already said - loosely - that the preliminary plan is to move center Spencer Hawes over to power forward, teaming him early on the floor with Andrew Bynum, who will get the majority of the minutes at center and will be spelled by Kwame Brown. Collins已經表示 - 儘管並非正式 - 初步的計畫是將Spencer Hawes從中鋒的位置移去大前鋒, 讓他可以早點在場上和Andrew Bynum並肩作戰, 後者可望得到中鋒位置最多的上場時間,而Kwame Brown將為其替補。 Collins likes the idea of having Hawes at power forward alongside Bynum, because Hawes is skilled at manning the high post offensively and should let the Sixers take advantage of his ability to hit the elbow jumper (which will give Bynum infinitely more room to operate in the post) and use his ball skills to create more opportunities for players cutting off of him. Collins很中意將Hawes放在四號和Bynum連袂出擊的這個主意。 因為Hawes在運轉高低位近攻的技能上有其造詣, 而此舉使七六人隊可以因他的能力占有優勢,藉此在罰球線附近跳投得手。 (順帶使得Bynum擁有更多在低位運作的空間),並且運用他掌球的能力, 去創造更多隊友從而空手切的機會。 Hawes, who has never played power forward for extensive minutes, gave two reasons in a phone conversation earlier this week for why he expects the transition to be relatively seamless. Hawes並沒有在大前鋒這個位置深耕過,本周稍早他在電話訪談中給了兩個理由, 去解釋為什麼他預期這樣的變動他可以無痛接軌。 "I don't think it's a huge challenge," Hawes said. "I've guarded the four a lot. Offensively, the way we've done it, the four and the five are pretty interchangeable. I don't think the transition will be overwhelming. "我不認為這是個很大的挑戰," Hawes表示。 "我防守四號位的經驗豐富,而進攻上我們所做的, 四號位和五號位其實某種程度上是可以互轉換的, 所以我不認為:過渡期會導致球隊如何天變異動云云。" "And," Hawes continued, "playing alongside a 7-footer is going to make things easier on myself and everyone else." "而且," Hawes繼續說, "和一個七呎大個子並肩作戰不管對我自己, 還是對這支球隊的每一個人來說,都讓事情變得簡單。" While he didn't mention it publicly early on, Collins started talking to Hawes, who signed a two-year, $13 million extension in the offseason, as soon as the 2011-12 season ended about playing more power forward. Shortly after the Sixers signed Brown, though, Collins started talking publicly about the move. 雖然他早先沒有公開提到這些,Collins開始和Hawes展開對談, 後者於2011-12賽季結束,打了更多大前鋒的時間後,在休賽季續了兩年1300萬的約。 而七六人隊簽下了Brown後不久,Collins開始公開發表這樣的調整方針。 In his two seasons as coach, Collins has demanded that his players be versatile and not locked into the five traditional positions. It's why he splits Evan Turner among point forward and both guard spots. It's why last season he often put departed guard Lou Williams at the point while moving Jrue Holiday off the ball. 在他在此地擔任教練的兩年中,Collins曾要求他的球員要更多才多藝, 並且不要被侷限在五個傳統的位置劃分上。 這就是為什麼他將Evan Turner的時間分割成控球後衛,或交替於兩個後衛位置間。 這也是為什麼在上個賽季當他換下Jrue Holiday後, 常常放過去在陣的Lou Williams在一號位。 But this season the Sixers will require more versatility from their bigger forwards, and if they expect to be in the rotation they will have no choice but to expand their games. Lavoy Allen, whom the Sixers signed to a two-year, $6.12 million deal, has demonstrated that he can play the four and the five. So if Brown isn't getting it done in his backup role, the Sixers will have no problem giving his minutes to Allen. 不過這個賽季七六人需要的是他們的內線表現的更加全面。 而他們如果期待得到更穩固的輪替地位, 除了提升自己的比賽內容,和在諸多位置展現出更多功能性之外別無選擇。 Lavoy Allen,七六人以兩年612萬的合約簽下的球員, 已經演示過他可以打四號,也能打五號。 所以如果Brown沒有辦法完成他被賦予的替補責任, 七六人將毫無懸念的把他的時間都交給Allen。 After speaking with the Sixers brass, I will tell you that there is no returning player they seem to expect to make a bigger contribution from the role he played last season. 在和Sixers的教練團談過之後,我可以告訴你: 沒有任何一個留隊的球員,可以預期在自己和上季所賦予的角色相同, 並因而能去做出什麼更巨大的貢獻。 Collins also likes to get the undersized Thad Young time at the four, especially when he can "protect" him by playing him alongside a bulkier guy, something that won't be a problem with the additions of Bynum and Brown to go along with Allen. Collins同樣喜歡把相對矮小的Thad Young放在四號位, 特別是在和壯碩的傢伙搭擋,可以藉此 "保護" 他自己的時候。 不過這並不會是個大問題, 尤其是當你陣中增加了Bynum,以及Brown和Allen兩人助拳之後。 But the Sixers are also going to give Young, who, according to some reports, has added about 10 pounds in the offseason, significantly more opportunities to play small forward this season. 但是七六人同樣的會給予Young,一個根據某些報告指出, 在休賽季整整增加了10磅的傢伙,在這季更多打小前鋒的機會。 "The bottom line is we're all going to have to show more versatility, and that's a good thing," Hawes said. "In the course of a long season it's good to have guys that can play different positions and fill different needs. "這底線就是我們必須要展現得更全面,而這當然是件好事。" Hawes說。 "在一個很長的賽季中,有一些能打不同位置,符合不同需求的傢伙在陣當然是很棒的。" "Of course, you don't really know how it's all going to work out until you get on the floor. But the main thing is that the guys we brought in are unselfish. That's something that bodes well when you are introducing so many different pieces." "當然,你絕對不可能真的知道這些更動到底會產生什麼效應, 這些要直到你真的站上了球場之後才能知曉。 但最重要的事情是,我們延攬入陣的新科隊友都很無私, 當你要為一個團隊介紹一群新成員的時候,這個特質會帶來正面的徵兆。" -- I Hope Philly treats Bynum well, since he did not receive appreciation from many Lakers fans.... Good luck big Drew, now go to start your own legacy. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: LABOYS 來自: (09/23 18:50)

09/23 19:02, , 1F
看Doug的講法應該就是:我們花了5.9M 是為了讓Kwame在
09/23 19:02, 1F

09/23 19:02, , 2F
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09/23 19:02, , 3F
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09/23 23:58, , 4F
垮米比起4號位 他應該比較適合打5號
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09/23 23:58, , 5F
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09/24 00:05, , 6F
當初被巫師亂養 不然他的身材打4號超威 去湖人就養成完全中
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09/24 00:06, , 7F
鋒了 在也回不去了
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09/24 00:28, , 8F
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09/24 00:29, , 9F
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09/24 00:49, , 10F
超棒的影片,goodbye LA
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09/24 01:41, , 11F
某板的推文 ╮(﹀_﹀")╭
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09/24 17:09, , 12F
誇米單看身材根本是怪物 可惜後天養壞了
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09/24 17:28, , 13F
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09/24 17:28, , 14F
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09/24 17:56, , 15F
重裝甲的KG 真的很可惜
09/24 17:56, 15F
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