[外電] Collins: Iguodala應該成為全明星。

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Collins: Iguodala deserves to be All-Star January 29, 2012, 10:00 am Del Lynam, CSN Philly http://tinyurl.com/878lu9p Andre Iguodala has participated in All-Star weekend before. He played in the Rookie-Sophomore game each of his first two years in the league. He was the MVP of that game as a sophomore. And Iguodala participated in the dunk contest in his second NBA season, finishing runner-up to Nate Robinson. AI在遙遠的過去曾經參加過全明星週末。 他連續兩年參加過菜鳥挑戰賽,而且在他二年級的時候, 他拿下了這個比賽的最有價值球員。 他也曾經參加過那靠他媽評審腦殘的灌籃大賽, 並且可惜(ㄅㄟˋ ㄅㄧㄠˇ)只能拿下第二名,輸給了Nate Robinson. Those are nice honors, but they pale in comparison to being named an actual All-Star and playing in the weekend’s main event. That could change for the eight-year veteran at the end of February when the NBA holds it 61st All-Star game in Orlando. 這些當然是'Dre在明星週末的豐功偉業, 但是當你沒辦法進入明星賽本戰的時候,在一些重大的比較上, 對於一個球員的評價總是比較吃虧。 但是今年第六十一屆明星賽, Iguodala將有機會藉由第一次參加這個嘉年華會來證明自己。 “If we are at the top of the Atlantic Division at the All-Star break he should be an All-Star,” Doug Collins said. “One thing coaches always say is that we are going to take the players off the teams that are winning.” There are two ways an individual makes the All-Star team: fans vote determines the starting five in each conference and the coaches vote to fill out the rest of the rosters. Doug Collins: 只要我們在全明星週末之前,仍然維持在大西洋組第一, 那我想,他就應該被選入明星賽陣容當中。 通常教練團考慮的點總是以戰績為首, 他們總是喜歡從能贏球的球隊裡面挑出人選。 進入明星賽本戰有兩種模式, 要嘛你被球迷選上變成先發,要嘛你被教練團選上進入替補陣容。 Iguodala does not lead his team in scoring. He is third with 12.9. But he does share team-high honors in assists with Jrue Holiday, averaging 4.7 per game. He also grabs 6.2 rebounds and gets 1.95 steals per gaem. There are only two other NBA players averaging at least those numbers in all four categories: LeBron James and Philadelphia native Kyle Lowry. The question is, should well-rounded be rewarded with an all-star game invitation? 但是:Iguodala並不是球隊裡面最高分的那個, 他不過平均 12.9 分,在球隊裡面不過排在第三位。 但是他在助攻上面顯然是全隊第一,跟 Holiday 並列在 4.7 他一場也有 6.2 籃板與 1.95 次抄截。 (這些都是舊數據,有興趣可以查,ESPN應該率先更新了http://tinyurl.com/6tcej2q ) 但是無論如何看起來不起眼,下面有個數據供您參考, 全聯盟有著這樣全能數據的,不過就是火箭隊控球後衛Kyle Lowry, 跟熱火隊的 LeBron James。 (僅僅說他們全能,並沒有說他們同等級,酸民看到不要誣賴我) 但是問題還是在於這樣的表現到底值得不值得一張明星賽的門票? “I think winning is the most important thing,” Iguodala said after tallying his eighth-career triple-double with 10 points, 10 rebounds and 10 assists in a win over the Pistons on Saturday. “As long as we continue to win, I am happy. I think Detroit, the year they went to the Finals the first time, they had no All-Stars.” Iguodala在生日對上活塞拿下嘟嘟好大三元之後說: 蛤?你說啥?我不介意這種事情啦,贏球比較重要。 只要我們能一直贏球我就會很開心, 而且你知道嗎,我記得底特律在他們拿下冠軍那年, 他們一個全明星都沒有。 (有志氣!) Actually the 2003-04 Pistons had one All-Star: Ben Wallace was voted onto the team by the fans as a starter. That year Wallace finished third in the NBA in rebounds per game (12.4) and second in blocked shots (3.0) but he averaged just nine points. The Pistons went on to win the NBA Championship that spring. 不過, Iggy 你弄錯了,03-04的活塞是有全明星的, Ben Wallace是被球迷們選上,成為東區的先發中鋒。 當年 Big Ben 是在籃板排名聯盟第三(12.4), 火鍋排名聯盟第二 (3.0),但是他只有平均九分。 那年季後賽他們血刃洛城F4,拿到了震驚全世界的冠軍。 “I know Andre Iguodala and he definitely deserves it,” said Elton Brand, a two-time All-Star. “It used to be about winning. It has kind of turned to be about stats the last few years but when I first came in the league, if you didn’t win there was no way you were an All-Star. He is winning. He’s a leader. He’s scoring. He gets rebounds. He has triple-doubles. He deserves to be an All-Star.” 兩屆全明星EB: 我認為毫無疑問,Iguodala應該被列入明星賽陣容。 這以前一直都是跟贏球有關,直到最近幾年人們才比較在意數據的影響, 但是當我剛來到這個聯盟的時候,你如果沒辦法率領你的球隊贏球, 你就不可能成為一個全明星。 而現在,他正在帶領這個球隊贏球, 他是毫無疑問的領導者,他得分、抓籃板,他還有大三元, 到底為什麼他不能當個 All Star? The All-Star game is a showcase of the most talented, athletic basketball players in the world. Collins knows what that honor feels like and he just wants his star pupil to have the same experience. 全明星賽一直都被標榜著是這世界最具有天賦與條件的籃球員進行的比賽, 曾經當過全明星球員的 Doug Collins 當然理解箇中三味, 現在他只希望他麾下的明星可以擁有一樣的殊榮與經歷。 “I remember when I made the All-Star game in 1976, which was here in Philadelphia,” Collins said of his first of four All-Star game appearances. “And I walked in that All-Star locker room and I looked around at Walt Frazier and John Havlicek and Earl Monroe and Dave Cowens, guys I grew up watching play and to think I could sit down in that locker room and be a part of that was incredibly special. Andre had that experience with the World Championship team and I would love for him to have that as an NBA player. He has put a lot of time and energy into this franchise.” Doug: 我記得很久很久以前,1976年我就曾經進入過明星賽, 而且當年就在費城舉行。(這是他四次參與明星賽的第一次) 當我進到休息室的時候,我身邊盡是像是 Walt Frazier, John Havlicek, Earl Monroe, Dave Cowens 之類我成長過程中, 看著他們打球的偉大球員。 當我能夠進入那個休息室,並且成為他們的一部分的時候, 我真的覺得那是一個相當難忘的特殊經驗。 Andre 曾經在世界錦標賽擁有類似的經歷, 我相當期盼他能夠在球員生涯能夠有這樣子的機會,成為全明星陣容的一分子。 而且他真的值得,他對復出的時間與精力對於球隊貢獻良多。 (剩下的待會再來,我忙一下XD) Collins’ relationship with Iguodala has definitely grown over the past two seasons but it is still one where the coach wears his emotions on his sleeve and the player keeps everything close to his vest. But it works. “He is a unique player and I love coaching him,” Collins said. “Dre is a good poker player. He doesn’t turn his cards over, which is OK. I am very communicative. I do a lot of talking and reaching out and I know that he absorbs it and appreciates it. He is not one to say a lot but that is OK. I feel very good about our relationship. He’s a winner and I like being with winners.” Saturday was Iguodala’s 28th birthday but ironically Collins was asking fans to give him a gift, which in turn would actually be a gift to Iguodala. “I hope at some point in time our fans will really embrace Dre,” Collins said. “That would be the greatest gift they could give me, is to embrace him.” Is that so much to ask, given that the request comes from the guy who has fulfilled his lofty promise to make Sixers basketball relevant again in this city? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/02 16:21, , 1F
Stern 先把 灌籃大賽冠軍還他再說~~~
02/02 16:21, 1F

02/02 20:34, , 2F
AI: "We got robbed!!!!"
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02/03 05:37, , 3F
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02/03 09:58, , 4F
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02/04 13:39, , 5F
戰績飛昇 應該會進..
02/04 13:39, 5F
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