Re: [比賽] 洛杉磯四強 vs. Flavia Pennetta

看板Sharapova作者 (JC)時間15年前 (2009/08/09 16:18), 編輯推噓4(401)
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摘要一些賽前賽後的引言,不一定每場有就是: 賽前 "Absolutely, the idea is to make serving easier on my arm," Sharapova said. "Is it where I want it to be? No. Is there still work to do? Yes. It's going to be an ongoing thing for sure." 就是要減輕發球時肩膀的負擔,但是要邊做邊觀察了。 "Before the injury," Joyce said, "her serve was a huge weapon for her and it's difficult to make a change like this. But right now her arm isn't ready to serve the way she did before the surgery and maybe it never will be and that's why we've made the adjustment. "It's a tough thing for an athlete at Maria's level to do, to make a big change like this to something that had been second nature. She used to have a very loose, long, drawn-out motion. She had a tough serve, but her arm was going in a lot of directions. We don't have many choices at this point. We'll see what happens down the road." Joyce 說,因為發球對莎娃的重要性,所以要改很難,但現在肩膀 不能像手術前的發球方式,也可能以後都不行,所以才要改,現在 也沒得選擇。,0,3119398.story 第一輪 “As a 22 year old, you’re almost finding yourself on the old wagon. I notice many younger girls coming up. I played a few girls, say, in Birmingham (a Wimbledon warm- up tournament) where I’d never heard of them and they were quite young and had pretty good games. . .And then you’re like “Wow, where did these girls come from?” Then you don’t see them for weeks and they pop out of nowhere again. It’s funny. The tour is really interesting. You just see all kinds of characters.“ “I haven’t really set milestones.” “But I’ve really wanted to face challenges, and I’ve wanted to face all kinds of different opponents who are going to create challenges.” (Azarenka’s) not an up-and-comer anymore – she’s top 10 in the world. I definitely am happy I’ve created the opportunity. . . to play against her. Because as someone who’s been there before, I love the challenges of playing some of the best people in the world. I look forward to playing that one. Sharapova told reporters that Azarenka, currently ranked No. 9, “has a great amount of potential to become number one in the world.” But Junior might have to get in line: “That’s where I’ve been and I know what that’s felt like.“ Maria said of regaining the No. 1 ranking. “And I’ve always wanted to feel that feeling.” 年輕人真多,覺得自己好像老了,然後覺得 Azarenka 很有潛力攀頂。 reality-stinks-sometimes/ 第二輪 "It was good to get a win today and get my revenge ." "I was just trying to focus on what I had to do in the first point and really just think about what is going to help me win my next point. There are so many distractions around with the crowd and the noise, which is great for the sport, but for an athlete it's important to stay focused." "In the third set I played great, put a lot of pressure on her serve. I kept the momentum from the second set." "It's tough playing against players that play for the majority of the season. My last two opponents are two of the most physically fit girls on the tour. I actually thought I was physically fresher than her in the third set. It gives me a lot of confidence that I can step it up when I need to especially after losing to her a few months ago." 復仇的感覺真好,面對身體素質很強的對手,但在第三盤感覺 還比對手有勁,所以產生很大的信心,尤其是之前才輸過,得 提升表現才能贏。 by-Azarenka-in-L.A.;-Safina-wins 八強 "I made a lot more errors than I wanted to. In the second set, just kind of went off," said Sharapova, who double faulted 13 times. "I created so many bad habits. Eventually it's going to work itself into place. "After playing four matches, it's kind of a shock to the system after not playing so long. At least I didn't have to play a third." "It's not really tired," she said about her shoulder. "After playing four matches, it's kind of a shock to the system. The benefit is you get in these situations and you learn from that." 儘管打了四場比賽、三場苦戰,莎娃說不是真的疲倦,這滿意外的 。也可以從這些狀況中學習。 "Slowly but surely I'm finding my way on the court. I feel like I'm moving better. A lot of what you lose is hand-eye coordination and I feel like I'm getting that back." 漸漸地找回球場上的感覺,滿多部分跟手眼協調有關,也覺得逐漸 好轉中。 TennisReporters. net 四強 莎娃的前教練 Robert Lansdorp 也有到場看球,他說: "She's fighting so hard and she's such a competitor, but I don't understand this serve," 她很拼,但發球不曉得怎麼回事。 "You can see her lack of faith in the serve is taking its toll," Lansdorp said. "The service problem is affecting everything else." 感覺她不相信自己的發球,變成影響到其他部分。 "I needed a little bit of support," she said. "Just overall fatigue. I didn't feel physically fresh from the beginning of the match. I was surprised it went to the third set. I had my opportunities, but I couldn't close it out." 莎娃表示肩膀疲乏,但不是痛。 整體來說就是疲倦,意外地可以打到第三盤,但沒把握機會。 “I didn’t feel fresh from the beginning of the match.” “I was surprised it went to the third and I had my opportunities by I couldn’t close it out. IN the first set, I was trying to be more aggressive, but I wasn’t doing that well and when I was I was making too many errors off the forehand and backhand and pushing it a little or being tentative. I wasn’t reading the game well.” 一開賽打算更主動,但做的不好,又太多失誤,對比賽的解讀也不好。 “Am I happy with it, no” I have a lot of work to do and to make a few tweaks here and there to find something I’m comfortable and to stick with. I’ll do it as long as I need for that to become perfection. There’s nothing that basket of balls can’t achieve.” 對於發球,還有很多要努力的,要找個可以舒服又固定用的方式, 努力就是了。 “Its almost like new territory for me,” “With every tournament I feel physically I'm getting better and getting a good sense of the court, and movement wise, but it’s still a work in progress. I'd like to forget I was gone for a long time, but you have to put things in perspective." 現在身體以及對球場的感覺、移動都有持續變好,但也持續努力中。,0,1372913.story TennisReporters. net -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jcshie 來自: (08/09 16:20)

08/09 17:00, , 1F
肩膀沒事就好 重點是穩定信和信心問題 跟我之前料想
08/09 17:00, 1F

08/09 17:00, , 2F
的差不多 就看她調適的如何
08/09 17:00, 2F

08/09 17:04, , 3F
08/09 17:04, 3F

08/09 21:19, , 4F
但也是要考慮到他都是隔天出賽 無法充分休息吧
08/09 21:19, 4F

08/10 20:19, , 5F
08/10 20:19, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1AVePXAO (Sharapova)
文章代碼(AID): #1AVePXAO (Sharapova)