[履歷] 英文履歷求指點

看板Salary作者 (米粉般的女人一無所有)時間9年前 (2015/07/01 14:34), 9年前編輯推噓19(19046)
留言65則, 22人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
個人學經歷背景: 國立大學研所肄業 欲應徵之職務: 國外業務 自傳履歷內容: 各位前輩們好 我是一名女性 有點資深了 年紀34歲 有工作經驗8年了 以前的工作主要是國外業務人員 累積有4年半經歷 最近正在找工作 卻投了198封履歷 卻沒有任何公司面試機會 希望可以看出哪邊有問題? 請各位前輩不另指教 給予指點 謝謝! 以下為敝人的英文自傳:(不能透露的就以AAA表示) My name is AAA who graduates from National AAA University with the major in AAA Administration which is related to public management, law and politics. When I was a graduate of college, I was interested in law; therefore, I passed the entrance exam to be a graduate school student whose major is AAA law. However after a period of time, I chose to pursue the working career. When I stepped forward to the society, I became the international trader at AAA Corp. whose product was medical equipment. At that time, I learned a lot from my colleagues about building the essential working attitudes and cultivating basic skills. I dealt with the shipping documents for making the product's delivery more efficient and more smooth. With the first job's base, I turned to AAA Technology to work as an international sales specialist for selling the cameras to Europe. I had been to England, France, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, and the Netherlands on my own with business trips from which I got big deals and great fruitful business developments for our company. Afterwards, I made a decision to transfer my job to a traditional company whose field is knitting cap and whose customer is Nike. I supervised all the sales sample, proto, production sample and bulk for their production processes. Then I change to work as a waitress at the Chinese Cuisine Restaurant, AAA Kitchen around two years. I learned how to fulfill every consumer's needs. The recent jobs are : (1)International trader at AAA Corp.(Chemical Co.) To make the shipping processes and book the cargo space. (2)Operator at AAA Hotel.(5-star Hotel) To put through the phone calls directly to the exact department and the room guests and also get the know-how about the Opera system for keying in the booking info. I believe that I can do my best for your company and make mutual progresses for your business. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Salary/M.1435732492.A.B05.html

07/01 15:55, , 1F
07/01 15:55, 1F
Thanks for your kindly advices. ※ 編輯: dosandonts (, 07/01/2015 16:03:54

07/01 16:28, , 2F
kind advice.
07/01 16:28, 2F

07/01 16:35, , 3F
kind advice (advice不可數
07/01 16:35, 3F

07/01 17:14, , 4F
07/01 17:14, 4F

07/01 17:47, , 5F
滿好奇為何你一畢業就可以當業務 ,
07/01 17:47, 5F

07/01 17:47, , 6F
07/01 17:47, 6F

07/01 18:07, , 7F
07/01 18:07, 7F

07/01 18:07, , 8F
07/01 18:07, 8F

07/01 18:08, , 9F
公司是中型的50人 但在那個行業是龍頭
07/01 18:08, 9F

07/01 18:09, , 10F
我有修外文系的西洋文學概論 拿96分 有寫在履歷
07/01 18:09, 10F

07/01 18:12, , 11F
我相信比起kindly advice,kind advice肯定比較常見
07/01 18:12, 11F

07/01 18:13, , 12F
07/01 18:13, 12F

07/01 18:14, , 13F
advice不可數 但是當作all kinds of advices時
07/01 18:14, 13F

07/01 18:14, , 14F
以種類的意思 是可以加s的
07/01 18:14, 14F

07/01 18:24, , 15F
07/01 18:24, 15F

07/01 18:25, , 16F
然後再加cover letter.要寫你有什麼特質和能力去得到新工作
07/01 18:25, 16F

07/01 18:27, , 17F
在國貿版看過原PO的發文歷程 我覺得你值得更好的處境
07/01 18:27, 17F

07/01 18:27, , 18F
能說的就是請多點耐心。 另外,Sara的回文意見不錯可參考
07/01 18:27, 18F

07/01 18:28, , 19F
07/01 18:28, 19F

07/01 18:28, , 20F
我正在找好工作 希望大家介紹!
07/01 18:28, 20F

07/01 18:59, , 21F
07/01 18:59, 21F

07/01 19:00, , 22F
07/01 19:00, 22F

07/01 19:00, , 23F
07/01 19:00, 23F

07/01 19:02, , 24F
我覺得原 po做回國外業務非常適合,只是面試會被問
07/01 19:02, 24F

07/01 19:02, , 25F
07/01 19:02, 25F

07/01 19:02, , 26F
07/01 19:02, 26F

07/01 19:18, , 27F
07/01 19:18, 27F

07/01 19:27, , 28F
07/01 19:27, 28F

07/01 19:28, , 29F
07/01 19:28, 29F

07/01 19:31, , 30F
真要評論英文遣詞用字 有好幾處都看得出來是中文硬轉
07/01 19:31, 30F

07/01 19:31, , 31F
07/01 19:31, 31F

07/01 19:33, , 32F
樓上說的是 確實我是中文硬轉的
07/01 19:33, 32F

07/01 19:34, , 33F
剛才某樓上說要條列式和先近後遠 我就在改履歷了
07/01 19:34, 33F

07/01 19:34, , 34F
07/01 19:34, 34F

07/01 20:18, , 35F
文法不要大錯即可,像kindly advice和kind advice
07/01 20:18, 35F

07/01 20:18, , 36F
07/01 20:18, 36F

07/01 20:18, , 37F
07/01 20:18, 37F

07/01 20:19, , 38F
老外根本覺得kind這兩個詞用這超怪 是亞州人積非成是
07/01 20:19, 38F

07/01 20:59, , 39F
07/01 20:59, 39F

07/01 21:18, , 40F
一直用which who whose 當連接詞看起來好累,不能省
07/01 21:18, 40F

07/01 21:18, , 41F
07/01 21:18, 41F

07/01 21:26, , 42F
而且第一句My name 跟 who graduate 用在一起感覺不
07/01 21:26, 42F

07/01 21:26, , 43F
07/01 21:26, 43F

07/01 21:26, , 44F
07/01 21:26, 44F

07/01 21:45, , 45F
重點不是英文 是你的經歷 8年經驗卻還投198封履歷
07/01 21:45, 45F

07/01 21:46, , 46F
感覺你自己都還沒有找到自己的定位 好好想想吧
07/01 21:46, 46F

07/01 22:31, , 47F
你的第一句就太長了 太多關代…
07/01 22:31, 47F

07/01 22:34, , 48F
要不要看看專業resume 怎麼寫,履歷是看你做過的事,成就
07/01 22:34, 48F

07/01 22:34, , 49F
的事,而非寫個人傳記。條例式就好, 不需要寫文章。
07/01 22:34, 49F

07/02 00:24, , 50F
07/02 00:24, 50F

07/02 00:24, , 51F
07/02 00:24, 51F

07/02 00:24, , 52F
人覺得,與其寫長句,不如把一些有which, that的句子都寫
07/02 00:24, 52F

07/02 00:24, , 53F
07/02 00:24, 53F

07/02 00:27, , 54F
07/02 00:27, 54F

07/02 00:31, , 55F
例如第一句,My name is AAA, i majored in Zzz when i wa
07/02 00:31, 55F

07/02 00:31, , 56F
s in college. it is a study of public management and l
07/02 00:31, 56F

07/02 00:31, , 57F
aw. 之類的
07/02 00:31, 57F

07/02 00:34, , 58F
07/02 00:34, 58F

07/02 00:34, , 59F
07/02 00:34, 59F

07/02 01:18, , 60F
07/02 01:18, 60F

07/02 01:41, , 61F
07/02 01:41, 61F

07/02 02:24, , 62F
國外業務的信件往來? 或許原po自傳有改寫必要 但從自傳去質疑
07/02 02:24, 62F

07/02 02:24, , 63F
原po國外業務的回信經驗與能力? 我只能說 不僅無關 而且無知
07/02 02:24, 63F

07/02 07:09, , 64F
先Google妳的產業的sample resume再照著改吧
07/02 07:09, 64F

07/02 07:32, , 65F
07/02 07:32, 65F
文章代碼(AID): #1LaueCi5 (Salary)
文章代碼(AID): #1LaueCi5 (Salary)