Re: [寫作班]托福第十週 ideos-2

看板ST-English作者 (Dee)時間16年前 (2008/05/14 08:19), 編輯推噓1(100)
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※ 引述《ideos (桤)》之銘言: : 2. Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work : for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific examples : or details to support your choice. : Working is one of the important things in our life. Nowadays, more and more lives : people emphasize their living quality, thus what kind of works people choose ^and work : may bring a huge impact. Some people work for living, others live for ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^* *The grammatically correct expression is "work for 'a' living". However, it appears that you intend to play on contrasting expressions "work for living" and "live for working". I suggest "live to work" and "work to live", to keep the literary device of contrast, as well as grammatic correctness. : working. It doesn’t matter good or worth, but personal preference. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^* *incomplete sentence; I suggest ending the previous sentence with a period, and then add, "It is (just) a personal preference." : Until now, I have no experience about working. In my future plan, I would ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ working experience just "In the future" is fine, too : like work for a large company first. I think working in a large company could ^to : help young men, someone likes me, to familiarize office atmosphere and adjust ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^* ^with the (plural) (singular) *What comes inside a comma-separated phrase qualifies what's outside. Therefore, they should both be plural or singular. Suggestion: " a young man like me to..." : living rhythm. If I made a big fortune, I will create my own business, make : a small company. : Different plan for two stages of my life is the best choice for me. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Having different plans : 好久沒寫作文了 : 本來就對作文苦手 : 現在感覺差更多 : 請用力的幫我訂正 : 非常感謝!!! Not bad! I like your reasoning and personal example. While the TOEFL test is not very strict about the paragraph structure of an essay, a slightly longer essay with less grammatic slip may earn a better score on the test. Most of the error are minor, but watch for the use of comma clauses. The best practice is to keep writing! -- 一個 學術英文寫作 領域的討論板 在 PTT (〉 【 分組討論區 】 --> 11 國家研究院 政治, 文學, 學術 --> 科學學術研究院 --> 學術總合研究中心 --> ★ST-English PTT 學術英文/論文寫作班 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: dvlin 來自: (05/14 08:30)

05/14 09:30, , 1F
05/14 09:30, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #18AZ0J7r (ST-English)
文章代碼(AID): #18AZ0J7r (ST-English)