[Ana's Diary] Back from the USA

看板SRB-CRO作者 (眼鏡西萌諾雷翹臀小安迪)時間14年前 (2010/09/15 14:58), 編輯推噓3(300)
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Back from the USA I got back to Europe a few days ago. It was a long, emotional but overall successful trip to America. 幾天前從美國回來歐洲,那是趟漫長、感性但成功的旅途。 When I arrived there my ranking was really low, but now I'm at least back in the top 40 and am confident I can rise much higher during my remaining tournaments. 當我到那兒時,我的排名很低,但現在我重回前40(37), 我也有自信在接下來的賽季可以爬得更高。 At the same time, I am not thinking too much about rankings: I've always believed that if you concentrate on improving your game and winning matches, the rankings take care of themselves. Still, at least I don't have to ask for anymore wild cards! 同時,我不太去想太多關於排名的事。我一直相信如果持續地進步並贏得比賽, 排名自然而然會上升,我也不需要要求外卡了! I said it in New York after losing against Kim: I feel I've been playing well for a while now and making great improvements in training, but it was maybe hard for others to believe it without the results. 在紐約輸給Kim後我說過,我覺得最近表現很好,訓練上也有進步, 但如果沒有好的結果證明是很難相信的。 Now I've had a few good wins in my last two tournaments and I'm definitely moving in the right direction. But I'm still far from where I want to be. 如今在近兩個賽事我有幾場好的勝利,我朝正確得方向前進,但離目標還很遠。 My upcoming tournaments in Asia - Seoul, Tokyo and Beijing - are a good opportunity to achieve some consistency, and hopefully compete for some titles again. 接下來在亞洲的賽事,首爾、東京、北京是很好的機會,希望有機會在贏得獎盃。 I enjoyed visiting each city in America, even San Diego where I lost in the first round, which was definitely the low point of the trip. 我很享受在美國待的每個城市,即使是我在第一輪就輸的聖地牙哥,是整趟旅行的低潮。 I liked both Stanford and New Haven very much. They felt a little bit similar, probably because they are both university cities, and Cincinnati was, I think, a turning point for me, so I have good memories from there as well. It's going to be tough to decide which tournaments to play next summer, because right now I want to play them all! 我很喜歡史丹佛和紐哈芬,它們有點像,或許跟它們都是大學城市有關。 辛辛那提對我來說是個轉戾點,在那裡有好的回憶。很難決定明年夏天要去哪打比賽, 因為現在我全部都想去! I'm feeling much happier and more confident on the court and I am looking forward to continuing on this path. It's only a week or so until my next tournament. 我在球場上感到更加地快樂和自信,並繼續朝目標前進,離我下一個比賽大概剩一週了。 Love Ana Posted on Sep 10th 2010 http://www.anaivanovic.com/diary/back-usa -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: wop875 來自: (09/15 14:58)

09/15 19:04, , 1F
09/15 19:04, 1F

09/16 00:02, , 2F
09/16 00:02, 2F

09/16 11:19, , 3F
http://t.sina.com.cn/anaivanovic 看這就省得翻譯XD
09/16 11:19, 3F
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