[問題] 英文作文

看板SENIORHIGH作者 (aa)時間8年前 (2016/04/23 13:09), 編輯推噓5(7212)
留言21則, 8人參與, 最新討論串2/7 (看更多)
想請各位大大幫我改一下英文作文...感激不盡 另外想小小聲的問..這篇中高級可以過嘛.. 現在越來越多人喜歡使用網路的即時訊息,他們偏好在網路上打字勝於打電話。 1. 請給一些造成這種情況的原因。 2. 這樣的溝通方式會產生什麼樣的潛在問題? Nowadays, with the advance of technology, sending instant message on the net is getting more and more popular . People prefer sending message in typing way rather than giving phone call. That is because most of electronic products have the function of surfing the net such as computers and smartphones, which of them used by people everywhere. People not only can send and get the instant message in one second, but don’t have to pay the high expense of phone fee. Therefore, this kind of communication way becomes a trend in life of people. On the other hand, this new communication way has two potential problems. Firstly, students may like to spend most of their time chatting with their friends on the net, and neglect their school works. Secondly, if people always interactive with people in this way, they will have bad human relationships. Therefore, even if the new communication way is changing people ’s life, we still have to communicate with people in real way such as companying with family and our friends, and should not be controlled by electronic products. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SENIORHIGH/M.1461388163.A.D59.html

04/23 13:11, , 1F
04/23 13:11, 1F

04/23 13:21, , 2F
一波大師 賜教了 阿里阿斗狗紮以馬死
04/23 13:21, 2F

04/23 13:31, , 3F
04/23 13:31, 3F

04/23 13:31, , 4F
04/23 13:31, 4F

04/23 13:39, , 5F
04/23 13:39, 5F

04/23 13:54, , 6F
04/23 13:54, 6F

04/23 13:56, , 7F
04/23 13:56, 7F

04/23 13:56, , 8F
04/23 13:56, 8F

04/23 13:56, , 9F
嗯嗯 他規定是140啦..但我可能廢話太多了
04/23 13:56, 9F

04/23 14:06, , 10F
rather than是加原形V吧o'__'o
04/23 14:06, 10F

04/23 14:38, , 11F
rather than可以加Ving 只要左右詞性對等就好 另外
04/23 14:38, 11F

04/23 14:38, , 12F
04/23 14:38, 12F

04/23 14:38, , 13F
我只能大致改也不一定對) 另,這篇絕對中高不會過,
04/23 14:38, 13F

04/23 14:38, , 14F
04/23 14:38, 14F

04/23 14:41, , 15F
04/23 14:41, 15F

04/23 15:47, , 16F
04/23 15:47, 16F

04/23 18:02, , 17F
覺得小錯誤有點多,然後way, life等重複出現太多次
04/23 18:02, 17F

04/23 18:02, , 18F
04/23 18:02, 18F

04/23 18:04, , 19F
04/23 18:04, 19F

04/23 18:04, , 20F
04/23 18:04, 20F

04/23 18:28, , 21F
04/23 18:28, 21F
文章代碼(AID): #1N6mE3rP (SENIORHIGH)
文章代碼(AID): #1N6mE3rP (SENIORHIGH)