[外電] KPJ被指控攻擊女友

看板Rockets作者 (出家人不打手槍)時間7月前 (2023/09/12 09:38), 7月前編輯推噓24(24031)
留言55則, 16人參與, 6月前最新討論串1/1
Houston Rockets guard Kevin Porter Jr. was arrested in New York City on Monday for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend, former WNBA player Kysre Gondrezick, police sources told ABC News. Porter returned early Monday morning from an evening out to the Millennium Hilton near U.N. Plaza, where he and Gondrezick were staying. Gondrezick was upset with the late hour of his return and locked the door, according to police sources. Once he entered with the help of hotel security, Porter beat up the woman, the sources said. Gondrezick was treated for a cut on the right side of her face and neck pain. The pair was in New York City for Fashion Week. Porter and Gondrezick were photographed at the Vogue Smart Tox NYFW Kickoff event on Sept. 7. Porter was drafted with the No. 30 pick in the 2019 NBA draft out of the University of Southern California, but has developed into a star player for the Rockets. He had his best career season in 2022-23 with 19.2 points, 5.3 rebounds and 5.7 assists per game. Kevin Porter Jr. and Kysre Gondrezick attend the Smart Tox kickoff event with Vogue on Sept. 7, 2023, in NYC to celebrate the start of New York Fashion Week. Gondrezick, 26, played college basketball for Michigan and West Virginia, before being drafted No. 4 overall in the 2021 WNBA draft by Indiana. She played one season for the Fever before being waived. She has not played the last two WNBA seasons and is currently a free agent. Porter was previously arrested in November 2020 in Ohio on a weapons charge, but a grand jury declined to indict him. However, the Cleveland Cavaliers made him inactive for the first half of the season and he was traded to Houston in January 2021. 簡略說明: KPJ與女友因參加於9月7日開始的時尚週活動而來到紐約並投宿在紐約的Hilton酒店,這也是本次事件發生的地方。 KPJ在週一大清早回到跟女友一同入宿的酒店時,疑似女友不滿其晚歸將他鎖在門外。KPJ在尋求服務人員協助開門後便攻擊其女友,造成對方右臉與頸部等處傷害,並遭到逮捕。 KPJ曾在2020年11月於俄亥俄州被起訴持有武器,但陪審團未決議起訴他,只是騎士球團仍決定將其雪藏,並在隔年1月將他送往火箭。 來源:https://reurl.cc/gambnR 心得:KPJ的場外問題過往就是讓人憂心的部分,現在這齣可能會是他被火箭球團割掉的前兆吧。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- God of Trance-------Armin van Buuren https://i.imgur.com/goq0P8C.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Rockets/M.1694482688.A.7DE.html ※ 編輯: TreceVipers ( 臺灣), 09/12/2023 09:39:53 ※ 編輯: TreceVipers ( 臺灣), 09/12/2023 09:43:12

09/12 09:44, 7月前 , 1F
手機排版加上內容編輯被吃字 不便閱讀的部分還請版
09/12 09:44, 1F

09/12 09:44, 7月前 , 2F
09/12 09:44, 2F

09/12 09:45, 7月前 , 3F
09/12 09:45, 3F

09/12 10:08, 7月前 , 4F
好欸 剛好把他踢掉 其他人有空間囉
09/12 10:08, 4F

09/12 11:46, 7月前 , 5F
09/12 11:46, 5F

09/12 12:03, 7月前 , 6F
因為他的約是球隊選項 所以揮棄掉的話 可以清出1
09/12 12:03, 6F

09/12 12:03, 7月前 , 7F
09/12 12:03, 7F

09/12 12:09, 7月前 , 8F
我記得KPJ合約屬於條件觸發式 所以看球隊高層決定
09/12 12:09, 8F

09/12 12:09, 7月前 , 9F
09/12 12:09, 9F

09/12 12:36, 7月前 , 10F
09/12 12:36, 10F

09/12 12:39, 7月前 , 11F
09/12 12:39, 11F

09/12 12:39, 7月前 , 12F
剛好專心練阿門 也不錯
09/12 12:39, 12F

09/12 12:40, 7月前 , 13F
09/12 12:40, 13F

09/12 12:40, 7月前 , 14F
練阿門跟他有甚麼關係... XD
09/12 12:40, 14F

09/12 12:41, 7月前 , 15F
09/12 12:41, 15F

09/12 13:35, 7月前 , 16F
09/12 13:35, 16F

09/12 13:45, 7月前 , 17F
其實KPJ只要不打先發PG會是個很好的球員阿 況且這兩
09/12 13:45, 17F

09/12 13:45, 7月前 , 18F
09/12 13:45, 18F

09/12 17:44, 7月前 , 19F
09/12 17:44, 19F

09/12 18:45, 7月前 , 20F
09/12 18:45, 20F

09/13 00:28, 7月前 , 21F
09/13 00:28, 21F

09/13 12:14, 7月前 , 22F
09/13 12:14, 22F

09/13 12:15, 7月前 , 23F
09/13 12:15, 23F

09/13 15:41, 7月前 , 24F
KPJ不搭控球 應該也是不錯的第六人吧
09/13 15:41, 24F

09/13 17:41, 7月前 , 25F
就... 啪,沒有了。
09/13 17:41, 25F

09/13 19:46, 7月前 , 26F
09/13 19:46, 26F

09/13 19:50, 7月前 , 27F
現在講這些都沒用了 他已經不能留了 用任何手段留下
09/13 19:50, 27F

09/13 19:50, 7月前 , 28F
09/13 19:50, 28F

09/13 20:51, 7月前 , 29F
09/13 20:51, 29F

09/13 20:51, 7月前 , 30F
09/13 20:51, 30F

09/14 09:08, 7月前 , 31F
看來我們後場就是FVV JG Amen Cam下去輪了
09/14 09:08, 31F

09/14 12:26, 7月前 , 32F
發生這種場外問題就無解了 GG
09/14 12:26, 32F

09/14 13:07, 7月前 , 33F
09/14 13:07, 33F

09/15 14:18, 7月前 , 34F
09/15 14:18, 34F

09/15 14:18, 7月前 , 35F
09/15 14:18, 35F

10/03 00:56, 7月前 , 36F
10/03 00:56, 36F

10/03 01:35, 7月前 , 37F
10/03 01:35, 37F

10/03 03:13, 7月前 , 38F
KPJ out 情緒控管實在是他沒法度過的崁
10/03 03:13, 38F

10/03 03:14, 7月前 , 39F
10/03 03:14, 39F

10/03 12:06, 7月前 , 40F
所以Cam Whitmore不用去蹲了? 直接進輪替?
10/03 12:06, 40F

10/03 15:49, 7月前 , 41F
Cam Whitmore取代原本KPJ的位子
10/03 15:49, 41F

10/03 18:09, 6月前 , 42F
那這樣火箭還要在補人 目前還有位置
10/03 18:09, 42F

10/03 18:09, 6月前 , 43F
如果不補 就是看雙向人員何時拉正
10/03 18:09, 43F

10/03 21:03, 6月前 , 44F
牛鎖加入 挺意外的
10/03 21:03, 44F

10/03 21:23, 6月前 , 45F
10/03 21:23, 45F

10/03 21:29, 6月前 , 46F
這樣補也行 不然KPJ已經戰力外了
10/03 21:29, 46F

10/03 21:29, 6月前 , 47F
10/03 21:29, 47F

10/03 21:30, 6月前 , 48F
另外牛鎖也補上火箭需要的防守 加上他的外線命中
10/03 21:30, 48F

10/03 21:30, 6月前 , 49F
10/03 21:30, 49F

10/03 21:31, 6月前 , 50F
10/03 21:31, 50F

10/03 21:32, 6月前 , 51F
重點牛鎖也有季後賽的歷練 看來管理層已經有這種
10/03 21:32, 51F

10/03 21:32, 6月前 , 52F
10/03 21:32, 52F

10/03 21:34, 6月前 , 53F
是啊 這樣JG下賽季的容錯空間就很小了 要再更爭氣一
10/03 21:34, 53F

10/03 21:34, 6月前 , 54F
10/03 21:34, 54F

10/06 20:22, 6月前 , 55F
剛去Spotrac查一下 牛鎖領底薪
10/06 20:22, 55F
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