
看板Rockets作者 (無血之大戮)時間11年前 (2013/07/02 07:04), 編輯推噓93(996141)
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DH要求火箭再找一個明星球員加入 他希望火箭走熱火的三王模式 難怪Morey現在急著要換另一個明星球員來 不惜把Asik跟Lin換走 而目前檯面上另一個最有可能加入火箭的明星是 Josh Smith http://tinyurl.com/m9g623m Report: Dwight Howard wants Houston to add third superstar The Rockets met with All-Star free agent Dwight Howard on Sunday night in Los Angeles at the start of NBA free agency. By all accounts, the meeting went well for Houston. (That is to say, Houston thought it went well.) GM Daryl Morey, coach Kevin McHale, forwards James Harden and Chandler Parsons were in attendance, according to reports, along with Hall of Fame legends Clyde Drexler and Hakeem Olajuwon; the latter has worked with Howard for years in the offseason. Interestingly, the Houston Chronicle reports most of Howard's questions were about basketball and his fit with Houston. Specifically, the Chronicle says Howard wanted to know if and how the Rockets were poised to add another max-contract free agent this summer to go alongside himself and Harden. Parsons and James Harden attended the meeting with Kevin McHale handling many of the questions about the team's potential and how Howard would be used in a retooled offense. Rockets general manager Daryl Morey discussed not only the plans going forward, but was also asked about how the Rockets were built to position themselves to be able to offer a second max contract. via Ultimate Rockets l-Star free agent Dwight Howard on Sunday Pretty bold move by Howard, after the Rockets cleared nearly $20 million to be able to fit Howard with Harden under a max contract. But Howard clearly wantes a Miami-type Big 3 to play with. The problem is, neither Harden nor Howard are as good as LeBron James, and even still, the Heat have only barely won their two titles and struggled without having a more balanced roster. But the Heat's struggles can be attributed to Dwyane Wade's decline. If the Rockets were to land, say, Josh Smith, they would have a trio of stars (sure, let's consider Smith a star here) with some upside. Ken Berger of CBSSports.com reported on Sunday that Houston has been exploring deals of Omer Asik and Jeremy Lin, which could potentially clear space for that second max contract this summer. The question beyond that is how the Rockets will fill in the spaces. But if they land Howard, they'll feel confident they can figure things out from there. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: imgkiller 來自: (07/02 07:08)

07/02 07:13, , 1F
熱火三王之所以能成功 關鍵是三人降價...
07/02 07:13, 1F

07/02 07:14, , 2F
他和鬍子都不降價 Josh也要頂薪 其他位置和替補不就擺爛了
07/02 07:14, 2F

07/02 07:24, , 3F
07/02 07:24, 3F

07/02 07:44, , 4F
07/02 07:44, 4F

07/02 07:49, , 5F
本季湖人先發是四王 ... 只是球只有一顆 ... 0.0"
07/02 07:49, 5F

07/02 07:50, , 6F
07/02 07:50, 6F

07/02 07:58, , 7F
07/02 07:58, 7F

07/02 08:00, , 8F
熱火模式能成功是大家都能犧牲 你這傢伙要頂薪 老大跟抱大
07/02 08:00, 8F

07/02 08:09, , 9F
07/02 08:09, 9F

07/02 08:09, , 10F
07/02 08:09, 10F

07/02 08:09, , 11F
私心認為熱火模式是bosh犧牲最大降階成綠葉 這應該是DH要的
07/02 08:09, 11F

07/02 08:10, , 12F
07/02 08:10, 12F

07/02 08:17, , 13F
這麼愛三王 拜託他留湖人好嗎 要頂薪又要三王...
07/02 08:17, 13F

07/02 08:22, , 14F
Mike Dunleavy Jr去公牛了 兩年6M
07/02 08:22, 14F

07/02 08:24, , 15F
07/02 08:24, 15F

07/02 08:24, , 16F
07/02 08:24, 16F

07/02 08:48, , 17F
07/02 08:48, 17F

07/02 08:51, , 18F
假鬼假怪 沒拿過冠軍的人不知道在囂張什麼
07/02 08:51, 18F

07/02 08:55, , 19F
07/02 08:55, 19F

07/02 09:07, , 20F
07/02 09:07, 20F

07/02 09:19, , 21F
07/02 09:19, 21F

07/02 09:21, , 22F
DH的意思是火箭沒拿到Josh想簽我免談 所以火箭現在要做的事
07/02 09:21, 22F

07/02 09:22, , 23F
就是先跟老鷹s&t Josh 反正有沒有拿到DH 火箭都得簽DH
07/02 09:22, 23F

07/02 09:23, , 24F
打錯Josh = = 看能不能用1200萬附近簽到Josh 如果簽到Josh
07/02 09:23, 24F

07/02 09:23, , 25F
如果簽到Josh DH應該就是囊中物了
07/02 09:23, 25F

07/02 09:25, , 26F
如果不能用漂亮的價格簽到Josh 火箭應該在DH爭奪戰出局了
07/02 09:25, 26F

07/02 09:27, , 27F
07/02 09:27, 27F

07/02 09:28, , 28F
07/02 09:28, 28F

07/02 09:29, , 29F
搞這招... 突然覺得去年籃網太厲害了 當機立斷不喇賽
07/02 09:29, 29F

07/02 09:30, , 30F
07/02 09:30, 30F

07/02 09:30, , 31F
josh要先來 dh又要頂薪裸簽 asik&lin就走定了...
07/02 09:30, 31F

07/02 09:31, , 32F
07/02 09:31, 32F

07/02 09:33, , 33F
這篇報導說根據ULTIMATE ROCKETS的文章 巴啦巴啦
07/02 09:33, 33F

07/02 09:34, , 34F
07/02 09:34, 34F

07/02 09:35, , 35F
要$,要當老大,要冠軍,要三王 都給他爽就好了呀...
07/02 09:35, 35F

07/02 09:35, , 36F
07/02 09:35, 36F

07/02 09:38, , 37F
07/02 09:38, 37F

07/02 09:42, , 38F
而且這消息出來 老鷹跟josh 又可以抬價敲火箭一筆
07/02 09:42, 38F

07/02 09:44, , 39F
要清其他合約 又要被敲一筆 搞不好全隊拆光光只剩三王+CP
07/02 09:44, 39F
還有 167 則推文
07/02 14:52, , 207F
07/02 14:52, 207F

07/02 14:52, , 208F
不可能動高富帥的 SF的洞會很難補
07/02 14:52, 208F

07/02 14:53, , 209F
而且他和魔獸同經紀人 又是他要的三分射手
07/02 14:53, 209F

07/02 14:54, , 210F
如果他們願意多打p&r 少打自己不拿手的 那就還好
07/02 14:54, 210F

07/02 14:54, , 211F
07/02 14:54, 211F

07/02 14:54, , 212F
我比較擔心這兩個配一起 沒啥空間....
07/02 14:54, 212F

07/02 14:55, , 213F
老鷹還想要高富帥 季中交易被打槍還不夠嗎?XD 再嫌就真的要
07/02 14:55, 213F

07/02 14:55, , 214F
07/02 14:55, 214F

07/02 14:55, , 215F
07/02 14:55, 215F

07/02 14:55, , 216F
07/02 14:55, 216F

07/02 14:56, , 217F
07/02 14:56, 217F

07/02 14:57, , 218F
07/02 14:57, 218F

07/02 14:57, , 219F
07/02 14:57, 219F

07/02 15:02, , 220F
Josh防守夠罩 火箭上季PF一直被人打點的狀況會少很多
07/02 15:02, 220F

07/02 15:07, , 221F
防守應該會很威 低位兩個人要platform Josh少打點中距離
07/02 15:07, 221F

07/02 15:08, , 222F
如果是這個組合 明年中距離真的要放棄了
07/02 15:08, 222F

07/02 15:45, , 223F

07/02 15:46, , 224F
in:火箭、小牛、湖人 out:老鷹、勇士
07/02 15:46, 224F

07/02 15:54, , 225F
老鷹連專家都不看好 還是務實點把心思放在S&T Josh吧
07/02 15:54, 225F

07/02 15:58, , 226F
07/02 15:58, 226F

07/02 16:07, , 227F
07/02 16:07, 227F

07/02 16:10, , 228F
07/02 16:10, 228F

07/02 16:11, , 229F
07/02 16:11, 229F

07/02 16:24, , 230F
07/02 16:24, 230F

07/02 16:25, , 231F
Josh願意領15M 先簽後換Asik+White應該是最好的結局..
07/02 16:25, 231F

07/02 16:26, , 232F
07/02 16:26, 232F

07/02 17:03, , 233F
一個14 一個19 這樣就完美了Q3Q
07/02 17:03, 233F

07/02 17:07, , 234F
Josh極限就15M左右 再高就太超過了 鬍子比他強也領差不多
07/02 17:07, 234F

07/02 17:47, , 235F
07/02 17:47, 235F

07/02 17:47, , 236F
07/02 17:47, 236F

07/02 17:48, , 237F
我剛剛重新看了一半 他頂薪應該是30%而已
07/02 17:48, 237F

07/02 17:48, , 238F
如果明年salary cap是60m, 那就是16.94m
07/02 17:48, 238F

07/02 17:56, , 239F
我覺得火箭開到15M Josh就會妥協了吧 拿DH和總冠軍當誘因
07/02 17:56, 239F

07/02 17:56, , 240F
也沒差那幾M 乾脆去火箭組巨頭圓冠軍夢比較爽吧
07/02 17:56, 240F

07/02 18:19, , 241F
07/02 18:19, 241F

07/02 19:08, , 242F
打法會聽吧 低位不行一直硬打McHale可以忍受嗎XD
07/02 19:08, 242F

07/02 19:09, , 243F
我的意思是平均15M 所以今年可能就14左右
07/02 19:09, 243F

07/02 19:56, , 244F
我覺得如果JS和DH要來 可能會簽3~4年的合約
07/02 19:56, 244F

07/02 19:56, , 245F
07/02 19:56, 245F

07/02 20:13, , 246F
07/02 20:13, 246F
文章代碼(AID): #1HqWhsWh (Rockets)