Fw: [新聞] Q&A with Jeremy Lin

看板Rockets作者 (赤いの靈)時間11年前 (2012/11/17 20:14), 編輯推噓8(808)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Jeremy_Lin 看板 #1GfsLKpJ ] 作者: akainorei (赤いの靈) 看板: Jeremy_Lin 標題: [新聞] Q&A with Jeremy Lin 時間: Sat Nov 17 18:22:09 2012 翻完, 有問題跟我講 來源出處: http://www.nba.com/rockets/news/qa-jeremy-lin-0 PORTLAND, OR - Life is rarely dull when you're Jeremy Lin - such is both the blessing and curse of a life lived beneath the glare of the international spotlight. This week proved to be no exception for the Rockets point guard who gained unwanted attention for a last-minute airball against Miami Monday night, found himself on the NBA's All-Star ballot for the first time in his career on Tuesday and then was the subject of an excellent Adrian Wojnarowski feature Wednesday morning. 當你是林書豪的時候你的生活很少是無聊的, 在全球注目的焦點下這生活不但是 祝福也是詛咒. 這禮拜對火箭的控球後衛也不是例外 - 對戰邁阿密熱火隊投了個 空心球, 在禮拜二發現第一次自己也在全明星賽的票選活動裡, 還有就是禮拜三早上 在Adrian Wojnarowski的專欄中成為了主角 Through it all, however, Lin has handled the unrelenting media crush with his typical humility and quiet resolve; attributes he put on full display once more during this exclusive Q&A with Rockets.com's Jason Friedman on the day the Rockets begin a big three-game, west coast road trip. 然而, 在這無情的媒體轟炸下林依然秀出他的謙虛跟安靜. 就算是在西岸客場旅行前在火箭官網獨家跟Jason Friedman 的Q&A也依然表露無遺 JCF: I wanted to start by asking you about what happened after the Miami game on Monday. Kelvin Sampson said you came up to him, personally apologized for missing that shot in the final minute and then told him you’d knock it down the next time. What prompted you to do that? JCF: 我想我先開始問熱火戰後發生什麼事, Coach Sampson說你跑去跟他道歉那顆空心球 而且保證下一次你會投進去, 你為何會這麼做? JL: Anytime I get the ball in my hands with the game on the line it’s my responsibility to do what I’m supposed to and I didn’t. So that was just me taking ownership of messing it up big time. It was simple: I just talked to him and told him that I should have hit that and I will in the future. JL: 再那種緊繃時候球在我手上時, 做我該做的是我的責任而我沒做到. 所以說我搞砸了一個大機會. 就這麼簡單, 我就去找教練跟他說我應該投進的 我以後一定會投進 JCF: Sampson said he’d never before had a player come up to him after a game and say something like that. JCF: Sampson 說他從來沒遇到一個球員會在賽後跑去跟他講這些話 JL: (laughs) I don’t know. I just know from my standpoint I felt like I should have hit the shot, it was disappointing and I wanted to take ownership of that moment. JL: (笑) 我不知道, 我只知道從我的角度來看我覺得我應該要投進去 沒投中我很失望所以在那當下我想要負責 JCF: NFL cornerbacks talk all the time about how, when they get burned, the best thing they can do is forget about that moment, let it go and just focus on the next play. I assume your approach is no different. 美式足球NFL 的角衛幾乎隨時在講幾時, 跟怎樣砸鍋. 最好的做法就是忘掉那個當下, 不要一直去想然後專注在下一個賽事, 我假設你的做法是一樣的 JL: Yeah, my shooting coach has this one phrase that he always repeats to me: He just keeps saying, ‘The next one’s in.’ That’s the mindset I need to have where the next shot I take is going down. JL: yeah, 我的投球教練不斷的跟我講一句話: 他就一直說 "下一個就會進" 這就是下一次又有機會輪到我投球時我該有的想法 JCF: How are you feeling about your role in the offense right now? This team has gone through a massive change after the trade, putting you guys in a situation where you’re almost going through training camp 2.0 right now. How do you feel like that transition process is going for you personally? 對目前的攻勢戰術, 你對你的定位有任何想法嗎? 這個隊伍在交易後經過一個超大的改變 把你們現在放在一個幾乎可以說是訓練營2.0的形勢. 你自己認為這樣的改變 對你有何影響? JL: I think it’s just one of those things where we’re still figuring it out – that’s the important thing people need to keep in mind and the perspective we have to have. I’ve never seen a team gel in eight games, you know? For me, for everybody, we’re still trying to figure out exactly what it’s going to look like and what our identity is going to be defensively and offensively. We’ve got to be patient because it’s kind of like we have to try certain things and see if it works and then make the adjustments and that takes time. Sometimes you don’t want it to take as long as it’s going to take, but the reality of the situation is it’s a process. JL: 我覺得這只是其中一件我們需要搞清楚的事情 - 這是很重要的而且人們 應該要把這事記在腦海中跟我們團隊需要的展望. 我從來沒有看過一個團隊 可以在八個比賽中磨合起來, 你懂吧? 對我來說, 對所有人來說, 我們還正在 搞清楚我們的團隊磨合起來是怎樣的, 搞清楚我們團隊在防守與攻擊的特性. 我們必須有耐性, 因為我們必須嘗試一些想法, 看成不成功, 然後試著做出調整 這需要花一點時間的 有時候你真的不想花這麼久, 但現實是, 這就是一個過程 JCF: Can you conceptualize what the offense is going to look like when it comes together from an ideological standpoint? 你可以概念化 (or 構思, 想像) 一下火箭隊磨合好的攻勢特點嗎? JL: Eventually it’s going to look like something where opponents have to guard both sides of the floor. We’re going to move it very fast and the defense is going to have to go from playing perfect coverage on one side of the floor, then flip it to the other and try to play perfect coverage over there which is obviously very hard to do. We’re going to keep swinging it and keep attacking from different angles and both sides – that’s what we want it to look like. 到最後應該就是對手必須防守場上的兩邊, 我們將會跑動得很快 然後防守方就變成必須從一方完美的防守, 快速換到另外一方嘗試做完美的防守 這是非常難的 我們會一直換來換去然後嘗試從各種角度跟場上兩邊攻擊 - 這是我們想要看到的 JCF: I thought it was interesting when Miami was in town because they quite famously had an adjustment process of their own to go through two years ago when LeBron and D-Wade had to figure out how best to mesh their styles and skill-sets. You and James Harden are different players than they are obviously, but there is some similarity from the standpoint that each of you is best with the ball in your hands. Now it took LeBron and Wade nearly two years – and an ill-timed injury to Chris Bosh – to fully figure things out, so I find it somewhat amusing that some people expect you and James and the coaching staff to have already perfectly solved this particular riddle after just two weeks. 當邁阿密來到休士頓的時候我覺得很有趣, 因為兩年前LeBron跟D-Wade必須找出 最適合他們技術跟風格的戰術. 你跟James Harden 很明顯的跟他們是不同的球員球風, 但你們有相似的地方 - 你們都需要一球在手. LeBron 跟 Wade 花了兩年, 加上Bosh 的傷勢休息, 才完全找出勝利方程式. 所以我覺得有點好玩的地方在於人們認為你, Harden, 跟教練團已經在兩個禮拜內 找到勝利方程式了 JL: Absolutely. I think we’re going to have to sacrifice for each other; and not just me and him but everybody. If there’s times where I have to play off the ball or times where he has to play off the ball, then that’s just something we have to embrace, get better at and get used to just because I don ’t think either of us has really done that too much up to this point. 當然, 我覺得我跟Harden 必須彼此為對方犧牲; 而且不只是我跟他, 還有所有人. 如果有些時候我必須玩無球戰, 或著是Harden 要玩無球戰. 那也是我們必須要接受的 然後變得習慣變得更好, 因為我認為我們兩個到目前為止並沒有特別這麼做 JCF: Does this pairing put even more of an onus on you to strengthen and perfect your outside shot? I know it’s something you were working on non-stop already, but when you’ve got a guy like James who is so good on the ball, I suspect it makes it even more important for you to improve that part of your game, knowing full well that those open spot-up opportunities are going to be there for you. 你跟Harden 的搭配是不是讓你有壓力必須加強你的外線投籃? 我知道外線投籃已經是你一直在練習的技術了, 但當你有Harden 這個非常強的 一球在手球員, 我認為對你來說加強外線變得更加重要了, 因為你將會有 非常多的外線射球空檔 JL: Absolutely because you have to keep the defense honest and because he’s so lethal with the ball, he’s going to get other people open shots for sure. 當然, 因為你必須讓防守方老實 而且Harden 一球在手時非常致命, 他一定會讓其他人 有空檔 JCF: So how huge is it then for you as a player to know you have coaches like Kevin McHale and Kelvin Sampson who are constantly telling you that if you have open shots you have to take them, regardless of whether you’ve missed or made ten in a row? 所以, 當McHale教練跟Sampson教練一直跟你說只要你有外線空檔 就一定要投, 不管你會不會中. 做為一個球員, 對你很重要嗎? JL: That’s so important because not all coaches are like that. That approach empowers their players and fills them with confidence. It’s great that they believe in that because I think that’s the way it has to be and how you’re supposed to do it as a player: If you know you can hit that shot, you’ve got to keep shooting it even if it’s not going in at that particular moment. 這很重要, 因為不是所有的教練都是這樣的, 這種做法幫助球員並增強球員自信 他們相信我是很棒的因為我覺得就是要這麼做, 而且做為球員你也應當要有空檔就 投球: 如果你知道你可以投球, 你就應當要一直投球, 儘管可能在某些時候投不進 JCF: Last thing I wanted to mention: I thought the Adrian Wojnarowski piece he wrote about your transition to Houston was great so I wanted to ask you how you’re feeling now, on-court and off, having been back with the team for a few months now. 最後我想說一件事情: 我覺得Adrian Wojnarowski 寫的專欄, 有關你從NY到休士頓的 轉變很棒 (專欄出處: http://0rz.tw/cSSu2) 所以我想問你現在你覺得怎樣? 在場上跟在場下, 你也已經在這團隊中幾個月了 JL: I think it’s good. Off the court has been great. The Rockets, I mean, what haven’t they done? They’ve been so supportive and helpful. And on the court, I’m still going through a transition process and a lot of things are new to me, so it’s just taking a little bit to get comfortable. But I think that’s going to come. I’ve seen some positives and negatives but I knew that was going to happen. 我覺得很好, 不比賽的時候很棒, 火箭隊, 他們對我做的? 他們一直很支持我跟幫助我, 在場上呢, 我依然還在轉變過程 很多東西對我來講是全新的, 所以要花點時間才會感覺舒服. 但我覺得遲早會來的 我看到一些正面的也看到一些負面, 但我知道這是會發生的 JCF: Is there an off-court story you can share that demonstrates how the Rockets have made the transition easier for you? 有沒有一個場下的故事你可以跟我們分享的? 讓我們知道火箭隊如何在你適應的過程中讓你覺得比較輕鬆? JL: I would just say the contact I have with people in the organization: Good game or bad game, I’ll get a text or a call or people going out of their way to tell me I did a good job on this or to take a look at that – people are just always communicating, talking and voicing their opinion in an effort to make sure everything works out for the best. That’s something that not all organizations do. If you’re struggling, sometimes people might not offer you help or want to talk to you. But I’ve definitely been through my share of struggles and they’ve been very encouraging – and not just one person, but everybody so I’ve been really impressed. 我只能說我在這團隊裡遇到的人: 不管是好比賽或壞比賽, 我一定會收到簡訊 或電話然後有人跟我說做得好, 或著說有些事情要加強我門來看一下 這裡的人一直在互相溝通, 表達他們的意見讓所有事能做到最好. 我覺得不是所有的團隊可以做到這樣的. 如果你在掙扎, 有時候人們不一定會給予你幫助或跟你談話 但我絕對有經過一段掙扎期然後火箭團隊一直對我很鼓勵 - 而且不只一個人 是所有人, 我對這印象很深刻 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: akainorei 來自: (11/17 20:15)

11/17 20:26, , 1F
11/17 20:26, 1F

11/17 20:26, , 2F
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11/17 20:33, , 3F
先謝謝翻譯 等等看!
11/17 20:33, 3F

11/17 20:36, , 4F
謝謝翻譯 辛苦了
11/17 20:36, 4F

11/17 21:02, , 5F
可是哈登是左撇子耶 很奇怪的教練團 不把強的練更強
11/17 21:02, 5F

11/17 21:09, , 6F
11/17 21:09, 6F

11/17 21:18, , 7F
鬍子要強化的是心態 怎樣帶領球隊贏球 相信隊友
11/17 21:18, 7F

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11/17 21:24, , 12F
他今天有一次甚至嘗試哈登的歐洲步, 只是沒成功
11/17 21:24, 12F

11/17 21:30, , 13F
多練一點武器是好的 就耐心看下去吧
11/17 21:30, 13F

11/17 23:11, , 14F
11/17 23:11, 14F

11/18 00:59, , 15F
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11/18 01:31, , 16F
11/18 01:31, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1Gft-_DC (Rockets)