[轉錄]Re: [討論] Artest跟姚明的賽後訪談

看板Rockets作者 (黑馬小志)時間15年前 (2009/05/02 08:18), 編輯推噓1(101)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: celestial318 (強尼) 看板: NBA 標題: Re: [討論] Artest跟姚明的賽後訪談 時間: Sat May 2 02:53:34 2009 原文恕刪 聽完後我聽出來的內容大致如下 但有些地方還是聽不清楚= = ============================================================================== Yao: That's a big step for me. Of course it tastes great. When the clock (is) running down, I am still unbelieved that's coming. (It) Come true and obviously we know the feel, we would keep move(ing) forward. Yao: 這是我個人的一大步,而這感覺當然非常的美好。當比賽接近尾聲時我還不敢相信 這一切是真的。我們終於成功的突破了第一輪,而這種感覺也將支持我們繼續向前。 Ron: It wasn't a easy series. They were singing na na na na goodbye, but it's really gonna be nice to show a little respect and the fans gave them a round of applause. Ron: 這並不是個輕鬆的系列賽。現場的球迷們正在高唱na na na na, goodbye,但我認為 如果他們可以鼓掌來肯定拓荒者的表現的話那將會是個很棒的舉動。 You know, they got us ready for the next series, and I didn't want the fans just so happy to get out the first round. It's just, it's not our goals here. That's not LA's goal, not Boston's goal, that's not Cleveland's goal, that's not our goal. 他們讓我們為下一個系列賽做好了準備,而我也不希望球迷們為了我們突破第一輪這件事 太過高興。那並不是我們的目標。對於湖人、超賽、騎士和我們,目標都不僅於此。 記者: Ron, you went into the stands to take that save with 25 minutes left. (接下來這句不太懂 囧,只聽到heroic),can you talk about that moment for you (後面句尾也不清楚...)? 記者: 阿泰,你在比賽剩餘25分鐘的時候為了救球而衝進了觀眾席,那時你似乎受到了大 家英雄式的歡呼,那時候你的感覺如何? Ron: Well, uh, I have been in the stands before. Ron: ㄟ,其實我之前也有過同樣的經驗啦。(奧本山大亂鬥= =) Yao: But this time is homecourt. Yao: 但這次你是在主場阿。 Ron: It was homecourt. I wanted to soak it I had to sit down. (這句也不確定...) Actualy this guy offered me some beer. When he did that, I was like, you know, I'm gonna sit down and enjoy this. He's not throwing it at me. he's actually (offering me the beer). I was gonna take a sip but there's too many cameras. Ron: 對啦這次我是在主場。當時我很想要坐下來享受這一刻,而有位老兄還想請我喝啤酒 勒。那時候我真的是很想要直接坐下來享受這一切。他不是要拿啤酒丟我喔,他是真的要 請我喝ㄟ! 我原本想要喝一口的,但當時有太多攝影機在拍攝我了ˊˋ ============================================================================== 歡迎補充我不確定的地方 囧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/02 02:55,
05/02 02:55

05/02 02:56,
其實阿泰說的很靦腆 還蠻可愛的XD 倒是Yao笑到整個不行
05/02 02:56

05/02 02:59,
05/02 02:59

05/02 02:59,
05/02 02:59

05/02 03:05,
推一個阿 我愛火箭 很溫馨的隊
05/02 03:05

05/02 03:09,
這段要看影片才好笑 看文字敘述感覺不深刻
05/02 03:09

05/02 04:14,
還好沒跟RONDO對到 不然要大亂鬥了
05/02 04:14

05/02 04:41,
遇到阿泰 軟豆會很乖的 科科
05/02 04:41

05/02 04:50,
那句唸的很快阿 我聽起來像 on the stand耶
05/02 04:50

05/02 05:06,
stands = 觀眾席 所以就是講奧本山那次 XD
05/02 05:06

05/02 05:22,
05/02 05:22

05/02 07:39,
05/02 07:39

05/02 07:40,
05/02 07:40

05/02 08:18,
05/02 08:18
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/02 08:19, , 1F
05/02 08:19, 1F

05/02 16:10, , 2F
太歡樂了 XD
05/02 16:10, 2F
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