Re: [閒聊] Megadeth fun facts

看板RockMetal作者 (M)時間12年前 (2012/08/22 12:02), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ 引述《lordlpg (M)》之銘言: : 本文譯自 The Realms of Deth : Miscellaneous 其它 ...Dave Mustaine is believed to have said that they would release a live album only if they had to fulfill a contract obligation, although Dave himself denies it. ...曾有一說 Dave Mustaine 只有在為了完成合約的情況下,才會考慮發行 現場專輯,儘管他本人否認這個說法。 ...Dave Mustaine is known for his self contradictory statements. ...Dave Mustaine 因為他自相矛盾的聲明而聲名大噪。 the 1992 presidential elections Dave Mustaine was part of MTV's "Rock the Vote" campaign covering the Democratic Convention. ...在 1992 年的總統大選時,Dave Mustaine 參與 MTV「Rock the Vote」活動並 負責報導當時的民主會議。 1994 renowned writer Dean Koontz wrote an atricle about Megadth entitled: Godzilla vs. Megadeth. ...知名作家 Dean Koontz 在 1994 年寫了一篇關於 Megadeth 的文章,取名為 「Godzilla vs. Megadeth」。 ..."Hangar 18" is about a military installation that holds alien creatures ...「Hangar 18」這首歌主要描述軍方用來囚禁外星生物的設施。 ...the girl who did the spoken part in the middle of "Countdown to Extinction" is a friend of Marty Friedman named Jun. She worked at a sushi bar near the studio and Megadeth asked her to come and record with them. ...「Countdown to Extinction」這首歌中間部分的女聲旁白是 Marty Friedman 的朋友 Jun。當時她在 Megadeth 錄音室附近的壽司店工作,他們邀她來一起錄音。 ...among the world leaders shown on the cover of Rust in Peace only George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev can be recognized, the leaders of Germany, Great Britain and Japan do not resemble any German, British or Japanese politicians of that era. ...在「Rust in Peace」封面出現的世界領袖中除了老布希和戈巴契夫之外, 其他人物純屬虛構。 ...on the album cover of Hidden Treasures you can find all the song titles listed on the map as cities except for the song "Paranoid". ...在「Hidden Treasures」這張專輯,除了「Paranoid」這首歌之外,其他 歌曲在封面的地圖裡以城市的方式標記在上面。 ...Youthanasia was banned in Malaysia and Singapore, as officials there have deemed the cover artwork "defamatory." ...馬來西亞和新加坡政府認為「Youthanasia」的封面過於「污衊」而禁止 在當地販售這張專輯。 ...the videos for "A Tout Le Monde" and "Reckoning Day" were "banned" from the MTV. ...「A Tout Le Monde」和「Reckoning Day」兩部 MV 被 MTV 列為禁播名單之一。 ...the tenative name for the MD.45 project was Mastermind, but Dave Mustaine had to change it, because there already was a band called Mastermind. ...MD.45 原本計畫取名為 Mastermind,但因為當時已經有樂隊用了這個名字, Dave Mustaine 不得不做出變更。 ...the name of MD.45 project stands for Dave Mustaine's and Lee Ving's initials, MD is Dave Mustaine's initials backwards and the 45 is Lee Ving's initials backwards in Roman Numerals (VL). ...MD.45 這個名字代表 Dave Mustaine 和 Lee Ving 姓名第一個字母。MD 是將 Dave Mustaine 姓名首字倒過來,而 Lee Ving 的部分則是用羅馬數字的方式組合 而成。 ...Megadeth's "Mechanix" and Metallica's "The Four Horsemen" are the same song with different lyrics. ...Megadeth 的「Mechanix」和 Metallica 的「The Four Horsemen」其實 是同一首歌,但是歌詞不同。 ...Dave Mustaine is officially recognized as co-author of six Metallica songs from their two first albums Kill'em All and Ride the Lighting, but he also claims that he wrote "Lepper Messiah". ...在 Metallica 前兩張專輯「Kill'em All」和「Ride the Lightning」中,有 六首歌將 Dave Mustaine 列為共同創作人,但是他也宣稱「Lepper Messiah」這 首歌也是他寫的。 2001 Dave Mustaine collaborated on a project with Diamond Head's guitarist Brian Tatler, but they didn't release anything so far. ...在 2001 年 Dave Mustaine 和 Diamond Head 的吉他手 Brian Tatler 合作,但他們至今仍未發表任何作品。 ...when Nine Inch Nails' Trent Reznor remixed "Symphony of Destruction," he also used a riff from "Take No Prisoners". ...Nine Inch Nails 主腦 Trent Reznor 為「Symphony of Destruction」 進行混音時,他加了一個在「Take No Prisoners」的旋律。 ...when Pink Floyd didn't have a name one of the names they considered was "The Megadeaths". ...Pink Floyd 還沒為樂隊命名的時候,他們的名單包括了「The Megadeaths」。 ...during a press conference in Tiara Hotel in Medan, Indonesia, on July 30, 2001 Dave Mustaine said that Megadeth will break up after the release of their 10th studio album. ...2001 年七月 30 日,Dave Mustaine 在印尼的記者會上表示,Megadeth 將會 在發行第十張專輯之後宣佈解散。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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