[YY] 十大應該復合的樂團

看板RockMetal作者 (早安,黑色星期五)時間13年前 (2010/09/03 10:30), 編輯推噓38(38028)
留言66則, 38人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
來源:Classic Rock網站 http://www.classicrockmagazine.com/news/10-bands-who-should-reunite/ 10 Bands Who Should Reunite 十大應該復合的樂團 mdome / News / 28/08/2010 11:07am It seems that you can’t get through a day without some band or other re-forming. So Classic Rock thought it was time to look at 10 that might, or might not, happen in the next year or so. 你無法一天沒有某個愛團,或者他們的復合重組。《Classic Rock》帶你看看十個 可能,或者不可能,在明年或更長的時間中復合的樂團。 GUNS N’ ROSES – The Appetite For Destruction line-up, that is. This would be a license to print money. Gentlemen, a several week residency at Wembley Stadium suit you? Steven Adler’s keen (wonder why?), Slash and Duff don’t seem against it, and Izzy would probably get involved for a while. And that only leaves…ah, yes, Mr. Unpredictable himself. So, who knows where this might go? 《毀滅慾》時期陣容根本是張印鈔執照!讀者諸君,難道你們不想看他們在 Wembley Stadium來個幾週的常駐演出嗎?Steven Adler的熱情邀約(你納悶為什 麼嗎?),Slash和Duff應該不會拒絕。Izzy可能也會來參一咖,所以就只差…… 呃,對,難捉摸先生他本人。所以,誰知道事情會怎樣呢? LED ZEPPELIN – Well they’ve done the occasional one-off show since John Bonham’s death in 1980. Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones were keen enough to rehearse with Jason Bonham. But Robert Plant appears to have no interest, which is why the other trio were contemplating using another singer. That fell apart, and right now there’s no chance of it coming back onto the agenda. 嗯哼,他們在John Bonham 1980年去世後是有做過一場團圓演出啦。Jimmy Page 和 John Paul Jones對團圓都很有熱情,和Jaso n Bonham一起排練準備復出。但 Robert Plant則顯然興趣缺缺,以至於前面提到的三人組一度考慮找其他主唱, 但最後不了了之。目前看來Zeppelin復出是遙遙無期。 DEEP PURPLE MK III – This has been talked about for so long it’s become almost boring. David Coverdale has said yes on numerous occasions – only to backtrack fast when he realised that a certain guitarist didn’t seem so keen. Glenn Hughes is even more enthusiastic than Cov. But would Ian Paice give up his current day job with the millionth Purple line-up. And could they call themselves Deep Purple anyway? Mind you, just calling it MK III is good enough. 大家對這件事已經談論太久,再談都有點無聊了zzzZZ。David Coverdale說過很多次 YES──但收回的也很快,因為某~個~吉他手顯然不是很感興趣。O胡!連 Glenn Hughes都顯得比Cov積極啊!再說Ian Paice會放棄他現在的工作回來加 入這個純度超低的Deep Purple陣容嗎?他們可以自稱Deep Purple嗎?提醒你, 他們光是能稱為MK III就很不錯了。 BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST – Time for John Lees and Woolly Wolstenholme to welcome back Les Holroyd. Come on, chaps, it’s a bit ludicrous for one of the most polite band around to be locked into this long-term falling out. Just daft. 該是John Lees和Woolly Wolstenholme展臂歡迎Les Holroyd回來了。麥鬧啊! 各位!身為一個最有禮貌的團(  ̄ 灬 ̄),因為像這樣長期失和而假死不動還蠻荒謬的, 很蠢耶。 MANOWAR – Real men don’t hold grudges. There is only one guitarist for the band: Ross The Ross. So, let’s see some true metal spirit on all sides. Death to false axemen. 真男人不記恨!Manowar的吉他手永遠只有一個:Ross The Boss。讓大家見識正 港ㄟ金屬精神吧!假吉他手去死洩洩^_<~* UFO – Any chance of one last hurrah with ‘Mad’ Mickey Schenker and Pete Way? Yeah, we know Schenker can be a tad hatstand (seriously, he can!) and Way likes a drink or 17 (hard to believe, but true). But a final tour with these two on board would be, erm, intriguing. Who’d punch who first? 你有趕上跟「肖仔」 Mickey Schenker和Pete Way一起歡呼的最後機會嗎?我們 知道Schenker有時很北七(我是說真的),Way則像個醉鬼或是白目中學生(很 難相信吼,但這是真的)。但這兩個人一起來場最後的巡迴,絕對會很……呃, 高潮迭起。誰會先動手打誰呢? WISHBONE ASH – Wouldn’t it be nice to see the Argus line-up back together in a happy frame of mind? But right now, Andy Powell and Martin Turner are at each other’s throats. One says something, the other automatically disagrees. Great. But we know it’s a thin line between love and hate, and if these two start to kiss (metaphorically, natch) and make up, then Ted Turner and Steve Upton will join in the fun. 在皆大歡喜的情況下看到《Argus》時期陣容復合,豈不是很棒的一件事嗎? 但現在Andy Powell和Martin Turner根本像互相掐著對方脖子,一個說了什麼 話,另外一個自動否決,好.棒.呀。但我們都知道愛恨只有一線之隔,假如他 們兩個哪天突然互相接吻(譬喻、譬喻啦),並且和好如初,Ted Turner和Steve Upton一定也很樂意來play one。 METALLICA – Now everything’s fine between ‘Tallica and Dave Mustaine, how about giving Kirk Hammett a temporary break, getting Mustaine in and doing a tour playing the set they used to do in the very early days. Getting back to the garage, as it were. 現在看來咩他利卡和Dave Mustaine之間已經合好了,何不讓Kirk Hammett休個無薪假, 找Mustaine跟樂團一起作個巡迴,表演他們當年創團之初的那些作品。重返車庫歲月, 就像從前那樣。 IRON MAIDEN – Every time the idea of a reunion with Paul Di’Anno is mentioned, bassist Steve Harris totally dismisses the idea. But Di’Anno is on the first two Maiden albums – and they helped define metal as we know it. Wouldn’t it be fun to see the band playing all of those songs again with the man who was at the microphone for them? Maybe at the Horse & Cart or some similar hostelry in East Lahndon. 每當有人提到鐵老木可以和Paul Di’Anno來個團~圓~,就會被貝斯手Steve Harris嚴厲駁斥。但Di’Anno是鐵老木頭兩張專輯的主唱──而這兩張專輯幫忙 定義出我們現金所知的Metal。讓當年在麥克風後唱這些歌的人,跟樂團再度一 起演出這些作品,不是很好玩嗎?也許可以在Horse & Cart或其他在East Lahndon的類似旅店表演。 MARINO THE BAND – Ah, wouldn’t it be delightful to see Lisa Dominique (pictured here) and her guitar playing bro Marino reunited? That’d bring back glorious memories of the 1980s for all (well, some) of us. 噢,能看到Lisa Dominique(請看圖:http://tinyurl.com/2bze38u)和她那位彈吉 他的兄弟Marino團圓復出不是很美妙嗎?這為我們所有人(好吧,部分啦)帶 回那段80年代的熱血回憶啊! OK, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Who would you like to see back together. Scribble your suggestions below. 這裡只是冰山一角啦~還想看到誰團圓,可以在原網頁留言表達一下喲! (高仕艷 譯) -- I had nothing but the embittered sun... 我一無所有,除卻那怨毒的太陽…… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/03 10:33, , 1F
Wishbone Ash讚啊
09/03 10:33, 1F

09/03 10:37, , 2F
09/03 10:37, 2F

09/03 10:41, , 3F
09/03 10:41, 3F

09/03 10:41, , 4F
09/03 10:41, 4F

09/03 10:42, , 5F
09/03 10:42, 5F

09/03 10:42, , 6F
Steven Adler當初就是吸毒吸到打鼓都有問題了,才被火的
09/03 10:42, 6F

09/03 10:43, , 7F
這幾天Steven Adler也向Matt道歉了
09/03 10:43, 7F

09/03 10:44, , 8F
然後Iron Maiden現在這樣已經無敵了
09/03 10:44, 8F

09/03 10:45, , 9F
09/03 10:45, 9F

09/03 10:47, , 10F
09/03 10:47, 10F

09/03 10:48, , 11F
Helloween與Michael Kiske QQ
09/03 10:48, 11F

09/03 10:49, , 12F
09/03 10:49, 12F

09/03 11:21, , 13F
09/03 11:21, 13F

09/03 11:24, , 14F
deep purple這次來台的陣容真的很棒!有聽過不會後悔啦
09/03 11:24, 14F

09/03 11:25, , 15F
09/03 11:25, 15F

09/03 11:26, , 16F
齊柏林已經不期待了啊 囧
09/03 11:26, 16F

09/03 11:58, , 17F
ManOwaR那一段的吉他手,應該是Ross the Boss
09/03 11:58, 17F

09/03 11:59, , 18F
09/03 11:59, 18F

09/03 12:00, , 19F
09/03 12:00, 19F
直接照co沒注意XDD 已訂正,感謝HuntersMoon大^^

09/03 12:11, , 20F
Mickey Schenker????? MICHAEL?????
09/03 12:11, 20F

09/03 12:26, , 21F
09/03 12:26, 21F

09/03 13:00, , 22F
09/03 13:00, 22F

09/03 13:01, , 23F
09/03 13:01, 23F

09/03 13:30, , 24F
09/03 13:30, 24F

09/03 13:30, , 25F
Skid Row+1
09/03 13:30, 25F

09/03 13:50, , 26F
林那史金納 雖然不可能
09/03 13:50, 26F

09/03 14:09, , 27F
09/03 14:09, 27F

09/03 15:28, , 28F
樓上中肯XDDD 不過就算復合Cliff也早就不知投胎到那去了
09/03 15:28, 28F

09/03 16:20, , 29F
09/03 16:20, 29F

09/03 16:47, , 30F
09/03 16:47, 30F

09/03 17:33, , 31F
09/03 17:33, 31F

09/03 18:08, , 32F
09/03 18:08, 32F

09/03 18:10, , 33F
09/03 18:10, 33F

09/03 18:17, , 34F
james喝哈喔 其實有些小朋友還蠻喜歡的XDDDD
09/03 18:17, 34F

09/03 18:24, , 35F
ride the lightning裡 i can feel the pain 耶耶耶
09/03 18:24, 35F

09/03 18:25, , 36F
以前超屌 現在聽他唱時在覺得"你在搞笑嗎"= =耶屁
09/03 18:25, 36F

09/03 18:33, , 37F
09/03 18:33, 37F

09/03 18:35, , 38F
只是Testament和Pantera 聽起來跟james比就比較有Fu XD
09/03 18:35, 38F

09/03 19:37, , 39F
09/03 19:37, 39F

09/03 19:38, , 40F
推Wishbone Ash(願景之灰?這是某DVD商的翻譯名…)
09/03 19:38, 40F

09/03 19:42, , 41F
日本的BOOWY跟VOW WOW多年後還是沒有複合跡象…哭哭
09/03 19:42, 41F

09/03 19:45, , 42F
09/03 19:45, 42F

09/03 20:39, , 43F
09/03 20:39, 43F

09/03 20:40, , 44F
angra算嗎? 第一代主唱算天才了 雖然Edu也不差啦
09/03 20:40, 44F

09/03 20:51, , 45F
09/03 20:51, 45F

09/03 20:56, , 46F
09/03 20:56, 46F

09/03 20:57, , 47F
本板#19R9Jm9o 複習一下~
09/03 20:57, 47F

09/03 21:50, , 48F
Nightwish... Q__________Q Tarja回來阿...
09/03 21:50, 48F

09/03 22:22, , 49F
09/03 22:22, 49F

09/03 22:32, , 50F
拜託黃金組合MarilynManson+John5+ Twiggy Ramirez...
09/03 22:32, 50F

09/03 22:33, , 51F
快點複合~~~~~~~~超期待 Marilyn Manson
09/03 22:33, 51F

09/03 22:57, , 52F
回應szuta: EUROPE! (誰敢這樣說就來幫我兒子換尿布!!!)
09/03 22:57, 52F

09/03 23:00, , 53F
09/03 23:00, 53F

09/03 23:01, , 54F
09/03 23:01, 54F

09/03 23:01, , 55F
09/03 23:01, 55F

09/03 23:02, , 56F
09/03 23:02, 56F

09/04 00:42, , 57F
我想要Epica Q口Q
09/04 00:42, 57F

09/04 01:07, , 58F
slayer現在是最強陣容! (無誤
09/04 01:07, 58F

09/04 02:20, , 59F
09/04 02:20, 59F

09/04 09:54, , 60F
09/04 09:54, 60F

09/04 12:32, , 61F
Wishbone Ash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
09/04 12:32, 61F

09/04 14:52, , 62F
09/04 14:52, 62F

09/05 04:51, , 63F
09/05 04:51, 63F

09/05 20:53, , 64F
09/05 20:53, 64F
※ 編輯: coolfly 來自: (09/09 21:45)

09/10 15:25, , 65F
DEATH..... PANTERA 兩個永遠不可能復活的團....
09/10 15:25, 65F

01/16 14:12, 5年前 , 66F
我也很喜歡manowa https://daxiv.com
01/16 14:12, 66F
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