Re: [紅襪] Sox Acquired Hanrahan & Brock Holt

看板RedSox作者 (沒真愛的人生是屁)時間11年前 (2012/12/27 15:03), 編輯推噓18(18013)
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※ 引述《tanaka0826 (田中鬪莉王)》之銘言: : → tanaka0826:最近這兩天沒空翻 有興趣可以看 12/27 04:05 既然田中版主沒空,那小弟來翻譯一下服務大家~ 第一次弄翻譯,未臻完善之處請大家見諒指教~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How the Red Sox view Joel Hanrahan and Brock Holt In Joel Hanrahan and Brock Holt, the Red Sox acquired a pitcher whom they consider an elite closer along with a middle infielder with a nice range of skills who serves as a solid complementary/depth option for the major league roster. 在交易來Joel Hanrahan和Brock Holt後,紅襪得到了心目中認為的頂尖終結者,以及一 個可增加輪值深度的中間方向內野手。 Hanrahan, 31, was an All-Star closer for the Pirates in the last two years, during which he recorded 76 saves (in 84 attempts, good for a 90.4 percent success rate) with a 2.24 ERA. During that time, opponents had just a .205 batting average against the right-hander, including a .187 mark in 2012. Hanrahan,31歲,過去兩年是海盜隊的明星終結者。他繳出了76次save (90.4%的救援成 功率)、2.24 ERA、對右打者的被打擊率.205的成績。2012年右打者對上他,打擊率更只 有.187。 While his walk rate spiked from 2.1 per nine innings in 2011 to 5.4 in 2012, the Sox — who scouted the right-hander heavily in September — did not see diminished stuff. His fastball remained a 96 mph offering, and his slider remained a wipeout pitch, capable of getting swings and misses in volume. Hanrahan did struggle with both command and results in the final month of the season, the Sox felt that hi struggles reflected the fact that he was pitching in uncompetitive situations, both because the Pirates had spiraled rapidly out of contention and because Hanrahan was pitching primarily in non-save situations, much as was the case when Jonathan Papelbon pitched in non-save situations. 雖然他的BB/9從2011年的2.1攀升為2012年的5.4,紅襪不認為他的stuff有所減損。他照 樣能投出96mph的快速球,滑球也能有效地使打者揮空。今年球季的最後一個月他的確是 投得挺掙扎,紅襪覺得這是因為他在沒有競爭力的情況下投球所造成的。一來是因為當時 海盜隊已退出季後賽的競逐行列,二來是他在無救援機會的情況下登板。Papelbon在無救 援機會的情況下登板時也有類似的狀況(投得掙扎)。 In a best-case scenario for the Sox, Hanrahan gives the team an elite closer who can help the team to create a deep bullpen, with Hanrahan the closer behind setup men Andrew Bailey, Junichi Tazawa and Koji Uehara (and, if he is not traded, Alfredo Aceves), along with left-handed options Andrew Miller, Franklin Morales and Craig Breslow, along with a wild card in Daniel Bard. 紅襪的如意算盤是 : 打造一個深不可測的牛棚~有Hanrahan這位頂級終結者,在他上場前 還有SU Andrew Bailey、田澤、上原、ACE(如果他還沒被交易掉的話)、Miller、Morales 、Breslow、以及Bard。 Note:牛棚看起來挺舒服的~不過wild card in Daniel Bard的意思是Bard會先排除在戰力 外的意思嗎? While the Sox had a relative wealth of talented arms last year, the absence and then struggles of Bailey and the inconsistency of Aceves resulted in a number of Sox losses in the late innings. The team was just 35 of 57 in save opportunities, a poor 61 percent conversion rate. 雖然紅襪上個球季不缺有天份的手臂,不過Bailey的因傷缺陣到傷癒復出後的掙扎,加上 ACE的不穩定表現,造成球隊有不少場次是因為後段局數崩盤而輸球。在57場有救援機會 的情況下,球隊只贏了35場,關門成功率是可憐的61%... While Hanrahan is eligible for free agency after 2013, if he performs at an elite level, the Sox would consider making him a one-year qualifying offer either to bring him back to Boston on a short-term deal or in order to secure a draft pick if he signed elsewhere. (However, the limited market this winter for free agent Rafael Soriano — caused in no small part by the fact that he would cost a signing team a draft pick — serves as a cautionary tale for the idea of draft pick compensation.) Hanrahan在2013球季結束後有資格成為FA。如果他的表現優異,球隊會考慮提出一年的 qualifying offer,一來是可以用短約簽下他,二來是如果他跟別隊簽約,球隊可以保住 選秀權。 (這部分小弟不是很懂,還請版友幫忙補充或更正~) Meanwhile, if the Sox struggle and are out of it at the trade deadline, the team anticipates that — so long as he is healthy and performing up to his abilities — he would have considerable trade value at the deadline. Alternately, Hanrahan would give the Sox greater flexibility to deal from a deep group of potential impact right-handers, either this offseason or during the year. 如果紅襪明年依舊打得掙扎,而且在交易大限前就已無力競爭季後賽的話,Hanrahan便具 有可觀的交易價值(前提是他健康而且表現又能符合期望)。 As for Holt, the Sox consider him a prospect, albeit a slightly older one at 24. He was selected by the Pirates as a senior out of Rice in the ninth round of the 2009 draft and has advanced steadily (despite a knee injury that cost him a considerable amount of 2010), reaching the big leagues at the end of 2012. 至於Holt,紅襪還是把他當新秀看。雖然他已經24了,有點老~XD。海盜2009年第九輪挑 上他,進小聯盟後也很穩定的晉升(除了2010年膝蓋受傷之外)。2012年底海盜將他拉上大 聯盟。 He’s a middle infielder who has played primarily shortstop in the minors but who is also capable of playing second. As a left-handed middle infielder, Holt fits a profile that can be hard to find (something reinforced by the $9.5 million deal for left-handed-hitter Stephen Drew), with some useful skills that profile to average or slightly above. 他在小聯盟主要是守SS,也能守2B。以一個中間方向內野手來說,他是個難得少見的左打 (看史蒂芬周的$9.5 million合約就知道左打的中間方向內野手是難能可貴的)。 In four minor league seasons, he’s hit .317/.381/.427/.808 with 11 homers and 49 steals. As those numbers would suggest, he has limited power and is more of a singles and doubles hitter who uses the whole field and can run well. He profiles as an above-average runner an good fielder who can also offer roster value as a defensive replacement and pinch-runner, while offering depth in case of injury at a number of positions. The Sox viewed him as someone who plays with terrific energy, a grinder who is all over the field. He also has three options remaining, making him a good roster depth option for multiple seasons. 在小聯盟的四個球季,Holt的成績是.317/.381/.427/.808,11發全壘打,49次盜壘。如 數據所顯示,他是個砲瓦有限,跑壘好,以一安和二安為主的打者。他的跑壘與防守讓他 可以做為防守替補球員與代跑,而且他還有3年的option,能提供球隊好幾個球季的輪值 深度。 In order to acquire the two players from the Pirates, the Sox gave up Mark Melancon, Stolmy Pimentel, Jerry Sands and Ivan DeJesus. Melancon, Pimentel and Sands all have interesting upside, and the Pirates could well benefit considerably from the deal. But while they were motivated to move one of their most expensive players (Hanrahan will likely earn in the vicinity of $7 million) to address other needs, the Sox were motivated to move players off the back end of their 40-man roster. The team was maxed out, with a need to create a roster spot for Stephen Drew and perhaps Mike Napoli (or, of his deal falls apart, another first baseman). 紅襪這邊則送出了Mark Melancon, Stolmy Pimentel, Jerry Sands和Ivan DeJesus。 Melancon, Pimentel和Sands都有interesting upside,海盜能從這筆交易中獲益不少。 (這段小弟也不是很懂,也還請版友幫忙補充或更正~) In this deal, the Sox took three players who wouldn’t necessarily have fit on the opening day roster (and Melancon, notably, doesn’t have any options left), in exchange for an All-Star who’s been one of the better performers at his highly specialized position. 紅襪挑了三尾不會在開季時站穩輪值的小魚以及用完option的Melancon,來交換明星級的 球員。 The Sox are well aware that Melancon — who was excellent in September — could excel and return to closer status in the NL Central, the division where he emerged as a standout reliever in 2011 with the Astros. Melancon有可能在國中再次擔任終結者。 There is also belief that Pimentel’s three-pitch arsenal — a mid-90s fastball, a changeup that can be a strong swing-and-miss offering in stretches and a slider that has shown potential — could allow him to emerge as a soilid big leaguer, whether out of the bullpen or in the back of the rotation — but he’s developed slower than expected in his two years on the 40-man roster, never pitching above Double-A, and alternating outstanding stretches with struggles at that level in 2012. He’ll use his final option in 2013, and with the Sox’ 40-man roster at capacity, Pimentel represented the type of player whom it made sense for the Sox to move. Pimentel有三種球種 : mid-90的快速球、容易讓打者揮空的變速球、以及具有淺力的滑 球。這讓他有機會從牛棚或後段輪值出發,出頭成為大聯盟的固定先發球員。可是他過去 兩年的發展比預期中的慢。他沒在2A以上出賽過,今年在2A也投得掙扎。而且明年就是他 最後一次的option,因此紅襪把他送走是挺合理的。 Sands is an intriguing player who showed big power in the minors, though with a high strikeout track record that created uncertainty about whether he could be more than a bench player offering depth at first and in the two outfield corners. He, too, was likely to open 2013 in the minors, as the acquisition of Jonny Gomes and presumed acquisition of Napoli rendered him redundant. If he can reach his considerable power potential, then the 25-year-old would represent a nice get for the Pirates, particularly given the dearth of power in the game right now. But, again, Sands is a more advanced but lower-ceiling player than other prospects in the Sox system such as Bryce Brentz. Sands在小聯盟展現了砲瓦,但他被三振也多。這讓他有可能只能當個板凳球員,提供一 壘和外野角落的板凳深度。明年他應該也是從小聯盟出發,但當球隊已經有了Gomes,而 且可能獲得Napoli的情況下,使得他變成多餘的。如果他能發揮出他潛在的砲瓦,那25歲 的他對海盜隊來說是個好貨,特別是能立即提供砲瓦來支援他們火力不足的打線。但在紅 襪系統中,他的天花板比其他新秀低,比方像是Bryce Brentz。 DeJesus was a spare part, a backup utility infielder whose primary position is second base – less valuable than the more defensively versatile Pedro Ciriaco and than Holt, who is a better runner and defender than De Jesus. He was designated for assignment, cleared waivers and outrighted to the minors in November. DeJesus是個守二壘為主的備用內野工具人,他的價值比不上犀利阿哥與Holt。 The Pirates did well to get a number of players who a) have plenty of control (Melancon won’t be eligible for free agency until after 2016, and Pimentel, Sands and De Jesus all have six full years of team control) and b) offer depth and potential at a number of positions for their big league club, while the Sox potentially come out well for having gotten trade value for an impact big leaguer at a time when they had to get rid of players on the 40-man roster. They got a pitcher in Hanrahan who now likely represents their bullpen anchor while doing little to impact their anticipated big league roster for 2013. 海盜隊從交易中得到一票可以掌控多年,而且能提供深度與潛力的球員。Melancon到2016 球季後才能取得FA資格,三尾小魚也可以讓球隊完全控制六年。紅襪隊則在幾乎不影響 2013球季輪值的情況下,得到了Hanrahan來作為牛棚的中流砥柱。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/27 15:07, , 1F
12/27 15:07, 1F

12/27 15:10, , 2F
12/27 15:10, 2F

12/27 16:03, , 3F
12/27 16:03, 3F

12/27 17:03, , 4F
原來Hanrahan 這麼威喔QAQ
12/27 17:03, 4F

12/27 17:45, , 5F
Hammer在2011減低滑球使用 結果是四壞球大幅降低和滾地球
12/27 17:45, 5F

12/27 17:45, , 6F
但我沒有找到他為什麼這麼作 那一年他的滑球還是很殺
12/27 17:45, 6F

12/27 17:46, , 7F
如果有印象 兩隊去年有次跨聯盟 Hammer也是狂丟直球
12/27 17:46, 7F

12/27 17:46, , 8F
12/27 17:46, 8F

12/27 17:47, , 9F
不過今年又開始丟滑球 保送就退化到兩年前的數據
12/27 17:47, 9F

12/27 18:07, , 10F
推 QO那一段是說今年的Soriano的例子
12/27 18:07, 10F

12/27 18:09, , 11F
12/27 18:09, 11F

12/27 18:09, , 12F
12/27 18:09, 12F

12/27 18:45, , 13F
記得很久之前說過計畫把A米轉先發 今年牛棚如果發揮的不
12/27 18:45, 13F

12/27 18:47, , 14F
錯 明年是否球團成讓他轉呢?
12/27 18:47, 14F

12/27 18:47, , 15F
更正 是明年跟後年..
12/27 18:47, 15F

12/27 19:44, , 16F
12/27 19:44, 16F

12/27 19:59, , 17F
海盜獲利點怎麼感到有點薄弱,我們還賺到了Brock Holt
12/27 19:59, 17F

12/27 21:08, , 18F
12/27 21:08, 18F

12/27 21:32, , 19F
我覺得還好 Melancon如果能恢復水準不會輸Hanrahan太多
12/27 21:32, 19F

12/27 21:33, , 20F
12/27 21:33, 20F

12/27 21:37, , 21F
我們這邊也丟了一個可能的砲Sands 雖然是在PCL打的
12/27 21:37, 21F

12/27 21:38, , 22F
12/27 21:38, 22F

12/27 21:38, , 23F
12/27 21:38, 23F

12/27 21:38, , 24F
12/27 21:38, 24F

12/27 21:40, , 25F
沒錯 他真的頗劇場 還是不要先放太多期待
12/27 21:40, 25F

12/27 21:49, , 26F
12/27 21:49, 26F

12/27 22:08, , 27F
12/27 22:08, 27F

12/27 22:09, , 28F
12/27 22:09, 28F

12/27 22:09, , 29F
12/27 22:09, 29F

12/27 22:44, , 30F
感謝翻譯~ ^^
12/27 22:44, 30F

12/27 22:48, , 31F
哈哈 二話不說直接炸掉
12/27 22:48, 31F
文章代碼(AID): #1Gs_AlyV (RedSox)
文章代碼(AID): #1Gs_AlyV (RedSox)