Re: [漁塭] Lin gives Sox a glimpse into their f …

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簡單翻譯一下~ By Sean McAdam FORT MYERS, Fla. -- The Red Sox spent the bulk of their offseason preaching the importance of run prevention and stockpiling free agents whom they believed could help improve the team's defense. 襪子在季後花了很大功夫蒐集能提升隊伍防守能力的球員。 They spent a combined million for three players -- Marco Scutaro, Mike Cameron and Adrian Beltre -- who could bolster the team's play in the field in the short term. 我們花了不少錢簽了Scutaro、Cameron和吹哥,他們能提供短期的幫助。 As for the long term, the Red Sox best investment may have been the 0,000 they handed to an 18-year-old outfielder halfway around the world three years ago. 但長期來說,我們最好的投資是3年前從半個地球外找來台灣的林哲瑄。 Taiwan native Che-Hsuan Lin likely won't play above Double A this year. But in, say, two years, the Sox may be choosing between Ryan Westmoreland and Lin as their center fielder of the future. 釣蝦今年的層級可能不會超過2A,但是未來兩年內,我們的中外野可能是西多土或釣蝦瑄 "He's extremely athletic," Red Sox director of player development Mike Hazen said of Lin. "He has power, is an elite defender, can run, and controls the strike zone. There's a lot to like." 球員發展部的主任說釣蝦是很棒的運動員,優秀的防守者,又能跑,也有很好的選球能力 The Sox have quietly assembled a bunch of terrific athletes who can play in the middle of the field -- shortstops Jose Iglesias, Derrik Gibson and Yamaico Navarro, along with Westmoreland and Lin in center. Among the outfielders at least, Hazen labels Lin as "the best defender in the group." 我們有很多很棒的中間防線球員,游擊防線有Iglesias、Gibson、Navarro,中外野則是 西多土和釣蝦瑄,在這些球員多,主任對釣蝦的防守能力評價最好。 When the Red Sox begin their spring schedule Wednesday afternoon with a game against Northeastern University, Lin will be in center field, giving the Sox an opportunity to get a better measure of the progress he's made. 我們的春訓從對東北大學的比賽展開,可以藉由這比賽來觀察釣蝦在中外野的表現。 "The instincts and the jumps in the outfield go beyond his raw speed," said Hazen. "I mean, he's off and running when that ball's hit. I think when you watch these games, he'll probably have a chance to make a coupe of circus-style catches and show you what we're talking about." 主任說:釣蝦的天份和彈跳能力比他的速度還棒,我的意思是你在春訓的比賽哩,可能 會看到一兩次釣蝦用像馬戲團的方式接球,然後你就會知道我們在說甚麼了。 While he's still in camp. Lin hopes to mostly watch and learn from established outfielders such as Cameron and J.D. Drew. 釣蝦在春訓可以向那些成熟的球員學習,像是Cameron或豬。 "Watching how those guys prepare to play is something he hasn't seen up-close," said Hazen. "That's probably the best experience he'll get out of camp -- watching those guys prepare, watching them without the ball, all the little things they do to get ready every day. With these younger players, there are no expectations [from the organization] from their first camp. Really, we just want him to absorb, rather than worry about what he can show us." 主任又表示:釣蝦從未這麼近的看過這些球員如何準備接球,而這可能是他在春訓最好的 經驗;觀察他們的準備動作、觀察他們手中沒球時的動作、所有為了準備好接球的小動作, 對這些第一次參加春訓的年輕球員,球團沒有設定硬性的目標,比起表現他們的球技,我 們更希望他們多吸收經驗。 For now, the emphasis is on Lin's smooth, gliding style in the outfield and the ease with which he tracks down balls. But that not to suggest Lin is a good-glove, no-hit prospect. Last season at Salem (High A) of the Carolina League, Lin hit .264 with 7 homers and 54 RBI in 131 games with a .355 on-base percentage to go with 26 stolen bases. 說了這麼多釣蝦的好,並不意味著他只擅守不擅打。 The year before, he was chosen to take part in the Futures Game -- a showcase of minor-leaguers held two days before the All-Star game - and was named MVP of the contest. That same year, he was named the organization's top defensive player and last year, was named to the Carolina League All-Star team. 前年,他被挑選去打未來之星比賽,得到了MVP,同一年,他也是得到農場最佳防守球員, 還入選卡羅來納聯盟的全明星隊。 Unlike many top-level prospects who confuse offensive success with over-aggressiveness at the plate, Lin already has shown discipline as a hitter. Last year at Salem, he walked (67 times) nearly as much as he struck out (75 times) -- a rare achievement for a 20-year old. The ability to control the strike zone is a strong foundation upon which to build; at the very least, Lin has not been making the pitchers' job any easier by swinging at bad pitches. 不像很多潛力新秀搞錯了成功攻擊並不是在打擊上過於主動出擊,釣蝦是一個很規矩的打 者,去年,他有將近1比1的三振保送比,這是一個20歲的球員是很難得的,好的選球能力 是最重要的基本,而釣蝦,至少他不會亂打壞球減輕對方投手的工作。 His power, while now slight, will improve, the Sox believe, as he strengthens and fills out his upper body. 他的砲瓦,雖然現在鳥鳥的,但是未來一定會更好。 Lin, speaking with the help of an interpreter, has tried not to put pressure on himself this spring. 釣蝦試著不要在春訓給自己太大壓力。 "It's time to get ready for the season and help the team," he said. "The atmosphere in the clubhouse has been great and I've learned a lot of little things from the players. I'm trying to watch and not think too much." 釣蝦說:現在該是為了球季和球隊而準備好,休息室的氣氛很棒,我也從隊友中學到很多 ,試著觀察而別想太多。 Lin is part of a group of elite outfield prospects competing for future playing time in the Boston outfield. Josh Reddick filled in when injuries struck over the second half of last season and Ryan Kalish seems positioned to do the same this year should the need arise. 林是競爭波士頓未來外野位置的頂尖外野新秀之一。其中 Josh Reddick 在去年紅襪 受到傷病問題困擾時填補了大聯盟外野位置的空缺,而今年若再出現同樣的問題, Ryan Kalish 也也將獲得同樣的機會。(感謝版友指正) Further down the chain, there's Lin and Westmoreland, the No. 1 Red Sox prospect according to Baseball America, and last year's top pick out of Puerto Rico, Reymond Fuentes. 另外就是釣蝦、美國棒球雜誌中評選襪子第一潛力新秀的西多土,還有去年從波多黎各選 來的Fuentes。 "It's not like the cupbard is bare," acknowledged Hazen, "where he's going to move as fast as he pushes. But there's not a major-league urgency for this year, I don't think." 主任說:並不是這樣就好了,釣蝦還要努力的進步,今年,他可能還沒有上大聯盟的機會 Part of Lin's progress must be measured off the field, where his grasp of English is slowly improving and his assimilation to life in America continues. 釣蝦在球場外則要注意他的英文能力和日常生活中的食物攝取等等。 "I love to learn," he said. 我喜歡學習~ Though his communication is hesitant, he's popular with his minor-league teammates. 雖然語言能力是個障礙,但他在小聯盟隊伍中很受歡迎。 As he has shown already at the plate, Lin is trying to be patient. But he dreams of the day when he can follow countryman like Chien-Ming Wang and Fu-Te Ni of the Detroit Tigers to the big leagues. 釣蝦希望能像同胞王建民和倪福德一樣上大聯盟。 "Those are my role models," he said."If I can get to the big leagues and help the team win, I could be a model for kids now in Taiwan playing in baseball. That would be my dream." 他說,如果我能上大聯盟並幫助球隊贏球,我就可以變成台灣小孩打棒球的模範,那是我 的夢想。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/03 12:37, , 1F
03/03 12:37, 1F

03/03 12:43, , 2F
釣蝦加油,很看好呢... 雖然Power還是鳥鳥的XD
03/03 12:43, 2F

03/03 12:45, , 3F
03/03 12:45, 3F

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03/03 15:01, 4F
※ 編輯: colakane 來自: (03/03 16:16)

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03/03 16:45, 5F

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10/24 20:19, 10F
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