Re: [討論] Q&A with the Globe's Tony Massarotti

看板RedSox作者 (秋風的信)時間15年前 (2008/12/08 02:27), 編輯推噓1(102)
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: 8. What is the biggest organizational need, from top to bottom? : A relatively young power hitter, which is why I think the Sox are prepared to : b reak the bank for Mark Teixeira. Do not underestimate the important of the : TANDEM of Ortiz and Ramirez in the middle of the lineup over the last six : years. Manny is now gone and Ortiz has two years left on his contract. : Hitters like that are hard to find. 8.目前襪子最需要的是什麼? 一個強而有力的年輕打者,這也是為什麼我一直認為襪子應該砸大錢去簽Teixeira的原 因。不要小看過去六年來Manny和Ortiz放在打線中央所造成的破壞力。Manny已經走了而 老爹剩下兩年,像他們這樣優秀的打擊者是很難找到的。 : 9. Do you think that the Rays will repeat their success and capture the AL : East in '09? They have a ton of talent, but to have such a dramatic reversal : in bullpen effectiveness from '07 to '08 is surprising. : I agree, but the Tampa system is deep. David Price will have a much bigger : role in 2009 and players like B.J. Upton only will continue to get better. : Will they win 97 games again? Hard to say as they had great health, : particularly on the pitching staff. As we know, it takes a lot to win, from : health to luck to talent. Typically, teams with smaller payrolls ebb and : flow. Wouldn't be surprised if the Rays won the division again. Wouldn't be : surprised if they won 85 games, either. 9.你認為光芒在明年會持續他們在今年的成功嗎? 他們那一大票有天賦而且今年也有優秀 實蹟的牛棚實在讓人印象深刻。 我同意你的說法,但他們很可能更強。像David Price和B.J. Upton這樣的球員只會變得 越來越好。他們會再贏下另一個97勝嗎? 這些小市場的隊伍常常起起落落,而且要贏這麼 多場球不只需要實力也需要運氣。但如果他們都能保持健康的話,我想你不必驚訝假如他 們再度贏得美東冠軍,及85場勝利。 : 10. Have you heard anything from the clubhouse or front office regarding Tim : Wakefield's health? There is a rumor that his shoulder has been bothering : him, and that he is seriously considering retirement. : Wakefield has had some shoulder issues over the last few years, but he's : already signed for 2009. He'll be back for another year at least. Clearly, : his age (and shoulder issues) have stripped him of some versatility, : preventing him from pitching between starts, on short rest, etc. But he's : still a terrific fourth or fifth starter. 10.你有聽說任何有關老蝴蝶健康問題的傳聞嗎? 有人說他的肩傷一直在困擾著他,而他也 認真的在考慮是否要退休。 Wakefield的確有些肩膀傷勢的疑慮,但是襪子也已經簽下他明年的合約了。(簽都簽了 阿哩系沒安怎?)他的年紀和肩膀的傷勢一向限制他在使用上的自由度,但是他仍然會是一 個很好的四號或五號先發。 : 11. What Web sites or blogs, if any, do you read that cover the Red Sox? : In all honesty, not many outside of the major local newspapers. My wife and I : have two small boys, so we're in the midst of years that require a commitment : to our children. When our kids are both in school, I'm sure I'll have time to : surf the web, etc. At the moment, I'm just not at the stage of life where I : can give up that time, which means I've had to sacrifice some knowledge, etc. 11.你都看哪些網站或blog去得知那些跟襪子有關的資訊? 主要都是一些當地的報紙。(後面有點答非所問?) : 12. And finally, what's been the hardest transition for you personally going : from the Herald to the Globe? : Honestly, I've been startled at how seamless it has been. The job is really : the same and I knew most of the writers/reporters anyway, so there really : hasn't been much of a change. Obviously, I'm developing relationships with : new bosses and editors, and those will take time. (There is no substitute for : that.) The Herald was great to me and I miss many of the people there on a : personal level, though I still keep in touch with some. The Globe obviously : is a bigger operation that allows all writers/reporters a great platform for : our work, which is nice. 12.屬於個人問題... -- 一切的一切 都是那麼的神奇... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/08 08:11, , 1F
12/08 08:11, 1F

12/08 08:12, , 2F
感到太驚訝 意思是說年輕有天份的球隊的不確定性
12/08 08:12, 2F

12/08 12:57, , 3F
原來如此 感謝
12/08 12:57, 3F
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