[討論] Theo可以跟WWE學的

看板RedSox作者 (Schadenfreude)時間17年前 (2007/09/18 15:43), 編輯推噓38(40221)
留言63則, 29人參與, 最新討論串1/1
警告: 有新哽, 老哽, 爛哽, 跟沒品哽, 不爽不要看. 不要看完叫大家尊重你. http://whiterthanrice.blogspot.com/2007/09/theo-epstein-needs-to-get-some-attitude.html Hey, I'd never ever want Vince McMahon running the Sox, because we'd end up with stupid plotlines like Larry Lucchino faking his own death by blowing up his limo, or allowing things like Jonathan Papelbon taking a dump in Hazel Mae's gym bag, but they call the WWE "Sports Entertainment" for a reason. Because it's damn entertaining. 我永遠不想看到Vince McMahon來經營紅襪對,因為最後一定會有一堆爛劇情像Larry Lucchino把自己的禮車炸掉, 或放縱球員到Jonathan Papelbon可以在Hazel Mae的包包 裡拉拋屎, 但是我們叫WWE "體育娛樂"有原因的, 因為娛樂性實在是太讚了. ideas/Changes: 1) Vince McMahon would never take this sub .400 SLG bullshit from JD Drew. Vince McMahon would walk down to the dressing room and inject JD himself. Vince McMahon絕對不會讓JD Drew有維持他的爛低於400長打率. Vince McMahon 會親自去休息室把JD Drew打藥 2) The whole NESN team fired and replaced with the WWE team. Lillian Garcia is about 20 times hotter than Tina Cervasio, so there's no reason that shouldn't happen. Orsillo is a rambling fool, and JR has a Texas Accent, so Jim Ross wins by default. Jerry the King Lawler I think molested a 15 year old once, so sorry, Remdawg is gone. NESN的轉播團隊可以走路了, WWE的轉播團隊取代他們. Lillian Garcia比Tina Cervacio 正差不多20倍,所以說這沒有理由不做. Don Orsillo是個愛歲歲念的白痴, JR有個 德州腔, 所以JR自動保送. Jerry "the King" Lawler好像有姓侵害過個15歲小朋友,所 以不好意思, Remdawg你可以找新工作了. Can you imagine the goodness: 來個範例: "BY GAWD!!! PEDROIA!!! PEDROIA!!! PEDROIA!!! HE JUST SINGLED THROUGH BRIMSTONE AND HELLFIRE TO GIVE THE RED SOX THE LEAD!!! I DON'T BELIEVE WHAT I JUST SAW!! HE DESTROYED THAT BALL UP THE MIDDLE AS IF GOD HIMSELF CAME DOWN AND SMITED THE TESTICLES OF LUCIFER HIMSELF!!!" 天啊!!! PEDROI!!! PEDROIA!!! PEDROIA!!! 他把球打穿越了地獄之火!!!紅襪領先了!! 我無法相信我眼前的事情!!! 他把球打的像上帝從天堂下來打惡魔的懶趴一樣!!! 3) Apparently tonight on Raw, Randy Orton fought JOHN CENA'S DAD (you're reading that correctly) with John Cena handcuffed to the ring. And Orton RKO'ed his dad. Maybe Theo can get a roid-raged Giambi to fight Mike Timlin in a cage.The age difference is probably similar and it would be awesome to watch. 今天晚上Randy Orton打了John Cena的老爸, John Cena被綁在場外. 然後John cena 的老爸被Orton RKO. 搞不好Theo可以把Giambi跟Mike Timlin放在個籠子裡. 結果 差不多吧 4) Francona would be fired. Francona會被火調 Gimmicks/Plotlines: 新賣點/劇情 1) Kevin Youkilis as the Kosher Killer. Gabe Kapler would be his sidekick friend. Kevin Youkilis是"猶太殺手", Gabe Kapler是他的小弟 2) Dustin Pedroia as the Godfather. He needs to come out to every AB with like 5 Hoes. All of them should be taller than he is, and the Fenway speakers should play 80's porno music. Dustin Pedroia是"神父". (駐: 在WWE裡"The Godfather"是個皮條客). 他每次出來 打擊都要帶5個妹出來,那5個妹都會比他高,而且Fenway的喇叭會放80年代的A片音樂 After the games, he'd visit the NESN news booth and slap Hazel Mae in the ass and ask her to perform sexual favours on air. She'd agree and enjoy it. I know I would. 比賽結束以後他會去NESN的錄影室, 拍Hazel Mae的屁股, 然後叫他在電視上讓他爽. 然後Hazel Mae會同意. 我知道我會. 3) Julio Lugo as the Mexican Dream. Of course, when the dream is shattered, he drinks a bottle of tequila and puts his wife through a table. Julio Lugo是"墨西哥的美夢". 當然,當美夢被打破以後,他會喝一瓶Tequila然後 把他老婆摔進一張桌子裡 4) Jacoby vs. Joba: Loser Goes Back to the Reservation Match. There's some tribal feud over sacred burial grounds, and Kyle Lohse is the special guest referee. But they end up finding out Kyle Lohse was the guy who betrayed their tribes to the White Man by polluting their ancestral lands for a 30 mil 4 yer a contract with the Atlanta Braves, so they tag-team together and beat up Kyle Lohse with whiskey bottles and smallpox syringes. Jacoby vs. Joba: 輸的人回印地安人保留區. 兩個族群因為神聖的葬地鬧起來, 然後Kyle Lohse是特別裁判. 但是後來發現Kyle Lohse背叛了兩個族群, 用了一個4年 30m的代價出賣了兩個族群,讓白人污染印地安人的地. 被抓包以後,兩個人把Kyle Lohse用威師機瓶子跟天花病毒打爛他. Seriously, the top 3 causes of the Native American Man's Fall: 1) Whiskey 2) Smallpox 3) Kyle Lohse. That man alone basically set his entire people back 10 years. 說真的, 歷使北美印地安人三個最大問題: 1) 酗酒 2) 天花 3) Kyle Lohse 5) Jonathan Papelbon as Kane. He should burn off his eyebrows, and instead of entering to "Wild Thing", he should enter to the Kane theme song, Fenway should go dark, and there should be fire everywhere. Jonathan Papelbon是Kane. 他應該把他的眉毛燒掉, 然後他的音樂變成Kane的主題曲. Fenway的燈會官掉, 然後球場要裝噴火器 6) Giambi and Sheffield while on roid rage with Hideki Matsui's help kidnap Okajima and Matsuzaka's wives, threaten to turn them into Japanese Porn Stars and put them through tables. But they tag team with Mike Lowell to rescue them. Giambi跟Sheffield吃藥完抓狂, 然後他們用了松井秀洗的幫忙綁架了松版跟天天岡的 老婆. 然後威脅把他們摔進桌子裡跟把他們抓去演A片. 但是松版跟天天岡找Mike Lowell 的幫忙就回他們 7) Manny and Tavarez as a pirate tag-team. Manny跟大寶是個海盜的tag-team 8) Ortiz should drive a limo and run over Clemens and say he "did it for Manny". I don't really care what he did it for, somebody should be running over Clemens anyway. Ortiz開台禮車然後撞Roger Clemens, 然後說他"為了Manny而做的". 我懶個管他幹嘛做 這件事,Clemens本來就應該被車撞. 9) Eric Gagne turns heel, chairshots Papelbon, rips off his Red Sox jersey, reveals a Baltimore Orioles jersey, and joins Eric Bedard and Justin Morneau as the Canadian Legion of Doom. Eric Gagne變成壞人, 拿椅子打Papelbon, 把紅襪球衣拖吊,底下穿著金鳥的球衣, 然後 跟Bedard跟Morneau組成加拿大的恐怖部隊 10) The 0-VORP Squad: Dougie, Hinske, Cora, and Snyder. Singles are for pussies. 這不用翻了吧 11) There Should be a Rival Faction called the "Radical Leftists" consisting of Johan Santana, Scott Kazmir, CC Sabathia, Mark Buerhle, Andy Pettite, Eric Bedard, Chad Gaudin, and Ted Lilly. They dominate the Sox all the time, but then Mike Myers would turn face and come to the Red Sox rescue. 紅襪隊有個天敵, 他們叫做"積進左派". 他們的成員有Santana, Kazmir, Sabathia, Buehrle, Pettite, Bedard, Gaduin, 跟 Lilly. 他們每次都把紅襪打爛,但是偶爾 Mike Myers會禿然出來捅他們一刀幫紅襪贏球. There should also be a sideplot with Javier Lopez wanting to join the leftists and getting rejected because he stinks. The Leftists also try to recruit Okajima, but he turns them down because he cannot betray his reverse platoon splits. 還會有一段插曲, Javier Lopez講加入這團,但是因為他太鳥了,他被拒絕. 12) The Main Event Venue: Evolution with Curt Schilling, Josh Beckett, and Clay Buccholz. 最大排的event: Evolution, Curt Schilling是老大, Josh Beckett是中生代, 然後 新人是Clay Buccholz Clay's finishing move would be smashing a laptop over somebody's head and his catchphrase would be "I STOLE IT FROM POSADA'S SON!!!!" Clay的大絕招是把筆電砸在人家的頭上. 然後他會大喊 "筆電是我是偷Posada兒子偷來的!!!!" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: IronChef 來自: (09/18 15:45)

09/18 16:07, , 1F
09/18 16:07, 1F

09/18 16:32, , 2F
Lillian Garcia太老了 失敗
09/18 16:32, 2F

09/18 16:38, , 3F
不過球場的燈關掉然後噴火這個好像不錯耶 XD
09/18 16:38, 3F

09/18 16:42, , 4F
09/18 16:42, 4F

09/18 16:55, , 5F
09/18 16:55, 5F

09/18 16:56, , 6F
09/18 16:56, 6F

09/18 16:58, , 7F
09/18 16:58, 7F

09/18 16:59, , 8F
09/18 16:59, 8F

09/18 17:01, , 9F
腦O沒藥醫 不用吃藥
09/18 17:01, 9F

09/18 17:01, , 10F
09/18 17:01, 10F

09/18 17:04, , 11F
五樓本日最中肯 的確該給五樓吃藥
09/18 17:04, 11F

09/18 17:05, , 12F
09/18 17:05, 12F

09/18 17:05, , 13F
09/18 17:05, 13F

09/18 17:12, , 14F
09/18 17:12, 14F

09/18 17:13, , 15F
POSADA兒子是罕見病患 這.....
09/18 17:13, 15F

09/18 17:17, , 16F
09/18 17:17, 16F

09/18 17:19, , 17F
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09/18 17:22, , 18F
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09/18 17:46, , 19F
09/18 17:46, 19F

09/18 17:47, , 20F
鐵廚大 這次爆點很大喔XD
09/18 17:47, 20F

09/18 18:29, , 21F
Turn Matsu and Okajina's wife into
09/18 18:29, 21F

09/18 18:30, , 22F
pornstar, I like that though XDD
09/18 18:30, 22F

09/18 19:23, , 23F
09/18 19:23, 23F

09/18 19:27, , 24F
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09/18 19:28, , 25F
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09/18 19:28, , 27F
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09/18 19:28, , 28F
09/18 19:28, 28F

09/18 19:30, , 29F
???我沒提George Clooney
09/18 19:30, 29F

09/18 19:31, , 30F
可是Mike Lowell那個不是這意思喔?@@"
09/18 19:31, 30F

09/18 19:32, , 31F
09/18 19:32, 31F

09/18 19:32, , 32F
09/18 19:32, 32F

09/18 19:33, , 33F
09/18 19:33, 33F

09/18 19:34, , 34F
那個耿已經被我用爛了, 換個新的
09/18 19:34, 34F

09/18 19:34, , 35F
09/18 19:34, 35F

09/18 19:34, , 36F
什麼Millar, 偉大大韓民族救援投手,
09/18 19:34, 36F

09/18 19:34, , 37F
Hillenbrand, 開飛機撞大樓...換點新的
09/18 19:34, 37F

09/18 19:35, , 38F
09/18 19:35, 38F

09/18 19:35, , 39F
09/18 19:35, 39F

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09/18 19:53, , 42F
09/18 19:53, 42F

09/18 19:53, , 43F
09/18 19:53, 43F

09/18 19:56, , 44F
今天晚上超讚的, 姜吸納老爹都出來了
09/18 19:56, 44F

09/18 19:56, , 45F
haha 好久沒看WWE了
09/18 19:56, 45F

09/18 20:04, , 46F
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09/18 20:04, , 47F
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09/18 20:06, , 48F
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09/18 20:10, , 49F
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09/18 20:35, , 50F
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09/18 20:35, , 51F
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09/18 20:47, , 52F
09/18 20:47, 52F

09/18 20:47, , 53F
09/18 20:47, 53F

09/18 21:00, , 54F
GODFATHER帶的妹 羅賓都會講的很爽
09/18 21:00, 54F

09/18 21:13, , 55F
09/18 21:13, 55F

09/18 21:14, , 56F
09/18 21:14, 56F

09/18 22:03, , 57F
09/18 22:03, 57F

09/19 01:09, , 58F
Papelbon跟Kane好像 哈
09/19 01:09, 58F

09/19 03:55, , 59F
還沒人來需? 我的功力減退了,唉
09/19 03:55, 59F

09/19 04:49, , 60F
09/19 04:49, 60F

09/19 10:06, , 61F
09/19 10:06, 61F

09/19 21:28, , 62F
噗噗,原來有人覺得是翻譯 XD
09/19 21:28, 62F

09/19 23:10, , 63F
09/19 23:10, 63F
文章代碼(AID): #16xu6Ewl (RedSox)