[官網] Around the Horn: Rotation

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原文網址:http://0rz.tw/392nE Around the Horn: Rotation 01/31/2007 10:00 AM ET By Ian Browne / MLB.com The following is the fifth in a series of weekly stories on MLB.com examining each Major League club, position by position. Each Wednesday until Spring Training camps open, we'll preview a different position. Today: Rotation. 在春訓展開前的一系列依球場上各位置介紹的季前報導,今天我們要來討論的主題是先發 輪值圈。 BOSTON -- If the Red Sox are to get back to the pinnacle of the baseball world and win their second World Series championship in four years, the catalyst figures to be a loaded starting rotation that, at least on paper, looks to be one of the best in the game. 如果紅襪打算重返榮耀,贏得四年內的二度世界大賽的話,人才擠擠的先發投手群目前 看來是球賽中最棒的組合。 Few teams can offer the type of dynamic and deep rotation the Red Sox look to have in store for 2007. 以今年球季而言,非常少球隊能提供像紅襪一樣兼具活力與深度的先發輪值。 The addition of Japanese star Daisuke Matsuzaka creates a storyline that everyone will be watching. With an arsenal of five to six pitches and a fastball that sits in the mid 90s, it would seem that Matsuzaka's stuff will translate just fine from one baseball nation to another. 日籍巨星松坂大輔的加盟是眾人關切的焦點。擁有五到六種的變化球武器以及維持mid-90 英哩的速球,松坂的素質看來對大聯盟的適應不成問題。 Matsuzaka is just one of three 26-year-old hard-throwers in manager Terry Francona's rotation. Josh Beckett, who showed flashes of brilliance but was inconsistent in 2006, looks to show that his adjustment to the American League is complete. And Jonathan Papelbon, an All-Star closer last season, thirsts to produce similar results in the rotation. 然而松坂不過是Francona先發輪值名單中三個二十六歲的火球投手之一。 才華洋溢(糗爺上身?)的Beckett去年表現的並不穩定,今年他要證明自己已經完全適應 美聯的投球環境。Papelbon去年則展現了全明星等級的守護神身手,也渴望在先發輪值中 繳出相同水準的成績。 The three young guns will be complemented by the two battle-tested veterans. Curt Schilling, coming off a 15-win season, doesn't expect anytf himself despite the fact he is now 40. He's still the ace and is all but certain to take the ball on Opening Day in Kansas City. And veteran knuckleballer Tim Wakefield, coming off a rare injury-plagued season, wants to again become the durable innings-eater he's been for so many years. 與少年三槍客搭配的則是兩名即將踏入生涯末期的沙場老將。剛結束一個十五勝球季的 Schilling並不因為邁入四十不惑而降低對自我的要求。他仍然是隊中的王牌,並且幾乎 確定在堪薩斯的開幕戰領銜主投。老蝴蝶Wakefield擺脫怪傷困擾的去年,希望再度成為 過去他表現稱職的工作馬角色。 All in all, there isn't much letup in Boston's rotation. 總而言之,在波士頓的輪值圈中幾乎看不到弱點。 "We certainly hope it's one of the best in the league," said Red Sox general manager Theo Epstein. "We try to stay away from making too many predictions or putting too much stock in how things look on paper, because baseball can humble you quickly when you do that. So we'll just say that we're excited about our rotation for this year and our future with so many good young pitchers in our organization, and certainly hope for the best." Epstein表示:「我們希望這樣的陣容是聯盟中最棒的組合之一。」「我們不去作過多的 預測,以及紙上談兵之事,因為棒球的事實在沒個準的。所以我們只想說,我們對今年 的先發投手陣容相當期待,而且我們的未來因為組織內眾多的優秀年輕投手值得我們報 最好的期待。」 Last year at this time, there was an obsession about how the Red Sox seemed to have too many starters. With Schilling, Beckett, Wakefield, Bronson Arroyo, David Wells, Papelbon and Matt Clement, Francona had some tough decisions to make. 去年此時,紅襪正為擁擠的先發輪值感到困擾,其中包括Schilling、Beckett、Wakefield 、Bronson Arroyo、David Wells、Papelbon以及Matt Clement,Francona必須做出困難的 抉擇。 (待續) -- 急著出門先翻到這也歡迎紅襪板友補完 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/01 17:11, , 1F
Go! Red Sox Go~~~~
02/01 17:11, 1F

02/01 17:31, , 2F
關於老蝴蝶那邊有點怪怪的 工作馬腳色?
02/01 17:31, 2F

02/01 18:00, , 3F
Workhorse翻成工作馬還挺傳神的XD 應該是指苦力工作的意思
02/01 18:00, 3F

02/01 18:02, , 4F
02/01 18:02, 4F

02/01 18:56, , 5F
If Papelbon produces the same quality of innings
02/01 18:56, 5F

02/01 18:56, , 6F
He'll get his CY
02/01 18:56, 6F

02/01 21:48, , 7F
02/01 21:48, 7F

02/01 21:49, , 8F
那我想Cy Young會親自變成天使現身頒獎給他 XDD
02/01 21:49, 8F

02/02 00:37, , 9F
02/02 00:37, 9F

02/02 01:01, , 10F
02/02 01:01, 10F
※ 編輯: edison321 來自: (02/02 02:59)
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