Re: [新聞] 穆裡尼奧終贏權利鬥爭 皇馬解雇巴爾達諾

看板RealMadrid作者 (板友人真好)時間13年前 (2011/05/27 17:30), 編輯推噓15(15024)
留言39則, 11人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多)
有關Valdano的離開,從推文看應該有板友已經看到這篇文章, 所以粗略翻譯分享一下,沒翻好的地方還煩請指教~ 原文來自RM football blog,連結如下 -------------------------- Sense and Sentimentality When Florentino Perez became the President of Real Madrid for a second time, many probably felt that here we were again, right back on the pattern of hiring and firing at least one coach per season till the silverware came along. Our suspicions were validated when Manuel Pellegrini, was only given a 2 year contract. And those suspicions came true when he lost his job at the end of the season. Once again, Madridisimo were left to lament the lack of continuity and strategic thinking within the club. 當Florentino Perez又一次當選主席時,不少人可能開始擔心, 我們又要開始面對年年換教練的窘境, 結果Pellegrini的短短兩年合約以及球季結束後的下課,都證實了大家一開始的擔憂。 對於俱樂部缺乏長遠的策略考量,Madridista們又一次感到無奈。 We’ve now moved into the world of the corporatized football club where varying business models are employed. And in this day in age, it is interesting to see how English Clubs, are starting to take on the continental organizational model in their structuring. The days where an all-encompassing manager ala Alex Ferguson or Arsene Wenger who essentially run the club himself and is answerable only to the club Chairman and Board of Directors – seems to be fading away. Enter the organizational model that seems to be more prevalent in Europe where a Sporting Director makes decisions like transfer and youth team policy while the coach is merely there to ‘coach’ literally in Spanish: Entrenador – a ‘trainer’. 現代足球俱樂部的經營就像企業一樣,不會只採取單一的模式。 例如傳統上英格蘭以單一經理人掌控一切, 像我們現在看到的典型就是曼聯老佛爺以及槍手溫格,直接對主席負責。 但現在也有英超球會也開始採用歐陸的決策結構, 由所謂「體育總監」負責轉會與青訓的運作,而教練就僅僅是教練, 西班牙文的「教練」從字面上看就只是「訓練」而已。 Florentino’s Real Madrid v1.0 was a mangled version of this latter model. As we all know, transfer policy wasn’t decided on the basis of filling in the key positional needs of the team on the pitch, but was instead decided by France Football’s Balon D’ Or selection committee. It was also said that he tried to be the coach too: strongly influencing coaching decisions that included the distribution of playing time among players. This was why Florentino v1.0 model failed: because while Calderon was a crook, Perez was a megalomaniac. 「Florentino 1.0版」的皇馬採取的是一種不完全的歐陸模式, 然而實際上,我想大家對前幾年的印象都很深刻, 簽哪個球員過來並不是因為我們的哪個位置有需要,而是由金球獎決定。 這時候的Florentino強力介入了本來專屬於教練的權責,甚至是球員的上場時間。 (原文Calderon那邊我不太懂) Florentino’s Real Madrid v2.0 sought to correct these ‘errors’ – by choosing to APPEAR to take a more hands-off role and more of just a figurehead presence. To APPEAR to run the club on a day-to-day basis, he then decided to employ the silver-tongued Jorge Valdano as a ‘CEO’ as the Director General (fancy-sounding title) to APPEAR as the man to run the day-to-day affairs of the club. He also employed Miguel Pardeza to the role of Sporting Director, while the coach continued to be ‘merely a coach’. Under normal circumstances, having a Chairman-CEO-Sporting Director-Coach system actually isn’t fundamentally wrong: but if the first 3 men in this chain were all pretending to be football managers (where in fact it’s the job only of the Sporting Director and Coach), then we’re in for quite a messy sporting direction – even when you have a gentlemanly coach like Manuel Pellegrini who will not remonstrate when not heard. Substitute Jose Mourinho, having been given the role of a Ferguson-esque Manager in the Premier League to play the role of this ‘meek coach’ and expected to be dictated upon by this ‘Director General’ and ‘Sporting Director’ – then you’re surely be in for an explosion. And that’s what happened. 再一次掌權的Florentino則稍作了一些修正,表面上不介入經營, 並任命Valdano及Pardeza分別為CEO與體育總監,教練依然只是教練。 一般來說這種方式並不會有太大的問題,然而當主席、CEO、 和體育總監三個人都認為自己是足球經理時(事實上這應該只是體總和教練的職責), 就會有多頭馬車的問題。 然而這次Mourinho的到來,被充分授與相當於前面提到英超老佛爺的權力, 而既有體制卻仍有CEO和體育總監站在上頭,自然而然會有人必須要讓步, 也就是我們這幾天看到的消息... Sid Lowe in one of his appearances in the Guardian’s podcast has assessed the situation perfectly: “Real Madrid have made a faustian pact with Jose Mourinho” he once said. Valdano was merely the lamb we sacrificed on his altar. 英國衛報專欄作家Sid Lowe對此的描述是: 皇馬與Mourinho簽了惡魔的契約,而Valdano則是祭壇上的羔羊。 (我不太喜歡這麼黑暗的比喻啦) The fact that it is Valdano who is the lamb that is being sacrificed is the reason why large parts of Madridisimo lament, or perhaps are even indignant over what has happened. Valdano by all accounts, was a gentleman of the game: eloquent, well-mannered and possessing of the values of Real Madrid which he has absorbed in his years as a player coach, and an officer of the club in various front office functions. This is why it hurts – because it was Valdano … and not because Real Madrid had undergone a re-structuring. If it was Pedja Mijatovic, no one would care – many in fact, would have celebrated. So while we are all free to understandably be sad at what has happened, let us acknowledge that it is out of sentimentality that we feel this way. But let us not let sentimentality cloud how we perceive the situation. Valdano的離開確實讓許多Madridista傷心,甚至憤怒,這我們都能理解, 畢竟Valdano在皇馬的這段日子不管擔任什麼角色, 他的表現與處事方式都展現了皇馬的價值,就和他早年所經歷到的一樣。 "This is why it hurts – because it was Valdano… and not because Real Madrid had undergone a re-structuring" 你看要是Mija離開誰會care… 我們都有理由感到不捨,然而這是蛻變必經的歷程。 It is true that Real Madrid have made a faustian pact with Jose Mourinho. It is also true that the only reason why Perez has decided to abandon the organizational system that we’ve employed for so long (the Chairman-CEO-Sporting Director-Coach system) in favor of the British-style Manager system is Jose Mourinho. Accepting this organizational change however could only mean redundancies in the roles of Valdano and Pardeza: it effectively reduces them to mere window dressing functions: roles they too know is beneath them. There are only a few men on earth who have a fully developed set of skill capable of such an enormous task and Mourinho is one of them. His accomplishments in Porto, Chelsea and Inter are proof. And though we are not yet able to include Real Madrid in his honor roll of accomplishments, there are plenty of signs from this past season that give merit to the argument in his favor. 的確皇馬與Mourinho的簽約造成了決策模式結構性的轉變, 也使得Valdano與Pardeza的角色變得多餘。 然而在波圖切爾西國米的成功佐證下, Mourinho就是那少數幾位有能力擔起這份重任的其中一人! 雖然目前執教皇馬的成績也許還稱不上「成就」, 但從這個賽季的種種表現看來,已經足具說服力了。 With Mourinho as the Manager-God on top of the heap, answerable only to Perez, Jose Angel Sanchez and the board of directors, this may actually be the opportunity for the club to make the necessary sweeping structural changes across all areas of the club to re-work its playing philosophy and identity for the longer term: something that has become impossible in our years of hire-and-fire-till-we-win policy towards coaches. So at the end of the day, I invite all Real Madrid fans not to see this as being about the sacking of Valdano, but more about the decision to make a structural change in the organizational setup of the club. 這次Mourinho直接對董事會負責, 也許正給了皇家馬德里俱樂部為了長遠發展所需,在各個層面重新打造的機會, 我們可以做到過去幾年因為教練頻繁更替而做不到的事。 因此原文作者在這邊呼籲所有的球迷們,雖然Valdano的離職帶來了不捨, 但大家更應重視這次俱樂部為進行結構性改革所做出的決定。 Mourinho has signed a 4 year contract. Perez is up for re-election at the end of next season. There is reason to believe that Florentino will win a second term and Mourinho can finish his contract or, perhaps even extend his stay at Real Madrid… and we will all see for ourselves if this decision to shift to a British Manager system works out for Madrid. Morinho簽的是4年約,而明年底則是下次的主席改選, 我們可以合理預期Perez的連任,以及鳥叔會待滿四年,甚至是更長… 我們也終會看到,究竟英格蘭風格的管理模式適不適用於馬德里。 I can only imagine that for Florentino, it does make a lot of sense… -He’s tried to be ‘the manager himself’ and failed -He’s tried to let a group of men be the manager and failed. -Now he’s about to try if a single man can do it. Let’s all hope not just for his sake, but for ours and Real Madrid’s sake too… that this single man is truly a Special One. 對Florentino來說,在經歷過前兩次的失敗之後,嘗試一種新的模式是很合理的事, 這對他自己好,希望也對皇馬是好的,希望Mourinho就是那個對的人 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/27 17:40, , 1F
這篇想的太美了 要是下個賽季一無所獲 Perez的連任就會很艱
05/27 17:40, 1F

05/27 17:41, , 2F
難 Mou自然也逃不了責任 不是下課就是權力被削減
05/27 17:41, 2F

05/27 17:43, , 3F
主席已經是孤注一擲 把全部籌碼放到Mou上 不成功便成仁.....
05/27 17:43, 3F

05/27 17:55, , 4F
05/27 17:55, 4F

05/27 17:56, , 5F
05/27 17:56, 5F

05/27 18:01, , 6F
我覺得給鳥叔這麼大的權利 無法成功應該也沒有其他人能做更好
05/27 18:01, 6F

05/27 19:37, , 7F
05/27 19:37, 7F

05/27 19:59, , 8F
05/27 19:59, 8F

05/27 20:00, , 9F
05/27 20:00, 9F

05/27 20:01, , 10F
05/27 20:01, 10F

05/27 20:01, , 11F
05/27 20:01, 11F

05/27 20:02, , 12F
05/27 20:02, 12F

05/27 20:56, , 13F
沒辦法 畢竟這幾年隔壁實在太強大 perez也只能賭了
05/27 20:56, 13F

05/27 20:57, , 14F
今年如果不是把mou請了過來 我想今年的成績應該....
05/27 20:57, 14F

05/27 21:32, , 15F
同意樓上 今年至少搶下一個國王盃XD
05/27 21:32, 15F

05/27 21:40, , 16F
比起獎盃 我想我們更需要的是穩定 但矛盾的是 對新來的
05/27 21:40, 16F

05/27 21:40, , 17F
教練 沒有獎盃來證明自己的能力 反而都無法留任QQ
05/27 21:40, 17F

05/27 21:44, , 18F
不過 今年總算有了個好的開始 無論是比賽的內容或戰績
05/27 21:44, 18F

05/27 21:45, , 19F
我想 都是令人對未來球隊的狀況充滿期待
05/27 21:45, 19F

05/27 21:47, , 20F
穩定要看哪種穩定阿 連四年穩定在聯賽第二有人會滿意嗎?
05/27 21:47, 20F

05/27 21:53, , 21F
05/27 21:53, 21F

05/27 22:37, , 22F
05/27 22:37, 22F

05/27 22:58, , 23F
明年要是沒成績 Perez連任還是不會艱難 反正推給Mou
05/27 22:58, 23F

05/27 22:58, , 24F
一切好解決 Perez在生財這方面還是相當有道
05/27 22:58, 24F

05/27 22:58, , 25F
過去戰績不好最大的主因 就是因為球隊一直處於動盪狀態
05/27 22:58, 25F

05/27 23:00, , 26F
每年球員要適應新的打法 新的球員 新的教練 而教練常常
05/27 23:00, 26F

05/27 23:01, , 27F
是想要的不給 不想要的拼命塞 這是過去的狀況
05/27 23:01, 27F

05/27 23:04, , 28F
所以我指的穩定 是管理層和教練和球隊組成上 會比一時的
05/27 23:04, 28F

05/27 23:05, , 29F
的成績更好 畢竟當這些都穩固後 成績自然也會出來 畢竟
05/27 23:05, 29F

05/27 23:06, , 30F
05/27 23:06, 30F

05/27 23:27, , 31F
推給Mou是不能卸責的 Mou是他找來的 還給了史上最高薪水以及
05/27 23:27, 31F

05/27 23:27, , 32F
05/27 23:27, 32F

05/27 23:29, , 33F
另外說到生財 上次Perez下台的前一年皇馬還是很能賺錢
05/27 23:29, 33F

05/27 23:30, , 34F
也還是年度總收入最高的球會 但是Perez還是下台了
05/27 23:30, 34F

05/27 23:36, , 35F
05/27 23:36, 35F

05/27 23:37, , 36F
05/27 23:37, 36F

05/27 23:38, , 37F
05/27 23:38, 37F

05/27 23:39, , 38F
05/27 23:39, 38F

05/27 23:44, , 39F
05/27 23:44, 39F
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