[外電] 乳摸: 紅鳥有意願將Colby Rasmus交易至 …

看板Rays作者 (胖胖)時間13年前 (2011/07/13 05:47), 編輯推噓11(11012)
留言23則, 9人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
Rumor: Cardinals Interested In Trading Colby Rasmus To Rays From MLBTradeRumors: The Cardinals "might reconsider [their] stance" on trading center fielder Colby Rasmus, reports Joe Strauss of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. He adds that GM John Mozeliak "would have to acquire a significant return for Rasmus but may be willing to plumb long-standing interest from the pitching-rich Tampa Bay Rays." 紅雀GM John Mozeliak 有意將陣中CF Colby Rasmus 交易出去,但對方必須要付出極大 代價,也許是農場擁有豐富投手資源的光芒(John Mozeliak 對其投手相當有興趣)。 Call me crazy, but I don't see the match. Rasmus is a great player, but he's essentially a slightly cheaper version of B.J. Upton. He hits for a low average (around .250), walks a bunch (11% of the time), and hits for a moderate amount of power (23 homeruns last year; .170 ISO this season). His defence gets mixed reviews from the defensive stats -- though the popular consensus is that he's a decent defender -- but he's a sure bet to post a 3.0 WAR season each year. Sound similar? So why would the Rays trade a starting pitcher to acquire a duplicate of a player they already own? 1. Rasmus 是位很棒的球員,但本質上其為 B.J. Upton 的略為廉價版而已。 2. 生涯成績目前為止:BA .250左右、被BB數佔其生涯打席的11%、擁有不錯的Power (去年擊出23轟;本季純長打率為.170) 3. 綜合各家守備數據普遍顯示出其防守相當不錯,但他(不知道指紅雀GM或乳摸文章作者) 確定 Rasmus 每年都能繳出 WAR 3.0 的成績嗎? 2和3顯示出 Rasmus 和 Upton 本質相當類似,原作者提出一個疑問:既然如此光芒為何 要用先發投手去換陣中擁有同性質的球員呢? PS:以下為 Upton 和 Rasmus 生涯數據 B.J. Upton (7 season) http://tinyurl.com/6h5h6e8 PA AB HR SB CS BB SO BA OBP SLG OPS OPS+ WAR 3142 2744 82 186 58 353 777 .258 .343 .415 .758 104 15.6 WAR最高為07年4.7 OPS+最高為07年136 Colby Rasmus (3 season) http://tinyurl.com/6xlzdhu PA AB HR SB CS BB SO BA OBP SLG OPS OPS+ WAR 1414 1255 48 20 11 139 316 .259 .333 .442 .775 111 6.6 WAR最高為10年3.2 OPS+最高為10年134 Rasmus has two advantages over Upton: he's two years younger, and he's under team control for three more seasons. Of course, he's entering arbitration and could still get a hefty payday, but he would still be cheaper than Upton next season. Rasmus 有2個優勢是 Upton 所沒有的:年輕2歲(Upton 1984 Rasmus 1986)且可以多使用 3個球季(Upton 2012 Rasmus 2014),不可避免的是 Rasmus 仲裁時將會付出一大筆薪水 但仍舊比 Upton 下季便宜。 Would Rasmus be a great player to acquire? Sure, but I don't think the Rays are going to be willing to pay as much as the Cardinals will want. They're looking for a "significant return" -- James Shields was brought up later in the article on MLBTR -- and it would be rather silly for the Rays to give up a big package to acquire another outfielder. They have prospects Desmond Jennings and Brandon Guyer waiting to take over in the outfield, so it's not as though they're in desperate need of centerfield help right now. 1. 作者認為球隊會爭取 Rasmus,但不想其付出太大代價給紅雀(James Shields 出現 在乳摸裡)。 2. 球隊若是用一個大包裹去換得 Rasmus 是相當愚蠢的行為,Desmond Jennings 以及 Brandon Guyer 已經可以接管外野,所以CF需求並不是相當迫切的。 If the Cardinals were willing to deal Rasmus for cheap -- say, Jeff Niemann -- then I'd be all for it. But if they expect to get Shields or Matt Moore, they can start looking elsewhere. As we stated yesterday, the Rays are in the driver's seat this trade deadline; they have lots of depth and no pressing need to trade anyone, meaning they can be choosy about making trades. Sorry Cards, you're not going to pry any top pitchers away from the Rays. Nice try, though. 作者認為紅雀在此交易案若以 Jeff Niemann 為光芒要付出的代價可以交換,但如果是 Shields 或者 Matt Moore 那紅雀可以換下一個買家(換句話說就是要紅鳥別作夢)。 深綠色這邊就不翻,應該跟交易沒有太大關係。有錯請指正。 原文:http://tinyurl.com/6x8kzlw MLBTR:http://tinyurl.com/6dzd7np MLBTR http://tinyurl.com/2fvzj7c Joe Strauss of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch said in a chat today that the Cardinals would most covet Jeremy Hellickson in a potential trade involving Rasmus and the Rays. Joe Strauss: My information is that Jeremy Hellickson (24) is the pitcher the Cardinals most covet in a potential deal. I'm not getting into the other speculation. Joe Strauss: I simply noted who the club covets. If Rasmus is indeed in play, Hellickson represents a pitching equivalent. http://tinyurl.com/5tp7jkw -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/13 06:18, , 1F
假如這筆真的成真 我只能說這真的是很笨的舉動
07/13 06:18, 1F

07/13 06:19, , 2F
真的充其量只是換了年輕版的BJ 而且從其他版看到是說
07/13 06:19, 2F

07/13 06:19, , 3F
他的打球態度也不太好 我們需要更積極點的球員
07/13 06:19, 3F

07/13 07:19, , 4F
第二段講defense那邊是說 他從防守從各種數據來看褒
07/13 07:19, 4F

07/13 07:19, , 5F
第二段講defense那邊是說 他的防守從各種數據來看褒
07/13 07:19, 5F

07/13 07:21, , 6F
貶不一 (但一般認為他是一個不錯的防守者) 但你可以
07/13 07:21, 6F

07/13 07:21, , 7F
07/13 07:21, 7F

07/13 07:35, , 8F
07/13 07:35, 8F

07/13 08:48, , 9F
這交易Jennings會哭哭 況且Jennings在3A長出砲瓦
07/13 08:48, 9F

07/13 08:48, , 10F
07/13 08:48, 10F

07/13 09:32, , 11F
要省錢直接讓Jennings上位不就好 很少看到有人想主動
07/13 09:32, 11F

07/13 09:33, , 12F
交易還抱持想搶劫的心態 Orz
07/13 09:33, 12F

07/13 14:58, , 13F
07/13 14:58, 13F

07/13 15:13, , 14F
07/13 15:13, 14F

07/13 20:35, , 15F
RAZ態度不好? 有一半跟老拉不喜歡他有關吧 打擊都快
07/13 20:35, 15F

07/13 20:35, , 16F
07/13 20:35, 16F

07/13 23:04, , 17F
BJ 換個外野 沒意思吧... 來個C吧
07/13 23:04, 17F

07/13 23:26, , 18F
Rasmus Molina
07/13 23:26, 18F

07/14 01:44, , 19F
07/14 01:44, 19F

07/14 09:14, , 20F
最新乳摸 紅鳥想要Hellboy
07/14 09:14, 20F

07/14 09:17, , 21F
07/14 09:17, 21F

07/14 09:20, , 22F
應該說對Hellboy很有興趣 不過我想要價太高了XXD
07/14 09:20, 22F
※ 編輯: knoxvillt 來自: (07/14 09:32)

07/02 20:35, 5年前 , 23F
要省錢直接讓Jenni https://noxiv.com
07/02 20:35, 23F
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