[轉錄][外電] 選秀觀察: Daniel Orton

看板Raptors作者 (Peja)時間14年前 (2010/04/24 23:38), 編輯推噓4(406)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Kings 看板] 作者: RonArtest93 (新阿泰) 看板: Kings 標題: [外電] 時間: Sat Apr 24 22:34:09 2010 http://0rz.tw/N7VUJ After averaging just 3 points and 3 rebounds per game, few Kentucky fans expected to see the name of Daniel Orton pop up in NBA draft conversations. That’s exactly what appears to be happening though, as it seems inevitable at this point that Orton will enter his name in the draft and keep it in if he likes what he’s hearing. Whether or not he’s making a mistake is something that we won’t be able to judge for a few years, but there is no questioning the fact that Orton’s is a very legitimate NBA prospect, either now or down the road. 在大學 他只有平均三分三籃板的成績 他是來自Kentucky大學的小胖 Orton OH~~~~~~I WILL ALWAYS LOVE U~~~~~~~ 拍謝 不是那個小胖 但是他一樣不可忽視 The main intrigue around Orton’s potential as an NBA player revolves around his physical tools. Standing 6-10, with a wide, chiseled frame, an excellent wingspan and above average athleticism, Orton passes the look test and then some for what NBA teams seek from at a player at his position. He is fairly nimble, runs the court competently, can get off his feet, has a solid second bounce and very good hands on top of that. Simply put, there just aren’t many players around like him, which makes him somewhat of a commodity even in a draft as deep as this one is with big men. 主要還是天份 身高6-10 有很棒的體型跟翼展跟體能 NBA球隊對他的身型有不錯的評價 不只是胖 他是個靈活的小胖 滿場跑且二次彈跳爭搶籃板很棒 簡單來說 這是他參選的最大優勢啦 想要一個小俠客嗎? 選他就沒錯啦 Offensively, Orton was mostly a non-factor for Kentucky this season, reaching double figures in just two of 38 games and averaging an unimpressive 9.8 points per-40 minutes pace adjusted. He rarely touched the ball when out on the floor, being mostly relegated to running the court, crashing the offensive glass and finishing whatever scraps came his way from the multitude of stars Kentucky assembled this year. 他在Kentucky並沒有被重用 球都拿不太到 球隊跟他說他只要上場衝衝衝就好了 Kentucky先發眾星雲集 他沒機會出頭啦 Nevertheless, he dropped some small but intriguing glimpses of potential from time to time, particularly as the season moved on and his comfort level seemingly increased. Orton can carve out space in the post with his huge frame, create shots for himself with some interesting spin moves, shows very nice touch around the basket, and finishes extremely well at the rim thanks to his outstanding length and strength. He even stepped outside on rare occasions and knocked down a 15-foot jumper, displaying solid mechanics in the process. While he didn’t do any of this on a consistent basis, for a variety of reasons, it would not be accurate to say that he’s completely clueless offensively at this point in time. 儘管如此 在有限的上場時間依然可以看到小胖的天份 他在禁區隨便擠就有空間 身材配合他本身就有不錯的進攻天份跟手感 很吃香 並且他還有進步中的15呎跳投 總之 因為他的本身磨練時間不長等種種因素 把他歸類為不會進攻的球員是不公平的 With that said, Orton still has a long ways to go on this end, as his skill-level is unpolished and his decision making can be extremely poor— often looking like he can’t wait to shoot the ball as soon it reached his hand, and throwing up some very questionable looks in turn. While he gets to the line at a decent rate, he only converts 53% of his attempts once there, showing that he still has plenty of room for improvement with this part of his game. He has no left hand, is a poor ball-handler and lacks considerable experience on this end of the floor. He doesn’t quite know how to use his body as effectively as he possibly could, and doesn’t always show the type of toughness and intensity you look for from a player fighting for minutes on a crowded roster. 進攻上他還不成熟 好像每次還沒拿到球就想出手 就像常常誤把女生朋友當成女朋友一樣 所以造成很多不必要的失誤 罰球也很遭 只有53%的命中率 持球很遭 沒有左手進攻 這是一整個沒有經驗的緣故 感覺沒有很積極想表現 即使天份那麼好 As a rebounder, Orton is mostly a mixed bag, on one hand showing terrific potential with his length ability to go well out of his area for loose balls, particularly when crashing the offensive glass. He was responsible for a number of extremely impressive put-back dunks over the course of the year, but all in all measures out as just an average rebounder from a statistical standpoint, failing to pull down even 10 boards per-40 minutes pace adjusted. Considering his paltry offensive role, this is difficult to understand, although the extremely small sample size (502 minutes) may have something to do with that. 籃板方面就強了 他的身材跟體能能讓他抓下很多進攻籃板再狠狠把球灌進去 籃板數據雖然沒有很暴力 但考量到他少的可憐的上場時間是情有可原的 Defensively, Orton makes a huge impact at the collegiate level simply by stepping out on the court. His wide base and terrific strength makes him extremely difficult to back down in the paint, and he does an excellent job using his extremely long arms to contest shots and get his fair share of blocks. 防守方面 因為他巨大的身型 在大學層級 小胖擁有很棒的防守影響力 禁區幾乎沒有人推的動他 他有很善於利用雙臂讓對手吃鍋或阻止投籃 Orton averaged a solid 4 blocks per-40 minutes pace adjusted, and while he’s not what you would call a high flyer, he shows nice patience and fundamentals for a player his age and should be able to develop even further in this area as he gains experience. 火鍋方面他真的超威 還沒接受過訓練每40分鐘就有4鍋的績效 防守時非常有耐性且具有基本功 如果再多加調教 假以時日必成大器 He also does a nice job sticking his long arms in the right place and coming up with steals, although he has a tendency to gamble at times excessively and pick up cheap fouls by swiping at the ball unnecessarily. He’ll also bite on the occasional pump-fake and give up too much space in the post thinking he’ ll be able to recover with a spectacular block, but nothing more than you would expect from a 19-year old big man. 抄截也不錯 會利用臂長優勢 但有時會過分賭博式防守賠上犯規 防守時有時還是太嫩以為自己能敲到每個火鍋 而讓出太多空間 但這是年輕人長會犯的錯誤 不足為奇就是 A place he does tend to struggle is guarding the perimeter, though, especially on the pick and roll after caught defending guards and wings on a switch. Orton’s lateral quickness is simply not good enough to stay in front of smaller players taking him off the dribble—although his lack of experience doesn’t help him much either-- and the limitations he shows in this area makes it pretty clear that his future is pretty much strictly at the 5-spot down the road. 外圍防守比較有問題 尤其是pick and roll後的換防 因為橫移不夠快 常會被小後衛切過 當然經驗不足也是一個問題 但就目前的觀察來看 也許他只適合打中鋒發展 Perhaps more worrying is the recent behind the scenes chatter about potential off-court concerns. The fingerprints of Orton’s father were all over his every move on the recruiting trail, in reported heated discussions with Kentucky’s coaching staff about his inconsistent playing time throughout the season, and now regarding his draft declaration decision, to the point that some wonder whether this could become a distraction for the team that picks him down the road. While Orton certainly comes off as a thoughtful and intelligent young man, teams will need to study these issues and draw their own conclusions, especially since he’s such a work in progress that will only be able to reach his full potential down the road if he’s fully dialed into the task. 跟林育群一樣 小胖也是受爸爸的影響很大 他爸會跟教練吵他兒子沒有上場時間 一切大小事務他都聽他爸的 所以這會讓想選他的球隊考慮再三 小胖爸好搞嗎? 這是最大的疑問 Orton probably isn’t ready to see very many minutes in the NBA in the short-term, but the physical tools he displays combined with his budding skill-set as a defender, rebounder and low-post threat make him one of the more intriguing long-term big men prospects in this draft. Whichever team picks him will have to be very patient with him, but he certainly has the potential to make them look very smart down the road. Backup NBA centers are expensive and hard to come by, and if Orton can develop as expected, he could be a very nice asset for a team to have, especially on a cheap 4-year rookie scale contract. 小胖適合有能力長期培養禁區天份的球隊抓來養 會養的話就是個小俠客或 下個Z_BO The main question teams will want to figure out in the workout process is-- just how far off he is from contributing at this point? 究竟小胖他未來的命運會如何呢? 加油? 好嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: RonArtest93 來自: (04/24 22:48)

04/24 22:58,
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04/24 23:38,
04/24 23:38
-- 以下是由資料是清末民初時街頭巷尾的鄉民所口述: 「出現啦!是孫中山先生的一秒十次革命!!」「聽說中華民國國旗的紅色是孫中山先生 用幾十個清兵的血所染成的。」「你們看!孫中山先生讓紫禁城興奮了!!」「愚民,要 稱他為孫中山先生,不是孫中山大人!」「出現啦!是孫中山先生的殺人彩券扁擔!」             「Go to KMT! Go to KMT!」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/24 23:39, , 1F
04/24 23:39, 1F

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04/25 00:59, 2F

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04/25 01:33, 3F

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04/25 19:58, , 9F
如果Bosh真的要走的話 搞個小米粒搞不好也還算符合隊形
04/25 19:58, 9F

04/26 14:42, , 10F
04/26 14:42, 10F
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