[情報] Rocking Soccer 公告20140623

看板RS作者 (NoBrainRush 261 SC2)時間9年前 (2014/06/23 19:23), 9年前編輯推噓1(102)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
Transferred player experience For next season we will make a small change to the way the match experience counter works when a player is transferred to another club. The league counter will no longer be reset when a player is transferred, so a player can play 20 league matches total for both the buying and selling team combined. For example, when a player played 10 league and 3 U21-league matches for team A and is sold mid-season to team B then this player can only get experience in 7 league or U21-league matches for team B. This also affects players sent on loan after playing (U21) league matches in the team that owns them since their counter will not be reset either. The counter for other types of tournaments (cup or champions league etc.) will still be reset. nl Vincent de Boer, 今天 - 18:37 --------------意識流翻譯-------------------- 將針對選手經驗計算場次做調整 我們將再下個賽季,針對選手在轉換隊伍時,聯賽經驗場次計算方式做微調。 聯賽經驗場次將不再隨著選手轉換隊伍而重置,所以單一選手於單一賽季, 僅能獲得總共20場聯賽的經驗值,不再受買賣機制所影響。 例如,當一個球員為A球隊打了10場聯賽和3場 U21-聯賽後(共打13場), A球隊在季中將他出售到B球隊,那麼這名球員因為之前已經在A球隊打了13場 就只能在B球隊取得總計7場的比賽經驗,無論是在聯賽或是(U21)。 這同時也會在送球員去踢(U21)或是租借球員上發生作用, 因為聯賽場次經驗計數器就是不會被重置。 對於其他類型的比賽(盃賽或冠軍聯賽等)經驗計數器將仍然會被重置。 -------------------------------------- 也就是說不論是U21或是聯賽,都吃同一個聯賽經驗計數器 盃賽或是冠軍聯賽或是國家隊(?)之類的,就還是可以想有個別的聯賽經驗計算 --

06/26 02:17,
06/26 02:17

100條電源線是拿來上吊嗎= =

06/26 02:17,
06/26 02:17

06/26 02:18,
06/26 02:18

06/26 02:18,
電源線XD 世界最長延長線
06/26 02:18

06/26 02:18,
06/26 02:18
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RS/M.1403522588.A.3C6.html ※ 編輯: csit58903203 (, 06/23/2014 19:25:33

06/24 02:36, , 1F
之前就想問 U21跟聯賽同一記數的話 單場經驗相等嗎?
06/24 02:36, 1F

06/24 11:19, , 2F
聯賽是500 U21是450 所以好的娃盡量多吃聯賽經驗
06/24 11:19, 2F

06/24 18:29, , 3F
06/24 18:29, 3F
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