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看板RMI_Soccer作者 (巴拉克)時間14年前 (2009/11/21 22:15), 編輯推噓1(100)
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德國警方提供的 可能作弊比賽 Champions League: 3 Europa League: 12 Germany: 32 (second division or lower) Belgium: 17 (second division) Switzerland: 22 (second division) Croatia: 14 (first division) Slovenia: 7 (first division) Turkey: 29 (first division) Hungary: 13 (first division) Bosnia: 8 (first division) Austria: 11 (first division or lower) Under-21 European Championship: Unspecified 安啦幾乎都低級別比賽 科科 ※ [本文轉錄自 Soccer 看板] 作者: bluelune (Q) 看板: Soccer 標題: Re: [轉錄]遙遠的隔壁... 時間: Sat Nov 21 15:04:03 2009 http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,4912571,00.html pelicanper 提供 Soccer match-fixing scandal thought to be Europe's biggest ever 有史以來最大的歐足假球醜聞 German prosecutors and European soccer body UEFA have revealed the magnitude of a continent-wide match-fixing scandal, which they said involved as many as 200 matches in competitions including the Champions League. 德國檢察官和歐足聯盟UEFA共同揭露一場橫跨歐洲大陸,包含了約200場比賽 甚至冠軍盃在內的假球醜聞 The full extent of a Europe-wide soccer match-fixing scandal was made public on Friday, when European soccer officials and German public prosecutors announced that more than 200 people were under investigation over a bribery racket that fixed or tried to fix around 200 matches across Europe and spanned nine domestic leagues, as well as the Champions League and new Europa League. 周五公佈出來的這起橫跨整個歐洲大陸的足球醜聞,歐足官方人員與德國檢察官 宣稱有超過200人接受調查,試圖操縱多達橫跨歐洲9個國家,包括 new Europa League 與 Champions League在內的200場比賽. If confirmed, the revelations would make this betting and match-fixing scandal one of the largest ever uncovered in European sporting history. 若是屬實的話,這將會是歐洲運動史上最大的一次假球事件. Prosecutors from the German city of Bochum told a press conference Friday that the probe was looking into matches played in the top-flight leagues of Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia and Turkey, as well as the second divisions in Germany, Switzerland and Belgium. 星期五的時候,來自德國的檢察官告訴新聞界,調查範圍包括 top-flight leagues的 奧地利、波士尼亞赫塞哥維納、匈牙利、斯洛維尼亞、克羅埃西亞、土耳其 與 second divisions 的德國、瑞士和比利時 (感謝riverwinder校正) In Germany, four matches in the second division and three in the third division were among those suspected of being manipulated through bribery. 德國方面, second division中有四場比賽,third division中有三場比賽 是疑似受到假球操縱的. At least three games in the European Champions League - the most prestigious international club competition at the European level - and 12 matches in the Europa League are also under investigation for manipulation. 歐洲聯盟中最高等級的 European Champions League 至少也有三場比賽涉入. 而 Europa League 也有12場比賽受到調查. Governing body "shocked" 震驚高層! UEFA spokesperson Peter Limacher said he was pleased with the efficiency of the international investigation, but was nonetheless dismayed at the revelations. UEFA發言人 Peter Limacher 表示他很樂意看到如此有效率的國際調查. 但他仍然對於這次事件"感到非常驚慌"! "On the other hand we at UEFA are deeply shocked by the extent of the orchestrated manipulation carried out by international gangs," he told the press conference. 他對記者表示 "另一方面,UEFA同樣對於國際犯罪組織能夠完成如此龐大的操縱感到驚訝" On Thursday, German authorities carried out raids in Germany, Britain, Switzerland and Austria, arresting 15 in Germany and two in Switzerland. 星期四的時候,德國官方突襲了德國、英國、瑞士與奧地利四處, 其中在德國逮捕了15個人,而在瑞士抓了兩個. Those detained are suspected of using cash to bribe players, coaches, referees and officials at the highest levels of European soccer with the aim of profiting from fixed match results through betting syndicates in Europe and Asia. 扣留的原因是,懷疑他們使用金錢來賄絡這個歐洲最高等級的足球中包括 球員、教練、裁判與官方人士在內的人員,以從位在歐洲與亞洲的簽賭集團中取利. Friedhelm Althans of the Bochum police said police had seized extensive evidence and around one million euros ($1.5 million). He put the volume of the fraud at 10 million euros but said this was "the tip of the iceberg." 德國警察Friedheml Althans說,警察查獲了大量的證據與大約100萬歐元(150萬美元) 他認為這次假球可能包牽連千萬歐元,但更可能都還只是冰山一角. Link to the past 朔及既往 German daily Berliner Morgenpost reported that the central figures in the match-fixing ring were believed to be based in the German capital Berlin, and were suspected of involvement in a prior soccer manipulation scandal centered on former German referee Robert Hoyzer. 德國報導指出 總局認為黑道是以德國首都柏林為據點,而他們也疑似牽扯到以前 以前德國裁判 Rober Hoyzer為主的假球案件. In 2005 German soccer was engulfed in scandal when it was revealed that Hoyzer had placed a bet on a German Cup game he was to referee between Bundesliga club Hamburg SV and regional team Paderborn. 2005年時,發現Hoyzer涉嫌參賭German Cup, 而當時他也擔任了其中的裁判. Hoyzer made several questionable refereeing decisions during the match, including awarding two penalties which eventually helped Paderborn reverse a 2-0 deficit to win 4-2. Hoyzer在當時吹了幾次受爭議的判決,並包含了兩次的12碼罰球. 最後幫助了Paderborn由2-0的劣勢中最後取得4-2的獲勝. Hoyzer later admitted to the match-fixing allegations and was later connected with Croatian organized crime syndicates. Hoyzer was sentenced to around two and a half years in prison and banned from soccer as a result. 之後Hoyzer承認他在比賽中吹黑哨,並且扯出跟犯罪組織之間有所關連. Hoyzer最後判刑2年半,並被踢出足球界. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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※ 編輯: bluelune 來自: (11/21 18:19) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Ballack9613 來自: (11/21 22:16) ※ 編輯: Ballack9613 來自: (11/21 22:29) ※ 編輯: Ballack9613 來自: (11/21 22:30)

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