Re: [問題] 有關MIPS的問題

看板Programming作者時間17年前 (2006/10/08 09:01), 編輯推噓0(000)
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==> 在 (小浩浩) 的文章中提到: > 不知道這邊有沒有人對這組合語言比較熟悉的 > 我是初學者,在寫程式時遇見一些問題,希望有高手可以替我回答唷 謝謝^^ > 以下附題目跟code 下半部有一行指令一直會出錯 > 希望有人可以幫我看看唷 謝謝大家這麼有耐心^^ > Q:Using SPIM, write and test a program that reads in a positive integer > using the SPIM system calls. If the integer is not positive, the program should > terminate with the message “Invalid Entry”; otherwise the program should print > out the names of the digits of the integers, delimited by exactly one space. For > example, if the user entered “728,” the output would be “Seven Two Eight.” > #程式開始 > .data > msg: .asciiz "Invalid Entry\n" > prompt: .asciiz "Enter a positive integer..." > # Fix the length of the elements of the "name" array > names: .asciiz "Zero " > .space 1 > .asciiz "One " > .space 2 > .asciiz "Two " > .space 2 > .asciiz "Three " > .asciiz "Four " > .space 1 > .asciiz "Five " > .space 1 > .asciiz "Six " > .space 2 > .asciiz "Seven " > .asciiz "Eight " > .asciiz "Nine " > .space 1 > # .globl main > # .data > .align 2 > digits: .space 10 > .globl main > .text > # push return address > main: sw $ra,0($sp) > addi $sp,$sp,-4 > # DIY1: print a prompt > la $a0, prompt # load string address into $a0 and I/O code into $v0 > li $v0, 4 > syscall # execute the syscall to perform input/output > # DIY2: Read an integer > li $v0, 5 # an I/O sequence to read an integer from > # the console window > syscall > move $t1, $v0 # place the value read into register $t0 > # DIY3: Reject if non-positive > slt $s0,$t1,$zero > beq $s0,$zero,cont > la $a0, msg # load string address into $a0 and I/O code into $v0 > li $v0, 4 > syscall # execute the syscall to perform input/output > j main > # Extract digits (right to left, store in digits[0]..) > cont: > addi $a0,$zero, 10 > addi $t0,$zero, 0 > again: div $v0,$a0 > mflo $v0 # v0 = v0 div 10 > mfhi $t1 # t1 = v0 mod 10 > sb $t1,digits($t0) > beq $v0, $zero, abort # leave if v0 became 0 > beq $t0, $a0, abort # or if 10 digits were extracted > addi $t0, $t0,1 > j again > abort: # print the digits > addi $t7, $zero, 7 #t7=7, why? In order to access the data in names. > lb $t5, digits($t0) > beq $t5, $zero, skip #skip leading zero > next: > mult $t5,$t7 > mflo $t5 # offset > addi $a0, $t5, names # a0 = the Name's address //addi 是把t5加一個立即值(names)再存到a0,立即值長度應該只有16bits(signed) //names 的值若是address應該有32bits長. 組譯時就會有錯誤訊息了. > #就是上面這一行,我code丟進去SPIM編輯時,就會出錯,執行結果當然也不對 > #不知道是不是我觀念不清楚 少寫什麼? > addi $v0, $zero, 4 > syscall > skip: sub $t0, $t0,1 > bltz $t0, fini > lb $t5, digits($t0) > j next > # Pop the stack, return to SPIM > fini: addi $sp, $sp, 4 > lw $ra, 0($sp) > jr $ra -- * Origin: ★ 交通大學資訊科學系 BBS ★ <>
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文章代碼(AID): #15A4tJ00 (Programming)