Re: [PMGO] Pokevision作者的一封公開信

看板PokeMon作者 (影紫‧歐人)時間7年前 (2016/08/03 13:21), 編輯推噓170(19020201)
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原文 An Open Letter to John Hanke & Niantic 給 John Hanke 與 Niantic 的公開信 I write this not as one of the creators of Pokevision nor as player who has gone through the past few turbulent days in Pokemon Go; instead, I write this as a fan of Pokemon ever since I was 8 years old. 這封信,我並不是以Pokevision開發者的身份、也不是以經歷過PMGO初期波濤洶湧玩家的 身份,而我只是一個八歲就因寶可夢著迷的粉絲,用這樣的心情來寫這封公開信。 My family and I moved to the U.S. in 1998, when I was in the first grade. I didn’t know much back then, and even less about popular culture. When my friends introduced their Gameboys and Pokemon Red/Blue to me, I couldn’t help but feel envious. I begged and begged my parents to buy me a Gameboy and Pokemon Yellow. I remember that when I finally convinced them to buy me a Gameboy for $70, they also found out that they had to buy the actual game too for $30. This was foreign to them, and I got yelled at a little. $100 was a lot back then, I believe it was almost 10% of our family’s income at the time. While this may seem irrelevant, even today, this amount of money is still not insignificant to many families in the US, not to mention the rest of the world. 我和我的家人在1998年移民到美國,那時候我才小學一年級,那時候的我對世界還很懵懂 ,對於流行文化也不是很瞭解,當我的好友拿他的Gameboy玩 寶可夢紅藍版給我看的時候 ,我情不自禁的感到十分羨慕,我苦苦哀求我的父母買一台Gameboy以及寶可夢黃版 給我 ,我到現在還清楚的記得,當我成功說服我父母花$70美金買了一台Gameboy給我,後來又 發現還要再花$30美金買個遊戲卡帶,花這樣的錢在這些新產品上對我父母來說是很陌生 的,而我那時年紀又這麼小,當年$100美金並不是一筆小數目,我想那時候$100美金幾乎 佔了我家裡全部收入的10%,而即使是今天的美國,$100對於某些家庭來說仍然是個負擔 ,更別提其他國家的小家庭。 So I got my game, and I played along with my friends for hundreds and hundreds of hours, trying to figure out all the puzzles in the game, like how to get to Articuno; battling our favorite Pokemon to see who’s stronger, train, repeat; and just trying to “catch em all.” I’ve spent countless hours in that video game with my friends, and it became my fondest memory of that time in my life. Pokemon is so ingrained within me, and I can’t imagine myself being the only one. I’m not the only one that vividly remembers how you beat the Elite Four, then go to the dungeons above Cerulean City and find Mewtwo for the first time, right? 所以我拿到了我的遊戲,我跟我的朋友一起狂玩了上百個小時,我們試著解出遊戲內所有 隱藏的秘密,例如怎麼拿到急凍鳥,我們互相對戰較量誰最愛的寶可夢是最強的,然後再 一起訓練,不斷重複,就只是為了單純的想要「抓到全部的寶可夢」,我和我朋友花了無 數的童年在這遊戲上,而這些日子也成為我人生中最美好的童年回憶,寶可夢在我的心裡 根深蒂固,我想還有很多孩子有跟我一樣的經歷與想法,想當年是如何辛苦的擊敗四大天 王,然後跑到華藍市的地城上面,第一次碰到超夢,我不是唯一擁有這些回憶的玩家對吧 ? Fast forward almost 20 years. I’ve barely touched anything Pokemon-related since then. I still have my Pokemon cards, as I’m sure many others do; but I haven’t bothered to take a look at them for quite a while now. Pokemon is something I’ll probably remember forever, but it’s not something that’s actively in my life, because it just doesn’t fit. On top of work, friends, family, etc, there’s just simply no time for Pokemon. It doesn’t mesh with life any more as well as it used to when I was 8. You can’t just bring up the topic of Pokemon and expect people to not give you an odd stare. 時光飛逝20年後,雖然我跟很多人一樣,還留著我的寶可夢對戰卡,但我已經很少接觸寶 可夢相關的東西了,現在偶爾有空時還是會看看那些卡片,雖然我不會一輩子都在接觸寶 可夢,寶可夢比較像是給小孩的東西,但這大概是我這輩子永遠不會忘記的回憶,在工作 、朋友、家庭的繁忙雜事中,實在時找不出什麼時間給寶可夢,我無法像以前八歲時那樣 整天沈迷其中,現在長大了突然跟旁人提起寶可夢話題,好像別人還會用異樣眼光看你。 Enter Pokemon Go, 2016. 進入PMGO - 2016 Admittedly, I was never too excited about Pokemon Go. With that said, I did not have many expectations for it. Pokemon is important to me, but I, like many others, have stuffed it in our little box of childhood things and never looked back. But when I opened Pokemon Go for the first time, as cheesy as it sounds, it all came back to me. The nostalgia, the good feelings, and the happiness that Pokemon has always brought. 雖然,我當初對於PMGO並沒有很興奮,我的意思是我並沒有非常期待PMGO,寶可夢對我來 說非常重要,但...就像很多其他的童年回憶...珍藏在我們記憶的小盒子內,而很少回顧 。可是,當我第一次打開PMGO時,所有寶可夢的美好回憶突然湧現,一切的思念、美好的 時光、以及寶可夢帶來的小小幸福。 The “Hi, I’m Professor Willow,” “Pick your starter: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle,” everything. And now I can catch them in real life? At first, I was dubious, but this became the most amazing, yet simple thing I’ve seen in gaming. On social media, I saw that my friends and practically the whole world was talking about Pokemon Go, and the first thing I did was go out for a drive trying to “be the best.” 「嗨,我是柳葉博士」,「選擇你第一隻寶可夢:妙蛙種子、小火龍、傑尼龜」,這一切 的一切,而且我現在可以在現實世界中抓到寶可夢?起初,我抱持著懷疑的態度,但後來 這簡單的遊戲,變成我看過最棒的遊戲體驗,在社群網路上,我看到我的好友、以及幾乎 整個世界的玩家都在討論PMGO,而我當下第一個想法,就是立刻開車出去成為「最棒的訓 練師」。 One of the best parts? Apart from having to own a smartphone, the game was free. No $70, no $30, free. This opened up Pokemon to essentially everyone in the world. Pokemon now can be shared with anyone. 最棒的部分?除了你必須要先有一支智慧型手機以外,這遊戲根本就是免費的,不用$70 美金、不用$30美金,完全免費,這等於是全世界所有人都可以接觸寶可夢,寶可夢現在 是任何人之前都可以聊起的話題。 As the days unfolded, the world became captivated by Pokemon Go. People absolutely fell in love. We saw stories of elderly learning about Pikachu for the first time. My parents that could care less beyond who the yellow mouse looking thing was 20 years ago, started asking what the other Pokemon were. It was phenomenal. 隨著日子一天天過,整個世界因PMGO而著迷,大家顯然都很喜歡,我們看到長輩們在問皮 卡丘是什麼,我父母20年前根本不管什麼黃色老鼠,現在卻跑來問我還有什麼其他的寶可 夢,這太神了。 We saw investment bankers asking their kids how to play Pokemon Go so that they can better connect with their younger clients. We saw the elderly become more fascinated in the world of Pokemon. We saw kids going out more, exercising, and being active in general just because of Pokemon Go. And most importantly, Justin Bieber finally got to feel what it’s like to not be mobbed because everyone else was too busy trying to find a Gyarados to notice him. 我們看到銀行家跑來問他們的小孩該如何玩PMGO,好讓他們能夠跟年輕的客戶談上話題, 我們看到許多長輩沈迷在寶可夢的世界中,我們還看到孩子們因為寶可夢而紛紛走到戶外 、去運動、去與他人交流,而更重要的是,大家忙著再找暴鯉龍之餘,賈斯汀·比伯終於 能夠享受不被輿論霸凌的生活。 Local stores integrated Pokemon Go in their services within days of the game’ s release. Hospitals started praising the health benefits of having Pokemon Go around its patients. People traveled hundreds and thousands of miles just to play it. Players explored parts of their cities that they never knew existed, and befriended strangers on their hunt for Pokemon. These stories of triumph were solely because of Pokemon Go. Pokemon was no longer just a game, it was part of a lifestyle.These stories shouldn’t surprise any of us, we’ ve all been there to watch it unfold. 遊戲才上架幾天,地方的商店們就開始跟PMGO合作,醫院開始讚美PMGO為他們的病患帶來 正面的影響,人們為了玩PMGO不惜千里跋涉,市民驚訝的發現原來他們住這麼久的城市還 有他們不知道的角落,街上的陌生玩家因為共同尋找寶可夢而成為好友,這些精彩的故事 全都是因為PMGO而發生,寶可夢再也不只是一個遊戲,而是一種生活方式,我們不應該為 這些故事感到驚訝,因為我們就活在這些故事中。 You’ve simply captured all of our hearts with Pokemon Go, Niantic. Niantic,你的PMGO確實的抓住了人們的心。 But then, you broke it all too quickly. 但,你也太快把PMGO給砸了。 When the game broke every few hours or so and wasted our lucky eggs, we stood patiently, excusing the huge growth and thus, strain on servers, as the cause. We were happy to wait it out with our fellow trainers knowing that it’c s worth waiting for. No one got mad. 當伺服器掛點,浪費了我們的幸運蛋(Lucky Egg),我們想說是玩家太熱情塞爆伺服器, 我們耐心的等,我們大家都知道這等待是值得的,沒有人抱怨。 When the in-game tracking “broke,” we all stood idly by, patiently, waiting for the game to update and fix. 當遊戲內的追蹤系統爛掉時,我們耐心的站在原地,期待遊戲更新修復它。 Along came Pokevision. We made Pokevision not to “cheat.” We made it so that we can have a temporary relief to the in-game tracker that we were told was broken. John, at SDCC, you said that you guys were working on “fixing the in-game tracker.” This made everyone believe that this was coming sometime soon. We saw Pokevision as a stop gap to this, and we had every intention in closing it down the minute that Pokemon Go’s own tracker restored functionality. 然後Pokevision問世,我們做Pokevision不是要「作弊」,我們做這個是想要提供暫時的 舒緩,彌補遊戲內壞掉的追蹤系統,John,在SDCC時,你說你和你的同事們在努力「修復 遊戲內的追蹤系統」,這讓所有玩家相信很快的就會有更新來修復這問題,在系統修復前 ,我們想先用Pokevision頂替一下,而且我們早有計劃,只要遊戲內的修復系統一旦完成 ,我們就會立刻關閉Pokevision。 As we waited more than 2 and a half weeks, the tracker was still not fixed. We noticed more and more of our friends leave the game; the only way I, and I know experiences vary here, could convince them to play was show them Pokevision, and say that “Hey, here’s a temporary remedy to the tracking issue, we’re still optimistic that Pokemon Go’s tracker will be fixed soon! 在我們等了兩個多禮拜後,追蹤系統還是壞的,我注意到越來越多的朋友開始離開這遊戲 ,唯一(每個人狀況可能不同)挽留他們的方式,就是告訴他們Pokevision,然後說「嘿, 這裡有個替代方案先頂著用,我們相信PMGO的追蹤系統很快就會修好!」 Nobody heralded Pokevision as a permanent, end-all solution; in fact, all the media coverage of Pokevision was littered with comments such as: “Pokevision is okay, but when the tracker is fixed in game, I’m going to stop using this. 沒有人把Pokevision當作是個完美、永遠的解藥,事實上許多玩家都說「Pokevision還行 ,但等遊戲內的追蹤系統修好後,我就不會想用了」 For the past 4 weeks. Every single one of your 80+ million players had so much faith. Take a look at Reddit, take a look at all these journalists who don’t even play games (calling out Ryan Mac of Forbes), who became obsessed with Pokemon GO. 過去的四週,超過八千萬的玩家對PMGO抱持信心,看看Reddit的鄉民、看看那些根本不玩 PMGO的記者(Forbes的Ryan Mac我就是在講你),他們仍然執著於PMGO。 All of us were so eager for Pokemon Go to be “fixed” so that we can return to sharing Pokemon Go with our loved ones and friends. Remember when I said that before Pokemon Go came about, mentioning Pokemon Go would land you an odd stare? Pokemon Go reversed that, Pokemon Go became the conversation starter, the topic that everyone bonded over, the topic that guys used to pick up chicks with and not felt like a geeky nerd. That, and so much more, were solely because of Pokemon Go. 我們所有人都如此的期望PMGO能盡早修復,好讓我們可以繼續與我們的親友分享寶可夢的 喜悅,還記得文章前面我說,長大後提起寶可夢會招來異樣眼光嗎?PMGO改變了這件事, 讓寶可夢成為最好的話題、一個所有人共通的話題、一個能用來把妹而聽起來不會很宅的 話題,這,以及更多的一切,都是因為PMGO。 As almost 3 weeks have passed by, the in-game tracker is broken. People had a temporary solution in Pokevision, but we knew, and everyone else knew, this wouldn’t be permanent. We didn’t make Pokevision to spite you, Niantic, we made it so that we can keep everyone playing while we wait patiently. We want to keep sharing our Pokemon stories with everyone else. How many people in the world have gotten the chance to have a serious conversation about POKEMON with their parents for the first time? How many of us got to talk about Pokemon like it was socially acceptable in any context? It’s captured all of our hearts and imaginations, I cannot stress that enough. 遊戲內的追蹤系統壞掉三週後,玩家暫時用Pokevision做為替代,但我們知道,所有人都 知道,這不是永久的解決方案,我們不是故意做Pokevision來打擊你啊Niantic,我們做 這個是讓大家能更耐心的等待你們官方的修復,我們想要繼續與身旁的好友分享我們的寶 可夢故事,想想看,有多少人因為這遊戲第一次跟父母認真的談論寶可夢?有多少人因為 這遊戲可以在任何社交場合自然的談起寶可夢?它抓住了我們的心以及想像力,我找不到 更強烈的用詞來說明這一切。 After 3 weeks though, we started seeing that you guys seemed to not want to talk to us (the players). Pokevision, at this time has grown to almost 50M unique users, and 11 million daily. 三週過去,我們開始發現你們根本不與玩家溝通,Pokevision在這三週內成長了將近五千 萬的用戶,每天有一千一百萬人使用。 Let that sink in for a second. 讓我們停一下。 Half of the player base of Pokemon Go stopped by, and they didn’t do so to “ cheat.” The game was simply too unbearable to play in its current state for many (note: many, not all). The main attraction wasn’t that they got to have an advantage with Pokevision, the main attraction was that it allowed them to play Pokemon Go more. This is what everyone wants, to play Pokemon Go more. PMGO有超過半數的玩家在使用Pokevision,而且他們不是用Pokevision來「作弊」,只因 為遊戲現在的狀況讓很多人(很多人,不是全部)難以進行,這一切的重點不是在使用 Pokevision的玩家有多大的優勢,而是Pokevision讓玩家有適當的追蹤方式能繼續玩PMGO ,這是所有玩家都想要的:繼續玩PMGO。 When we closed Pokevision out of respect for your wishes, and at your request, one of which came directly from you, John, we trusted you guys fully in allowing the community to grow. I literally cannot express this more, we just want to play the game. We can handle the bugs every now and then, but please at least tell us you guys care. Yes, Pokevision does give some advantages that may be TOO much; but is it all that bad? Pokemon has survived 20 years, even grown, I would say. And Pokemon Go made it even bigger. If the argument is that “well, if you catch a Snorlax you weren’t supposed to find, but you found it on Pokevision, it might make you play less.” If that was your argument, I’d have to disagree! I’ll still catch a damn Snorlax even if I have 20 of them. Just like how millions of us have caught probably over 100 pidgey’s or zubat’s each. 當我們尊重你們的意願與要求,關閉Pokevision時,其中跳出來直接要求我們關閉的一位 ,就是John,我們原本以為你們會讓玩家社群自由發展,我們的要求並不過份:我們只是 想玩遊戲,我們可以忍受一些BUG,但請讓我們知道你們有在處理問題,是的, Pokevision或許真的提供了太大的優勢,但整體來說這樣有很糟嗎?寶可夢存在了20年, 甚至還成長了,我只能說,PMGO讓寶可夢更加茁壯,你現在如果說「喔,你原本找不到卡 比獸,但你用Pokevision找到了,因為你抓到了卡比獸,你就會不想玩PMGO」,如果這是 你的論點,那我完全不同意!就算我已經有了20隻卡比獸,我還是會想要抓更多,就像是 上百萬的玩家已經抓了一卡車的波波和超音蝠,卻仍不減熱情一樣。 Pokemon is everlasting. The same 151 Pokemon have been around for 20 years. If 80M people downloaded and played Pokemon Go within a week (before it even released in multiple major countries) isn’t an indication that no one can be sick of Pokemon, I don’t know what is. 寶可夢恆久遠,初代151隻寶可夢已經走過了20個年頭,PMGO一週內有八千萬的玩家下載 來玩(甚至很多國家還沒上線),如果這樣不代表玩家對於寶可夢的熱情並不在於隻數的多 寡,那我也不知道該說什麼了。 After disabling the in-game tracker and Pokevision, the ratings on iOs and Android Google Play store went from 4.0 stars to 1.0–1.5. I am only one person, I admit that my sole opinion is not important, but what about the countless players begging for the game to be restored to its former state? I may be biased in saying that Pokevision being down had an impact on the amount of negative ratings, refund requests and outcry on social media, but could it be true? Nothing has changed between the time the in-game tracker broke and Pokevision went down. Could it just be possible that the tracker, no matter if Pokevision made it, or Niantic made it, is something that players desperately NEED, not want, but NEED, in order to play the game? Could it be possible that this is the very core fundamental feature that drives most players? I understand that there are some that want to walk around and stumble on a random Pokemon, to each their own. But, 50M unique users and 11M daily and the ratings on your App (with no significant change in itself) are big indicators of this desire. Are customers always right? Especially if over half of them are looking for an outside fix just so they can enjoy something they love? People are naturally inquisitive, and in this case, they just want to play more and more, so they sought out something that helps them do so. 在遊戲內追蹤系統與Pokevision都被關閉之後,iOS和Google Play商店的評價從4.0暴跌 至1.0~1.5。我只是一個個體,我承認我一個人的意見是微不足道的,但現在有這麼多的 玩家希望能恢復到更新前的版本,這樣數量的意見還不夠嗎?Pokevision關閉導致評價暴 跌、大量退款要求、以及社群評論充斥負評,這由我來說可能太過於偏見有失公平,但這 不就是事實嗎?除了Pokevision和遊戲內追蹤系統被關閉之外,這段時間好像也沒有其他 的改變,這是不是代表,不論是Pokevision或是Niantic官方內建遊戲內的,「追蹤系統 」是玩家玩PMGO時不可或缺,不只是想要、而是須要,的重要元素呢?這是不是也代表這 是驅動玩家玩PMGO的最核心動力呢?我瞭解有些玩家只是想要到處走走,隨機碰到一些寶 可夢,但五千萬的累積玩家、以及每天一千一百萬的活躍玩家、以及那些給PMGO負評的玩 家,這些玩家都已經明確的表明這項事實。客戶至上?尤其是有超過半數的客戶尋求外部 解決方案讓他們繼續享受他們所愛的產品?人類是好奇的生物,在這個例子中,玩家只是 想要能夠繼續玩,所以才會找一些方法來補救系統的缺陷。 Pokemon Go is a social game. Its enjoyment depends on the players and their environment. If you take away the environment part (tracking) but keep the social part (players and their friends) intact, sure, people will still play; but would you not rather it be at its fullest potential? PMGO是一個社群遊戲,他好玩之處在於玩家之間以及環境間的互動,如果你把環境(追蹤 系統)給拔掉、只留下社交的部分(玩家與他們的朋友),當然,還是會有人繼續玩,但這 樣不就無法發揮這遊戲完全的潛力嗎? Everyone in the world wants to play Pokemon Go. It’s been a huge part of everyone’s lives already if it has not been clear enough. Look at the fans from Brazil, they aren’t spamming social media because they want to cause harm, they just want to play the game. Just as I saw my friends play Pokemon many years ago, and wanted to be a part of it, these guys are doing the same. 世界上每個人都想要玩PMGO,更明確的說,PMGO已經成為所有人生活中重要的一部份,看 看巴西的狂熱粉絲們,他們狂洗社群網路並不是想製造混亂,他們只是想要玩遊戲,就像 是當年我看到我的朋友在玩Gameboy寶可夢,我也想要玩,他們也是一樣的想法。 They just want to be with the rest of the world. Sadly, by the time they join, Pokemon Go may not be the game it was weeks ago. 他們只是想要跟世界接軌,遺憾的是,當他們真正能夠加入的時候,PMGO跟前幾週比起來 已經不是同一個遊戲了。 Lastly, if money is an issue for you, Niantic, I must ask, why? You’ve captivated the world and introduced Pokemon to people that would have never touched it had it not been for Pokemon Go. To me, that’s priceless. 最後,Niantic,如果你說錢是問題,我就想問:為什麼?你已經擄獲了全世界玩家的心 ,把寶可夢帶給那些從來沒有接觸過的人們,對我來說,這就是無價之寶。 You won’t be remembered for the profits you made, you’ll be remembered for the world you changed through Pokemon and all of the lives you made better. Just look at all the stories, there’s plenty. So when millions of players are expressing their feedback to changes, is it not worth it to listen to what they have to say? 你不會因為你賺多少而被歷史記住,而會因為你用寶可夢撼動世界、帶給人們生活快樂的 轉變而留名千史,看看那些故事,那麼多寶可夢的趣事,所以當上百萬玩家對於更新表達 心聲時,難道不值得傾聽他們說了什麼嗎? In its first few weeks, Pokemon Go has already enhanced millions of lives in unimaginable ways. It has so much potential to continue changing the world. Wouldn’t you, Niantic, want to see just how much good you can do with Pokemon Go, is that not more valuable than anything else? I sure think so. 在剛上架的幾週內,PMGO已經以無法形容的方式改變了數百萬人的生活,它有莫大的潛力 能夠繼續轉動世界,難道你們,Niantic,不想試試看你們能用PMGO做到什麼地步嗎?這 些難道不比其他收益更珍貴嗎?我個人是這麼想的。 Warmly, 誠摯的, Yang 楊 == 我翻譯這篇 因為我也是八歲的時候 完全投入一二世代的寶可夢小孩 我沒有做出Pokevision 所以提供一些翻譯 贊同Pokevision作者的觀點與想法 :) -- - -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

08/03 13:22, , 1F
08/03 13:22, 1F

08/03 13:25, , 2F
08/03 13:25, 2F

08/03 13:26, , 3F
08/03 13:26, 3F

08/03 13:27, , 4F
08/03 13:27, 4F

08/03 13:27, , 5F
08/03 13:27, 5F

08/03 13:27, , 6F
推翻譯 我會做媽媽也懂得導引手冊 也完全是因為二十年前那
08/03 13:27, 6F

08/03 13:27, , 7F
08/03 13:27, 7F

08/03 13:27, , 8F
感謝翻譯 好牌被打爛了唉
08/03 13:27, 8F

08/03 13:29, , 9F
推 謝謝翻譯
08/03 13:29, 9F

08/03 13:30, , 10F
08/03 13:30, 10F

08/03 13:32, , 11F
08/03 13:32, 11F

08/03 13:32, , 12F
該死害我現在想玩日月 可是我沒有3DS囧
08/03 13:32, 12F

08/03 13:32, , 13F
推 翻譯
08/03 13:32, 13F

08/03 13:33, , 14F
08/03 13:33, 14F

08/03 13:34, , 15F
08/03 13:34, 15F

08/03 13:35, , 16F
推, 感謝翻譯
08/03 13:35, 16F

08/03 13:37, , 17F
推 講出我的心聲
08/03 13:37, 17F

08/03 13:38, , 18F
08/03 13:38, 18F

08/03 13:39, , 19F
08/03 13:39, 19F

08/03 13:40, , 20F
推翻譯QQ 血淚控訴啊~~~
08/03 13:40, 20F

08/03 13:41, , 21F
大大快上啊! 買! 都買!!!
08/03 13:41, 21F

08/03 13:43, , 22F
08/03 13:43, 22F

08/03 13:43, , 23F
08/03 13:43, 23F

08/03 13:43, , 24F
08/03 13:43, 24F

08/03 13:43, , 25F
08/03 13:43, 25F

08/03 13:45, , 26F
趕走玩家不算營利導向吧 Nia目前是以自毀導向在經營(誤
08/03 13:45, 26F

08/03 13:45, , 27F
08/03 13:45, 27F

08/03 13:45, , 28F
我卡通只看到第二世代而已 中間怎麼補喔lol
08/03 13:45, 28F

08/03 13:46, , 29F
08/03 13:46, 29F

08/03 13:46, , 30F
08/03 13:46, 30F

08/03 13:46, , 31F
08/03 13:46, 31F

08/03 13:47, , 32F
直接跳XY 不影響 每到一個新地區就重開機了
08/03 13:47, 32F

08/03 13:47, , 33F
08/03 13:47, 33F

08/03 13:47, , 34F
不用補了 直接看XY吧,反正小智只有智商繼承
08/03 13:47, 34F

08/03 13:47, , 35F
為啥要先看完動畫才能玩= =
08/03 13:47, 35F

08/03 13:49, , 36F
因為台灣沒開放 先看動畫吧 科
08/03 13:49, 36F

08/03 13:50, , 37F
遊戲每代都很獨立啊 直接玩下去也沒壓力
08/03 13:50, 37F

08/03 13:50, , 38F
08/03 13:50, 38F

08/03 13:50, , 39F
08/03 13:50, 39F
還有 332 則推文
08/04 05:55, , 372F
繼續等www 沒這幾天炎上會NIA會出來po文?
08/04 05:55, 372F

08/04 05:58, , 373F
順便問一下 昨天開始右下角的顯示常常是空白的
08/04 05:58, 373F

08/04 05:59, , 374F
有時候又出現幾隻 是整組要壞掉了 還是他們在測試啊= =
08/04 05:59, 374F

08/04 05:59, , 375F
PS 之前都不會空白 附近有公園跟很多Pokestop
08/04 05:59, 375F

08/04 06:02, , 376F
08/04 06:02, 376F

08/04 06:02, , 377F
08/04 06:02, 377F

08/04 06:03, , 378F
3.新的神奇寶貝出來會持續加入 然後越來越多
08/04 06:03, 378F

08/04 06:04, , 379F
4.超出範圍也不會消失 要等到新出來的擠掉舊的訊息
08/04 06:04, 379F

08/04 06:04, , 380F
5.出現的神奇寶貝排序隨機 不按照遠近排列
08/04 06:04, 380F

08/04 06:05, , 381F
我家門口就一個Pokestop 對面就學校
08/04 06:05, 381F

08/04 06:06, , 382F
08/04 06:06, 382F

08/04 06:46, , 383F
伺服器不穩吧 我在4個pokestops圍起來的點雷達也常常只有2
08/04 06:46, 383F

08/04 06:46, , 384F
08/04 06:46, 384F

08/04 07:00, , 385F
那應該快爆了 昨天開始大熱區常常空白......前所未見
08/04 07:00, 385F

08/04 07:01, , 386F
08/04 07:01, 386F

08/04 07:01, , 387F
pokestop不放花的時候就只是個轉道具的地方而已 出怪率高
08/04 07:01, 387F

08/04 07:02, , 388F
一點而已 正常能量釋放
08/04 07:02, 388F

08/04 07:04, , 389F
我這倒是3個stop輪流放花 所以才說空白前所未見 昨天開始
08/04 07:04, 389F

08/04 07:04, , 390F
神奇寶貝倒是一直出現 這部分沒問題
08/04 07:04, 390F

08/04 07:07, , 391F
08/04 07:07, 391F

08/04 08:04, , 392F
不知道 問朋友也是說 路上變少了 我在大城市
08/04 08:04, 392F

08/04 09:33, , 393F
08/04 09:33, 393F

08/04 10:56, , 394F
開圖跟腳印系統差不多? 是不是有什麼誤會XD
08/04 10:56, 394F

08/04 11:23, , 395F
08/04 11:23, 395F

08/04 19:54, , 396F
08/04 19:54, 396F

08/04 23:33, , 397F
推翻譯 很有心 謝謝
08/04 23:33, 397F

08/05 01:36, , 398F
08/05 01:36, 398F

08/05 02:34, , 399F
好奇如果今天有人出來架server網站 讓使用者去回報即時出
08/05 02:34, 399F

08/05 02:34, , 400F
現的pokemon 此server提供的資訊除了玩家本身的pokemon g
08/05 02:34, 400F

08/05 02:34, , 401F
o app得到回報資訊不會再另外經由PMGO server取得資訊
08/05 02:34, 401F

08/05 02:34, , 402F
08/05 02:34, 402F

08/05 07:54, , 403F
08/05 07:54, 403F

08/05 13:22, , 404F
08/05 13:22, 404F

08/05 13:27, , 405F
08/05 13:27, 405F

08/05 15:20, , 406F
08/05 15:20, 406F

08/05 15:20, , 407F
08/05 15:20, 407F

08/05 18:59, , 408F
08/05 18:59, 408F

08/06 05:38, , 409F
我是覺得spawn position是固定的(就是有固定座標會有poke
08/06 05:38, 409F

08/06 05:38, , 410F
mon出現) 但不一定出現一樣的pokemon 在一定的範圍內同一
08/06 05:38, 410F

08/07 13:42, , 411F
08/07 13:42, 411F
文章代碼(AID): #1NeNztVi (PokeMon)
文章代碼(AID): #1NeNztVi (PokeMon)